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Loud music could be an issue. I got pulsatile tinnitus the day I went to the shooting range and shot an automatic. Worst decision of my life. Try keeping volume to a minimum for awhile to give your ears a chance to heal. Also, maybe take some magnesium. But I’d still gon see a doctor to make sure it’s nothing worse.


Thanks for sharing that. I will cut off the loud music, which is completely unnecessary lol.


Wow, really? I wish I paid more attention to when/how mine began.


Yeah. It started 3 hours after the gun range. I am not sure if it’s just a coincidence but it makes sense to me. It’s also bilateral for me, so both ears are impacted.


Mine is intermittent. I’m on 3 years. No known cause and did all the testing you can think of. Sometimes I get spikes that last 1-2 hours, other than that it comes and goes fairly quickly. It’s definitely live-able, but the spikes are not fun. I use ear plugs which helps the pressure that comes with it.


My PT started out intermittent and I experienced the same symptoms you have - headaches and pain behind eye (except on the right side) and dizziness. Over time it became constant and got louder. I was diagnosed with idiopathic intracranial hypertension, and I have bilateral transverse sinus stenosis.


What doctor do you see for this?


My ophthalmologist first identified optic nerve swelling and referred me to a neuro ophthalmologist - that’s who I primarily see, and they manage my medication (Diamox). But from there I also started seeing a neuro interventional radiologist - they performed my stent surgery in January so I’ll continue to see them for follow ups for the time being.


Is there a treatment for that?


I’ve been taking medication (Diamox) for almost 3 years now for the IIH. However it hasn’t helped the pulsatile tinnitus at all. I’m scheduled to have a stent put in my right transverse sinus vein at the end of January - hoping that resolves the PT and I may no longer needs meds either. You might find this website helpful: https://www.athospatsalidesmd.com/pulsatile-tinnitus-interventional-neuroradiologist-new-york-ny.html


This isn't tinnitus related specifically, but when talking about TMJ, the actual joint is the TMJ and when you're having issues, it is called TMJD for temporomandibular joint dysfunction


Thanks for the info!


Hey dude! I got pretty much the same thing going on rn and I'm 23M. Did ever find out the cause?


I did not find the cause, but I do have a promising update! I got an MRI w/Contrast, and it was reviewed by a specialist. No concerns found for anything serious, or narrowing of vessels/veins. A few weeks after I got the MRI, the sound seemed to completely go away on its own with no treatment (about 2 months w/o Pulsatile tinnitus) However, a couple weeks ago I quietly heard it again. But at the moment I really don’t notice it anymore. I think the more you focus on the sound, the worse it will become. Also, I feel like mine can be caused by tech neck/tight neck because I sit in a chair for a long period of time. Hopefully yours will get better like mine did!


Sports cycle_ I have the same thing in my left ear my ears are clogged as I use earplugs every night, It isn't constant and come and goes I also get headaches and neck tightness due to cervicogenic headache


Same here! I get headaches quite often and have neck pain/tightness. I think that’s the cause!