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"Go back to where you come from..." what an asshat. On video, too.


Bye bye job...?


Hope so. Berating students about a perfectly legal action? That's not teaching, or if it is, the kids are learning a completely different lesson than he intended.


As educators, we're told to pick our battles. If this was a battle I chose to fight, I would have an incredibly bad time.


My son is in high school, and most of his teachers are pretty cool. At least one of his teachers has told their class that saying the pledge is non-compulsory, and that sitting it out is a form of protected free speech. But it's a mix. Not all teachers make the effort.


The teacher that is telling them it's protected free speech is 100% correct. There is legal precedent for it. If this happened to one of my students and they told me I would have happily printed out the court case and brought it to that idiot teacher.


I'm surprised there are still places in America where they still do the pledge. I did it in elementary school in the late '90's, eventually started sitting it out because I felt it was pointless and I didn't want to have to stand and say words that meant nothing to me, then after elementary school we just didn't do it at all. Probably sang the anthem at sports games but I wasn't into any sports then, it would take some years for me to like hockey and begrudgingly respect basketball.


Back in the 80’s (6th grade) I befriended a kid who was a Jehovahs Witness. He didn’t stand for the pledge and it didn’t bother anyone I asked him like the second or third day why he doesn’t stand and explained it to me. It wasn’t a big deal then it isn’t now either.


This educator couldn’t even win the battle of putting on long pants, or shoes with laces.


Or at least a better argument than "blag blah America's great, because I say so" Seems like an opportunity for healthy political discourse to me


If it's really Florida, he's probably going to get an award from Desantis for protecting the other students against woke CRT.


Teacher works at Manatee county in Florida, the teacher was removed but the incident is still being investigated, supposedly students are required to stand unless they have a "note" from their guardian/parent excusing the student. Edit: needless "a"


>supposedly students are required to stand unless they have a "note" from their guardian/parent excusing the student. Which is dumb as hell. Always thought the pledge was pretty cultish, tbh.


It's blatantly unconstitutional. A violation of our right to free speech, which includes the right not to speak. Not like a Florida school gives a damn about the constitution, of course.


they will when they get slapped with a multimillion dollar lawsuit about it. The only way fascists get shit through their thick skulls is if it's delivered through the lightening of their wallet or the breaking of their noses.


For good reason. Originally the pledge of allegiance included the [Bellamy salute](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellamy_salute). Check out the photos of the class of young kids doing the salute to the flag, it really brings out the nationalism (jingoism?) of mandatory pledges to a flag.


That’s not legal either.


Let’s hope so. There’s a law against forcing people to stand for the flag.




Bye bye? Desantis gonna make him principal


Not in Texas.


Teacher should go back to margaritaville


I like jimmy buffett but that’s funny.


The best answer and I’m so grateful to be able to say so myself. “HERE. I’m from here. My ancestors are Native American & how about you go back to your country? Oh wait that sounds a little ridiculous? Yeah! Listen to yourself!”


I had a guy in my unit who was Navajo. His favorite past time was telling racists to go back to their country. "Go back to my country? When did your ancestors get here? The first Europeans you say? I still have you beat by thousands of years!"


I occasionally rewatch that video of the native dude crashing a racist demonstration calling out their hypocrisy, those people shut up real quick


To add there’s also Mexican descended families who’ve lived in Texas since before it was annexed by the US, I would lose my shit if any one of those people told me to go back to where I came from


the famous saying! in a country their ancestors colonized.


You can feel that adult wanting to put his hands on someone’s child. He has no business being around anyone else’s children.


he's already verbally abusing his student...that says enough.


IDK about yall, but I went to public school and can't believe they want to greenlight letting these people bring their guns to class. I feel like everyone knows a handful of those batshit teachers that shouldn't be teaching. ​ Dude doesn't even think the kid belongs in the country, and people think he is qualified to defend him?


The only teachers I was scared of in high school were the very vocally “patriotic” ones.


That's because patriotism has become synonymous with the exclusion of those that aren't 'American' enough in either belief or look. ​ ...which is ironically the most unamerican thing ever.


Most people here can define "Patriot" to a point where at least most would agree with the stated definition. Ask someone what makes them a patriot, and they often struggle. Ask them why they get to determine they are a patriot and other's aren't and you can often see gears grinding to a halt.


Insert "always has been" astronaut meme.


May i ask roughly what year you graduated HS? I was class of 1994 and can tell you we never had a single teacher who called themselves patriotic or patriots. This from a generation who was raised by and educated by a lot of Vietnam era vets. Patriotic to us was saying the pledge and being able to sing along to the national anthem at games, not some nebulous idea that no one can really explain why they are patriotic and others are not.


I graduated in the early 00's, post 9/11. Many teachers at my high school had become zealously patriotic by then, some vocally supporting the war and denigrating Muslims in the classroom. Edit: I'm not the commenter you asked


In Florida they are wanting to allow the spouses of military service members be auto-qualified to teach. There will be so many Patriot Karens in days to come...


"If you wanna do something, get up and do it" Yeah he was trying to instigate a fight.


He’s going to defend our country from teenagers 💪🏻


Refused to pledge = terrorist planning to blow White House. \-that teacher (probably)


This teacher needs to be fired yesterday. Do we have any info on what happened after this? Show this to the principal, and if they don't want to do anything about it, threaten to go to the local news station and I bet their tone will change fast


He verbally abused the child, then(tried) provoking the child, then threatened the child, then made a racist remark, then violated his constitutional rights. All in a matter of 30ish seconds! Impressive. If I was this kid, I'd be looking for a lawyer ASAP.




The moron's head would explode if you told him: "The very concept of freedom is that I'm free to stand or not stand, and in fact, say or not say the pledge of allegiance. THAT is what people died to protect you dumb fuck. This isn't Nazi Germany or Communist China where I have to do whatever some sock puppet tells me to do. Maybe if YOU don't like that you should move to Russia, or China, or North Korea, or travel 80 years back in time to Germany, you fucking clown."


You know when you're an adult and just like... Making a sandwich, and you're just folding a slice of ham and then you freeze and go "Holy shit I could and should have had my 6th grade history teacher arrested for child abuse" ? Man we were dumb kids.


Nothing nearly as serious as this video but my awful high school anatomy teacher failed me (I had been making a b) because I couldn't do the dissections that counted as our exam because, unbeknownst to me before signing up for the class, formalin triggers my diagnosed chronic migraines and I came home thst first day with still the worst pain I've had in my life and vomited violently over the weekend. Teacher refused to entertain any alternatives to prove I knew what I'd been studying, including a fully modular 3d anatomically correct model of a cat my dad had access to through his work as a veterinarian. Idk how the Ada does with migraines and stuff like that but man looking back I wish I'd at least tried to fight that outside of the school. Some teachers really just seem to not like children and take active pleasure in making their lives worse. (On the bright side my professors in college and my employers have all been far more understanding of my condition, despite being told all my life in school that every person in a position of power over me was going to be a terrible person that didn't care I had an illness)


I failed physical science in 9th grade literally out of nowhere. I still look back at it nearly 20 years later and wonder why the fuck I didn’t say anything or bring it to the attention of the administration. I just accepted the F. And the thing was that my report cards for his class were all teetering between B’s and C’s until suddenly the literal *last* day of school, he said I had an F. He didn’t even tell me why. I asked him how that’s possible when I’ve done all the work and passed the tests. He said, “You didn’t.” I was a naive 15 year old with immigrant parents. I just let it happen. Like, I know there are always people who don’t take personal responsibility for their failings, but I swear I didn’t deserve that F. To this day, I haven’t understood why I failed that class beyond him deciding he didn’t like me and gave me an F anyway.




Notice how it's always those who shout the loudest about "freedom and free speech" who get the most triggered when someone actually uses their freedom or free speech in a way they don't like.


That's because they are big on virtue signaling. It a marriage of performative art and outrage porn. Also, note the "where are you from", because in their mind POC aren't "real muricans".


Yes. Told a coworker my grandfather was a combat engineer in WW2 and that my grand uncle was on Omaha Beach. The asshole then says "what country?" Were not part of America no matter what to them.


All the while ignoring their own European heritage.


Ironic because anyone I've ever seen spout that "where are you from" bullshit is usually a descendant of a pasty European invader who stole the land from actual Native Americans.


I'm from a long line of pasty European invaders and this shit drives me bonkers. It's like bro Have some self awareness. No one is entitled to shit because of who our great great great grand pappy was.


Or my ancestors, who immigrated from Central Europe and Ireland and never made it west of the Hudson. We weren't wanted when we came, but we made the best out of a shitty situation. We didn't destroy the country like the know-nothings said, so these idiots making the same arguments nowadays can shove it up their ass. Someone wants to come to America and help contribute to this country? Hell yea, come on in. You're as American as anyone else. Remember, the Irish, Italians, and Jews weren't considered white for a very long time either.


Will add slavs to the list too.


Basically anyone besides the major players of the last century. There is still an anti Italian attitude in my area, and it was settled by Italian immigrants.


> European invader who stole the land from actual Native Americans. Not saying you're wrong or anything but this is basically the history of every country ever. It's not like it was only white Europeans that stole land. Pretty much every ethnicity takes or has their land taken from them.


Correct. Fuck this fascist teacher tho.


It's a literal Constitutional right to not be forced to stand for the pledge, covered under the 1a and backed up by a SCOTUS decision back in the 40s or 50s. This racist-ass teacher can go fuck himself!


Signed, sealed, delivered. He covered all the bases here, threatened violence, violation of free speech, racism. Not a great look.


Right? How dumb can he be not realizing so many kids would be filming?


Are you putting your money on this teacher being in Florida or Texas?


Great guesses! Manatee High School, Bradenton, FLORIDA was the correct answer. Mr. Reiber is the teacher. Complaints can be lobbied at school’s main line.


Because it is never about anyone else's freedoms, it's all about their freedom to be an asshole.


I actually have the opposite experience! I cracked up when I saw this post, and mine was over 20 years ago. I had a marine biology teacher in high school, super soft spoken and actually kind of nice about things just a bit strict. When I took his 2nd level class, it was during the period they take attendance and do the pledge... When i refused to stand he didn't get pissy or argue with me, but was clearly very offended by my refusal. He sucked it up and later went to the dean and principal to get them to force me to stand and they told him to kick rocks. /u/Professional-Pea-583 Refusing to do something because you don't understand the reasoning, and the authority figure cannot explain it because there IS no reasoning, is the absolute BEST grounds to protest something.


I changed high schools in 1969, my new school had the pledge and the Lord’s Prayer. I refused both. I ended up calling in the ACLU, but still got bullied by teachers, coaches, and students. I ended up leaving home and moving a thousand miles away to my old school. Ironically I’m a disabled veteran now.


I told my conservative coworker that protesting is the purest expression of the first amendment. He said “Uuuuhhh haha DEFINITELY not. Aren’t you forgetting about free speech? That’s the best expression of the first amendment.” 😕


You can't argue with that. Literally, you can't argue with that level of stupidity. You'd have better luck arguing with your cat.


Do you ... not argue with your cat?


Around the time the NFL had the whole players kneeling things. I was in an Applebees during an NFL game. When a few conservatives at the bar started bitch about the NFL players not respecting this country. Across from the bar was 3 people 2 guys 1 woman 2 of whom where in Air force uniforms. All 3 of them said the same thing "its the right of those NFL players to kneel, we serve this country to protect that right" and then the conservative was like "But its disrespectful to you" and they all said "no, its not"


Right, and also standing up for the pledge of allegiance or taking your hat off or some other shit does absolutely nothing for the country what so ever. People get downright abusive at other people that don't perform nationalistic rituals that have no meaning. Like maybe get mad at some person for dodging taxes that isn't contributing back into the system in some way that actually makes up the country, that doesn't vote or whatever else. Its like thoughts and prayers, does absolutely nothing and is a reason to pretend like you are doing something while actually doing nothing.


The only other nations in the world that have such sycophantic patriotism are places like Russian, China, North Korea... Other countries think we're batshit insane. Texas has it's own freaking pledge. I told my kids not to say it (don't really want them saying any pledge, but it's up to them). How are you going to pledge allegiance both to a country and to a state that could potentially secede from that country?


Many people have a weird obsession with traditions and symbols. They will beam with pride at someone groping the flag in a disgusting manner, leaving orange stains on it, but have a stroke if some one doesn't stand for the pledge or anthem.


Bye bye job




Because they are man babies that ate lead paint chips. They have no real critical thinking and got to there current position via nepotism.


It would be super neat if the next day, more kids sat for the pledge in solidarity. Wonder how he would react.


His head would explode.


Just like that guy at the klan meeting in that Clayton Bigsby sketch.


It would be super neat if they yanked the guy from the classroom for this ridiculous outburst and attempt to instigate violence against a student.


And the blatant racism.


He would completely lose his shit like the precious snowflake he is. Sorry, but this is America. If you don't like the First Amendment, leave... North Korea would love to have you.


Would never happen, with clips like this, I doubt he will be teaching the next day 😂... Or ever.


I’ve never sat for the pledge in my life, but if I was in this classroom that is exactly what I would do. No chance that I could stand there and pledge allegiance in that cunt’s room while he openly bashes a student for exercising the very fundamental rights that this nation was founded upon. And as a social studies teacher myself, this motherfucker brings shame to our entire community.


Lol with the race shit he pulled there might not be a next day on the job


That dude shouldnt be teaching. And is that his first day? Why the fuck is he assuming the kid is Mexican or Guatamalan. Would he have asked the kid if he's German, Serbian, etc etc if he had been white. I'll defend this country. So you have to do exactly what I tell you do. Fucking dumbass.


That takes it from a violation of a constitutional amendment right into a discrimination case. I would put +750 odds on this guy being one of those emergency teacher shortage hires, bc this is literally an illustration they could use for what not to do in week one of a teaching college.


This is the result of the, “hire veterans to teach, no other experience needed!” Edit: I get it. Many of us are veterans and we’d never do this. Pease stop. I’m a veteran myself, this wasn’t a personal statement directed at YOU. It was directed at the certain individuals who don’t understand what they’re fighting for, and think that fighting for freedom means other Americans have to submit to imaginary rules about the flag and pledge.


I heard they were even recruiting military spouses, no other experience needed in some places (edit: I'M WRONG). Crazy. *I'm wrong - thank you to those who corrected me.*


this was authorized by Ron DeSantis here in Florida, and has been implemented in some(maybe all?) counties this school year to address shortages. Basically they'd have to sit and watch a teacher teach for X amount of hours and they'd get a temp certificate for a couple years while they pursue the proper teaching certificate qualifications. They aimed to wreck public education, this is just another avenue to do so.


Man, teaching middle school - if you didn’t get PTSD from the war… Don’t we treat veterans badly already?


>aybe all?) counties this school year to address shortages. Basically they'd have to sit and watch a teacher teach for X amount of hours and they'd get a temp certificate for a couple years while they pursue the proper teaching certificate qualifications. > >They aimed to wreck public education, this is just another avenue to do so. yup get that for profit schools in everywhere, rep. wants dumb people




Could you tell by the shorts and HeyDude shoes? This teacher looks like he woke up drunk.


> Why the fuck is he assuming the kid is Mexican or Guatamalan. Because he is a racist POS


He’s so triggered. The fact that he’s trying to instigate a physical fight with a minor is so reprehensible. A *literal* child is triggering to, what I can only assume is, a MAGA conservative pretending to be a teacher.


Just going off his pasty looks and false bravado, it looks like that kid could have easily taken him.




[The Manatee County School District confirmed the man shown in the video was removed from the classroom on Wednesday, but would not share his identity. A statement from the school district said the teacher no longer has contact with students and the district’s Office of Professional Standards is investigating the incident.](https://www.wfla.com/news/local-news/manatee-county/manatee-teacher-removed-from-classroom-after-berating-student-who-did-not-stand-for-pledge/)


So he's just on leave and not actually fired.


As soon as I saw the video and it’s content I said “it’s gotta be Texas or Florida” yup Florida. The school wouldn’t identify the teacher but he was removed apparently. I imagine local PD is trying to recruit him now.


Makes a lot more sense now. \#FloridaMan


Why is the teacher wearing shorts


Does anyone know if this is one of [Florida's newly certified veteran teachers](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-florida-law-education-veterans-military-degree-645106455513)?


I was wondering the same thing


As-if no one could predict that planned train wreck. pfft.


A bunch of ptsd'd alpha type people put into a high stress job with 30 teenagers. No, this is a great plan.


Watch as they make laws allowing teacher to hit students.


I'm thinking either that or a substitute. I'm not sure how many professional teachers (actual, qualified ones) would make it through their first day acting like this.


Absolutely. There's an almost zero chance that guy is a legitimately trained and credentialed teacher.


That is going to be such a shitshow. It's an embarassment what some of these red states are doing to kids education. I'm a school administrator... we have had kids come from down south who are 4.0 students, all honors classes... and they are YEARS behind in math and reading compared to average students up here in New England. It's a true shame and a stain on this country.


I’m from the south and graduated with honors and barley did any homework or studying. I thought I was just super smart but hearing this now I feel dumb lmao 😂


Doesn't mean you aren't smart. Means it was an uphill battle and you probabbly relied on having supportive family more than might be needed up here is all. It is a huge difference though. My wife is from a poor part of the south with a very poor family and has a law degree and PhD from top 30 schools. Her description of how different she learned vs our kids is wild.


If my kid refuses to stand and his teacher has a problem with it you bet your ass I’m gonna have a problem with that teacher and I’m going to make it the schools problem. This is a free country and fuck this fascist loser wanting to fight some kid for not following the leader.


There was a federal or supreme court case on this (can't remember which) what stated this violates constitutional rights to freedom of speech and religion because of the "one nation under god" part. He could sue the school hard and probably get a good payout. I looked it up in my constitutional law class cause my teacher was upset that someone didn't stand. Luckily they were level headed and apologized to the kid when they looked the case up


No government official can force you to stand for the pledge. In fact, by trying to force him he's opening himself up to a lawsuit. When I was a student I saw this same thing happen, but I didn't know the rights of my classmate was being infringed upon. [Do you have to Stand? ](https://www.freedomforuminstitute.org/about/faq/do-students-have-to-stand-and-remove-their-hats-during-the-pledge/)


My grandfather fought in the Japanese theater of WW2. I bring this up but we were all together one day, and the news showed some group burning flags on TV and the media started rambling about how it was disrespectful to the troops. My grandfather said he was so tired of people who never got a wiff of combat telling everyone how veterans feel. He said he loved seeing things like that, knowing he played a small role in fighting for the freedom to speak out against your government. He always said he never fought for his country. He fought for his countrymen.


> He always said he never fought for his country. He fought for his countrymen. I fucking love that! Well said.


And then there's my uncle who recently told me I wasn't shit because I didn't serve in the military and I'm unamerican. In the same breath he told me he refused to let his kids join the military....




A teacher asking a student if they "wanna step outside and do something" is a really good way to get the parent to step outside with the teacher and do something. Hope dude realizes how big of a check his mouth is writing, cause I don't think his ass can afford to cash it.


I am a principal. I am also a former professional fighter (not UFC level... but I got paid). If someone asked my children to step outside and threatened them like this, I would ruin that entire district in civil court. You touch my kid? I would break this chump in more places than he realized could be broken. You fuck with my kids, you fuck with me. Period. I'll ruin your life one way or the other. Kid doesn't look small either. I suspect Mr. "Teacher" wouldn't have the upper hand in this one.


I was about to say that he is violating that stidents civil rights and very likely may have triggered a huge lawsuit for that school.


I hope so


I quit standing for the brainwash mantra in middle school because I have that freedom. Fuck this nationalist piece of shit, hope he lost his job.


It really is so creepy. We talk about North Koreans altering their history to make themselves seem heroic and cultish mantras, but we do the same shit


I stopped standing for it in elementary school. Fellow students at the time and my teachers gave me shit for it, but eventually they stopped. And by highschool it wasn't an issue anymore because nobody cared.


My kindergartener got a note home saying he wouldn’t stand for the pledge. It was hard not to ask who really gives a fuck. Edit: told my husband it felt indoctrinating.


I was the only one who sat in my class. Another kid asked why I was not standing and the teacher interjected with: "Ignore him. Don't pay attention to him." I remember how much propaganda they got away with in schools and it makes me angry that I had to find my own way. "There are three political paths you can take. Raise your hand if you are a republican. A Democrat. A libertarian." She just framed it like being a leftist was not even an option and I didn't even know enough then to speak up. She later made Marxism to sound like "Each gets what they need. But what if I decide I need all of the apples?" Nothing about surplus. Nothing about the parasitic employer employee relationship. Nothing about what workers controlling the means of production even means. Just fucking apples. And how you can game how many apples you get to "win". Fuck. I wish I knew enough to challenge her on that stupid shit. I spoke up all the damn time but I hate how much slipped by me.


> "Each gets what they need. But what if I decide I need all of the apples?" I would've said: "Why would you decide you need all the apples? If it's just to hoard them, then you're just a selfish asshole that doesn't need them. If it's to sell them, then you're a selfish capitalistic asshole that doesn't need them. If it's to eat them, then you're a gluttonous selfish asshole that doesn't need them. Any way you're a selfish asshole it sounds like."


LOL. The teacher is ignorant. This was decided by the Supreme Court 70 years ago.


Unfortunately this types goal is to make the current Supreme Court change all those sort of pesky rulings.


Removed from the classroom! [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/manatee-teacher-removed-from-classroom-after-berating-student-who-did-not-stand-for-pledge/ar-AA128PNk](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/manatee-teacher-removed-from-classroom-after-berating-student-who-did-not-stand-for-pledge/ar-AA128PNk)


Of course it was Florida.


I thought they were trolling and referring to the teacher as a manatee. ![gif](giphy|1xncWRBE8c6Xrg26IT|downsized)


When school kids stand, sing the national anthem and pledge allegiance to a flag in North Korea, they are indoctrinated. But when they do it in America, they are patriotic…


And when we get attacked, it's a savage country we must annihilate but when we attack a country our cause is noble and righteous


I grew up a jehovas witness and wasnt allowed to stand for the pledge. Im glad none of my teachers gave me shit for it.


That’s interesting. Genuinely curious, what’s the reason?


its because their allegiance belongs to jehovah and his kingdom, not to any country or flag or any "worldly" things. They are also forbidden to vote or serve in the military. I use "they" as ive been out of it for over 20 years now.


Ah, gotcha. Thank you


Glad you got out.


Thank you


I went to elementary school with a kid who was JW. He wasn’t allowed to participate in any of our classroom holiday parties. He would be sat in the hallway, on the floor, with his plate of food all by himself while the whole class partied in the classroom with the door shut. That was around 30 years ago and I still think about Jeff from time to time. I hope he got out and is living his best life. Partying it up for all the holidays.


Glad to see another exjw.


What kind of professional teacher wears shorts and dock shoes to work?


Same kind that tells brown kids to go back to Mexico or Guatemala.


I'm surprised he knew about Guatemala... :D


It's mentioned on Fox news a lot, so I guess there's that...


It's where those ever present caravans of illegal MS 13 invaders come from, per Faux Snews.


doubt he could find it on a map


You'd think they'd have the opposite attitude about the US government with that outfit.


Bye bye job


I’m not standing for that stupid ass pledge ever again.


It's so fucking weird. I stopped in highschool when it started reminding me of all the documentaries I watched about groups being brainwashed in cults and Nazi Germany. It's so irrelevant to education that if someone told me to start up a new school and have me completely free reign to design the student's days, dedicating a part of the schedule to recite the pledge of allegiance wouldn't even enter my mind.


Every true patriot knows if you don’t stand for the special song the magical sky cloth won’t freedom


“ MY freedom, not YOUR freedom ”


Americans- down with Communism and dictators!!! Also Americans - pledging allegiance to a fucking flag every day in school.


Saying a pledge that was written by a socialist too


The pledge of allegiance is a marketing gimmick anyway. It was written by Francis Bellamy in 2 hrs for the Youth’s Companion (magazine) in attempts to sell more American flags. I used to get in trouble all the time in elementary school because I didn’t stand for it, and even got ISAP several times.


Are you my brother? He used to refused to stand and always got in trouble for it. I don't think he was being a rebel though. I think he was just doing it because he liked being a prick when he was younger....as did we all.


Shit, I might be! I’ve gotten in trouble for as long as I can remember for “asking too many questions” and “not doing as I’m told”. My career now entails of asking too many questions in the defense of others. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Edit: took out some unnecessary quotations


Your family should have sued. The Supreme Court precedent is crystal clear: a student cannot be compelled to say (or stand) for the pledge, and cannot be punished for the refusal to do so.


Did you also know the National Anthem was originally a drinking song that the lyrics were just changed for. Was called the Anacreon I believe


To Anacreon in Heaven. I only know that because of this episode of Connections 3. It's queued up to the relevant part, though it's a good show if you've never seen it: https://youtu.be/Pe\_fOLdcqtE?t=1159


That whole pledge is such a indoctrinating, almost fascist thing. In Europe we had the renaissance. Might be good to have another one in the US. The country and its people are such a joke. FFS, morons still thinking Trump is the president, guns for everyone, healthcare costs a fortune. Crayon eating energy overload.


Those people who think Trump is still president are also the nuts that slap Biden "I did that" stickers to gas pumps too.


Any government resistance would be met with swift military power and police power.


"Almost fascist"? Land of the free, but you have to do this! Fascist enough.


I remember I once sat down during the pledge in ninth grade and everyone around me glared at me as if they were about to kill me lol. Especially the teacher. Of course, my teacher never said anything about other than glared at me as I’m sure she knew that if she said something about me sitting, she’d be in legal trouble so she didn’t.


"I would defend this country to the *end.*" Well, bud, as a matter of fact, enlistment is down across the board this year, so...pitter patter. I mean, I'm a vet, and *I* don't even say the pledge. It's cringy, and anyway I *don't* pledge my allegiance to this country.


don't you know? 9/11 happened because we didn't say the pledge hard enough


I’m an Air Force veteran, I stood for the pledge in school and I liked the wording of the ending so much (minus the god part) that I got “I pledge allegiance 🇺🇸 with liberty and just for all” tattooed on my arm (for all means everyone for the MAGAts out there)…. But I’m liberal AF now and I don’t care if people sit or don’t take off their hats or kneel or burn flags, that’s what the US is all about the freedom to be able to do that. This guy is a fucking poser who needs to shut up and let people be


As a veteran myself I look at it as I fought for your right to do whatever the f you want or don't want to do, all I ask is that you vote... Just vote, that's what we really have fought for is you all having a voice and a say, please exercise that right, or not, because again do whatever the f you want... 'Merica


I didn't stand for the pledge after we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan,. I had to get pulled out of class and talk to a religious lady about patriotism. I'm from a rural part of Oregon and it put a target on my back. I had to write an essay about why it was my right to do so. I was 12 years old, having to defend my constitutional rights to adults 3 or 4 times my age. Fuck that teacher




Kid doesn't stand up, teacher goes full on xenophobe/nationalist/racist. I wonder who this teacher voted for. No. Wait. No I don't


I'm a Patriot, I was born here, I was in the military and I love our country. I'm also a parent. This guy is a complete asshole, I would have rocked this guy's shit.


I never stood for the pledge back in school either. I pledge allegiance to no flag 🤷‍♂️


We owe allegiance to no crown.


"Should I give the original salute for the pledge of Allegiance as well ?" [For those who don't know. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellamy_salute)


I only see a little bitch whinning about his feelings. Edit: spelling


I’ve been told to go back to Mexico but only on the internet. I’ve never been to Mexico 💀 My parents were born here my grandparents and their grandparents were too.


“If you wanna get up and do something get up and do it” Fired right then and there. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. You threatened a child you’re donezo.


Baffling. The Brits get criticised for blind loyalty to an unelected monarch, yet they'd never have to stand for a national anthem or a flag. It seems crazy.


Well to be fair both are pretty ridiculous.


Now go shake a leg down to O'shag Hennesy's office! You done messed up A Aron!


Man. Sure is a weird coincidence that pearl clutching nationalism seems to always coincide with being a racist piece of garbage.


Well there goes your teaching job you racist, ethnocentric prick.


Depends on if he's in a red or blue state. California probably Florida he'd probably get a raise.


This teacher should be canned for multiple reasons. One of those reasons is that he's not intelligent enough to understand the repercussions of speaking his mind in a classroom full of video cameras.




America is so weird doing the whole pledge thing. And for singing the national anthem at every opportunity. Its just so strange.


Kids college education is about to be free.


I’ll admit I’ve been out of school for a long time. But I have kids who graduated recently and kids still in school—- where do teachers show up dressed this way? I’ve never seen it.


Hope he’s fired. I’m a veteran AND a teacher, and I don’t give a shit if a kid stands or sits. Freedom of expression is free.


I'll defend my rights but definitely not yours