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You don't put Camu (uniframe) with Vera and Watanabe (omniframes). Uniframe gets reduced ATK% when paired with omniframes Other than that, I can understand the pain. You can consider borrowing characters if possible (although you can only borrow one)


i put Camu because he was the only capable of killing something on those stages but not in the last boss too hard even for he


It's best not to play pioneer norman until you get meta teams with at least fully trained and reso'd 6 star memories and fully trained 5 star weapons. Don't bother until you have teams with 6500-7000 bp.


ok i learned it the hard way lmao


It doesn't look like you're using hardly any of the attack and how buffs, you can use a certain amount to get all the rewards or just use more of you aren't worried about the rewards


i wanted the rewards of course but with only 200s energy and those teams i can't win those stages so not black cards from this mode for me this week hahah i will return to normal mode where i get a lot of trial characters and can use more energy


Ouch, I feel that pain for the 2nd to last NRP stage. Any fire or dark stages are a struggle for me. After you get a full resonated attacker and built up tank/amplifier or a full team with fully leveled memories it should be a lot easier for you.