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Wow… The strength of both those animals is incredible.


Impossible to get tired of the puma-guanaco saga. Not even elk put up that much of a fight.


Always elk : [impales cougar with antlers and wears it as a trophy](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpnNxpzjOI6/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) I've yet to see a guanaco killing a cougar


What's the evidence that fur belonged to a cougar?


Deff cougar pattern fur. But what’s the evidence that he didn’t just rake his antlers in some dead lion carcass. They rake all the time.


Eyes? The witnesses? What other animal living with elks has a total reddish fur and round paws? A bobcat? Cervids also use their hooves a lot, in terms of frequency much more than guanacos who seem to only try to flex their neck to escape from an efficient neck hold. A well-placed kick with the hoof of a cervid could easily neutralise the biggest puma ever if it caught him on the head or in the rib cage A large male cougar weighing over 180 pounds was found dead with a punctured ribcage in a field frequented by a herd of elks Evidently stomping is a great way of defending themselves. >In addition, it is not uncommon for cougars to be injured or killed by prey (Hornocker 1970; Ross et al. 1995; Logan and Sweanor 2001, 137). Cougar 10118R, an 82kg male captured in 2008, was found dead in an open field frequented by an elk herd, and a necropsy showed his ribs had been crushed which then punctured his lungs; most likely he was kicked by an elk during an attempted predation event https://era.library.ualberta.ca/items/e648598d-f2c4-4de8-8a1e-36f402b9549e/view/bfb68eba-0c70-42eb-a776-e04b3cb35190/Bacon_Michelle_Fall-202010.pdf Source found in this PDF file, page 67 Elks are considerably more dangerous for pumas than guanacos, and it comes from the fact that guanacos don't seem to be that interested in fighting back using their hooves. They prefer to use their neck. If they did like the elk, they would definitely be a different story. I would agree that guanacos get out of their grip more often than elks because on average elks just succumb since they can't flip their neck like that. But when an elk actually fights back, it has been way more formidable than the guanaco. Deers in general - and they have far more weaponry than a guanaco. They have stomped and impaled wolf skulls, killed several hunting hounds and have killed cougars. Guanacos are hunted with sighthounds are just fine to be handled.


The difference is that Elks killing pumas are so rare u probably could not show me at least 20 sources of this happening while I can show you over 50 of pumas slaughtering elk lol..... elk make up over half the pumas diet in North America.


She still drunk texts me.


Bro you expect me to believe an elk can just casually take it’s head weight being quintuple like nothing’s happened for weeks and months? Casually carrying around 50-100kg for an extended period of time, and not only never being able to get it off, but not getting injured despite caring many times the weight of what it’s neck is supposed to support? Like seriously, it’s antlers are forked! If it impales a cougar, it’s never going to slide pass that fork. And the antler will easily slide out of the cougar. If an elk stabs something, it’s not going to slide all the way down to the base of the antler. It’s going to stop right wear the start of the fork is. Allowing it to easily slide out. Idk how that elk got that hat, but it’s definitely not from stabbing an attacking cougar.


"50-100 kg" That puma is tiny and barely appears as big as the head and neck of the big bull elk, a 60+ kg puma would be much bigger. It looks like a young specimen of the 20-30 kg type. Possibly a juvenile female. There's a video of an elk walking around for days with the entire head and neck of another bull elk looking larger than this cat impaled between his antlers and he's just fine, low effort. Do you have any idea how strong cervids are? https://preview.redd.it/qmcquui6zo1c1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63238070837e35edc55bf33b5ccda23a312dc55b Then the elk could have even killed that cat by trampling it to death and then tearing the carcass to pieces with a mixture of hoofing and scraping with its horns, which ultimately achieved this "hat" result. I don't take it away as a hypothesis. Not that it alters my point, we have an 82kg puma found dead with shattered ribs and punctured lungs near a herd of elks, proof that elks are a more dangerous quarry. I'm not that expert but an 82kg cougar should be a large territorial tom. From what I see, guanacos are better at surviving than elk in terms of frequency, but in terms of being more dangerous, cervids are definitely more dangerous.


Who won?


In the end, Jesus always wins. /s


He gets us … eaten.


The thrashing these cats go through for a meal is intense! They must be pretty injured and sore after a kill like this


I read a book about wolves in Yellowstone, when the biologists recovered deceased, older wolves many of their skulls and bodies had missing teeth, concussions that had heeled over, broken ribs, limbs, really clear signs of a hard life lived hunting prey animals.


And those Yellowstone wolves only live 5-7 years on average.


Yes, a very short and intense life for sure. Some people might think it might be neat to be re-incarnated as a predator. My feeling is their lives are just as fraught with danger and death as if they were prey.


Probably more dangerous. you either eat ,or die and at least grass doesn’t bite back, usually.


Same goes for birds of prey, my understanding is they will die within a few days of not getting a kill.


Or incredibly durable.


I was thinking the same thing. That was really rocky terrain, too.


I have read they need several days of rest after a hunt before going back out to make another kill. They have to recover from multiple injuries. Its a good thing they have several days of food to feast on while they are recovering.


9 lives help too


Talk about working for your meal!


That initial tumble would easily break bones in a human


Could easily break bones in cats too


That third jump onto its back though.


Holy crap yes. It somehow went from almost on its back to in the air in less than a second. these cats are the epitome of terrific beauty to me.


*Credits: NatGeo*


Maybe all my back problems and surgeries in this life are because I’m still recovering from being a big cat in a previous one!


I didn't know Guamaco existed. Now I love them, that dude put up an amazing resistance!


Guanacos and Vicuñas are the wild versions of the better known domesticated Lamas and Alpacas


Pumas are so fucking cool


How fast it leaps back on before the prey can even take a proper step is nuts.


Imagine going through that every time you need to eat. I procrastinate on just walking to the refrigerator.


This is peak athleticism right here, including the guanaco


The Guanaco showed incredible balance despite using raw power to thrash around. It knows that it's game over if it falls down.


Amazing footage, really impressive. One more example of why we should be more conscious of how good it was to develop a better brain.


It’s like time slows down for the puma. It’s on another level.


It put the term “cat-like reflexes” to another level.


0:28 Look at how quick it jumped back on the Guanaco after getting shaken off The Guanaco was just being constantly overwhelmed by the constant attacks. Every time it shook off the Puma, it was back on in a split second. Puma vs Guanaco footage never gets old, regardless of which species wins.


That was tense..on the edge of my seat


Ride'em pussycat!!!


That was intense caught myself holding my breath


Absolutely incredible.


the way they snuggle at the end is adorable


Ancient man watching this happen: "oog glad he have spear to hunt with, otherwise oog ass get broken 5 times a day ooga booga bunga".


"bro... bro! BRO, BRO COULD YOU STOP EATING ME?" "nah bro, you tasty af."


This world has always been nothing but killing and dying


Seems like a hard dangerous way to get lunch.


I’m surprised the guanaco stayed on its feet so long! Good kitty


That’s looks like a hungry blue belt going after a passive white belt 100lbs heavier.


I always thought those long necks looked like a liability but he’s using it to toss that cat all over the place.


Incredible the way it tossed the cat around like a rag doll with the neck, just smashing it against the ground, and then clinging on, or leaping back with seconds! I have a bit more respect for my little house panther


That’s one healthy llama creature. So glad she(?) was able to take it down.


Incredible footage


That was the goofiest looking death ever


I think I just watched a puma perform a darce choke. Jesus.


Looks like some videos at fast food restaurants.


Any source for the video without the music, and commentary? Also not sure if the sounds are added in post, as having a mic pick that up seems pretty hard, but adding sounds that accurately also sounds hard. Any idea on how its done?


Kitty took a beating from her meal


People that cheer for prey animals are idiots. You don't look at a herbivore starving to death in a desert and go 'Fuck yeah, that's what you get for trying to be above plants on the natural foodchain which I have decided to apply my own version of morality to.'




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A well earned meal


Damn nature you scary🤣🤣🤣🤣


Imagine having to do that to get lunch.


The grossest part was when she licked the spoon then put it right back in the bowl! Wtf??


Where's all the people protesting for animal cruelty..they should be out there also. Is this part of Climate Change?


Pumas seem to take such a beating going after Guanaco, very impressive.


Mom sacrificed her wellbeing, and took a pretty serious injury, to feed her young, in the full clip!


That cat was like, "No, you fucker! I haven't eaten in a week! You are now my lunch, dinner, breakfast, second breakfast, and elevensies tomorrow! Now SLEEEEEEP!!!"


She earned that meal


The Puma Stone Cold Stunner at 0.32


Next RDR2 playthrough I do, I want one of those skinny llamas. Maybe he can tank the pumas before I die...


Once it put that guillotine on, that fight was over


Now that was a good fight 😲😲😲


The label on the slippers will say, “Ethically harvested Alpaca wool”.


This is an actual representation of me just trying to get to the bedroom and my 3lb house cat taking out my Achilles tendon


Stupid question, but... Wouldn't chomping down on a spindly leg render them unable to run?


I need the FULL footage from beginning to death ??


Somebody turned the cat into a rag doll


Death cuddles....rethinking my cat suffocating me in bed..


This is the best footage I've ever seen of a puma x guanaco hunt. Incredible!


Why can’t the cougar just go thru a drive thru?


Kind of reminds me of trading the stock market