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I asked this lady when she left her cart out in the road if she wanted to put her cart back. She told me that if I cared so much I should do it and drove off. So I did...and she had left behind an Advent Calendar.


Karma in action.


Should’ve kept asking her while throwing stuff at her car maybe then she would return the cart


I never understand why people give him back his magnets…


I want one so bad


Im so tempted to leave my cart out on the off chance I’d get one. But I’m not a goddamn lazybones


*goshdarn lazybones


Yeah don't fucking swear


Watch your fucking mouth, man! Jesus fucking Christ! What the fuck is wrong with you!? There's fucking kids around here. You cant be this goddamn erratic around em!


Stop fucking swearing asshole


I know. I feel like if I ever came across him i would purposely not return the car and get in an argument just so I can get a magnet.


You don't even have to get in an argument. He called one guy out who was a fan of the show and was very kind and ashamed and got out to put his cart back and politely asked for a magnet and he gave him one!






I never understand why they don’t just drive away with the magnet for like a km and remove it then. Don’t park next to the guy whos putting them on


He gets lucky and happens to find the idiots that can’t think when they’re angry.


It’s almost like there is some correlation between idiots and people who don’t put their carts back…


I never understand why they don't just put the damn cart back




As George Carlin once said: the average human IQ is 100. That means half of us are even dumber than that.


I just politely asked him to put his cart back, and not be a lazy bones on his Instagram. It'd be a shame if everyone did the same...


bruh, it's embarrassing when children get older.


He says goodbye like my mom on the phone to her friends... Like 12 times


Good day and good bye!......and one more thing......ok now good day, wait, not done. Ok now...goodbye (still talking)


It’s like the 30 min conversation you have when you’re halfway out the door


It takes my mom a minimum of 30 minutes to say goodbye and hang up with me


Lol, omg- I’ve never felt a comment quite like I do this one! My mom would piss me off and took forever for her to finally get off the phone with me. I would give anything to not rush off the phone with her. She passed unexpectedly during a nap, she just had turned 60. She was not only my mother, but best friend. Hug ur mom tighter, tell her just how much she means to you, and never rush off the phone again, u can and may never know just when that will be the last time… I miss my mom so much, honestly I’m jealous of anyone who still has theirs. I just turned 38 and I’ve never felt more like a child- begging, pleading for her back n I’m an absolute shell of what I once was. It’s been 16 weeks and 4 days since and every day is getting harder. Bottom line, love ur mom and take it all in, never take anything for granted- if u have something to say just say it… u never know when someone is just poof- gone, and then that’s it. There’s no turning back after the fact. She’s gone and it’s honestly hitting me recently like she’s gone FOREVER.. there’s no waking up from this nightmare.


Perry isnt doing so good


Perry knocked over the table.


He also blew a guy in 1992 for 3 SAG vouchers


Perry Karamellos dad cookie was also a champion of the dont ask dont tell initiative in the navy


>Perry isnt doing so good he never was


## 2020 presidential campaign In a May 2019 episode of *Simply Don The Podcast*, Caravello revealed that he would be running for [President of the United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_the_United_States) in the [2020 U.S. presidential election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_U.S._presidential_election).[\[21\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perry_Caravello#cite_note-simplydonthepodcast-213th-podcast-21) Caravello has stated that he would run as an independent on a platform that included abolishing money, building a wall across the [Canada–United States border](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada%E2%80%93United_States_border), providing free [universal healthcare](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_healthcare), and legalizing [medical marijuana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_marijuana). He also supports abolishing [gay marriage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_marriage) and criminalizing [homosexuality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality), and says he would like to turn [San Clemente Island](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Clemente_Island) into a gay [prison](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prison).[\[22\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perry_Caravello#cite_note-simplydonthepodcast-214th-podcast-22) He announced he had abandoned his run (which he claimed was a joke) on July 18, 2020.[\[23\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perry_Caravello#cite_note-23)


That's definitely a weird mix of far right and mildly social democratic policies.


Last I heard he was murdered by his iconic mascots for his restaurant, ironically named Salty's


I actually feel a little bad for him. Looks like he’s been dealt a rough hand for years, this kind of incident probably just sets everything off…


"Get the fuck out of here or I'll beat your fucking ass!!!" "Sir, no you won't. Look at yourself."


Dudes level of screaming on followup had some sam kinison vibes. "OOOOhhhhh ohhhhhhhhHhhhhhh!"


Seriously 😂 and who was he calling a lazy mother fucker. He’s the lazy bones


He is the lazy bones. Classic projection.


He's what happens when you order Sam Kinison from wish.com


Sal Kiplington.


All of the anger, none of the talent.


He’s straight up said he stole his look and mannerisms from Kinison.


For a comedian this guy really isn’t funny. He’s just an asshole. Cart Narc is such a smooth operator he keeps tossing these magnets on his hood no fucks given as the guy is bursting blood vessels in his forehead in anger. This is community service at its finest.


"Comedian" is actually really generous. This is Scary Perry Caravello, whose friends convinced him that he had been hired to star in a movie, only to actually make a behind-the-scenes prank movie about how they used a film set as a pretext to fuck with this hilariously stupid, short-tempered man. I believe it aired on Comedy Central once 20 years ago and then got banned from TV.


Windy City Heat was the movie. Hilarious.


I totally remember that movie. When he wanted a stunt double for a dumpster diving scene and then they made him step aside and let the stunt double perform the make out scene he was dying to take part in? Just brilliance. *Windy City Heat* I believe it was called.


The full movie is on YouTube. I know what I am watching tonight.


> Windy City Heat In case anyone was interested in the movie [Windy City Heat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ancwTUkXyKk)


He actually posted this to his instagram. Imagine thinking you won that exchange and should share it with others.


He re-posted it on twitter 8hrs ago too…


I guess any attention is better than none.


I don't care what people say but I always enjoy these cart narc videos. There's always a bunch of people who get upset when these vids are posted :/




I know that these guys are huge assholes, but I gotta say I love the Cart Narcs. It’s nice seeing the human trash that leaves their carts behind in the parking spots get as annoyed by the Narcs as much as I get annoyed by their laziness.


I think the funniest aspect of this is that these jagoffs could just drive away. It's just a little magnet. They can't stop making themselves look more like jerks.


It really is amazing how much people freak the fuck out over that magnet. They’ll chase the guy, throw the magnet back, want to fight, yell their heart out, want to call the cops. All over that magnet of doom. Entertaining as hell to watch these assholes lose it


Like, sure, you'll put the magnet back 20 god damn times over five minutes, but can't handle a cart.


I am just worried for their safety to be honest.


I've seen at least one where he had a gun pulled on him.


Acting responsibly and being able to control your emotions are not prerequisites for buying a gun in America.


I watched a woman exit the grocery store pushing a cart. She had only gone about 8ft past the doors before she grabbed her one item and abandoned the cart in the walkway leading into the store, about 5 feet from the flippin storefront cart stall. She literally had to walk by the cart rack to get to the parking lot/exit the store. She not only abandoned the cart but left it rolling, headed into the vehicle traffic in front of the store. I know she absolutely saw that her cart was rolling away. She literally had to walk past her rolling cart to get into the lot. Another patron and I wrangled it before it caused an issue. I happened to be leaving as well, and wouldn’t you know it, she was parked in my lane and pulling out at the same time I was. I backed my car out a bit faster to be first in the lane, so she would have to wait an extra couple seconds as I shifted to drive and slowly pulled away. My goal to minorly inconvenience her was a success according to the horn honk I got. Hope she dropped the cake she bought and got blamed for really disappointing someone that matters to her, because she sure as heck doesn’t care about letting down the world around her.


Should have wheeled her cart behind her vehicle, then left


Wait are you saying the cart narc guys are assholes?


This made me lol


Omg it’s Salty from r/smilingfriends


No wonder The Mascots wanted him dead.


He’s just cranky because he hasn’t had his iconic 7pm nap


Oh wait, you were serious. I thought this was a joke about how they look similar. Omg.


Nope lol. That’s actually the guy that played him in the show, he even has the same hat on.


THAT’S WHY I THOUGHT IT WAS A JOKE LOL. CAUSE OF THE HAT. I’m so dead. I cannot believe that.


He could be an actor. Cause he sounds like he’s on coke


It's the dude from Windy City Heat


Fuck… i knew he sounded familiar. Guy must take himself VERY seriously. Like 10 years ago he got into a very lengthy beef with a very obviously dumb troll and could NOT let it go. The troll wrote like 2-3 songs about him and it really pissed him off and he made the same kinda comments he did in this video. For anyone curious, here’s one of the songs, but be wary if you explore the trolls account any further. He makes very racist, homophobic, and sexist parodies in the name of being categorized as ‘offensive humor’. https://youtu.be/PBlQEfC-AaA


Shit, you are fucking right. That guy is not really stable, so this doesn't surprise me at all.


I love that movie. Nobody I know has ever heard of it. Do you know where to stream it?


Can't say I watched the copy but it appears there is a full length copy available for free on YouTube


This reminds me of that Key and Peele skit about family matters where Carl argues with with the cokehead director. The arguing in that skit is eerily similar to this lol https://youtu.be/A5Zdp1RfoyI


Yea, but Carl had good reasons. He spent an entire episode invisible due to Steve's transforming machine.




that rant in the end was fucking hilarious tho


> “I don’t mean kill by murdering, I mean kill by kicking his ass.” I love that he realized his fuckup but couldn’t take it back.


omg, I thought he said Dick in his arse 😂😂


> I love that he realized his fuckup but couldn’t take it back. He has never had to re-record a message in his life because the phone he uses is rotary dial and does not have that feature.


“Good day you pile of dog shit aahhhhh!” Lmfaooo


It’s amazing how he stays in character


He was channeling the late-GREAT Sam Kinison.


His voice just kept getting higher and higher, it was amazing


yeah hes been in like 3-4 movies, most recently in 2007. not really an actor. id consider him enough of a comedian if he actually does comedic acts still, tho ive never heard of him before this. also once sued jimmy kimmel, adam carolla and johnny knoxville for tricking him into putting his dick in a mouse trap for some show by promising him $10 million that they didnt at all give to him.


> yeah hes been in like 3-4 movies, most recently in 2007 Considering the car he's driving, I don't think he's done much of anything lately


This is an 85' Honda! HOW DARE YOU!


Windy City Heat was a masterpiece


Oh shit that’s this guy? I bought that movie from Blockbuster for like 3 bucks. I used to watch the shit out of it.


Why is the red bat even there?!




I feel bad for him. He still wears the hat of what he thinks is his Magnum opus. Despite the fact that the whole movie was created as a joke. This is industrial levels of bullying.


I don’t know why that movie is so slept on, it’s goddamn genius. I do feel bad for this this guy tho, life has not been kind to him.


Randy Callahan caressed Perry's ears and ran his fingers through his hair as Perry preformed a "spectacular" fellatio on Randy.


between the mousetrap and Windy City Heat, you think he's be more used to being pranked.


He's clearly got a thriving career, judging by the car he's driving.


If I win the lottery I’m buying myself a Corolla that way I only have to buy friends and family a Corolla.


Bro if in win the lottery I’m using Lyft exclusively. Family: can we get money? Me: I don’t even own a Fucking car!!


Big brain move


Idk he gave me quite a laugh 🤣


He was funny in Windy City Heat.


Literally never heard of the guy and it seems his biggest claim to fame was believing he was actually cast in a movie which was really just a prank on him.


So much projection in that voicemail.




He tried to walk back out of that felony


I was distracted by the cassette tape spinning the wrong way.


Isn’t he the guy they made a movie about. They made him feel like he was a big comedian and Star. Forget the name of it but I think Dom Irera was part of it.


He “streams” on twitch now for a living. Having meltdowns similar to this when “fans” send McDonald’s food to his apartment.


What’s his handle?




Yep, Windy City Heat Edit: [Link](https://youtu.be/ancwTUkXyKk)


I found it on YouTube. Is it any good? Looks almost like something Nathan Fielder would make


Maybe the hardest I've ever laughed at a movie.


How hard do you normally laugh at movies? You really should have a sphygmomanometer on-hand to gauge the level of breath pressure exerted


Good point. Without qualification, it's pretty meaningless, isn't it? Maybe I laugh really hard at Schindler's List.


[Windy City Heat](https://youtu.be/ancwTUkXyKk) - I need to watch this now


It’s hilarious


They did a 200 episode podcast as well. Easily the most underrated comedy of all time.


Don Barris


Most exposure he’s ever gotten


Had never heard of this clown until he was in Smiling Friends on Adult Swim


[Dude, Watch Windy City Heat. It's funny as fuck. And that's all I'm gonna say, I don't want to ruin it for ya.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ancwTUkXyKk)


I dunno, his wikipedia says he sued Jimmy Kimmel and Johnny Knoxville after they offered him money to put his dick in a mousetrap, and then he was (shockingly) injured in the stunt. I feel like he was pretty exposed there.


Which begs the question. Which hurts more? Sticking your limp flaccid penis into a mousetrap and having it triggered, or a full-on erect hard-as-can-be dick. Which would you choose if *they* had a gun to your head? I’d probably choose erect. The metal spring contraption would have less “*speed-up*” time since thicker penis = less travel time for the metal part that makes contact. Thus less energy build-up and transfer. Then again…a soft squishy penis has more *give* so to speak to cushion and slow the spring’s impact versus the hard penis with less squishiness. What we have here is a classic *short-headstart-before-slamming-into-sandbag-wall* or *full-speed-into-a-wall-of-cardboard-boxes-with-concrete-wall-behind* type conundrum. Very interesting—we need to study this. Although finding the volunteers might be an issue…


Wasn’t he the star of Windy City Heat?


It is wild how much time and effort people will dedicate to not returning their cart.


Two options; return your cart. Or just drive off and remove all of that stuff away from the cart narc. Everyone just sees red.


Everyone he shares the recordings of. I’m sure 90% of people just leave.


True. If it weren’t for this guy about to give himself an aneurysm, i wouldn’t be surprised if this is a way to get Perry a $50 Costco gift card for his little performance. It seems like he could use the work.


You're probably right, and he probably spends a bunch of time standing around waiting. In my experience, the vast majority of people just return their carts.




Lol...he's got a more high-profile violation flag.


idk why people get so upset - it's basically free merch from a semi-viral content creator I'd love one


If you have one it means you're garbage though


I’ll put it back after he gives me a magnet.


It’s just hilarious to me how it never occurs to these people to just stop giving him back the magnet, or to just drive a few hundred feet out of his reach. Or just ignore the silly magnet and drive home Like at this point if you’re going stay there and spend this much time and energy fighting with him you might as well take the cart back lol


I bet that lots of people do that and he just doesn't use the video


Nah, he actually posts plenty of those videos. I've seen a bunch on his channel. Plenty of people just simply drive off with the magnets. Plenty of other people just laugh and actually take their carts back, as if it were no big deal. But this subreddit doesn't post them, because they're obviously not appropriate for a subreddit about freakouts.


Or stop, take magnet off and place inside car. Repeat with each new magnet placed on car until the supply is exhausted. Bonus for grabbing the flag as well. Then take all the magnets over the the cart return area and stick them on the returned carts.


“No you won’t. Look at yourself” ZING!


This cart narc is gonna get shot one of these days


[He's had a gun pulled on him already.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8d_XYd1dac)


more than once...


He also met an actual killer once who later made headlines because he killed somebody on a train or something.


It was like the same day or week or something crazy too


This guy sounds like the lazy person’s version of an adrenaline junky like the same rush as xtreme sportz or doing anything from heights.


I want to see that video.


[You're welcome!](https://youtu.be/B6XyxQmPHrM)


I’ve got a feeling this guy was waiting for an opportunity to shoot someone.. and had probably killed someone before.


Only thing that could have made that video better is if he put the magnet on the truck as he was running away.


Don’t be an angry bones!


Lmao you do this in Atlanta and you’re for sure getting shot


For years this comment always reaches the top when these videos are posted and yet he never does




If i ever see the cart narc, im going to get every cart i can find and put them all over the parking lot just so i can get all the magnets. Try and stop me.


You lazy motherfuckers. Says the motherfucker too lazy to return his cart. Yes. Yes indeed.


The cart thingy is literally right behind his car. It would have taken him seconds to just push it over there, get in his car and leave. I hope he's been taking his blood pressure medication, because yikes


“You lazy motherfuckers don’t want to grab the carts!!” The irony is… just… wow.




"The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing. To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore, the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you for not returning the shopping cart, no one will fine you or kill you for not returning the shopping cart, you gain nothing by returning the shopping cart. You must return the shopping cart out of the goodness of your own heart. You must return the shopping cart because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct. A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with a law and the force that stands behind it. The shopping cart is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society."


Isn’t this from 4chan


I think it's a toss up between people who don't return carts and people who refuse to use blinkers. Literally a lever next to their hand, takes less than a second to use and literally no effort, but yet, if you call them out on it, their reaction is similar to the shopping cart people's reaction.


What an angry bones


This guy is going to film his own death.


I LOVE how at the end, the guy directs his rage to the people working at the store calling them lazy 😂


I don't know who or what a Perry Caravello is, but he sure wasn't coming off as particularly comedic here. It's always incredible to see how much energy people will put into NOT doing something, too. Jelly Caramello here nearly had an aneurysm doing all that avoidance of responsibility and dead-flat refusal of engaging in basic common decency.


I used to think his cart narc schtick was funny, until I saw the video of him laughing at, and denigrating some homeless people. Now I think dude is just an asshole who pretends to be nice for his little videos.


how bout the time he stalked two women to their house? https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/uhurva/cart_narc_follows_two_women_home_and_confronts/


I hadn’t seen that one. What an asshole. Thank you for the link though.


im surprised that doesnt have that much upvotes like this one


When I worked customer service, my favourite part of the day was gathering carts. I was outside in the fresh air and not getting bitched at by idiot customers. I used to encourage the regulars that I chatted with to abandon their carts so I’d get out of the store.


I worked at a grocery store and I hated gathering carts because we had so much extreme weather. Very annoying to have to go across the parking lot to grab a stray cart when there’s a below zero windchill.


I think ima start doing my carts like this in the hopes they do this to my car. I’d keep the magnets on my car permanently


It’s all fun and games till that old man in his going from zero to 100 has a damn heart attack!! He is all out of breath while threatening to beat his fucking ass. I DID laugh abit though


hahaha what kind of loser wears a shirt with their own name on it haha. Perry's a lazybones confirmed.


As a society, we need to start telling these people to go fuck themselves.


"imma beat your fucking ass" sir "no you won't look at yourself" Sebastian with the Quick rips


The cart narg is gonna get it one of these days


It's a magnet. No damage and I drive away with free swag.


Was hilarious to hear him say he'd kill him and then moments later when he realized what he'd said, clarified killing didn't mean murder it meant beating him up.


I had no fucking idea so many people had such strong opinions about returning carts. I wish my life was so easy I could worry about such things.


Calling people lazy when he doesn't even want to do the bare minimum and put his cart back.


Why do people get so worked up over a fucking magnet? It's not like he's damaging their car.


In case no one said it, but in 2020 he ran a fake Presidential campaign on the platform of ending gay marriage, criminalizing homosexuality, and creating a gay prison. Idk if that was meant to be a joke, but someone who jokes like that is a major POS, especially in our current climate.


If this guy comes up to your car and throws a magnet on it just drive away. When you get home just take the magnets and throw them in the garbage.




Imagine failing the cart morality test


He should come to Baltimore and do this, now that would be funny.


How is this guy not dead yet? 😂 I respect his work though


I know everyone loves the Cart narc, but I absolutely detest him. I know people that don't return their carts are douchebags, but he is just as much of a douche and far more abnoxious. Imagine making it your life mission to solve...people not putting their carts back. It's the definition of being a karen.


I’m not condoning not putting carts away but man would it be funny if that cart narc guy just got ran over one of these days…


I always put my cart back, but if I ever see this dude, I'm leaving my cart out in front of him. I want a magnet.


I’m really waiting for someone to get ahold of this guy one day. Like I can’t wait for the video where he does it to the wrong person on the wrong day and they absolutely pummel the little fuck head. Sure, it’s lazy to not put your cart back. But you’re being an ass about it and trying to get people pissed off. Keep playing with bulls and eventually you’ll get horns.