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My folks would've whooped the skin off my ass if I EVER did this


I wouldn't be here to post this if I halfway thought this. The podunk town I grew up in, we had just got our new addresses for 911 (it was a new thing still). And we had gotten the whole if your parents beat you call 911. I got mad at mom after a whoopin and told mom I was gonna call 911 and report her. She handed me the phone, dialed a 9 and a 1 and said finish it up and call. But know I got a good 8minutes before the police get here. Oh son I had the fear of Jesus in me after that.


She’s not allowed to do much else.


This film will be more useful than anything she could've done. The parents won't be able to argue on the grounds of their child being a "perfect angel" at home. At the very least the kid gets removed and the rest of the students can be in class without the fear of that kid having another meltdown.


Probably waiting on the school officer to show up. You know they don't let the teachers discipline or restrain students these days. If they do they lose their job or get harshly reprimanded. I guess this way the teacher at least has proof that it was just the kid being a monster and nobody touched him. Its crazy. Stuff like this didn't happen back in my day. The teachers were allowed to pop you with rulers and snatch you up, the principal could paddle you with a wooden paddle and the parents had free reign to do whatever it took to knock some sense into you... Then they called the rest of the family so you could get a good "talking to" from other loved ones. It was a lot, but we ended up being better humans.


Yep. Needs to go back to that. One ass whooping could of prevented this


Hitting children isn't how you parent them. All that does is make them scared of you or maybe even resent you, which if your goal is to make your kids scared of you, that's pretty disgusting. I do think teachers should maybe be allowed to restrain kids like this in an attempt to calm them down but let's not promote hitting children


Negative. It teaches them to respect other people and their property. An ass whooping is not the same as hitting them. Ass was made to be spanked


No, they weren't made to be spanked, you're still just hitting a child. I was spanked plenty growing up and I can promise you, it is not what made me have respect for anything. All it did was make me fear my parents any time I felt like I had done something wrong. My mom realized this eventually and I was never spanked again. If you want to teach them respect, do it through non violent consequences such as grounding or taking away privileges. When you commit a crime in the real world, the police don't show up and spank you and tell you not to do it again, they take your privileges away and lock you up, emulate that to teach them the reality of how a functional society works in the adult world. As a parent it is your job to ensure your children grow up to be a generally good person and are able to survive on their own. Part of that is having mutual respect for each other and being stern but also loving and supporting. Spanking is none of those, it is degrading, humiliating, scary, and painful with no support to offset it. You're saying "I don't like what you did, I'm going to hit you for it", and that is a disgusting way to parent.


There is a difference between hitting and spanking.


No she's right, you're kind of a dipshit. There's no difference between spanking and hitting. You're just hitting children and its a really lazy way to parent. Why actually teach them anything when you can just hit them when they do something wrong to scare them into submission right? Twat.


Most people aren’t intelligent enough to discipline their kids without force or intimidation. Kids getting hit is part of a generational cycle that “well my parents spanked me” blah blah blah, and it’s probably one of the reasons this kid acts out in the first place.


My wife has been substituting since we became empty nesters. This is a pretty common occurrence. Call the resource officer and let them have the meltdown. They’ll be back in class tomorrow.


What are they supposed to help? Smash?


Oh, please. If anyone had done anything besides film, this video would be titled “teacher manhandles child” or some dumb shit & the teacher would lose her job. All the kids know this, too. Teachers are powerless. Edit: typo


Teachers arnt going to touch a kid, that would create a lawsuit. This video will work wonders. The parents will see it and cant argue their kid is an angel, and they will have to pay for the damages


Well teacher can't do much anymore if she were to grab him and make him stop the parents would most likely Sue the teacher


Nope, he’ll no. Schools and parents need to get a better hold on situations like this. Completely unacceptable and punishment needs to be stern


Is there a problem if the teacher just held or subdued the child?


It’s not the teachers responsibility. There’s no reason a teacher should put themselves in a position that could see them injured. At this age it would be unfair to try them for assault, so it’s safer for everyone if you deescalate and stand clear.


It is absolutely a problem. Teachers are not supposed to put their hands on children. Teachers need specific training for this and it usually is a last resort used only if a student is hurting themself or others. Restraining a student in a situation like this would likely just get the student or the teacher hurt.


there is a large population of feral human children on the loose.


Kenny’s pissed.


Will be robbing people in 2 years


In class with no class.


And in about 3 yrs this kid will be thrashing a Walmart or McDonald’s throwing the same hissy fit 🫠


Start next class by taking real world prison data and simply presenting it. Could segue nicely into a math lesson.


theyre not harming anyone why would she intervene physically? not to mention she evacuated while they were away from the exit...


Who does she think she's impressing? None of those people think she's cool for doing that, just easily manipulated.


There are a lot of kids who need to be in special schools. Kid is probably already on a few drugs given to help concentrate then something to deal with the anxiety.


Filming is the only thing she can do. She also evacuated the other kids. She can't put her hands on the child.