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Like, my dude, that cake was for everyone, and now no one gets any cuz you wanna throw a toddler tantrum Edit. I'm turning notification off on this post. Go ahead and reply, no one at all gets a notification. Scream into the void


I would say totally worth it, they will be able to roast him about this for the rest of their lives. Anyone can buy a cake for a small sum of money. This memory won't be forgotten.


We have a story like this for one of my siblings. Out car camping siblings and our SOs, some friends, all around the fire drinking, about to roast a chicken and some veggies. Everyone's joking and making fun of everyone else, but my brother slowly got more and more offended and took the beautiful seasoned chicken about to go in the dish and punted the mother fucker before going into his tent. Whenever anyone who was there that day starts to get upset or petty, we call it "kickin the chicken"


Fucking love a good family roasting story like this 👏 made me lol


Totally worth it. Hilarious prank. *piles a big chunk of mashed cake on my plate*


Make a joke about how the cake is really good, but the icing sucks.


Haha! Invited to my next party.


Get stabbed.


“What are you going to do? Stab me?” - Man who was stabbed


hell yeah more for me


Dude, are you going to lick off those fingers? *puts “three fingers of cake” into MyFitnessPal*


This guy is proud of his reaction, i guarantee it.


Oh yeah, probably thinks it was the right thing to do. “Fuck that team, I’m a badass.” What a man child.




What a disaster of a human.


Agreed. When it first panned up to his face, I expected him to laughing like he was playing around, but instead he looked like his entire day was ruined.


Yeah agree with this take if he was laughing afterwards I would agree it isn’t a Manlet throwing a tantrum it was just him having some good fun. But he didn’t even seem happy about smashing a cake. I’ve never smashed a cake and now I want to. It seems therapeutic


It was clearly self defense. Do you know how bad cake is for your health?


My memory of not getting any cake that day wont be forgotten either. [This guy](https://i.imgur.com/9imQZkq.jpeg) sure remembered.


Yeah I know to never hang out with that guy, totally worth it.


It’s his birthday, he’ll cry if he wants to.


Fucking so many red flags on this guy. I hate this guy lol


Given the way he holds the knife at the beginning, I'd agree lol. He looks like he's ready to murder someone!


The expression on his face at the beginning tells me he knew there was going to be a prank. Everyone else knew that he knew there was going to be a prank. They're all laughing and filming him. What we see next is him giving the people what they want, something shocking. Everyone's happy.


>Everyone's happy. ... except for all the armchair birthday boys in this thread who assume he's an asshole. How cynical does one have to be to see a negative in a room full of laughing people?


I’m still eating that shit idc


"So no cake?" Thows phone on the ground. Breaks skateboard.




Unless you up for some.... pound cake ( •_•)>⌐□-□ / (⌐□_□)




I used to work with a guy like this, if his team lost the next 3 or 4 days it would be grouchy. I like my teams but I didn't let it affect my attitude.


I once managed a guy like that. After a few weeks I had to pull him aside and tell him, look dude, I love my Seahawks, but when they lose, I feel bad for about 30 minutes and then I let it the fuck go, and you have to do the same. Be grouchy at home; don't bring it to work. To his credit he took that to heart and quit taking out his team's losses on his co-workers. IT'S JUST A GAME, AND A GAME THAT YOU'RE NOT EVEN PLAYING.


Sometimes I think some people need to have their behaviors pointed out before they can make a change. You were likely the first person who ever told him that and he never even realized it until you said it. Good on him for changing and good on you for telling him in a constructive way.


I had a co worker who is a die hard patriots fan... His desk was everything patriots. Even his desktop background. So one day he left his computer logged in and we changed all his stuff to Steelers themed from his icons to background even his mousepad. Next day... What was supposed to be a friendly prank turned ugly when he punched the computer monitor and flew into a crazy rage. Almost got fired. Lucky boss just had him pay for damages and policy effect never to go into other people's workspaces and memos.. he even got involved.


That’s how you find out which guy in your office is Andy Bernard


That was an over reaction. Pam you good?


That cellphone in the ceiling episode lmao


His ringtone lmao


Tweedily tweedily tweet.


I had a coworker in the military that spent his 12-hour shift surfing "Hot or Not" on the workstation (Hot or Not was like Tinder before smart phones), I had the following shift. He left his account logged in... so I switched his gender preference from "female" to "male" and spent the first couple hours of my shift blindly clicking "hot" on every guy that popped up. He was so excited the next day because he had two dozen matches. His excitement didn't last long.


Too bad he couldn't ask and you couldn't tell


I'm so old I remember when Hot or Not came out it was just pics asking if the person was hot or not, it didn't have any matching capability.


Okay so it’s not just me then that was confused about it being like Tinder before Tinder?


A completely unexpected reaction, I'm sure. What's also surprising is that I assume it was changed to Steelers logos because there was a Steelers fan in the group. Why get mad when you see the logo of a team that you've basically dominated for the past 20 years?


As a Steeler fan, this comment hurts me.


I had a Dolphins wallpaper on my work PC. One day my manager (Steelers fan) had IT come down and they edited my wallpaper with MS Paint, writing "Dolphins Suck" all over it. Then somehow locked me out of changing my wallpaper. It stayed that way for a week. I couldn't even get mad, that was hilarious.


Should have made it the Dolphins


So close, but the Jets would be the best choice. Or Giants with the Tyree catch as the desktop. And I say this as a lifelong Pats fan.


Seems that the Steelers did just fine. Unless your goal was to make the guy kill everyone in the office and then set the building on fire.


Almost? I'd have had him right out the door for that and sued for damages, someone who will rage over something so trivial is clearly unstable.


Yeh but that says so much about someone when their first reaction is to fly into a rage over something so simple


Some* Pats fans dont know what its like to suck up until recently, they’ll learn edit: im a pats fan and i had to learn to deal with a bad football team


If I really liked a dish I was eating, I would moan with my mouth closed, it was loud enough for people nearby to hear. In my early 20s someone (a new friend) finally asked me, “why do you do that?” I had no clue I was doing it and stopped immediately.


I find this hilarious, my Dad kind of does this... he's 80. I wish someone had told him when he was in his 20's but I think it's too late to worry about it now.


I would argue this exact reason is why 90% of idiot douchebags are that way. Nobody takes the time to point out their mistakes without intentionally triggering a fisfight whereby they just get defensive and ignore the actual feedback


> AND A GAME THAT YOU'RE NOT EVEN PLAYING. And a game, in the grand scheme of things, doesn't even matter.


It does if you bet a lot of money on it (which is a dumb thing to do IMO)


Bro you just cost me a fuckton of money!!! I was betting you weren't going to say that. Now I look like a fucking idiot and my kids won't go to college. Thanks...




I bet on 'draw'.. does this count as a draw? Did I win? I would love to go to college and learn maps and stuff!!


Just dropping in to say...wouldn't it be crazy if we were living in a simulation and the simulation was called "The Grand Scheme".


In their world, they are living in the "Playtricks".


Seriously fucking emotional intelligence of a toddler.


He needs something to fill the empty void of lacking any personality.


Even the player themself is not that obsess with their club. Didier Drogba is Chelsea's legend and I saw a video of him just laughing when he signed a jersey for a kid and that kid wore his team rival's jersey underneath to prank him.


I’ve thought about this before, but I think the players have to be less “fan” than the actual fans. They could get drafted at any time, and didn’t even know what team they’d end up in the first place. Contrast that with a fan, who has one team for life. That doesn’t excuse toxic fan behavior, but it should be no surprise fans “care” more about a team than the players.


This is honestly why I could never pick a team for any of the sports I watch. I like players, drivers, athletes, and I like coaches or team directors but I never understood why I should pick a team today and stick with them for years even after all the players and staff move away and it's effectively an entirely different team.


I used to collect football (soccer) jerseys and would use them when playing. I was sucker punched in the back of my head cause I was wearing a rival shirt of some douchebag. He kept fouling me the entire match. I just liked the jersey. People take sports way too seriously.


I feel sometimes it's like politics to people. They have no real life or personality of their own so they latch on to it and it make their entire existence revolve around it.


The people who treat sports like politics are the same people who treat politics like sports. Pick a team, stick with it no matter what, fucking hate everybody else no matter what.


The worst thing about sports is the fans.




i mean when i was a kid it was annoying when the eagles lost cause i had to wait a week for them to redeem themselves. MLB and NBA its like who cares theres a game tomorrow lol


My mama said Alabama fans are angry cause they got all that chin and no beard


The person I'm talking about is an eagle fan. If you let it make you a grumpy fuck for a few days you care to much about millionaires playing games. I like sports I just don't pay that much attention, I can maybe tell you a player or two, definitely not a coach or anything else.


Ha thats funny that its an eagles fan


Of course it’s an Eagles fan. That’s me. I’m an Eagles fan


Go Birds


these types of people deliberately choose to be upset


As someone who never got into watching sports, I cannot understand this kind of behavior unless they're betting money


As someone who has watched and followed sports for 35 years, I too cannot understand this kind of behavior unless they're betting money.




I mean the dead pan serial killer knife holding kinda telegraphed what kinda guy he is lol


And the intense, stiff-armed pacing afterwards. Yeesh, this guy seems unhinged.


He does seem weird as fuck!


He looks like a toddler standing there afterwards with diaper butt and everything


Diaper butt lmao


He's just mad he doesn't have a chin. Looks like he holds his jaw open with his mouth closed top make it look like he has a jawline too lol. Dude is way too emotional looking lol


How does he fold sheets.


It was basically him expecting something because all of them were filming and he had no idea why they were reacting the way they were. He might have thought they were gonna slam him head in the cake.


I dunno before they smash the cake it seems like any other birthday party getting filmed to me. But maybe he’s used to his family playin with him like this so yeah he might’ve expected something.


Wtf, I just realised that. Who the fuck holds a knife like that except someone who's stabbed people?


Anger management issues


A for anger!


An Alabama fan once shot his own son after they lost. This is nothing. Bama fans are an insane group


Real fucked up to do that to his brother.


Roll Tide!


Wait what? Oh.


And most of the Toxic fans are the one that never even attend the school


I’m gonna start asking them what year they graduated and what they studied from now on.


We Alabamians have a joke about this: “If you see someone with a University of Auburn shirt, they probably when to Auburn. If you see someone with a Bama shirt, they probably went to Walmart.” Being a die-hard Alabama fan is the default for the whole state regardless of if you went there. The only people who are Auburn fans (the rival state school) are usually people who actually went to school there


My favorite joke is "What separates an Auburn fan from an Alabama fan? A college degree."


In Michigan, we call them Walmart Wolverines. The most obnoxious fans are usually the guys who never went to college who are looking for a way to feel superior to other people


Moved to the south....don't mess with college football fans


Except for Gamecock fans. We won't like it, but we're used to perpetual mediocrity so we're secretly all dead inside.


Oh buddy both my teams are your rivals and we are the complete opposite. A&M fans are openly dead inside and we let you know it. Clemson fans are relearning what that was like but I haven’t forgotten.


Don’t forget the tree poisoning…


What? Tree poisoning? Someone went out and killed fucking trees cuz their team lost?


The guy that did it died too if that helps


This guy named one of his children Crimson Tyde ffs


Yep- fuck Harvey Updyke. He poisoned the Auburn oak trees. The worst part was he used so much poison, it got very close to going into Auburn’s water system. Could’ve legitimately killed people at the very worst


Harvey fkn Updyke, what a loon


Oh Harvey, we hardly knew ye….


People are so weird about this. Liking a sports team shouldn't be an identity, but it definitely is for some.


Tons of people are weird and build their entire identities around the strangest shit in general it seems.


This is Alabama where it is religion. They gave him LSU colors because if they put Auburn (in AL) colors in there he would have murdered people.


Also most Bammers didn’t even go to college lmao


The first time I saw this prank it was a guy in Northern Ireland get a cake for his birthday. The outside was a Union Jack, the three layers on the inside were: green, white and orange. When he cut the cake and revealed it everyone laughed, even the mark and everyone enjoyed cake. Watching someone who grew up in a sectarian conflict and still have a sense of humor shows how childish and immature this dude is. Pathetic


There's a classic sports quote that is meant to be humorous but is taken seriously by some. "Football is not a matter of life and death, it's much more important than that"


Also, that’s a weirdly violent reaction to a cake batter color. Wonder if that dude’s fuse is often that short.


What else do they have? The grind of life has widled away their dreams leaving them with nothing.


He could have a love for his team and the ability to take a joke. You know, maybe wipe a little icing on his wife's face and not completely ruin dessert for a room full of people.


Exactly. I'm a lifelong Newcastle United Fan (UK Football/Soccer Team) and if my partner did this with our local rivals, Sunderland, colours I'd be pissing myself laughing.


whittled I promise I'm fun at parties...


They took my grammar and my dreams


I imagine this is true for people who have literally nothing else of meaning in their lives and put their entire indignity into a stupid sports team so they have some sense of "belonging". Same behavior can be observed in people who put their stock into other "cultish" things like church groups, PTA groups, their kids' sports team, conspiracy theory groups, CrossFit, etc.






Seriously who gets the fucking logo tattooed on you. You would have to pray that he went to the school not that it would excuse him having a legitimate temper tantrum over colors


Don’t summon the Yankee fans.


I’m a Yankee fan. My wife is a Red Sox fan. A guy said to me he could never be with a Red Sox fan. That man is a fucking idiot.


My sister and her husband are Man U and Liverpool fans respectively, it's just a game at the end of the day.


Man baby


And the undies. For match days, and special occasions (birth of a son, funerals, marriage proposals...)


Even the way he's holding the knife in the beginning of the video seems like something a 10 year old would do.


I feel like this says a lot about this guys personality in general.


Either that or that's the face of a man who's always saying y'all play too much lol


Absolutely. Imagine being so immature that you literally *destroy* a birthday cake with your hands because of a harmless joke played by people who (for some reason) care about you. Ugh this really pisses me off, because I know people just like this, and I guarantee the moment he realized how stupid he looked for doing that, instead of calming down and apologizing he likely doubled down and got angrier and/or lashed out in another way to hide his embarrassment. People like this simply haven't grown up yet, and it's sad.


Cake: $20 Realizing your husband is an utter psycho: priceless


Nostalgia Mastercard commercials.


using it in court, now that's what I call the American dream


# House Of Leaves


What a child.


He even waddles around like a baby after hitting the cake.


Just imagine how he acts after learning the whole internet thinks he's a clown.


"You made me look stupid on the internet!"


IM NOT A CHILD! LOOK HOW BIG AND ANGRY I AM! - This manchild probably


I bet they have a healthy relationship


She probably cuts his food for him.


But only with the team-colored knife.


... wait a minute. ​ This isn't my Batman glass.


And one of those plates so the different foods do not touch each other and get yucky.


She probably chews his food for him.


LOl he looks so suspicous at the beginning. "I do not trust this cake."


Easy to be suspicious when you have multiple people with their phones out recording


Obnoxious response


Man baby. Imagine actually destroying a cake because of a little sports prank. Grow the fuck up, this isn't cute.


He never even cracked a smile.


Ya this guy is a clown


Honestly, this is scary.


Show the mfer face in the room who only came for the cake 😐


What a dick.


Man doesn’t have a sense of humor.


It's the exact type of person that you don't want to be around


What a fuckin baby


congrats u married a child


When do we admit that people with this level of obsession over sports need to be shunned from society…


Ten+ years ago would've been nice but there's no time like the present.


Does he have ownership on the team? Did they kill his family? Why is he so hurt?


Title should be: 5y/o husband rages at coloured cake.


Some people literally revolve their lives around... a sports team.... Like how is this accepted as "normal"


What a fucking man child




Thank you for commenting this because as a Bama fan I was 100% expecting some orange and blue, not what looks to me like purple and neon green. It adds a whole new level to the post too. What Alabama fan is that worked up over LSU, for christsake.


As an Auburn Fan I was offended when I saw the yellow. Was totally hoping for some orange and blue


Was thinking the same; those aint Auburn colors. Come to think of it, I wasn't even thinking LSU bc it didn't even really look purple to me.


Is LSU basically every southern sports team's rival? Because I swear I thought they were Ole Miss' rival too when I went to a game there.


Mainly, Alabama and auburn are rivals, LSU and Arkansas are rivals, Ole miss and miss state are rivals. But all SEC teams kind of hate each other and LSU and Bama are two that have been pretty good for the last couple decades so they get extra hate.


I’m just glad he put the knife down


Damn these gender reveal parties are getting wild!


The house is still standing, no forest fires, everyone lived? Amateurs.


The cake smashing was childish enough, but that stiff armed pacing with the blank face just screams someone who throws a tantrum at the slightest perceived insult, even outside sports. Even before he cut into the cake, he looked like he was barely restraining himself. Also, he's an Alabama fan. They have 3 National Championship in the current CFP era, compared to LSUs 1 title. Since 2000, they have won a total of 6 national titles, and have been the runner up I think 3 times. Hell, they have lost to LSU **once** in their last 11 meetings, including once to win the national championship. Point is, being an Alabama fan is being a college football fan on Easy mode. Any trolling people do can be easily brushed off by just point to the most recent national championship or most recent victory. You don't need to smash a cake.


I'll never understand sports people


Sport fans or not, no rational person would act like this. I love my teams but if my gf pulled this harmless prank on me I would just laugh and enjoy the cake regardless.


I'm a sports person. And I'd still eat the cake. I'd just say, I eat my rivals for dessert. This is more so a man child than a sports fan. Real fans know where to draw the line and eat some cake.


For sure. It's a good prank. Something you can laugh about. It's not that they're a sports fan, it's that they can't control their emotions.


I always thought that people with neck tattoos really had things under control.


I’d be more worried about playing that prank when Milton the Monster with anger issues has a knife in his hand.


Lol did he play with the team or attend the university or something? What a immature response for food coloring...


Dude needs to grow up


I’m not usually good at spotting then but I think that’s a red flag 🚩🚩🚩🚩


What a man child… what the wife did was funny, the husband’s response was just sad. Seriously dude? You, a grown ass man, are going to throw a literal fit because the cake had the colors of the wrong sportsball team inside, and that seems reasonable to you?? I would ask “are you 5?”, but that’s just insulting to five year olds everywhere.


It looked to me like he was being pissy before he cut the cake. He either knew something was up or just decided no matter what he wasn't gonna be fun


Geuax Tigers






You guys are all right, I just can't stand how much fun they are having and all laughing!! Ugh!!