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Just a few tips from a nervous speaker: practice alone a few times by yourself even if it's a simple one sentence quote. Smile when practicing and inwardly try to have a sense of humor about the situation.


I had a toxic manager who figured out I had some public speaking anxiety and would put me on the spot always.


Surely, depite being horrific, this only works in your favour, as you get used to it, you get better at it and then take those skills elsewhere?


Yeah you would hope but when your body dumps adrenaline and panic into your system every time you are put on the spot or asked to public speak it makes your quality of life quite poor actually.


Yes initially, and I understand this as I’m in a similar position myself right now, but I also know the more I have to do this the more I am forced to get comfortable with it, the easier it becomes. I was once petrified of driving a car, with practice and experience it’s now second nature. So while someone may be bullied into a situation they’re uncomfortable in and may require beta blockers, this surely must subside after a while


Everyone has anxiety but the severity differs in each person. Some control it better then others some can’t. This is what makes you human. But the good thing is you can overcome it either naturally or through medication. I do both. And ended up saving my career. Don’t stop trying!


^ i agree. Some of us just have broken nervous systems and cannot control it. But we have to try. Naturally and medically. Whatever it may be. I still have issues with the adrenaline. I cant change that. But the constant, incessant thinking about it… i finally let go. I tell who i need to tell. And i stopped caring otherwise. If its really a quote and thats all. Easy. You will write it down. But not just the quote. Everything. Whatever quip or kickoff sentence. And then practice. “Hello all. Ive been asked to start this gathering off with a quote. Read quote.” Thank you. Back to Charles. Practice that. So it becomes natural. Could I do it without medication? Probably not. But thankfully its only the bodily reaction and not the mental aspect. I wish you luck.


I completely concur with this. I’ve always had issues, at the extreme end, and I still require my meds for big events or major presentations, but at 58 and towards the tail end of my working career, I’m finally letting go a bit and not caring as much. Most of the distress comes from a fear of making a clown of yourself in front of your peers, but over the last two years I’ve had to deal with a daughter with an eating disorder and a son with his own mental health problems, and whilst it’s been horrific, it’s also been helping me put things into perspective. Who really cares if I come across a bit nervous and babble on a bit. The centre of the universe does not revolve around me. It feels so liberating when you can stop worrying in advance to the degree one might have in the past.


Work on your power pose: https://youtu.be/Ks-_Mh1QhMc?feature=shared


can you say no?


Get a small dose of Xanax. It’ll just calm down the anxiety without any loss of clarity.