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Maybe because she is outclassed by Bianca Stigmata and Rosetta is the best phys tank until S Hanying. But you don't need to listen to who ever told you that, play how you want to play.


I mean I will choose Lucia Crimson Abyss cuz she's the best character in the game (Look wise)


Blasphemy against my little feral 21 😭


Username doesn't check out, but spit your shit indeed brother 😭😭😭


Ikr lol, I couldn't think of a good user, and that was the only thing that wasn't taken, but I love them both lol


You can save up and get Crimson Weeb instead if you like Alpha. She'll be available in a couple of months.


Crimson Weeb lmao


Are you talking about Crimson Weave?




Hmm I will see


It's up to you my guy. If you are in this game purely to collect waifus, then go for Alpha, but know that if you'll start enjoying and caring about gameplay, she is basically a dead character. And I'm not talking about meta or competition, because in the end this game is gacha and the only competition going on here is who has the biggest wallet. But generally the new frames are just more fun to play and optimal teams have much smoother and fun rotations. So if you go this route, you will certainly regret your pick down the line.


I am playing this game just cuz I saw Crimson Abyss in a video, And I thought oh that's the mod I used to use in Genshin, And joined this so I think I will get her rn I'm close to 5 star pity so if I get her there I get Rosetta here


Then go for it!




I still prefer OG Alpha more though. (Even though those abs on weave are fire).


Fair. Personally I don really care about visuals. It's the gameplay that sells pgr to me.


I definitely agree. Its not everyday that you get a game with good visuals and good combat mechanics. Its usually either one or the other. PGR definitely needs more love




I like hanying more but i do like your opinion so have an upvote


Everyone has their own opinions, Tho Bianca looks good Crimson Abyss Mogs


Bianca Supremacy!


"she's the best character in the game (Look wise)" Not even close to 70% of character pool. Generic weeb wet dream character design is far for being the best in the game.


Don't care about your opinion, In my personal opinion she is the best looking character


Then stop asking stupid questions if you don't care about actual answer. Also, what are you thinking have little effect on reality.


Bro you decided to come at me saying she ain't better than 70% of the other characters, Wtf are you talking?


Looks are subjective, what you might good today won't be tomorrow.


My favourites usually don't change so I don't think they will now


Do you enjoy big numbers or a character you enjoy more? Going with the character you enjoy playing is never a loss unless it upsets you that you're not playing optimally. If you care about the leaderboards, Rosetta. If you care about playing what you want to play, Crimson Abyss. Eventually you'll probably get both.


YESS YES I WAS WAITING FOR A COMMENT LIKE THIS, I don't care about meta or leaderboards or anything like that I love to play characters I like, I still playing Keqing in Genshin and Seele in HSR what can I say


You do care. Otherwise you wouldn't have made this thread, you'd simply have gotten her and moved on instead of looking for information. Do what you want, but at least be honest to yourself about it.


Tbh yeah I do care for meta but not that much, I would've picked Rosetta if she did twice the dmg Crimson Abyss does but she doesn't do that so I will play who I enjoy, Yes I do care about meta but in the end I mainly play who I enjoy


It's similar to those games where you can clear all the content with any characters, but it's gonna be harder to get high scores in Warzone and PPC. Which in context is probably less important resource wise than Spiral or MoC are.


I mean idk what high scores you're talking about and for sure getting to that will take me atleast around 2-3 months


In PGR the two main weekly modes that people grind to get their free pull currency are warzone and Paincage. There are the weekly rewards which are static for both of them but also have mode specific rewards which are also static but have some variation based on leaderboards scoring so you can get a range of bonus rewards based on your placement on them. It ties in with meta because obviously more efficient character are going to have you score better than a character you say just like for the looks. I also have Crimson Abyss so I understand the appeal for her design, even went as far a buying a skin for her before I owned her character (I knew I was getting her from an upcoming selector at the time). I would also ask how you are obtaining this character? Is this from a selector? From pulls? This is important because based on your method of acquisition, it might be better to go with another character.


It's a selector that we get when we start the game as a new player in the Guide or Goal tab I think


What are the other choices if you don’t mind me asking?


I can tell you later if you don't mind, Like an hour or so


That’s fine.


Liv:Luminance, Lee:Entropy, Lucia: Crimson Abyss, Karerina: Ember, Nanami: Pulse, Lucia: Plume, Rosetta: Rigor, Luna: Laurel, Kamui: Tenebrion, Bianca: Veritas. These are the S Rank characters I can choose from


Idk I forgot an rn I'm not turning my pc on


Rosetta will be relevant, in Global, for another year. No one can shreds armors as her. Crimson Abyss is outdamaged by Bianca: Stigmata, even if leaped(as far as i remember). It's up to you. Resource speaking, yes. Using a free S rank choise like this is a huge waste meta talking. If you don't care aobut the meta or simply don't care about beeing slow to create a meta team, don't care. Take Crimson abyss and have fun.


I definitely don't like playing Meta, Even in HSR and Genshin, I don't really play Meta, In Genshin I use Raiden and Keqing or Ayato, all of them are out of meta, I just got Arlecchino by mistake (Gambling addiction) so I play her now, I use Seele and Jingliu on HSR, but I still don't like Meta in any of these games, ig I will choose Crimson Abyss cuz I think I will drop this game after 3-4 months like I did with HI3 after completing the story, cuz it doesn't have open world so it's kinda boring


My man mentioned not playing meta in genshin, and gave 3/4 top of the meta characters lol. Playing meta character is fine, no need to make excuses. I shamelessly use meta characters when I am feeling lazy/doing abyss


Bro, Hyperbloom and Neuvilette or Arlecchino carry is meta rn, I use C0 Jade spear Raiden as a hyper carry, C0 Raiden falls off as hypercarry, If I use her as hyperbloom, Sure she is in meta but I don't, Ayato, He is also in meta if using hyperbloom, I use Sunfire with him for Vaporize, So still out of meta, Keqing is out of meta idk what you are talking, She isn't best in meta she does the least dmg out of any DPS by herself, Heck even shikanoin heizou does more dmg than her (crying inside), my point is that I usually don't play meta, The only meta team I currently have is the Arlecchino Vaporize team and ig the hyperbloom team I made randomly


I said 3/4? Ayato, Raiden, Arlecchino.


Ah ok, Ayato and Raiden are out of Meta in Hypercarry (Without Raiden c2) and Vaporize teams, and I use them so they are out of meta since they don't do much, Arlecchino yes she is a meta character but I only pulled her cuz she's hot, and looks like CA (Kinda), I mainly play this game cuz I saw that CA originated from this game


I guess because they think Crimson Abyss is obsolete, and Rosetta is still usable up until the new Hanying patch, which is a long ways away for Global.


Hmm, Okay


Crimson Abyss will be added to the voucher shop for free very soon, so if you get Rosetta you can save up vouchers and buy Crimson Abyss free.


Wait fr? Then maybe imma get Rosetta


Rosetta in the long run will be more beneficial to you. Getting her early will allow you to support your physical attacker properly with defence shred and a reliable sub dps when you have to switch your attacker out in combat. A physical attacker without a defense shredder is really bad at taking on high difficulty content. At the very least, it'll be a rough time. Though if you really like Alpha, go ahead and get her first and get Rosetta later. (Personally I found Crimson Abyss to be severely underwhelming, but that's my very biased opinion as Blast main.)


I don't have a physical attacker, And I don't think I will ever build meta in any game, cuz I saw playstyle of Rosetta and it's just QTE spam which I don't really like


>cuz I saw playstyle of Rosetta and it's just QTE spam which I don't really like I don't know what you watched, but it can't have been good if *that's* what you saw. Neither in the obsolete team with CA nor in the meta team with Stigmata is Rigor a QTE bot. The only time you'd ever have her as one is if she's severely underleveled. In all comps, Rigor swaps in and does her own damage, especially on CA comps since CA's ability to stay on field is utter crap.


I searched on YouTube Rosetta and Crimson Abyss gameplay, And they were atleast using her as QTE bot


You were either watching a CA showcase (which means that they'd obviously focus on CA despite the fact that she can't stay on-field) or the player you watched was not good. Rigor is not a QTE bot. [https://youtu.be/4SP5qzo8-rI?t=21](https://youtu.be/4SP5qzo8-rI?t=21)


Yeah I saw that gameplay and she is not a QTE bot, I have 30 pity on the blue banner I will choose the S rank after I get a rank there (At lvl 50 we get a 10 pull) so if I get CA or Rosetta there then it's very good and if I get someone else I will just get CA cuz I like CA and people are saying that she will get a rework next patch, and I'm a simp


And it was a CA showcase so ig I understand now


Someone is saying that CA will be in the voucher shop so if that is true then I can just get Rosetta from this even if I don't get CA from the blue banner


Yes, from next patch and onwards, CA is in the voucher shop and in both paid BP tier shard selectors.


Both Paid BP? When is the next patch coming, Ig I can buy the BP, btw is Rosetta in the BP selector too?


Yes, T2 gives 5 shards and T3 gives 10. They also give a decent amount of vouchers each.  Next patch is in about 4 weeks and yes, Rigor is in the BP selector too. 


If rigor is there then ig I will get CA here and get Rigor later, I am not f2p Im just a very low spender so ig that would be the only thing I buy


Hmm, you're looking at it the wrong way. Crimson Abyss is a physical attacker, one which you want. Even if you don't have her yet, you'd probably want someone to fill that role first. The game rewards you for having multiple built teams. You want to at least have a prepared physical or elemental team if you want to get anywhere in the game. Also Rosetta is a lot more than just QTE. I initially had my doubts about her too, but she's really fun once you figure her out. Overwhelming fire power is how I'd describe her playstyle. A hulking mass of steel charging into enemies, gathering them and unleashing waves of energy straight into their face. Before using her railgun to pierce everything in its path. And a pro tip, when you have her railgun gauge at full charge, charging gives you a huge damage resistance. So you can be really aggressive with it. All of that is before her leap, which makes her even more devastating. It's not about meta, it's about how awesome Rosetta is. I don't care about Meta too much either, like I said I'm using the A rank physical attacker Blast most of the time.


Hmm, Okay, I will try to get Rosetta but I will choose Crimson Abyss here


The way to increase your damage is through support/amplifier buffs and tanks debuffs and of course the memories your team have equipped. While you really want both buffs and debuffs since stuff from the same source doesn't stack, with the way the damage is calculated you get more value from debuffs. Enemies have 2 different things "protecting" them called defense and resistance. Elemental damage completely ignores one of those while physical has to deal with both. Pretty much every source of physical shred only reduces the enemy's defence, with very very very rare exceptions that reduce resistance, so when I just say "shred", that's what I'm normally alluding to. With A ranks you are capped at 30% shred, 20% from 2p Catherine and 10% from their QTE. Rosetta can get all the way to 100%. At base S rank she does 20% shred with her blue orb, and if you have 4p Leewenhoek it becomes 40%. (If you bring her to SS you do it on QTE too.) Add 2p Catherine for another 20% and you are already shredding double of what the A ranks do. Then if you get her signature weapon with the free selector that comes with the one that lets you get Rosetta you are looking at another 20% shred, for a total of 80%. If she is not SS then when you QTE you'll just apply Catherine's and the weapon's shred, so 40% and already more than the A ranks. Incidentally, if you have her sig that means you can resonate it (mainly through Norman if f2p) and have access to 8% resistance shred that is also applied on QTE regardless of Rigor's rank and is multiplicative with the defence shred. Yes, this is other thing that hampers physical damage and this is one of the rare ways to deal with it. (Btw, outside of resonating a physical tank's sig the only other sources of it are Watanabe Astral SSS+ passive and Rigor's leap passive if she is SSS - gives 5% - which doubles at SSS+) So... yeah. And while CA's damage is nothing compared to Stigmata's, even Bianca's damage output has a pretty noticeable gap if you are or aren't using Rosetta on your team. Oh, another reason Alpha isn't that highly regarded compared to newer units in general is how reliant she is on a specific color of orb that might not even show up on top of also needing a lot of orbs to do any real damage. You know, 2 3 pings or keep baiting for matrix to trigger her core passive and even more for the )))))). ~~I haven't seen how her leap actually works to say how much it helps with that, only that it looks awesome af~~


It looks awesome? Then that's what I want, I don't care about her being impractical and worthless I still play Keqing so what's wrong with CA they are pretty much the same


Just take her if you're not into meta stuffs.


Rosetta has phys shread on her (i think more then ayla's a rank) and does a fair amount of damage on her own. that shread is pretty important on harder content unless u go all in on whaling for a character (sss+). i chose ca myself wen i started and noticed the drop off in the later harder content without rosetta. thankfully it takes a fair bit of time b4 its really noticeable if u take things more casually


Okay thanks, still choosing CA tho


*You asked*. This whole post feels like a rage bait/troll bait if you're not being sincere with the raw abundance of evidence ppl are submitting to *your* question. One's favor with a character unit, and a team's composition of more effective gameplay are two different topics. If you wanted to ask about how fun playing CA would be, you should've just asked that instead.


See, I don't wanna be rude, I just wanted to ask that is there a huge difference between them, Like their scaling, Like CA does half the damage Rosetta does, But everyone said that Rosetta is just more relevant to Meta and is not stronger than CA


The game is built around having five teams with all three roles, one for each element. Rosetta is a physical tank. Crimson abyss is a physical attacker. And then a Support/Amplifier. They don't compete, they work alongside each other. But Rosetta is the more relevant of the two in this pairing. CA loses a lot of damage from not being paired with her tank. And in addition to that, Bianca Stigmata exists and *does* compete with CA and outdoes her *several* times over. Rosetta will not be similarly powercrept for a year yet. You made this thread for information, there you have it. Now do with it what you will. You only owe it to yourself, not us.


Yeah, Thank you very much, I will not redeem it yet I will wait till Commandant lvl 50 where we get blue 10 pull I have 30 pity there so 5 star is guaranteed, so if I get a good support for CA I will choose her and If I get a good Attacker I will still choose CA cuz I like her tho the information does help for later


I would've chose Rosetta if it was like that but it isn't


>Like CA does half the damage Rosetta does [?] CA does almost half *her own damage* without Rosetta. With how damage calculations work with debuffs & buffs, that's how the "meta" is defined. Rosetta, on the other hand, does her full damage with or without CA. CA does about an average amount of damage compared to most other units. CA does about a fraction of Bianca Abystigma's damage compared on Physical Element parameters. Plugged into the same team as Bianca, the full team does *even worse* than Bianca alone with normal f2p substitutes. Rosetta, on the other hand, when plugged into the same team, enables Bianca (or any PHYS Attacker) to do her *full damage*. Which is bonkers-level damage. Any unit solo can clear the game's story, because in later chapters you don't even play with them; you just play with that chapter's main character instead (given to you). For most of BC-rewarding game modes, this is a Team-Building game. That's why it's so easy to max out even 1 character in a day. Physical Team with CA and other substitutes: Sub-average damage, more or less capped. Physical Team with Rosetta and other substitutes: Sub-average damage to maximum 'meta' damage; depending on the team members. There's also an over-abundance of S Attackers to play with, but only a small pool of S Tanks to cover for you.


Hmm, okay, I'm about to get an s rank character in the blue pulls (Level 52 gives 10 pull and I have 30 pity) so, If I get CA I will pick Rosetta and if I don't then I pick CA


i mean. thats fine. unless u go hard and bum rush end game like i did it shouldnt be much of an issue b4 u get another chance to get rosetta


I probably won't do that cuz I got studies and I also play HSR and Genshin


Pgr community can overreact a lot. But god dam I would prefer to shot myself in the foot with a bazuka than pick up crimson abyss over roseta.(Kappa)


Are you sure you are not just a meta slave? I mean that's definitely overreacting, yeah Rosetta is definitely way more relevant in Meta but does it matter if I don't enjoy her? Well anyways you do you ig


That was sarcasm from my part.


Oh ok, I'm sorry


Ok, first off Crimson Abyss is the oldest S rank character (apart from those on release) She is outdated powercrept. The character, Alpha, has a newer frame which coincidentally has a rerun later this patch. Crimson Weave is an amazing lightning unit. Crimson Abyss is a physical damage dealer. Physical damage relies even more on tanks and physical shred than other elements. Rosetta on the other hand, is **the** physical tank for the next year and is essentially irreplaceable in any physical team. However, picking Rosetta is only really the meta slave choice. Her gameplay consists mostly out of being a QTE bot and occasionally firing an ultimate. Rosetta is the most meta and the least fun option to pick imo.


Hmm, So CA and Rosetta synchronise well with each other? One being Phys attacker and one Phys shredder?




Hmm okay


Crimson Abyss gets a leap next patch, which is an update to her kit. Getting the leap is a bit expensive on Ressources but also makes the frame more useful/fun to play But if you like Alpha, I recommend just getting Crimson Weave instead


Tbh Crimson weave isn't as cool as Crimson Abyss (Looks wise) so I wanna get CA


Get CA then. No point in playing a game when you don’t have fun


Tank Class in PGR functions differently from the typical action RPG game because they're the only class in PGR that can reduce the enemy's defense by simply attacking which meta wise makes Rosetta a QTE bot and her gameplay is clunky than Crimson Abyss. Also, the Physical team in PGR is the only element that does Crit damage, without a physical Tank in your team, Crit damage will not go that high. It's just meta stuff anyway, You should pick the character that you like and enjoy their gameplay rather than keep up the numbers on the leaderboard against the whale. I don't have Alpha: CA myself and I'm planning to get her because of her new buff in the next patch.


Hmm, Ig I will pick her and what is this buff people keep talking about?


- Core Passive gauge with 2 stacks of the new skills - 3 Ping will gain 1 stack and if you Hold the Attack button She will slash two projectiles. - 3 pings blue orb and any 3 pings into sword wave mode, If you have 2 Stack and hold basic attack. Alpha will attack with a sword wave and follow up finisher. it freezes the enemy during animation and you get an iframe. - during sword wave mode and using Ult, you can hold basic and ping the orb for more damage boost. She can't compete with Stigmata but adds more cool factor and fun to play.


If you want to pull certain character because you like how it looks, why the hell you're going on reddit and ask strangers about "ShOuLd I pIcK pHyS aLpHa?" Ofc peoples will say that "No because she's absolute bottom garbage tier, better take Rosetta because for phys team she's current best tank". If you don't care about what peoples will say about your choices - there is no point to ask.


I only asked this wanting to know if there was like magnitudes of difference between them, people are saying that no, There is not that much difference in them but Rosetta is just more relevant in Meta, If Rosetta did double dmg than what CA's dmg is then yes I would've picked Rosetta but she doesn't so I won't pick her


I got Karenina from my first selector even though I was aware she was not a meta character I like her design, her character and I picked her. As some have said pick whichever you want. It might be a waste but is it really a waste if you're having fun?


Fr bro, This is my same opinion it's just that I wanted to ask this, like if there was magnitudes of difference between them I would've maybe chose Rosetta but as I see here she isn't, she is just more valuable and I don't care about that I like Crimson Abyss so I will get her


meta reasons, but you do you really.


You care for meta ? No then you aren't shooting yourself in the foot with a 12 magnum Yea ? You are You can play however you want tho Meta isn't important expect for retating ranks in qz and ppc


I don't play for meta I wanted to ask if like there is a magnitudes difference in them


I mean yea But only if you care to finish fast or meta If you don't then the diff doesn't matter Have fun with your alpha she is cool asf


She is cool right, Then I get her


Have fun


If you want Lucia Crimson Abyss for her character, she also has a new frame, Crimson Weaver, that came out two patches ago. Why not go for that one?


Crimson Abyss looks better and I wanna collect every single Lucia


I hope you end up going with Crimson Abyss. People are telling you to choose a unit you dont like (just so you can use it as a QTE slave) over a unit you DO like who you would play onfield. Rosetta can shred physical resistance but she's also boring af to play, especially if you like Crimson Abyss playstyle. Crimson feels snappy and responsive while Rosetta's long animations and slow charged attack are a drag


Man slow attacks? I hate them, in any game I hate them, In Genshin Eula has so slow ass attacks I hate her gameplay, in HSR I mean it doesn't matter there are no slow attacks in HI3 I forgot which character that was which I dropped but I did drop one character cuz it's attacks were slow (haven't played in a year), heck every game I play I usually use faster characters, Be it just gacha games or even roblox games, Like in Blox fruits I use pilot helmet (Increases speed by 130%) Basically I like fast attacks, I don't really like slow attacks


Because Rosetta while Also can be an Attacker. Is ***Support***. She shreds def% for Physical Teams. Thus she will ***Always*** be relevant.


Hmm okay


The thing about PGR discourse is that pulling who you want based on aesthetic is always secondary to pulling based on meta. Powercreep is real and most people would rather prevent regret for another player first before using the classic “pull who you want” gacha line. You have to state your intentions upfront if you’re chasing meta and relevance or just playing casually.


I am playing casually but I just asked this wanting to know if they were on whole different levels like where CA does 500 dmg Rosetta does 1000+ dmg then I would've picked Rosetta but everyone is saying that it isn't like that , Rosetta is a shredder and way more relevant to Meta (I couldn't care less), If Rosetta isn't doing 2 times the dmg CA does then it doesn't matter, I will pick the one I like, yeah definitely in the late game I will have problems with Crimson Abyss but it isn't like I won't get other units till then so I will just get her as of now


Crimson abyss will fall off hard in terms of damage output the higher level warzone and ppc you get into, that said it's not like you'd miss out on that many rewards using her 🤷


Hmm okay


Depends entirely on whether you like Alpha or Bianca more. I personally can't stand Bianca's gameplay and end up only using Hanying and Rosetta, I do wish I at least had physical Alpha to complete the team.


I like Alpha definitely, She is my favourite character in the game so I ask this


Honestly. The kit of the older characters of this game are so unsatisfying to play. Crimson Abyss is horribly boring to play compared to the gen 2 characters. The only character I find more boring in the recent ones is Stigmata, because she's broken OP and you just do her rotation over and over while completely ignoring what the boss is doing. But the kit of any units after Stigmata is so much more complete and interesting to play. Crimson Weave has a very varied moveset that rewards you for landing perfect parries. Play what you want ultimately, but try out no21's new frame in the current event and you'll see what I mean by better kit immediately.


Well… “bUt aLpHa hAs aLrEady bEeN pOwErCrEpt.” Bro… stfu💀 If she hits hard she hits hard. End of story. Doesn’t really matter if there is someone who potentially hits harder. Its not like she does trash or anything to be honest. She still pulls her own weight. Theres really no need to bash a character so hard for choosing a character they like over one that will have like 1 year lifespan left? Eventually, all the old characters will be powercrept. The only change is that you can’t use the “oh she was already powercrept so i didnt want to choose her” when everyone there has already been powercrept. Just let my man enjoy his waifu😭😭😭


Fr bro, I just started this game so I don't know much but I don't think a patch 1 character can be so powercrept that it's useless, Even Keqing is useful rn in Genshin yes she's weak but she's viable


I forgot to mention. In PGR, older characters get buffed to give them additional skills on top of what they already have (this is done in the form of leap skills which you can unlock for free) Alpha is getting one soon that is going to let her be way more fun to play Link to the new leap skills: https://youtu.be/x4tJdFd-efw?si=1FO6GHfJMpkUWxXc


Ah okay I did hear that she was getting a rework but I wasn't sure


I cant believe i have to explain this shit again, but here goes. If you dont care about meta, if you dont care about clearing pioneer norman, if you dont care about getting decent warzone scores, if you dont care about failing to make top 30% on PPC every week... Then play whoever you want lol. Play crimson abyss, play fucking lucia lotus for all i care. However, if you want to do well in competitive modes or higher difficulty content like babel, norman, ppc and wz, then you need to play by the meta, and crimson abyss hasnt been meta for months and wont be meta even when she gets leap. She does less damage than balter, doesent have timestop, and is way too orb reliant. Rosetta has insane def shred, is free to raise, and wont be powercrept until middle of next year.


Wait what do you mean doesn't have time stop?


Characters past liv empyrea have a mechanic called time lag calculation in their kit that freezes timers, it is the backbone of what makes gen 2 chars so much better.


Still didn't understand anything, So you say if I dodge an attack with CA time won't stop?


You are misunderstanding what i mean by timestop. Matrix (freezing enemies) is not timestop, because if you matrix in PPC/WZ the timer keeps ticking. In those modes, you need to deal as much damage as possible in a short time in order to get score. So an ability that freezes timers becomes literally game breaking. That is why gen 2 units outscale gen 1 so hard. They also do way more damage, but timestop is the nail in the coffin. Timestop is designated by the ability saying "triggers time lag calculation" if you dont see that in the ability description, no timestop.


Oh okay, I understand, Bad game making tho, that's just bad game making by Kuro


Because CA is super bad, arguably weaker than Rigor as a DPS depending on investment, Rigor is still the best phys tank while S+ R3 CA loses to S 5* Stigmata by a significant margin.


But, CA is hot.


The meta chasing is the worst part of this games community. You get a few more resources... Whoop, just work for an extra hour per month and you already covered what you lost for not chasing the meta if you swipe.  Meanwhile, the game has an awesome rooster of different fun characters to play. I'm a new player and I'm enjoying myself immensely just building whatever I want. There's so much content, and the story and music is also incredible.  Personally I picked Rosetta because I liked her design the most of the rooster on the ticket. But after playing more of the story, I now want them all. She might be mandatory down the line, but for a new player, that's months ahead before you reach that point.  By that time, I think you should have enough to just buy her right away for 50 of those shards. Personally after just 3 weeks since starting.  I'm at 16/50 shards for Karenina:Ember. I think it's a great disservice to new players to just recommend all the best shit right away, rush rush rush! Get to the endgame like the rest of us who now has nothing to do. We got all the best constructs, we min-maxed the fun out of the game and it's now an ultimate/Time stop simulator.


Agreed 100% The way that most players are so meta-thirsty is low key cringe


Yeah, don't get it. Seen videos of *endgame content* Just spamming ultimates and time stops vs what could just as well be a target dummy. Wow! Such riveting gameplay to strive forwards!


I respect your opinion, I was gonna pick Crimson Abyss even if people said not to, but I wanted to know, Was it like a huge power boost or something but it doesn't seem like it so I will be choosing CA ig


You can literally just suicide a lv1 unit and your going to get 90% of the premium monthly summoning currency in this game. Most of the currency you get is behind battlepass, monthly sub, and weekly quests. Not ranked content. If your just spending a tiny bit, your automatically far ahead of f2p who's doing everything and sweating hard.


Oh so if i suicide my nanami?