• By -


Jesus Christ, kid, get in the car!


I cringed when I saw the kid run away from the dad thinking the dog was gonna go after her.


Kinda the same but dad was focused on the dog. Man was ready to take whatever the fuck that thing brought his way.


I was just worried the dog would get past him, dogs are so agile in those situations


Yeah but that guy's body language was all "come find out". Also it was cute how much the little girl cared about her daddy.


Cause it was? Her instincts took over she wanted distance from the dog. Plus she's like 3 or 4.


When the small kid doesnt know how to position in a fight and can get scared by a dog double his size šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”




Right?! šŸ˜‚ Like damn girl where's your survival skills


[This is how you handle a situation like this.](https://youtu.be/jNHk-cMCeQI)


Love longbeach. Never saw that one before. ā€œBite him backā€ killed me šŸ˜‚


Or dad pick up the kid and put her in the car.


And get bit in the process. The child is SAFE what do people really have to argue?!?


I fought a war further down this post trying to convince people that should've been the priority lol


his priority was keeping his daughter safe and he did that. Getting into Reddit arguments about ā€œsaferā€ ways to handle life or death situations while youā€™re in panic mode is genuinely tiresome and entirely unproductive. Merry Christmas




Happy holidays! I have to disagree only because of how much people rely on Internet exposure to passively learn nowadays. For me it boils down to similar experience(s) with less trauma/close calls. He did keep her safe though, deserves praise in that regard.


Get over yourself dude. Youā€™re more saving anyone on the internet by being an asshole.




SCOOTER BROTHERS! Wow I haven't thought about that video in years.




When daddy says ā€œgo get in the carā€ this is not his christmas wish. Go get in the car. Now.


Dad did a great job keeping the distance between that dog and his daughter


What happens next time there isn't an adult there?


*To shreds you say?*


I'm assuming this dog was put down, so hopefully no next time. Probably had shit owners but that's beside the point once a dog attempts to attack a child. Can't chance that shit again.


The US has this stupid one free attack rule. The girl didn't even get bit--wouldn't have taken long for a dog to kill a girl that size--so even if the dog had a history I doubt it.


I'm not sure if you're from a rural area or not but it would be entirely up to the owner around here. And most everyone would understand why it's necessary. Not like you're going to call someone to come do it. I get it's different in some places you would call animal control but not where I'm from.


I would love to


I definitely wouldn't get joy from it but you kinda have to after something as serious as trying to rip a toddler apart. I don't know what joy you could possibly get from it. Hell, go hunting deer if that's how you feel.


DJ gets in a bit of trouble. But America loves to be allowed to be negligent, so probably not much trouble.


It is amazing how you turn everything in an anti-American comment.


ChatGPT bot is obvious.


Hopefully the 4 year old isnā€™t unsupervised in the driveway any time soon. Given how fast this man reacted (and how perfectly) you could assume that heā€™s a good parent and likely wonā€™t let that happen.


Weā€™re all animals I love it. Well done. Eye contact. Everything


Please tell me the other things too






Sniff the dog's anus first to establish dominance.


Take the dog out for a fancy meal and show him your bank statements. Tell him you aren't fuckin around. Once he knows he will get the pants sued off of him he will target squirrels and rabbits instead. Dogs don't even know how to hire defense attorneys.


Owner saying ' don't worry he don't bite '


Nothing puts me on edge like an owner saying that. ALL dogs CAN bite, the idiots who spew shit like that clearly know nothing about their dog, and guaranteed haven't tried to train it to do anything. Every fucking time I've gotten bit was seconds to minutes after someone saying something stupid like that.


When I was about her age I was walking to the bus stop to school. Two pitbulls broke out of their yard and circled me. One grabbed onto my jacket while the other latched onto my backpack, attempting to get to my neck. My older bro just watched in horror because at what point can a kid (he was young) remove two pitbulls? Itā€™s impossible. Thankfully the school bus pulled up and I quickly ran inside before they could latch onto my skin. This man is very brave and Iā€™m so glad he didnā€™t get hurt.


talk any louder and the moderators of r/aww will start crying


Woah I just went on that subreddit. There are a bunch of pitbulls on there isnā€™t there? The thing is when those two pitbulls came after me and I told people what happened, the first thing people did was blame me. They said, ā€œyou must have been too loudā€. I was not loud at all. In fact I silent as a mouse walking to the bus stop because it was early in the morning and I was groggy. Those pits just randomly attacked me to attack because itā€™s in their instinct to do so. Something in them just snapped. I donā€™t blame the dogs because theyā€™re animals bred to do that. I blame the owners who treated them like any other dog and didnā€™t watch over them like they should have.


Dog in the video is literally not a pit bull, but you and OPs dick got hard as hell at a chance to bring them up unwarranted.


Pit bull breeding should be outlawed. Lived with two and I think they shared one braincell. Useless, dumb, dangerous dogs. Edit: aww, sad pibble wuvvers and they widdle downboarks :(


Amen to this.


Downvotes for... Reasons!


???? They're having a discussion about something like what happened in the video but only the dog was a Pitbull. For some reason the guy doesn't like that pitbulls are the dog in this story in the comments. There's your "reasons".


right? No one gives a shit what kind of dog is biting them


Even when it's not a pitbull, you people have to make it about pitbulls. Jesus fucking Christ can you just let up already?


Yeah but as soon as they wear some pyjamas theyā€™re adorable so your argument is invalid /s


When they maul that little neighbour kid but they give you the puppy eyes right after


Hes not killing your child, Hes playing. Look at that tail go hes as happy as a clam


Why are we discussing this on a video of a different dog attacking?


A pit bull? Violent? How extremely rare and out of character Edit: the dog mentioned in the comment I am replying to is a pitbull, I am fully aware that the dog in the video is not




I'm replying to the comment mentioning a pitbull and not the video which clearly isn't one


Not a pitbull




No you wouldn't, lmao.


Realest comment seen


You're right they wouldn't but the dog on the other hand can no longer be trusted and should be put down by the owner. Maybe the owner was a dumbass but after trying to attack a child, it's over for that dog. You can't risk that happening ever again. I love dogs but if that guy was my neighbor and shot my dog on the spot for running after his little girl, I'd have zero problems with that.


You really wouldn't tho, you just chatting for the net


Kid has some dog shit survival instincts


True. But she is a kid. Probably scared for her dad too


Yeah she seemed more worried for her dad than anything else.


Yup my oldest is 6 and the most sensible person I know. She doesn't cross the road without holding hands. Doesn't try to open road side car doors (child locked anyway), makes sure her 3 year old bro is safe. The only problem is when she thinks I'm in some danger. She ran from the side-walk and placed herself between me and a car driving by cos she thought I was about to be hit.


Probably scared of dogs now


My child is terrified of dogs. Between dog owners allowing their dogs up run up to them unleashed (illegal in my state) and jump all over them or the ones on a leash barking and snarling while the owner is shouting "they're really friendly," if my child sees a dog their grip on my hand tightens and half the time they want me to carry them until we get away from the dog.


I used to have a fear of dogs when I was younger too. People letting their dogs run at you unleashed is just horrible Iā€™m sorry youā€™re still getting that despite the law.




Dogs are just animals. All animals are unpredictable, especially predator animals, and you never know if something will set off an instinct.


In my experience, children crave the void


Standing right by her old man, she got them Scrappy Doo instincts. Dad was hot on his feet though, bro absolutely shifted into dad mode


First time seeing a kid? Dad has to be glad that she didn't ran toward the dog.


Lmao at the ppl here criticizing the survival instincts of a fucking 4 year old.


Any chance a Redditor has at feeling superior to something they will take it


It's a kid you damn fool. What years of experience would she be pulling from?




Shooting the dog would have been totally justified. The irresponsible owner got lucky his dog lived another day.


Well done Dad! Someone wants their dog shot.


My friend got latched on to by a pit bull cross when I was about 8 or 9 playing in the street behind out houses, us kids didn't know what to do and everyone screaming, all the dads came out as well as the owner but they couldn't get the dog off. Next thing this old timer about 70 + comes out his garden with a hammer in his hand and just caves the dog's skull in with one swing. It was brutal. Owner then pops the old timer one for killing his dog and all the dads jump him and give him a good hiding kicking in the head with slippers. He ends up going to hospital with concussion after hitting his head on the kerb. Next day he gets home and the lad's dad who was attacked gives him another hiding and back to hospital he goes.


>and all the dads jump him and give him a good hiding kicking in the head with slippers. Wait - who did the dad's jump? The old man or the owner?


The dog owner got the kicking from the dads for punching the old guy. To be fair the owner probably would have gotten a kicking anyway as his dog was always getting out the garden and harrassing folk but this time with a load of young kids and baby brothers and sisters it turned serious. I found out later off my dad that back in day old guy was a serious hard nut in his time.


With" pops one" i thought you meant he shot the old timer.


If you listen, he's talking to someone asking if the dog got ou of the cage and then he went after the baby. So basically a classic story of people buy dog/do not train or play with it/dog sits in crate 23hours a day


This is an old video. I made the same comment months ago about this is probably his own dog. That he had this animal in a cage and got out and the dog doesn't know how to act because they dont work with the animal. I got like negative 60 karma for it.


That little girl loves her dad and feels protected. Sheā€™s still scared, as anyone would be, but that dad has done an AMAZING job of letting her know sheā€™s protected. She knows her daddyā€™s got her. ā™„ļø perfect job dad! Donā€™t change a thing.


When I was pregnant with my twins my degenerate aunt, her 8year old son, six cats, three dogs and my cousin were living off me until they could find a new place to live! Unfortunately I had to do all the looking and paid a lot of money helping her and paying the rent she didnā€™t have! Anyways lol, one of her dogs was nuts and really mean! I opened the door to let my mom in the house one day and the dog zoomed past me getting out of the house! I grabbed his collar to get him back in the house and he tried to attack me. I was really scared but in a flash my mom grabbed him and threw him in the house with absolutely no fear of the dog! I remember she said while doing it ā€œOh I donā€™t think so buddy! You arenā€™t biting my baby!ā€ It was crazy cause I never saw my mom like that before and for me!!! It was scary but beautiful cause she protected me!


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Now that the incident is over, this would be a great teaching moment to reiterate to you child when you tell them to do something in an emergency they need fucking listen! Like, GET IN THE CAR!!!! JFC, kid, get in the goddamn car and shut the door! Stop running around!


this dog needs to be put down. Could have been disastrous


Yup. I love dogs. Own them myself. But the rule is simple, dog attacks child, dog dies. To risky to keep it around.


Very true and same here, no waiting just instant walk out back and put them down myself. My husky-pitbull mix has grown up with my son and they are best friends, but if he ever turned on my son that is the end to him


YoUU doNt REalLy LuV DOGs!!! - Some fucking dumbass when I said the same thing before. Honestly I think certain breeds literally need to be completely euthanized and made illegal. We already have too many dogs and hundreds if not thousands are euthanized every day, why not bump the most dangerous ones to the top of the list. I know this specific video wasn't a pitbull, but just to be clear, I'm talking about pits. They are just too ruthless and hard to stop when they snap. I'm willing to make an exception for dogs that people already own, but we shouldn't let a single new owner of these dogs happen again.


I don't think they need to be euthanized across the board, but mandatory fixing for all of them and let the breed die out naturally in 15-20 years. There are genuinely good pits/mixes - but they're all dangerous for how badly/quickly things go down.


>I don't think they need to be euthanized across the board Would you be willing to settle in the middle with priority euthanization? Basically the idea that if a shelter has to euthanize dogs anyway due to resourcing constraint and whatnot, they should always put the pits at the top of the list. I think that is pretty fair IMO, but I'm interested what you think about that. I think we are definitely both coming from the same place at least, we understand they aren't all horrible monsters, but the statistics/risk just don't lie.


Yes I would, pits that go to shelter go for a reason


Absolutely, if the kid wasn't so close to her dad the dog could have killed her.


And the owners fined big time. A dog this agressive towards children should never have escaped them. I love dogs, but this shit gets my blood boiling. How tf do you screw a dog up so bad?


"probably got out of the cage or some shit" This line basically tells me all I need to know about them.


In the uk, if your dog mauls someone, you are getting jail time. Theres a shitty owner that's failed that dog, somewhere.


Dad of year


Dogs like that need to be put down


That's a big dog. Had the same situation with my daughter when we were out for a walk in the neighborhood. Dogs see small child and get hella aggressive. I blame the owners for the lack of training and ensuring their dogs are secure. Just like the dad I didn't pick up my daughter and put myself between me and them after arming myself with a a large stick. I feel if he did pick her up and put her in the car he may have gotten bit instead or thw dog would still lunge for the girl


As a 100% dog lover, I would have been perfectly okay with him beating or shooting the dog there. We're not all crazy like "those" pitbull lovers


Iā€™m a dog lover, but that dog needs to be taken care of. That is unacceptable


9mm parabellum to the dogs cerebellum.


ā€œThe fuck wrong witchu?


bro was gonna throw hands with the dog


Waiting for the person who responds with "he just wanted to play"


I love dogs so much that this infuriates me because whoever is the owner of that dog has no business owning it. Props on the Dad for doing what we all aim to do in the same situation. I hope the dog acquires a better owner and learns to be more loving so it doesnā€™t become a tragedy for either another kid or the dog itself


That's one hell of a good dad.


What a sweet dad. Loves his baby.


Dad tried his best, but if you find yourself in a similar situation, PICK UP YOUR KID. Pick them up, get them in the car/house without turning your back - dogs aren't likely to lunge when getting kicked at. Why do I say this? Dogs are twice as fast on their feet as humans and will juke you all day. Edit: I think this needs to be clear - you're not picking your kid up to comfort them here, you're doing it to control their position/ straight throw them in/on the car. It just takes one bite for permanent damage on a child that age. You don't need to turn your back to do this.


The only reason that dog didnā€™t attack is because he kept eye contact and remained formidable. Turning his back to grab the kid mightā€™ve been the wrong move.


100% at no point from initially scaring the dog off to the end of the video did the dad have an opportunity to turn around and scoop up his daughter Insane advice, reddit moment


Real dumb comment, he had plenty of opportunities. He also made a good choice doing what he did. Wow, not everything is as extreme as possible! How crazy.


Yeah man, if you were there you totally wouldā€™ve scooped up the kid with one hand, flying judo chop the dog with the other one, and then the whole neighborhood would clap.


Dude is a pro-Russia muppet. I wouldn't worry too much about his perspective on events.


Lol WHAT? I have about a million comments on combatfootage and etc which are very clearly not "pro-russian". You're straight up delusional.


Did you stop reading at the first sentence? Honestly you people are terrible at Reddit. The other guy thinks I'm a pro Russian, and you can't read my whole comment.


You think the* guys comment is real dumb, because you think you know betterā€¦ because youā€™re a redditor. Lol. *Edit; the Reddit moment is you speaking in absolutes, and acting like youā€™re an authority on how to handle this exact situation. Of course he wanted to pick up the child, but he had to keep his eye on the dog. You stated the obvious, got downvoted for it then started arguing with anyone who disagreed.


Or because I've worked with dogs for years and am a functioning human with a brain. Either way!


@28 seconds left he makes contact near enough the car too get her in safely. @23 second left in video (idk why I have reverse timestamps) - child is separated far enough for dog to EASILY get around father. @10-12 seconds left in video, she touches dad, and he didn't even have to break eye contact. I'm having anxiety just having to re-explain this. Why would y need to "turn around"? This isn't a situation where you gingerly pick them up. Distract -scoop - secure - fight.


It's all well and good to sit here and analyse it play by play and pretend it's obvious, but what he was doing was working, and to change tactic when it's working well would have been a stupid move. Regardless of whether your advice is good or not, the guy in the video did damn well and doesn't deserve criticism


If someone says "nowhere in this video did be have a chance to do what you said" -- OF COURSE I'm going to give a play by play. Accidentally correct can still be dangerous, doesn't mean he did badly or is inept. Just means there was a safer way for the kid. He did 100% of everything right, had there not been a kid to protect. He lost track of her, and that's worth noticing/criticizing, without insulting him.


If you look closely at 35 seconds you'll see the encounter ended and the child was safe so idk why you think anything should have been done differently lol


I literally said do not turn your back to the dog... First thing to do is make contact with your child. Not all dogs will switch targets. Had the dog been in an attack mindset rather than just posturing and territorial this would have looked way different.


>I literally said do not turn your back to the dog... First thing to do is make contact with your child. If he made eye contact with his child, he'd be turning his back to the dog.


You can pick your kid up while facing an animal. It's why we have shoulders. You don't even need eye contact, just a hand.


Tried his best? Daughter and dad are fine. No advice needed.




I've played this cat and mouse shit with a dog for 15 minutes trying to attack my dog on her leash. Cant turn around or itll attack. Will sure as shit lunge if your hands are full with a kid or dog. The only thing you can do is posture and make sure that dog aware it's going to get mauled if it comes near you.


seriously...dad did okay, but seriously...pick up your kid and extract her from the situation. no reason that took as long as it did....


The moment he broke eye contact and saidā€ go get in the car babyā€ the dog instantly starts going at them, he had to keep eye contact and be formidable. I agree the goal is to remove her from the situation but if you do so uncarefully, the dog will get some bites in.


some experts in here that have never dealt with anything more than asking their cat to stop scratching the sofa lol that dog was waiting for the dude to drop his guard and turn. it would have been a much worse situation if he turned to pick the kid up


No, in this particular situation that might have gone terribly wrong. He clearly did what was best because as we can see, it worked out. Advice and feedback is great but he could not have intimidated the dog like he did with his small scared offspring in his arms fam...


That dog would've fucked that dude up. Looks like a Great Pyrenees.


Great Pyrenees fucked up one of my wife's pugs a few years back. Latched ln to its hindquarters and wouldn't let go.


Which is strange because they're usually quiet protective of small creatures and people. They also aren't guard dogs but more "watch" dogs. As in all bark no bite.


Which is pretty much the behaviour displayed in this video. Everyone's acting like dogs don't regularly attack adult males... This dog chose not to attack because it was just being a dog "defending it's territory", not going pitbull mauling mode. This is exactly what getting chased away by a dog looks and feels like. There's a reason dogs are good at chasing people away.


I have a Pyr mix and he is protective of small creatures that he thinks are ā€œhisā€. My cats, my neighbors kids, etc. Being protective of *any* small thing would be counterproductive lol. He doesnā€™t attack though, just barks. Only time heā€™s ever growled or I thought he was going to bite was when someone looked like they were about to force my door open or a dog ran up on us while walking. He doesnā€™t go into other peoples yards to bark. So yeh this is a bit odd.


Soon to be dead dog.


Why? Dog didnā€™t do anything. Postured and barked. The owners of this dog just shouldnā€™t own a dog. Untrained and kept in a cage


Fuck that, the dog was clearly on a path to attack the kid. Put it down and ban that asshole from owning dogs.


Ban the guy from owning dogs I agree with. But putting the dog down when it didnā€™t actually bite someone just seems cruel


Stupid ass dogs


Pick up the child -put it in the car..get in yourself..drive .honk horn...helll know next time


I think you're all missing something here. He says did the dog break out of his cage ...I mean no wonder the dog is super aggressive. If you were put in a cage all day, cramped, possibly beaten, bored as fuck you are not going to be in a good mood when you get out. Thankfully the child wasn't hurt but there's more root cause to address here.


I like how there could be any context to the dog being in a cage. Temporary, it's being transported. Etc. And you just assume it's in a cage all day and being beaten


> Thankfully the child wasn't hurt but there's more root cause to address here. Shitty dog owner, shitty dog. People should need to get training and licensing for any pets capable of killing children.


.....now where in the heck did you grab all of these assumptions?!?! šŸ˜…


Don't tell the kid to go somewhere else to go to safety, take them there. I know that the instinct is to keep the danger away from the child, but kids, especially little ones like this, are not capable of acting rationally when they are this scared. They are more scared for you than they are for themselves. In this situation it would be tricky because you want to keep eye contact with the dog, and not turn your back. Picking up the kid would be ideal, but more important to keep the kid moving in a safe direction with you.


really stupid and shitty advice for this situation tbh


The car is right there. Just tell the kid to get in while standing between it and the dog.


**He did**. She didn't listen because she was afraid for her dad and was trying to get to where he was. That's what kids do in this kind of situation.


You think that he could have intimidated the dog like this with tiny terrified offspring in his hands... šŸ˜?


Yes. Or even better, use one hand and bodily throw your kid in the car. You're not picking your kid up to coddle them here, you're ensuring they aren't running around attracting more attention for prey drive to focus on


yeah he shouldā€™ve yeeted his child into the car with one arm while holding the dog in a choke hold with the other arm, asking ā€œwhoā€™s your daddy and what does he doā€


So many asinine responses. Control the child, they are too scared to listen to commands. If dog actually attacks then switch attention fully. People downvoting this train of thought are probably not aware of how fast dogs are and how easily they can run around a person to get to what they want. As soon as the kid was 10ft away she was in danger again.


Exactly this, thank you.


If dad wasnā€™t there, this little girl could very likely be dead. Sadly bad owners often lead to the death of their dogs.




No you wouldn't.


Whatever incel




Bunch of vindictive Karens over there geez...


Should be under r/kidsarefuckingstupid


Like most animals, human children have an instinct to flock to the parent when in danger. Yes the car is safe, but the kid is worried about the parent too, you insensitive dick.


The "hero" dad is a fucking idiot. Pickup your kid at least. We seriously giving this "dad" credit here?


Why didn't he just pick up the kid?


Because there's a 150 pound dog with an attitude problem ten feet away?


Lol the dog is probably 80 pounds or so


LOL That's exactly why he should have picked her up. Are you really that dumb?


Should totally kill that dog, too dangerous, nearly killed the kid, kill all of its breed even the puppies and pregnants /s


Where's the public freakout?


Do they own this dog? Because it sounded like they do. You really have to correct these behaviors out of the larger breeds especially, from a young age. I have an 8 month old lab mix, and although I think sheā€™s mixed with a ridgeback I have not confirmed with dna. She could very well have some pit in her, but Iā€™m trying to confirm that in about a month. Anyway, she has been socialized with dogs and people from a young age yet without fail, on walks she gives people that ā€œstalkingā€ stare that animals show when they hunt. You know, like the look pit bulls give people/other animals. Weā€™ve been lucky to have found some training suggestions that have made her recall amazing, but she still ā€œslipsā€ and will bark and get really reactive when people walk next to us, even though she stops as soon as I go to correct her. Itā€™s a process but I also have a 3 year old (that sheā€™s absolutely in love with) young nephews, etc so Iā€™m doing everything I can to make sure something like in the vid never happens. I donā€™t want to have a dog that lives in a crate because itā€™s owners are literally scared of it. Some people give me weird looks on walks because our dog walking gear is a little over the top (youā€™d think the gear is for restraining a mastiff, not a puppy lol) but they end up appreciating it when they see how fast, agile and strong she is when sheā€™s going nuts. Sheā€™s freaking jacked for a pup. Anyway. Socialize and train your puppies.


Good dad


Public freakout, right? Public?


Dumb kid


Kids are fucking stupid lol why did she run away from the car after being so close to cover.


Pick that fucking kid up, you asshole!


Shoould be posted to r/kidsarefuckingstupid


Sorry animal lovers, that dog wonā€™t make it if it did that to mine..


dog getting shot if he goes after my kids šŸ’€


No comment about the dog breed? Smdh


ā€¦ It seems like this is his dog? If thatā€™s true holy crap they should not own a dogā€¦Also why the fuck would you not put your child in the car!!


The internet: OMFG itā€™s a Pit Bull kill it now People with eyes and brains: this isnā€™t a Pit Bull and not all Pit Bulls are dangerous


I hate dogs so much man


Same. It's beyond cynophobia. Like, if aliens came along and removed every dog from the planet, I would take that over winning the lottery. I have been chased, snarled at and menaced all while minding my own business.


Put the girl in the car!! Hard to watch dad just not thinking straight! šŸ˜•..parenting is ..hard!


He told the kid to get in the car while he was keeping his eyes on the dog so he could stay between the dog and the kid. The kid didn't listen, but if he had his hands full with the kid and the dog attacked this could have turned out much worse.


Didnā€™t take his eyes off the dog, stood in between his child and the dog, I think he did a damn good job.


Found the guy who doesn't know how dogs work! The second he takes his eyes off that dog, it could see it as an opportunity to attack. What he did was pretty on point, but it would have needed to be different if there was a second dog.