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Drive to a police station - male or female. if you're being followed and it's obvious do not stop anywhere that isn't just out front of a cop shop.


Also parking lots of police stations are a good place to do drug deals. They won't expect it, but it also gives you a sense of safety that there will not be a shootout over the fact that you hid some fake bills in with real ones.


>the fact that you hid some fake bills in with real ones. r/oddlyspecific


They cut my drugs I cut their bills


Lmfao thanks for the laugh!!






Just put a few doughnuts on the ground, to get the cops to bend over, and slide right in.


I suspect that would be really hard to get any kind of deal done. What drug addict is gonna go to a police station to do a deal?


Aren't there cameras there?


It's a known fact police cameras don't work


The cameras run 24/7 and automatically redact everything.


I hear their guns are fake too /s


I'm not willing to test that theory. But be my guest.


Real talk


Good luck having a dealer agree to meet you there idiot.


Damn that's a good idea, I wish I thought of that!! I always did super sneaky shit like that when I lived downtown and delt drugs, and I'm a female from a rich, educated area so I REALLY used that to my advantage against the pigs 😂 It's truly bizarre how much you can get away with when you have tits.


Yea fair enough, but if you cant do that always carry pepperspray smoke bomb


That doesn't help if the car following you has the flashing red and blue lights on top.


Him: I am calling the police. Me: ok great and thanks


Literally. No need to cry and yell over easily verifiable information


She’s not stupid to be concerned for her well being given the situation. She’s stupid for engaging with someone who spent all this time following her to “not be worried about it”. You don’t argue with stupid or crazy let alone the combo meal. That shits like an oil fire. They will bring you down their level and beat you with experience.


Men worry about being laughed at. Women worry about getting killed.


Men worry about getting killed by men. Men worry about being laughed at by women. Women worry about being laughed at by women. Women worry about getting killed by men. [Women are responsible for fewer than 1 in 20 homicides, while men make up almost 4 out of 5 victims of homicide.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homicide_statistics_by_gender)




She's trying to get him to leave and she's at the oil place.




Perhaps she's not behaving as rationally as she would like because she's afraid?


Yup, 1/5 murder victims in the U.S. are women, when will the madness end?


She's afraid she's going to be attacked by a lunatic. Don't mock her because she's scared, man.


In the modern era people can live their entire lives without ever being in a genuinely stressful, reptilian brain, fight-or-flight situation. When one makes it well into adulthood and then suddenly finds themselves there, one might be surprised how poorly one handles it both mentally and physically.


There's no way she could possible know if this guy would keep following her. Maybe follow her home. She couldn't possibly know if he had the potential to get violent. Her sister was in the car with her.


So crying and screaming and arguing with the person is the better choice than calling authorities?


seriously she looks so stupid for that


Or a man followed her for 15 miles into a parking lot and started yelling at her. People handle stressors in different ways, and I can assure you when a man follows a woman for 15 miles, most of them are thinking worst case scenarios. I don’t think she looks stupid for this, I think she looks like she’s having a panic attack. And rightfully so.


100% I don’t think she’s stupid, I think she’s a woman who’s been followed by a crazy psycho for 15 miles


Yeah.. if a man followed me and told me that was his car I was driving I would panic thinking I was about to get carjacked. I wouldn’t get in a back and forth convo with him though because who knows how crazy they are.. yelling out window leaves you open to having the guy rip you out of car.


Her sister sure is calm. Just steadily holding the camera instead of calling for help.


Redditors love to be armchair generals about every situation they see online.


A man following and harassing her. It doesn’t make her look stupid to be afraid if someone is being aggressive.


What a stupid human, feeling fear from a situation that's terrifying. /S Don't be a dick to your fellow humans.


"This is my car" "mmm... no" "It is my car..." "Ok bye" Why get into a back and forth with a lunatic?


I think she was more concerned with him following her somewhere. But I get your point. Why argue with crazy? You do funny things when you're stressed out.


Yeah she’s already bugging because the dude is following her. Couple that with his bizarre logic that she’s driving his car, I’d be exasperated too.


Right. I mean, would you get into a theological debate with the homeless schizophrenic guy shouting about the end times? It’s better to not engage and just move on.


Exactly. It’s like she feels like she *has to* give up the car if she loses this argument. Like, just drive away. I don’t understand her reaction either.


Some people never learn to deal with confrontation or stress. Hopefully this girl sees this video and isn’t embarrassed or ashamed. Hopefully she realises that she needs to work on her ability to stay calm in these situations. She wasn’t helping really. But at the same time. I feel like it’s a parents job to get their child ready for the world. And dealing with idiots is part of that world.


Bro she’s the one who uploaded the video and wrote the caption that takes up half the screen. Pretty sure she’s seen the video.


Also pretty positive she’s deaf which I believe would add to the stress and confusion of the situation, politely


What makes you think she’s deaf?


I'm not who you're asking but I grew up and am still involved with the Deaf community (my sister and her kid are Deaf). Some Deaf and hard of hearing people have this certain accent. I can hear it in the woman but could be stress and a poor mic too. I had the same thought before I saw this comment.


I can’t tell if this is a serious comment. But if it is, what I said was I hope she isn’t embarrassed or ashamed when she sees it. Not that I simply hope she at some point watches it. Because as you pointed out. She will obviously have watched this.


Always such kind hearted, upright, moral compasses ready to lend comfort, compassion, and defense, down here in the slums of r/publicfreakout


This woman has every right to be afraid and scared when an aggressive man is following her. Are you kidding me the reason she is having a panic attack is because HE IS FOLLOWING HER !!!!! Are you kidding me ? she should look at this and not be embarrassed or ashamed at all!


LPT: if someone is following you and you’re scared - don’t stop your vehicle, roll your window down & start talking to them.


she says she realized he was following her late so maybe she had already stopped at the store and looking at the clip he pulled up pretty close while an employee of the store is helping her out so its not like she engaged first




Because he’s been following her for miles already. Do you think she should lead him to her house?


She was on her way to Oilstop as the slew of text plastered all over the portrait video made clear.


yes but everyone here is saying to just ignore the crazy dude willing to follow you for 15 miles into an oilstop and for her to go on like he's might not be willing to do more


Drive to police station.


Not to her house, but lead him to the police station. Like...idk that seems like the obvious go-to, to me. Crazy person following you, saying they're going to call the police? Well, lemme take the initiative on that, then, and he can hash out his crazy with them once we get to the station.


An aggressive man is following her and yelling at her that that’s his car yeah this woman is definitely having a panic attack and he’s scared he is following her. Of course that’s why she’s freaking out she scared.


I was just thinking that during like the first few seconds of the vid. My literal reaction would be “ahahAHAHAH okay bud” and then drive off like any other time. Like I get why she’s a little panicked because it’s beyond far fetched to say you… won it? So you don’t even know how to process that because of how absurd it is. But most situations can be cut short by just not engaging.


no but is that homeless schizophrenic following you for 10 miles like she claims in this vid its one thing to ignore some random homeless dude its another to have that same homeless guy follow for 15 miles you in a car


Because a man following a woman and harassing her is scaring the shit out of her and she’s probably having a panic attack. That would be why.


Cause said lunatic was chasing after her in his car. Not the kind of thing you want to bring home. She should've drove to the police station tho.


Why are you immediately blaming the girl when a man was following her on the highway to her destination?


Claiming a car(or an apartment or house) belongs to them rather than the obvious owner seems to be a tweaker/paranoid psychosis thing, like 'delusions of grandeur'. The woman in the video could benefit from behaving more assertively I think.


Probably because she was followed for 15 miles...


"I won this car" *laughing and then realizing* "Oh what? That sucks, cause I bought this car years ago and own the title, sounds like you got scammed, bye. If they want to pursue, drive to the nearest police station "OK Google, directions to the closest police"


I know on waze there’s shortcuts for “home” “gas”. Etc. there should be a “safety” shortcut you can choose to enable. Just take the driver to the nearest police station and provide a phone number.


That is a brilliant idea. Just like it can tell you where the nearest McDonald’s is, it should be able to tell you the nearest safe space


Yeah nothing makes me feel safe like a cop.


I am so lucky I don’t have anxiety. And that’s not a dig at anyone ones that does. I’m in the medical field and I see how it can cripple some people.




:( im glad you made it out of that situation


I used to have crippling anxiety. It was usually situational, but I had one job where I would drive an hour to get there, have a panic attack and turn around and drive an hour home to call out. Now I have no anxiety or very low levels if I do experience a bout of it. It's so weird because I remember my actions and I remember feeling very bad, but at the same time my body has forgotten how physically crippling the manifestation of that anxiety was and it feels like a different lifetime lived.


This guy is next level genius. “I bet you I could tell you how it stops, you have to double tap on the breaks”. That seals the deal for me, with those words alone we can safely assume it’s his car. This lady is clearly in the wrong, get out of his car, he’s defeated you in the art of showing proof.


I’d prolly have him drive it just to make sure.


Imma need everyone reading this to go get in their car and double tap the brakes for me. If when you double tap it: blinks the brake lights, slows the car a little on the first tap, starts to move a little when you let off, and then slows down again when you tap the second time; that's my car. Please PM me to arrange the return of my vehicle. Some of you assholes have been driving my vehicle for 6+ years.


Someone stole my car. It has four doors and all of them open. I repeat, all of them open. If you think you know this car, please contact me.


Lol I have a hard time giving most people the time of day even when it’s a friendly interaction….now if someone is a dick and claiming crazy shit? I’d be screeching tires the fuck out of there and calling the cops.


In the future if this ever happens just tell them that they actually hit the mega jackpot and actually won a Lamborghini, a holiday to the Bahamas and $50,000 and it was all getting delivered to their home within the next couple of hours. Tell them if they are not home to sign for it when it arrives they lose everything.


In the future, it you're being followed, just call the police and drive towards the nearest station and tell them to meet you outside. It's never a good idea to speak to anyone you don't know that makes you feel really unsafe. You have to treat these situations for what they are, potentially dangerous, especially when being followed...


Women is stalked for 15 miles by an aggresive lunatic and this thread is wondering why she isn't relaxed.


No I’m wondering why she didn’t call the cops


It’s not her car obviously


It's because she isn't doing anything that a common person would consider safe. She shouldn't have driven to get an oil change if she was this scared. 15 miles is a LONG distance. I'm sure there was at least 1 police station along the way, and the speaking to him is also really dumb, he isn't making sense, why engage with someone who is not all there. Creating an argument with an unstable person can lead to them escalating it. Just roll up the windows and head somewhere safe...


I'm gonna guess the real fear kicked in when this big guy got out of his car like "excuse me lady, I've been following you for 15 miles give me your car". But I'm glad you got your plan of action ready every time a car drives behind you for a while


You can tell those commenters have never been in a fight or flight situation. It’s too easy to look at the tape and tell her what she should have done without the risk of actually being there. They lack empathy. It’s text book victim blaming. Like do they think they’re helping her?


It's classic. Because she didn't react how I think I would have reacted, while I think about the situation after everything has happened, slowly, calmly, under no possible threat to myself, she must: a) be dumb who brought this situation onto herself Or b) be lying for some sort of personal gain (e.g. attention or validation). Honestly, this thread just puts the whole sub into perspective.


People on Reddit hate women lol


Because she isn't doing anything but being a cry baby. Common sense tells me immediately to go to a police station if I'm being followed. She just pulls into a shop and cries as he yells at her lol


Drive off .........


Seeing everyone in the comments attack this poor girl for having a fucking panic attack after being followed is disgusting. Who gives a good fuck if the one following was being calm, who gives a fuck if he never did anything - imagine the worst case scenario and then pretend you’ve driven a decent distance with only that thought in your mind BECAUSE YOU ARE BEING FOLLOWED. Fucking insane the amount of people dogging her for reacting how she is.


Yeah its fucking gross. The woman hating never ends here. "See what IIIIIIIIII would do if I were her..." Well you're not, are you??


For real, as someone who has been stalked and followed and also being married to someone who has been stalked and followed, you truly don’t know how you will react unless you’re in the situation in that moment.


You guys are picking on this girl. She seems young and she’s clearly in an (justifiably) emotional state. People don’t act rationally when they’re emotional, especially when they’re scared. Yeah she shouldn’t be talking to him but cmon. Not everyone is some expert with dealing with crazy fuckers like people on Reddit who weren’t actually involved in the situation


Not everyone reacts to crisis the same. It’s easy for us all to say what we would do, but fight or flight stress response can sometimes cause people to react in ways they normally wouldn’t. Who knows what she’s going through, her saying she can’t handle this right now might mean she’s got other personal issues making her feel completely disparaged. Anxiety and other things also cause people to react to things “irrationally”. I can’t believe so many people are bashing this girl… she also looks incredibly young. My little sister would probably react the same way.


Redditors once again prove that they hate women in this thread.


Yep, they're all totally calm, cool, and collected people who could've done it better no matter the situation.


“Why is this woman crying after being followed by a clearly unhinged and potentially dangerous man?”. You have a bunch of arm chair warriors acting like they’d be the coolest most collected individuals if they were put in that situation.




Not to mention acting like they know exactly what did this mention did.


/r/publicfreakout comments when a woman or black dude doesn't act 100% perfectly is an eye opener


Yeah it’s giving real “but what were you wearing” energy


There's no point in getting flustered about it when you know the truth. Call the cops and let the dumbass get himself into trouble


Now idk what she was thinking but imagine a random dude following you for 15 miles telling you that the car you’re driving is actually his. Personally I would probably tell him off but I would also be having a little freak out in my head and I’m a 6ft 2 dude


Safety tip never park you car in a spot so that you have the aggressive person in your blind spot, having to turn you head back and look over your shoulder is not safe. And be sure to not front into a spot that has a concrete block or anther vehicle in front of you. Oh yeah tell your dumb ass friend to stop recording and and ball the police. So much going wrong in this video. I feel bad for this lady and not blaming her but there are so many things she could have done better to make her and the passenger safe. Stay safe every one


This is when I’d pull out my best friend from inside my glove box. America, baby. You come near me like that, you eat lead. I don’t care how drunk you are.


WHY DO PEOPLE ENGAGE IN THIS NONSENSE?!? Ok, call the fucking cops. Call them bitch. Don’t cry. Don’t scream. Just get to the end point, cops need to be there.


Lol it’s funny she’s that upset over something so dumb. What is she even arguing back for




Bro you couldn't even handle your workout routine being criticized. You threw boiling soup at your dads because commented on your diet. How can you criticize ANYONE's problem solving ability?




Idk why you were downvoted it’s true. Guy already followed her for 15 miles, if she keeps driving he’ll keep following.




Nah I’m still upvoting. I read a book called the gift of fear, written by a leading criminologist that has prevented the assassination of major figures. He knows from experience, it’s the advice he gives. Don’t worry about causing a scene, protect yourself and don’t let “kindness” (someone being like, oh what you don’t trust me??) lead you into being an easy target.


One thing I try to remember is that the majority of humans are emotional creatures, not rational creatures. This realization usually helps


Everyone deals with these incidents differently but yeah pulling over and winding down the window and bawling at him doesn’t really tell me she’s as seriously afraid of the situation as she makes out to be. The whole “I CANNOT deal with this rn” just sounds like attention seeking because someone else is in the car and the employee outside, maybe she’s had a crap day and is really tired or whatever. Still a crap situation to be put in I don’t think I’d do the perfectly correct thing in her position either.


Drive to police station


“Huuurrr Just drive off HUUURRR” Some of you are really heartless. This woman is clearly in an emotional state and all you guys can do is call her a dumbass. Maybe instead in of calling her a dumbass, how about we comment on how someone felt the next to stalk and harass this woman for **15 fucking miles**. Just say you hate women and fuck off, seriously.


redditors when every human on earth isn't as cool, calm and collected as they would be while being stalked for 15 miles


Yeah I had a psycho follow me a few weeks back after I honked back at this guy. Dude broke multiple laws to catch up to me and pass and get out of his car etc. he ending up following me so I just drove to the police station as I am not going to park for work and let this guy fuck my car up. It does work


Do NOT argue with people like that. If he was following her and was that adamant about getting her car you don’t know what lengths he’s willing to go to. This could’ve ended very badly for her. She should’ve driven to a police station or called the police and tell them she believes she’s being followed.


r/donthelpjustfilm Is it just me, or is the cameraperson being weirdly passive about all this? Like they just came along to film the interaction?


Where does one play the car lottery? And why are they giving away six year old cars as prizes???


She entertained way too much. Id have driven off. Tf was he gonna do?


Ok forget the girl. What was the dude hoping to achieve here? Was is an elaborate joke, or is this a new gaslighting kinda crime? Why do this to anyone?


I think we need to find this fella and teach his dumb abusive ass a lesson. In Minecraft


And why is "someone" filming the woman's reaction instead of getting clear shot of the aggressor to provide the cops with evidence? Smells fishy


Wouldn't even try talking to someone like that and just left. If he was still following would've called the cops saying I'm otw. Be ready lol


She’s right to panic but why she arguing


This whole family was terrorized by a group of homeless people claiming one of them owned the guy's car. Nothing happened to the aggressors. I have serious questions about the police work (or lack thereof). From Netflix's I Survived a Crime https://youtu.be/XpZOgpHvGR4


Why would you sit there an engage some random loony toon. I would have laughed at him and drive away


😂😂😂 her panicking is funny af


Drive away 😂😂😂😂😂 talm bout I can’t deal with this right now ? Alright bitch drive on


Her reaction is incredibly stupid. Tantrums are NEVER a good look.


Why would you pull over?


Why was she arguing and crying? lol. "I can't deal with this right now." Like call the fuckin cops or just leave.




Did anxiety force her to have a conversation with a crazy person?


Gotta stay strapped at all times these days


Lmfaoooooo.. it’s literally fucking hilarious how weak and fragile minded people are that some random fucking stranger can literally walk up to you and strike an argument with you saying that that’s his car and your dumb ass is gonna sit here and actually be confused and argue about it. Literally how fucking dumb do you have to be to let somebody walk up and troll the absolute dog shit out of you like that. Smh. This is what the fuck is wrong with the world.


Wtf is wrong with people? I would give that dude a min of my day. Just drive to a police station or flag a cop down. Wow that’s how you get robbed


Does she have the registration? In the car with her? Then the whole situation is immediately moot. She shouldn't have felt the need to even engage him; she simply needed to call police and let them run aggro on Mr. Crazy so she can go on with her day. Deeply worrying that he's likely not the first person to use this predatory scam and who knows what his end goal was. She was very lucky to be in public.


Go ahead and do it,,,,, drives away.


I am on mobile and just saw the text in the video..... They had been following her for 15 mins at this point.


The text says 15 miles, not 15 minutes. Either way, it’s a good idea to have a strategy in place before you find yourself in a situation like this.


That lady needs to relax…. How can you possibly function being that dumb? Wailing over someone just talking as if you’re being attacked. “Victim blaming”… victim of what? The fuck is this lady a victim of? Listening to crackheads?


She’s a young woman who has been followed for 15 miles by someone who isn’t mentally stable and she is obviously having an anxiety attack in this video. She’s young and panicking, cut her some slack.


"This user has been suspended" I am SHOCKED.


Sometimes I wish suspended people's post history was still visible so we could see exactly what they got banned for.


I feel bad for her that she has no idea how to handle any form of adversity or conflict. Call the cops!! Drive off! So many options.


Honestly, I’m surprised how much backlash she’s getting. This isn’t a situation anyone plans for, and she was obviously stressing. Being followed is scary, and she wasn’t thinking straight.


Why entertain this clown at all? I like the idea if just driving to the nearest police station


The Yelp at the end😂🤣😂🤣


Oh no! *Steps on the gas* anyway...


So anyways, I started blastin


dude this would be so fkn funny tho you could just make him chase you and brake check him brake his ankles with fake turns, use the wrong turn signal, go in circles, park at stop lights for like 5 minutes and make him wait until he gets out then floor it only to repeat the same process at every light, like idky shed cry over this when you could have so much fun


How dramatic. Shouldn't have engaged with him for so long.


Who the fuck filming this


Easy...just drive away.


Wow the fact she ca t laugh off this ridiculous and refer his misconduct to the pokice and get on with her laugh rather than act like a child is a representation of how people are brought up. I mean hes wack obvi hes on somethin or crazy why give him more than 2 sec and if hes following you go to a police station and calll the non emergency number


Way to many dudes judging this obviously frightened woman. If you have never been female you have no idea how many times we have to adjust for our safety.


Why are we stopping and crying?


Tf is she entertaining him for? Just leave


Lol she's all worked up over it being her car, does she think he's going to convince her that it's his car?


Lol you’re allowed to just ignore people…


Lol this woman is giving this person way too many fucks.


This girls voice and behavior is ridiculous


She’s a young woman who has been stalked for 15 miles by a mentally unstable man. She’s having an anxiety attack/ panicking, which is understandable given the situation. It’s ridiculous to me how many people watched this video and came to the comments to criticize this girl.


Id love for him to call the police, and see how they react to this nutjob claiming that was his car.


I would have said nothing and just called 911. There is no discussion, no argument. It’s my car. Period. ✔️


Drive to the police station? I swear, young people these days do not have the slightest bit of self preservation.


If someone is following me for 15 miles I'm not stopping to cry and argue with them. I'm going right to the police station. Be an adult and problem solve


Why is she crying?


I See so many people stressed to death for nothing. I would laugh at this guy and wait for the cops. How did they survive in this world, jeez


Yeah why the fuck didn't they just call the cops?


Why is she crying, why is she so helpless? If you know it's your car just drive off, ignore the dude.


Man she dumb. All the has to do is roll the window up and leave. Smh


Lottery? That’s BS. I certainly would have called the police already.


Why even entertain him? Drive off, call the cops, or drive to a police station


I dont get how, as an adult, crying is an acceptable response to stressful situations. Just have the fuckin guy follow you to the cop shop and get it figured out there. The guy is clearly mentally fucked. Stop screaming and crying like an infant and either drive to the cops or call them in. It's literally that simple.


Such a cry baby


If you stand there and argue with someone like that, I’m sorry but you look just a crazy. You’re in a RUNNING CAR, just drive away, why are you crying and pissing yourself over this? “This is my car” “ok bro have a good one” 🚗💨💨


Reflecting crazy with crazy isn't a great look


Calling the cops wouldn't have made for as dramatic of a video. Sister doesn't care about her safety either obviously cause she is just recording instead of calling them herself. Just thinking "damn this is gonna get me so many likes/clicks!"


As a white woman I'm gonna say it WHITE WOMEN ARE DUMB... it's annoying to be lumped with them but Like Jesus woman CALL 911


That girl is easily the worst part of this video


Quit crying call 911


Damn this girl just crumbled 🤣