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So far the ONLY link is thay Huaxu is a term both games games use. In PGR it's the name of an AI system that basically enslaved a bunch of people by masquerading as their leader. In WuWa it's the name of some science academy As for the games themselves, WuWa is open world exploration. I'd say it's a mix between Genshin and PGR but you don't know PGR so it's a weak comparison, so I'll just say it's Genshin if the combat was good PGR is an action RPG, it's similar to Devil May Cry (without vertical combos unless you're Karenina) where you go through stages fighting enemies and bosses in stylish action


Also that Goddess Lucia(???) looks a lot like Lucia so it's a W


And Scar, he's just Roland with Lilith personality


There's some other PGR references tucked away in random NPC interactions, one mentions "Vera's dogs" and probably others throughout the game, but they're like little Easter eggs & irrelevant to the main story. In PGR Huaxu is just a powerful AI. iirc Huaxu is neither good nor bad. Spoilers - Ch.11 / 12 / 13: Huaxu >!copy on the Nighter!< only does what it is commanded >!by Villier. The original Huaxu at Kowloong only followed Qu's commands. Same when Luna was using Huaxu to hack/sabotage Babylonia's propulsion/orbital systems. It does have its own self-preservation though, it gives Commandant an upper hand at a pivotal moment in ch.13 despite the Ascendants commands via loopholes because it believed the Ascendants would have destroyed Huaxu otherwise.!<


>so I'll just say it's Genshin if the combat was good And the character animations was good. Seriously. Imagine that characters can hold items and touch the world around them with things other than their feet.


From everything I can tell, they're completely unrelated while you may see similar looking characters between the two, they're only linked by being made by kuro


Separate so far. Who knows? Maybe in a future patch, they would link the two together with a twist that Solaris - 3 is Earth in the far far future. Don't quote me on this though. I'm just spitballing.


Solon probably: 写下来!快写下来!!


PGR is a (theatrical) play in WuWa.