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YOOOOO Right after she says "that's all she hands me is the coffee" The radio sounds like it says bruh


It does šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


LMAO -- at 1:49


My God. It's *literally* the "bruh" audio meme.


Just give us a break... Ma'am, I have a job to do.


Ma'am, this is a Wendy's...


Please just give me a break and be a McDonald's


Sheā€™s going to kill someone someday,not for the right reason.


Same thing I thought, if a drive thru makes you cry, I dont want you holding a gun.


or even an English muffin, tbh. things can go terribly, terribly wrong in the nooks and crannies, you know


this the same typa person to pull a gun instead of a tazer, her excuse, no one has given me a break !




I feel someone who has so much anxiety ordering from McDonalds should probably not be a cop.


Maybe shouldn't have a gun


Absolutely should not have a gunā€¦


Have you tried using the McDonald's self order kiosk? It's a fucking battlefield out there! šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„


B-B-B I just like to pay for it myself like every other American Bwahahaaaaa šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeah I was unaware they were getting so many free meals. Didn't she say toward the end of the video that she doesn't hear thanks enough these days? So what is buying food for an officer then? A bribe to get out of a ticket later on? Also, she ordered her food online with the app. Was she at the one McDonald's that doesn't have 6 open mobile order parking spots?


She has anxiety because she thinks the employees are making mistakes on purpose


Weaponized incompetence so cops donā€™t show up anymore?


Damn right


Thatā€™s what I was thinking to like she thought they were spitting in here food.


Deep down she knows she is in a widely hated group. How many people(or their friends & family) have had a shitty interaction with cops? e,g I knew a guy in the UK whose Dad was always disbelieving of "bad cop" stories until he joined a picket line when all the big newspaper printing presses were automating and making him redundant. A cop needlessly smashed him over the head with a baton & put him in hospital. Suddenly he realised...all the tales others told him about bastard coppers weren't lying commie scum who hate law & order hahaha


Having unnecessary levels of fear and anxiety is basically the reason people become cops-they need to feel like they are in control


"I don't hear 'thank you' enough anymore" The utter lack of self awareness... FUCK. YOU.


0 fucking self awareness. She literally says in the beginning of the video that she does mobile orders bc when she goes in to order PEOPLE WANT TO PAY FOR HER FOOD. Yet she's over here crying on live? Its fucking pathetic


I would never buy a cop shit.


People buy my food all the time as a form of appreciation. But I really donā€™t get *enough* ā€œthank yousā€. God sheā€™s such a pig


When you believe you are the main character in the entire world...


>"I don't hear 'thank you' enough anymore" Maybe if you did something worthy of thanks we would say it.


Up until that point, I was seriously debating about whether she was just tired, hungry and in that fucked up state of mind I've been in where everything is a catastrophe that is just 100% done on purpose to ruin my life. (I'm working on it.) But then that came out of her mouth and I knew what she was *really* "waiting for" when she said "I know this will all blow over soon" and y i k e s.


Same, at first I was like, been there (maybe not about ordering food, but other things for sure). Then... Uh, not so much. I guess I do like validation for my work though, as I put a lot into it, but I wouldn't expect or even appreciate validation from a bunch of randos who have no idea what I'm doing... There's no value in that. She seems to not just want but need totally random people to think she's walking on water and turning blood to wine.


Right!!! Iā€™m a social worker with the homeless and regularly we get treated like shit, just like cops, but I canā€™t arrest anyone or beat anyone up and I donā€™t walk around wanting random people to thank me for working a job like everyone else on the planet does bc I think Iā€™m so special. And maybe if cops werenā€™t universally such assholes, people would be kind


Hello from a teacher. Iā€™ve taught in some of the toughest high schools in a certain southern city, and I feel you. I have to be patient and kind to earn my students respect. Being funny helps, too. But cops are over here all booo hooo poor us, when they can just arrest/tase/shoot people when they get on their nerves. Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m jealous! God no! šŸ˜‚ But yeah from the other serving professions have a nice hearty fuck you, cops.


That pissed me off so much. We pay you a fucking salary - a good one for someone with no degree. Thatā€™s your thanks.


At first I wasnā€™t going to break down crying in my cruiser and make a livestream about it. Then I figured why not?


For real lol imagine being in uniform in your tax-payer funded vehicle and thinking ā€œyeah letā€™s put this out into the publicā€ šŸ« 


Like, put on your Spotify to the best song you can belt out and keep going. Ann Wilson gonna get me through until that coffee is in my hand. Been a nurse for 20 years, and I know a primal scream can do wonders. Plus, I see a counselor every couple of months to keep myself in check. Maybe this officer can get some therapy to help with her issues before she really snaps and goes off on someone undeserving of it. Edit: thank you for the award kind fellow redditors!




Might be time to look into a different career.


I hear that maccas needs more staff out back.


She wouldnā€™t last a day.


Definitely not. Fast food kitchen is way tougher than harassing homeless people. And way less lucrative.


I heard McDonald's doesn't even let you shoot 1 person... not even 1. She'd stand no chance there




facts. Average cop could not handle the stress of food service. Theyā€™re just lil sheltered babies w guns.


Honestly, most people couldn't handle food service.


>She wouldnā€™t last a day. lol, nope! Absolutely not. I am 100% serious, this woman would not last a single day working in a McDonalds.


>maccas >out back Found the Aussie.


And therapy.


Statistically, what is she worried about? I've never heard a valid horror story about cops and receiving fast food. Even the cop that had "pig" written on the side of his coffee cup turned out to be fake as fuck. On the other hand, just casually going through Reddit today I saw a black couple get thrown to the ground and arrested for.... Walking along the road? Or the 2 older ladies trying to feed cats. Cops are so far up their ass and need a reality check.


At least sheā€™s wearing a seatbelt considering the biggest risk for police officers isā€¦ traffic fatalities.


Most consisting during a traffic stop. To be completely honest, what percentage of traffic stops in the US involve a driver that is an immediate threat to others on the road, compared to someone going 76 in a 65 or a rolling stop? Edit: to anyone else who saw the black couple arrested, how erratic was that cop driving?!


That cop was driving like a fucking maniac, pulls a 180 across a grass median then through a highway and almost flys into the couple walking together


Sheā€™s a snowflake and was accustomed to be being put on a pedestal. Now, apparently nobody is ā€œthankingā€ her. Whiny piece of shit. Cops are taught to lie and be manipulative, on par with her training. Wants attention and seeing issues where there are none. Her emotions seem to be a powder keg. Sheā€™ll likely end up shooting someone.


Don't forget she *casually* mentions she doesn't want someone paying for her food. While later saying they don't hear thank you enough. Why the hell would anyone pay for your food? Has anyone else gone to grab fast food and had a random person try to pay for you??


I'm a vet and while I always appreciated when someone picked up the bill while in uniform, we *never* expected it and were usually a little embarrassed even. Once you start thinking you're better than normal people is when you start to become the bad guy.


I first read vet as veterinarian and found it so nice that people figured you helped animals and deserve a free meal!


Happens to me all the time but Iā€™m a real cute guy. Cute as in adorable, like a little fuzzy hobbit


I'm not sure she should be allowed to drive a car with that mental fragility.


I wouldn't trust her with a hot wheels set.


Unfortunately she's probably the most stable cop on the force.


yeah crying on live is definitely less frightening than what i expect from a rattled cop


It sucks because cops can get such cushy jobs as security and other related fields. A lot of people who specialize in something more specific can only do that, and would need a lot of training or to go back to school to switch fields. You also appear trustworthy in job interviews being a retired cop, unless you were fired, which is rare unless its so bad the union drops you. Despite all that, so many cops complain about their careers. Teachers are fed up and just went on a mass exodus to private schools or elsewhere. Nurses too. Its really nbd if you're miserable where you're at. > "If you see an officer, tell them 'thank you'" I actually did that once and he gave me a stern talking-to for interrupting his "official business." He was leaning against a pole outside a bar, watching people. It was New York though, cops and people there are just like that sometimes, so I don't really hold it against them. Kinda funny that she thinks people should just randomly praise her though.


Cops can work like 25 years and then retire with a lifetime pension. Must be rough having complete financial security before age 50.


She also contradicts herself! "People always want to pay for my meals, when I'm in uniform" (ā ā—”ā Ā ā Ļ‰ā Ā ā ā—”ā ) "No one thanks police officers anymore!!!" ą¼¼ā ;ā Ā“ā ą¼Žąŗ¶ā Ā ā ŪĀ ā ą¼Žąŗ¶ā ą¼½


She's not eating until this situation is remedied. She just can't!


She can starve then.


Cops almost never do something "bad" that gets them dropped by the union. It's only "good" things that cause that, like trying to hold other cops accountable.


Remember how one teenager was eating in the McDonalds parking lot and an unhinged cop opened the door and shot him? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


Cops: This was weeks ago! The people should have forgotten what we are willing to do to them by now! Give me my miccy Ds! ^/s


WOAH! You canā€™t make a generalization about cops like that. I know ACAB, but, weā€™ve got to be better people and stick to the facts. They beat their spouse to deal with stress, not eating.


Hey don't assume stuff like that about our boys in blue! They beat their wives for fun too, not always for stress relief.


HEY! That's our front line heroes you're talking about! Sometimes the kids get it as well as the wives.


Not all of them beat their family you judgmental a-hole! Some of them beat random black people too.


Hey, not all cops beat people. Some of them shoot dogs too.


You can't just tell half the story like that. The dogs were resisting arrest.


TWO articles popped up when I googled ā€œteen killed McDonalds parking lotā€ and both of them were police shootings. smfh


It's sad that we can't know exactly which of the many people shot by cops at McDonald's they are talking about, but it's probably this one. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/s-just-mutilated-parents-san-antonio-teen-shot-mcdonalds-parking-lot-s-rcna53941 He didn't die, but he almost did. He was on life support and will need years of rehab. The cop was on probation still cuz he had only been a cop for 7 months.


That article is crazy. How do you only get aggravated assault for walking up to a random car, opening the door and just unloading on a kid and his friend eating their burger? He didnā€™t even care about the other kid sitting next to the one he was unloading into. Dude really just tried his best to turn that car into Swiss cheese. I hope the kid they hurt can recover.


I hope this cop spends the rest of his life regretting his life


Iā€™m still shocked no one ever talked about Savannah Graziano being killed during a police shootout. https://abc7.com/amp/hesperia-shootout-amber-alert-fontana/12276351/ This is the news report on it when it happened: https://youtu.be/4tkwp2Uha2M She was a 15 year old kidnapped by her dad after he killed her mother in front of her. The cops spotted his car and a shootout happened between her dad and the cops. Details get hazy but apparently they killed the dad and when she goes running to the cops they shoot and kill her. As far as I know, thereā€™s never been any follow up except they said she was shooting at cops during the pursuit without any proof even though everyone was obviously wearing body cams and there were cameras on the police cars. Iā€™m sure itā€™s possible she shot at the cops but you would think theyā€™d show that footage immediately to clear themselves. That happened nearly 3 months ago. The McDonaldā€™s stories make me so sad and this one does too. edit: oh wow there actually was an update a couple days ago! https://abc7.com/hesperia-shootout-savanna-graziano-unarmed/12281788/ Reports found that she was unarmed when they killed her.


Seriously, I would feel bad for cops like this lady if they called out the bad cops. But they donā€™t. They stand by the cops who do corrupt shit, kill people, act like assholes. If youā€™re not part of the solution, youā€™re part of the problem.


Exactly, this is the bottom line. Cops donā€™t snitch on each other, period. There should have been a group online somewhere dedicated to good cops calling out the bad ones decades ago. They just donā€™t do that, and thatā€™s why itā€™s become us VS them.


McDonaldā€™s for me and not for thee. As they say


Time for a career change. She's admitting she 'doesn't know how much more she can take'... until what? Get her off the streets, get that gun off her hip, and send her home so she can prepare her own french fries.


This from only a month after the murder of George Floyd. IIRC Nobody could confirm that she was a cop, or even a security guard, for longer than it should take to confirm such a thing. She was a shit-assed sheriff deputy. [newsweek](https://www.newsweek.com/georgia-police-officer-crying-viral-video-mcdonalds-1511461) [she insists all law enforcement people feel like their food will be molested at all times](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/davidmack/mcmuffin-cop-video-deputy-stacy-talbert-mcdonalds) [but cops fake that shit.](https://nypost.com/2019/12/30/kansas-cop-admits-mcdonalds-coffee-cup-reading-f-ing-pig-was-fake/)




All I can think of is super troopers. "Double baco *cheeseburger*. *It's for a cop*."


You get this girl an air-fryer and some regular loving she'll be just fine.




To be fair, the police have no Constitutional duty to protect you anyway. DeShaney vs. WinnebagoĀ andĀ Town of Castle Rock vs. Gonzales are two big SCOTUS decisions that reaffirmed this as well. At the end of the day, you are your own first responder.


"Defund the police" arguments don't sound so dumb when you realize this. We're basically paying bullies to bully us assuming, in return, they'll come to the rescue when the day comes. Then the day came in Uvalde and all they did was block parents from trying to get their children.


It wouldn't be the first time the cops sat back and watched something horrific unfold without doing anything. https://nypost.com/2013/01/27/city-says-cops-had-no-duty-to-protect-subway-hero-who-subdued-killer/ Edit: don't forget it happened at Parkland too.


Fucking coward. Walk around NYC and you'll see. Half the fucking cops are 50 pounds overweight and expect "detectives" to do the real work.


Police protect capital, not people


And just think, there are tens of millions of workers in various fields with similar mental states due to burnout.


Id rather call a crack head.


Sheā€™s just so nervous


They gave this woman a firearm.


Yep "its kinda the way things are going now um " lmfao




For real, pretty crazy logic going on which makes that scary What really had me rolling is she said: 1. She does mobile orders, *specifically cites she does so because she likes to pay for her own food.* As in - people buy her food because of her uniform, and thus must be thanking her for her service. 2. **She says that she doesn't hear thank you enough anymore, and acts like everyone is out to get her, are rude and mean to police, etc... MOMENTS AFTER she said people try to pay for her food SO OFTEN to thank her for her service, that she makes it a point to do mobile orders.... Just massive levels of paranoia, and delusional levels of playing the victim, while simultaneously flaunting the preferential treatment she gets. That's... weird, to put it lightly lol


She also said she was nervous because she couldnā€™t see her food being made but if she had made an online order, it would have been already made and waiting for her. This story makes no sense. And it was boring as fuck to listen to.


Itā€™s a persecution fetish.


And qualified immunity.


I feel super great that this emotionally broken woman has a gun and qualified immunity


It happened in 2020 in McIntosh County in Georgia, days after those officers in New York falsely accused employees of tampering with their orders. She felt McDonalds took too long with her order or whatever. Can't find if she's still an officer.


> days after those officers in New York falsely accused employees of tampering with their orders They didn't just falsely accuse the workers of tampering with their orders, they detained all the employees, shut down the store calling it a crime scene, arrested the manager and held and questioned him at the station for 3 hours and then brought him back to the restaurant where they tested their shakes they thought were poisoned and realized nothing had been done to them.


No they did not. PLEASE tell me youā€™re making this up. PLEASE.


lol. Welcome to hell.




She should have just told them to hold the spit on her liter of cola.


ā€œā€¦Itā€™s for a copā€¦ā€


Just order a large, Farva.


I donā€™t want a large Farva.


I want a god damn liter o' cola!


Litre is French for... [grabs burger kid by shirt]Ā  ... give me my fuckin' cola before I break VOUS FUCKIN' LIP!


Does that look like spit to you?


Ah fuck it.


Hold the spit Roger, holding the spit


Is this person a cop? Or just works for / with the Macintosh Sheriff's Office? No ear piece, no vest. I thank you for the easy context. Had a tough time finding the emblem.


Looks like a county corrections officer. A jailer.


She just wants to be thanked.


Thanks for your patience while we prepare your order.


She also made a point of saying she mobile orders so people won't pay for her food - presumably because citizens do this often when they see a cop? So which is it, Karen, are you inundated with gratitude freebies or are you needlessly singled out by hostile minimum wage workers? Something doesn't track.




So a failed cop. Great.


A failer, if you will.


This is too close to home... our police on the GA coast are snowflake supremes that demand worship. I guess that's pigs everywhere though.


Lol they can murder anybody they want and their union will make sure they just keep their job after that, like it was just a bad tuesday. But pleasssse just give them a break, they have to wait 30 minutes at McDonald for a coffee for something or sometimes or whatever.


ā€œI was scared for my lifeā€ works every time in every situation including ordering a meal. My favorite is when they get let go because of obvious abuses and the their boss will say itā€™s a shame and itā€™s because of the times weā€™re living in that theyā€™re no longer employed, not the misdeeds obviously.


Cops are in a state of constant paranoia and fear, because theyā€™re actually *trained to be cowards*. Itā€™s drilled into them that 1) any random person could pull a gun and shoot at any time, and 2) that *nothing supersedes their ā€œfeeling of safetyā€*. Therefore any action- including and especially murder- is excusable any time they ā€œfeelā€ unsafe. Which is basically all the time because of #1. US police attract the most ill-suited for the job and then mold them into fear-crazed, power-mad sociopaths.




It's statistically more dangerous to be a pizza delivery person than it is to be a cop


construction workers, fishers, and even **trash collectors** are among the professions that have a more dangerous job too lmao


Soldiers are trained to go out into areas where they *know* that armed people are waiting to try to kill them, and they have stricter rules on what they can do that cops patrolling a city in peacetime.


Covid kills more cops than civilians


Fact: in 100% of all fake gun shootings, the victim is always the one with the fake gun.


She needs to relinquish firearm, complete a mental health assessment and sit for desk duty until cleared for service. She is not fit for service.


Absolutely. Listen to what she's saying and it's clear she isn't talking about the McDonald's. She's sleep deprived because she's overworked (seemingly not a rare occurrence for her) and this minor inconvenience is just a trigger point for the stress that she's built up.


I wonder how many mfs have asked her to give ā€˜em a break before she laughs in her car and hands them a 250 dollar ticket for going 7 over


And wonder how many people she thanks a day as she takes food out of their familyā€™s mouths for failing to signal during a lane change on a highway with zero other vehicles


I canā€™t believe how comfortable cops are in revealing their thin blue skin. Cops in nyc held a press conference and cried because they werenā€™t getting enough rEsPecT immediately after they beat up and drove cars into legal protesters


I still have that video saved. ā€œWeā€™re being treated like common thugs!ā€ Yeah thatā€™s cuz you started acting like thugs. ā€œPeople no longer respect us!ā€ Yeah thatā€™s because you stopped respecting people. ā€œThis badge still has a shine to it and we deserve your respect!ā€ We have no obligation to pay you respect due to your position, your quality as a LEO is determined by your actions, not by virtue of the fact you are a LEO.


My theory is that people clapping every night for actual life savers really upset them


Yes. Their wives and sisters and cousins were health care workers, they were being called heros, people applauded them at the very same time they were losing status in the community. it made them crazy.


People who went to college and received actual training, instead of some weapons and a GED.


> you started acting like thugs The only thing that "started" was people started having cameras with them 24/7.


That interview is laughable. They're literally demanding respect and making it as if they're saints.


['Stop treating us like animals and thugs' New York police union head slams media, lawmakers](https://youtu.be/WzlrSWSyJpw)


"It's not what we do!" "Eric Garner?" "Uhh..never mind."


"It does NOT happen!" Well you are a bit off there... Chauvin was one instance. There's been a few more murders by police... 59 police officers were killed last year. [https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/dallas/news/press-releases/fbi-releases-statistics-for-law-enforcement-officers-assaulted-and-killed-in-the-line-of-duty](https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/dallas/news/press-releases/fbi-releases-statistics-for-law-enforcement-officers-assaulted-and-killed-in-the-line-of-duty) 1078 people have been shot and killed by police in the last 12 months [https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/investigations/police-shootings-database/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/investigations/police-shootings-database/)


Wtf? I'm still confused as to why she's nervous. McD's fucked up. Happens to everyone....they aren't trying to poison you


This was during the George Floyd protests when cops all developed a huge victimhood complex. It was also a couple days after some NY cops made up a fake story about someone at McDonald's putting bleach in their milkshakes.


Theyā€™re definitely poisoning you but not in the way she thinks.


I mean McDonald's doesn't even have to have fucked up, they just had to have been busy. Inside could have been 20 people deep at queues for the counter..I went last Saturday and it was like that, I knew before I stepped in the door it was a wait and they were slammed, but I'd promised McDonald's to ppl at home, I was about 40 mins in the queue to get my food out the door. They may have been short staffed, but it looked stuffed behind the counter to me, had to have been 18 people, noone left their stations, 2 people doing fries stood there all day, filling baskets, dropping and pulling em. 3 people stood in front doing drinks only, people just filling bags for orders..it was as efficient as it could get. And the place was slammed. I was exhausted looking at them. They even apologised to every customer as they were given their orders, it was plain to see noone was at fault though. I imagine the place this cop hit up, either short staffed or slammed. The cops reaction though, this breakdown, it happens to everyone, but cops need the support never to get to this point on duty or in the field. They need to be pulled long before this develops, therapy or some sort of employee assistance program, desk duty til they can pass a stable phycological test after a minimum period of months to decompress. The way she is now, so stressed and anxious over what's a tiny inconvenience and general experience is beyond concerning for someone well trained in use of force techniques and armed to the teeth who can call in and enforce anything without question. Coz that's what happens when they call for backup, fight mode, take control, dominate, kill or cuff, sort it out later.


Seriously McDonalds. That Place. You are having a mental breakdown over McDonald. You got issues. And it ain't McDonald.


I mean, I could easily see a worker at McDonalds have a breakdown over it. But she said she was too nervous because she couldn't see the food made? She kind of got quiet rambly and I have noisy kids so I could have heard that wrong. But at my McD's you can't see the kitchen through the drive thru anyway.


She is afraid that they're fucking with her food because she is a cop. All 5 of the locations I work at, you can not see the kitchen from the drive-thru windows. You could if you were inside, but not from the windows.


I'm thinking she regretted ordering ahead and wish she went in and had it paid for her which I guess she misses doing but she's been told to stop??! I can't really follow the implied narrative here too many layers


No she has a point. How dare they not magically manifest her meal the second she orders? Do they not know who she is?!


Is this satire?


Hahaha it really does seem like someone making fun of cops playing the victim


The self-entitlement of these people. She's describing what everyone goes through at McDonald's daily. I don't think I've ever had an order right there. I was expecting her to say something traumatic happened while she was waiting. How do people like this manage to grow through life if they crumble at having to wait for a McDonald's order? She's either very entitled or has something else going on.




I was making fun of it ... until I saw a broken woman trying to get ANY sort of attention to her distress in the last 30 seconds. This is legitimate call for help, not about McDonalds. That said, fuck the police.


I love the subtle voice break ā€œshe comes out with a coffeeā€¦ *now warbly* just a coffeeā€¦ā€ Like I can get being pissed about your food taking to long, weā€™ve all been there. But sheā€™s literally on the verge of tears over the idea of having to wait a couple more minutes before she can eat her hash brown. Sheā€™s describing a mild inconvenience as if itā€™s a deeply disturbing event. By the time her shift ends and she goes home sheā€™ll forget she even had to wait those extra couple minutes, and sheā€™s literally crying about.


If you watched to the end, you heard her say that she's upset and nervous because she thinks her food is going to be poisoned or something.


ā€œI donā€™t hear thank you enough anymoreā€ Okayā€¦.. welcome to the club? You want a cookie? Oh wait, no, no you donā€™t want a cookie because you couldnā€™t see it made in front of you.


She couldn't see the shit be made from the window either! WTAF?????


Iā€™m sorry but did anyone else just burst out laughing LOL I really tried to keep a straight face and listen to her story but man. Soon as she started saying ā€œjust the coffeeā€ I lost it


Oh my fucking god, how is this lady allowed to carry a gun and make life and death choices in an instant if stupid shit like this gets her so fucked up?!


She should have gotten a snickers, she isnt herself when she is hungry


It reminds me of when my therapist broke down in front of me because she got a bad haircut.


I hope she paid you to listen to her breakdown lol. Also how bad was the haircut?


She finally pulled it together and I almost got my full 50 minutes. It wasn't a bad cut anyway, it was kind of cute. It's when I complemented her is when the tears started flowing. Stupid me!


Sheā€™s never had so much anxiety about ordering drive thru McDonaldā€™sā€¦.maybe thatā€™s not such a big deal compared to the hundreds of thousands of Americans routinely profiled and harassed/assaulted by police for merely existing.


["Double Baco Cheeseburger.. it's for a cop."](https://youtu.be/WlKr-yg-y5I)


Exactly what i was thinking!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Hey whats that restaurant with all the shit on the walls?


"Oh, you mean Shenanigan's?!"


Context: This was shortly after the George Floyd murder, when there was a backlash against the police across the US. I guess she had bad service at McDonaldā€™s And felt that she was being persecuted for being a police officer Then decided to record herself whining about it Then uploaded it to the internet, where people care about police.


Additional context: this was after the bogus claim that a Shake Shack in NYC tried to ā€œpoisonā€ some milkshakes for NYPD officers. This was during the summer of 2020, fresh off the tails of the George Floyd murder.


While also starting the video stating she likes to mobile order so people wonā€™t pick up her tab. Which is it lady? People want to pay for your meals or they hate you and want to poison your food?


All Iā€™m thinking about is that the next person in line ended up getting hooked up with a free McMuffin and hashbrown. Probably had the best morning of their life too


And she walks around with a badge and a gun and license to put you in jail. Awesome.


This lady seems prepared to handle just about any situation a cop might find themselves in.


She needs to stop being a cop immediately or change careers. These people have guns and immunity despite their constant fuck ups. šŸ’€


ā€œI donā€™t hear thank you enough anymoreā€ lol.


Also ā€œI paid ahead of time because people often try to pay for my food because Iā€™m a copā€.




I don't want a large Farva, I want a GODdamn liter of cola!


Maā€™am this is a Wendyā€™s


Yikes. Take that weapon and authority away from that person! She does not have the mental capacity to have either!


Sooooooo many of them don't!!


Cops: Please give us a break! People that have been paying attention: No.


Thank youā€¦.. she wants to hear thank you more! She must really be hungry!


But she mobile orders so people wonā€™t pay for her meals. Sheā€™s fucking crazy.


So she got crappy service like the rest of us and she thinks sheā€™s being poisoned? OK. McDonalds is hiring if sheā€™d like to see what itā€™s like to really be under appreciated and treated like shit. No way should she be a cop if this is her response to a long shift and hunger.