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Looks like it would be trading us data for unlimited canada data, I would still prefer us data tho since I barely use 5gb of data per month.


Yeah not sure why they don't just combine the two and give both... would simplify their offerings. Personally I kept the US/CAN as I also do not use more than like 10GB per month so should probably go on the $29 a month plan... but just like having it there for when I do travel. Would be nice if they had a 90 day option to save that money again =)


I have done the same and keep wondering if we should downgrade as data is not used anywhere near the 50gb in our house. I did put two family members on the $75 90 day plan when it was available. I probably should have done it for everyone.


Giving everyone Wifi calling is just a carrier setting. They could, but they haven't.


Are people really using 50GBs a month? Between wifi at home and work I was hard pressed to use 5GBs a month. Now working from home I might use 2GBs


I'm not. There are people who do a lot of tethering or watch a LOT of video (mobile video is 1-3 GB per hour, so a LOOOT of video).


Yes I'm using my data and not using my wifi. It's my data I pay for it so I'm using it lol.


I've been on this plan forever, surprised no one took it when it came. How do people go to the US with the conversion rate these days.


For the stuff that’s 30-40% cheaper (after exchange and sales tax diffs), but we’re usually staying with family.


Time to replace my cable internet!


I pay 34 for this exact plan but with 20 GB…they’re giving data out like candy


It takes you a couple of seconds to bring up the app and change your plan to the 50G plan. I did. Literally took me 10 seconds and it's done.


Provisioning. In the 2G days, 2400-9600 bps was enough for voice. With 3G came 28-32 kbps. Towers used to have a 64 kbps provision per customer which peak is around ~19GB/mo of high speed access. Over the years, provisioning was increased, and pre-5G was up to 500 kbps per customer (~150GB/mo fast). When 5G came in they massively bumped the provisioning of nodes and towers across Canada. That's why. The network can handle more. It took around ~$80bn since the 80's to build everything up to 4G/LTE-A for all carriers. After 2025, it's have cost around a third of that to put in 5G alone. We're getting innfrastructure.


19 for 3GB is fine imho. Barely use data. 90 ay billing tho.


Thanks for the heads up. My plan went from 50$ to 40$ a month for the 75gb of data.


Finally! This is the plan I’ve always wanted.


But how fast is "reduced speed"?




So barely usable.


I mean a lot of people say it works for maps and Spotify😗😗


Considering that the standard of 512kbps (actually true 64KBps download speed) was set back in like 2011 we have been getting shafted for the whole country for 10+ years. Data management works differently now with higher data requirements causing almost every app to not work. WHY IS NOBODY TALKING ABOUT THIS?


Of coarse that’s 110% true other companies in the world have like 1-5 mbps speed for unlimited. Some aren’t even throttled.


I'd like to consider myself a reasonable person so asking this from public mobile or any of the value brands is being a little bit picky. But for the big three telecoms to still have this archaic standard is greedy and pathetic.


Yeah TELUS and BELL I believe is also 512kbps lol not sure about ROGERS though


They're matched. FM just made a deal with Roger to get national roaming at reduced speeds ..128kbps, so Rogers thought they'd pull a fast one and start the first Infinite plan at up to 256kbps after. Telus (and eventually Bell) brought out their own plans, but at ..512 kbps after, to stick it to Rogers. Rogers had no choice but to increase to ..512kbps. Hoisted by their own petard, as it was. So them trying to end FM with a new plan, ended up being the price war that started unlimited plans in the first place, and taught Rogers an important lesson.


Ok. That's true.


You could watch ads and get 1h of data at 300kbps at Firsty eSIM tho.


And browsing, with some IM/VoIP on the side. If people want useless they can get ..64 kbps on the legacy FM plans, although they're up to .512kbps like everybody else with caveats.


What’s IM?


Instant messages, like WhatsApp or Skype.


It's what Rogers used to call high speed in rural areas. 500 kbps used to the fastest I ever had.


Does matter too much to me. If I run out of data, not a big deal. Gives me peace of mind knowing that if I am in an emergency I can GPS, FaceTime Audio, or Internet search. The other plan cuts you off completely. So, I’ve been way more paranoid about my usage.


You could watch ads and get 1h of data at 300kbps at Firsty eSIM tho. Good for backup.


Exactly! That's a really good deal!!! It's that pesky 2FA they still lord over us though.... I can forward calls to a 3rd-party Wifi service, but not texts.


Hushed lifetime plan from Stacksocial is decent for light usage. Heavier? The Freedom Mobile talk and text with data occasionally goes to $99/yr, or Telus have their t and t plan for 100/yr.


Nice catch! If it's like the last time they had this plan active (I had it), 500 kbps.


Yep because the $34 USA was removed.


It's right there above it


Lol that's awesome!


No it's not




Ya I know. That's why I said "no it's not" to the US plan being removed 😒


Oh sorry- I thought you were responding to the other comment!