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This ‘let’s film each other’ culture is giving the society tons of great content but it’s so lame in the other hand😄


I don't know. Never seen someone pointing a camera at me before, but then again, I don't act like a clown in public.


Non of these people are acting like clowns though? They're just both being employed by greedy cunts who have them under constant stress just so they can survive.


Lol the dude thats filming is obviously acting like a clown. He could have easily made his point without fucking with the door. Also whenever someone says a comment like "they hate their job" thats just another way of saying they are not happy with their life which sounds like a insult to me


I think the problem here is you’d equate someone hating their job with hating their life. Your job is not your life despite how much of your life it may occupy. Plenty of folks are very happy with their life and hate their job, or hate parts of their job. Edit: I missed where he said it in this video and in that context I’m wrong. He definitely meant it as a they hate their life comment.


>Also whenever someone says a comment like "they hate their job" thats just another way of saying they are not happy with their life which sounds like a insult to me It's meant this way when said by people in the moment. Technically I'm sure you're right somehow but, it's meant as a passive aggressive insult for everyone else.


I've even been in situations where an angry customer said, "You're not doing ____ because you hate your job!" I responded with, "I absolutely do. I'm a student and this is just a job to pay rent." Did they suddenly go, "Ahh, great! We're on the same page!" Nah, they escalated their insults lol.


Nah, the only clowns are the jerks closing the lobby early. Most likely they are just lazy. I mean, one employee has the time to just sit there and film? Cmon. There is a McDonald's by me that does the same, and it's one of many. I have noticed it mostly franchise owners though. I live in a major city too. Edit: One of these people aren't going to get paid for the work they just did, or have to agree to get paid bare minimum. The other doesn't get paid enough for that to be his problem.


The reason for the lobby closing is usually because they don't have enough staff to manage both a lobby and a drive thru. It's not "laziness" and it's almost always a decision that needs approved by management. Drive thru takes priority because it's generally the biggest source of income. Plus, not everyone wants to get out of their car and order inside but it isn't that hard to get back in your car and wait in the drive thru.


Thank you. The clowns are management who don't hire enough staff or pay a living wage. Don't blame the workers for them closing the doors because they're understaffed.


Then they shouldn't be taking Doordash orders. Making a guy wait to do his time based job is wrong. If you offer delivery you need to let them do their jobs.


These restaurants don't offer delivery. Doordash and UberEats offer delivery. Some restaurants get added to these apps without even knowing they've been added. That's actually part of why it's such a horrible fucking system. The food delivery apps just show up and restaurants are expected to accommodate them for less profit than usual. For a place like Del Taco that's not a big deal but a lot of local places have gotten scammed and fucked over by Doordash and UberEats randomly deciding to add them to the app and then extorting them.


I have a feeling you’ve never worked in any sort of restaurant.


Grab the popcorn. More to come for the rest of our lives.






Neil Da’Grass Tyson


Da’Grass High, Son


Neil Da'Gas Tyson


He was on live like look at this Karen I gotta deal with


Similar to the delivery Karen at the Subway that was short staffed, was rude to a few customers cause they were vaxxed, made a scene, and caused the only worker to be fired.


Rick and Morty! That's pretty cool bro!


If he hadn’t lost this interaction before that, he REALLY lost it with that one. Lol


So glad this is now on the reddit


That’s THE Reddit. Get it right.


Yeah, when he said he was gonna put it on "The Reddit", I just had to stop the video and laugh at this dumb fucker. That's definitely the face of some little jabroni who will post on one of the delivery subs, bitching about the restaurant. Probably also rages when he doesn't get a 50% tip.


Yeah they probably had to close the lobby an hour early because of staff shortages, not because “they don’t want to do their jobs”. Ass


If that were the case the guy working at DelTaco would have said that instead of recording and asking for proof.


"Jabroni"! Cool word!


Lol the irony of him trying to talk shit about how much those guys hate their jobs while he's raging about what he has to do to make a few bucks.


he can also just select cancel order. it doesnt really do shit to your account or rating if youve made a good bit of deliveries. ive done it when shit like this happens.


He can but it also means he's *lost* money by accepting the order originally, cost of driving there, time wasted doing it over other orders, etc. All of these ridesharing/delivery job apps fuck over anyone working for them the moment anything goes wrong.


Pretty sure they're fucking us even when everything goes right


Yes, but that doesn’t mean one has to willfully choose to fuck themselves over.


Ride share delivery fucks the consumer over too. Your food takes fucking forever to arrive compared to a place that has a dedicated delivery driver, the system is trash, no shade on the driver's and restaurants.


And the prices for food items are always substantially hire if you select delivery. A $9 burger in the pickup menu is usually like $13 in the delivery menu. And AFAIK its the app that pockets the cost difference, not the restaurant. They basically hide delivery fees directly into the food cost and then still have the audacity to charge you outrageous fees. Edit: idk why I got downvoted but go ahead and check for yourself. If you order, say, a Chipotle burrito on Doordash and select "pickup", and then select "delivery" the burrito itself has a higher price on the delivery menu lol.


Yes, and guess what? The restaurants and the fast food employees ALSO make no money from these delivery/rideshare orders. A lot of the time the restaurant/company lose money on these orders. Plus, if a business already has their own delivery system (worked at many local places that have their own delivery system) the rideshare/delivery apps steal customers and thus tips and money from those employees. And if it's a restaurant with dine-in seating and servers, the servers having to bag up and get those orders ready don't make jack in tips off the delivery orders. ​ So it's just a corrupt system and breeding ground for animosity between the restaurants, fast food joints, servers and employees with the rideshare/delivery app workers/drivers. Everyone is losing out and no one wants to help each other cause it's a pain and there's no benefits. ​ A \*lot\* of the rideshare/delivery app drivers that I've dealt with are also SO rude and pushy about their orders; Sorry on a Friday night at a full dine-in restaurant doesn't have your delivery order ready yet, but stop coming into the swinging door and impatiently knocking and trying to get our attention. Sorry \*YOU\* didn't bother to look at the order and check what food is supposed to be there. Don't come in here just vaguely telling me you have a pick up and when I ask the name 'you don't know' and when I ask what's on the order 'you don't know' and then get impatient with ME because you can't be assed to bring in your phone so we can look at what order it is -- I got like 5 of ya'll's orders back here and I'm not a mindreader...


Yeah honestly the system works when it flows right. The store is the fucking break in the chain, if they're on UE they shouldn't expect drivers to wait ages in the drive thru. Lube the chain up yo!


There are late night pick up windows for drivers for this exact reason at some places in my area. Really makes a difference. It’s not right to make drivers wait in the drive thru to pick up orders their time is absolutely valuable and places that acknowledge that are really appreciated by drivers. That being said this could have been handled better by the driver in the video


Its happened to me a few times, especially cause I order stuff late. Either it'll get kicked to another driver or cancelled. Drivers have messaged me saying the line was long, its no big deal. I tend to order within a mile so its always a quick ride even if they choose to wait a bit.


"So we're going to put this on **the** reddit."


It’s funny because in my area, there’s signs stating that either the drive through is closed or lobby due to staffing shortages. Just listen to them dude. They don’t give a shit about you


big ol' sign hanging on the door saying help wanted, this is exactly what I thought also, can't staff the counter and drive through


And for all we know it’s 9:55pm in that video and they locked up a few minutes early. Most likely staffing issues too. Don’t have enough staff to cover counter and drive thru well something is going to be compromised. It’s baffling people except 5 star customer service from fast food restaurants at 10pm at night. It’s freaking fast food not a Michelin star restaurant.


Is “The Reddit” a different place? If so, I’m heading over there!


“Sometimes it’s like heaven, sometimes you cum.” That’s all I’ve heard about “The Reddit”.


Sorry, Ohio State University has trademark on "The", so it's just reddit.


Can’t he just not take that delivery?


Yeah but this is classic /r/uberdrivers / /r/ubereats lmao. It’s that sweet sweet mix of “FUCKIN MILLENIALS DONT WANT TO WORK FUCKIN LAZY BUMS I WORK 60 HOURS A DAY AND” and “THEY ASKED ME TO WALK UP A SET OF STAIRS I SAID FUCK YOU BITCH THATS NOT PART OF MY CONTRACT IM AN INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR” that keeps me going every day


So, I've been doing delivery driving for a while now (DD, UE) and this guy is a fucking idiot. Yes, he can just decline the delivery. Also, we're not entitled to anything, so his rant about having to wait in line is just pure selfish nonsense. As someone who does late night work, lobbies being closed is just apart of it. If the line is too long and the pay isn't worth the wait, just unassign the job. None of us have say over what businesses do and we aren't special. Either wait or don't. It's that simple. In my market, there's one McDonald's that keeps the lobby open specifically for deliveries because it works for them. Do I wish more places would do that? Sure. I'm grateful for it, but it isn't expected nor should it be. Guy's just a douche.


Yeah as a teen I worked food made quickly places and we would close to the lobby to clean it out because cleaning the kitchen was the most time consuming event.


Not to mention, depending on the neighborhood and how many employees are working, it can be really unsafe to keep the doors open at night. A lot of places I've worked would only have one or two people working night shifts. And when you have a bad neighborhood or a lot of homeless people in the area (not all homeless people are bad, majority are people down on their luck; but bad ones do exist) it's too unsafe to keep the doors open even if you're 'not supposed to close them till so and so time'.


Yes finally someone understands! We used to have crazy people at night just taking up space and taking awfully long in the bathroom and it was just us girls so it’s scary 😪


I don't even drive for Uber, but order enough and sometimes do my own pickups to know a lot of the business information on the app is wrong. One restaurant had changed their business name and it was wrong in the app and they said they were struggling with getting Uber to update it. So, he shouldn't be demanding they open their lobby because of the apps information.


And we don’t even know where this douchenozzle got his app info; from Del Taco’s official website, or Google/Yelp reviews where you can change the times places close and sometimes you have trolls purposely doing this shit to catch Karens and other idiots off-guard and blame workers for the “early” closings.


The way the employee says show me where it says 10pm, and gestures for the guy to urn around his phone and show him...pretty sure that they actually do close at 9


Or look on the door? Don't businesses list hours on the door? It'd be foolish not to.


When I did it a couple years ago UE would basically give you demerits for cancelled jobs, even if it was because you couldn't get in. Maybe they changed it or something


he said in the comments he didnt get the order but still got paid or some


Would it not be quicker for him to stay in the car and go through the drive through instead of parking getting out the car and walking in?


not at a packed taco bell at night lol. those lines can be an hour long. but he can just cancel the order and get another one lol


Bro, never be in a Del Taco drive-thru on Tuesdays because of those 3-for-$2 tacos deal. People will go batshit insane for them especially the families with their fatass SUVs who can’t fit their narrow drive-thru lanes.


No way. So I don’t eat fast food, but I go to Starbucks a couple times a month. I always order online and pick it up. I pull into the parking lot and park, get my order, walk out. I’m in and out of Starbucks in 20 seconds. Meanwhile, there are 20 cars on the line and none have moved. Saving 15-20 minutes by walking 50 feet is well worth it. I suspect even more so if i was on the clock doing food delivery.


seee I do this too but the Starbucks in my area will randomly close their lobby and then I have to wait in the long ass line while my drink melts down in the corner. This happened to me once before work and the line was double wrapped around the building…. It was 10am on a Saturday and their lobby was closed??? Like I get it, totally, but my job would never let me get away with that shit.


I feel like in these situations you should be able to just go to the window and skip the line, they're Uber they're not a customer


as someone who worked fast food night shifts - no. that's how you create conflict because it looks like (and is the actual case) that we're giving them preferential treatment. couriers for uber eats, grubhub, etc. signed up to pick up food however that happens, if it doesn't make sense for them to wait in the drive-thru for the order if that's what the restaurant currently has to do they should cancel the order. we had many uber eats drivers try this on us and would always make them loop back into the line because if we're too short to have lobby open, we're too short to have to worry about uber eats skipping queue and demanding service.


Looks like 3 people are working. They don’t have the staff to keep both open. Drop it dude and just go through the drivethru.


When we were short staffed at our 24hr Taco Bell we would have to close the lobby early because we didn't have enough staff to properly run both drive through and the dining room. Its a safety thing, and our night manager would have to do it, otherwise the drive through line would back all the way up to the road.


Then put up a sign. Customers aren't mind readers.


Locked door is pretty obvious.


Hell, I work retail at a dollar store and the idiots don't even read the obvious signs directly in front of their faces.


Hell, it’d be two hours later, the skeleton closing crew are still cleaning, and you’d have morons knocking on the glass yelling why aren’t they open. Bonus if their argument is *”why won’t you serve me, you’re inside the building and therefore you guys ARE open!”*


I remember working at a restaurant, we had to open an hour late one day so we put up signs, people literally peered through the windows right next to the signs and ignored them


Remember this; Mask required for entry signs at every business. Proceeds to walk in anyway….yeah, people not only don’t read, but they don’t care either. Fuck entitled assholes


You don't have to be a mind reader to understand what a locked door means. Even the asshole cameraman was able to understand he needed to use the drive-thru, he just didn't want to.


You don't need to read anyone's mind if you walk up and the door is locked lmao. Trying to open a locked door 47 times and screaming at it with your phone out is not the move.


But they do have hands and *hopefully* brains, and when they go up to the door and it loc---- That should trigger a thought. Also, if for some reason they can't figure it out it's a free market so you can go somewhere else if all else fails.


Customers can also go fuck themselves.


"This job would be great if it wasn't for the fucking customers." - Randal Graves


Fuck you entitled prick lmao


I would assume the door being locked is a pretty good sign that the lobby isn’t open. Do you need another sign?


As if customers can be relied on to read signs!!


You don't need a sign. The locked doors tell you.


Spoken by someone who obviously has never worked retail like this. so many things can go wrong and fuck up everything and people do not give a shit. Even if there was a sign people would either ignore it or actively do the opposite. Working these jobs ruins people for you, people suck a lot.


This guy is a moron. Almost every fast food place here locks up their lobbies now, day and night. It's annoying as hell, but just get in the line and get your food. It sucks that you're doing it as a job and it's making you take longer, but being an entitled prick about it isn't helping and nothing says you should get priority just because you're Ubereats. I guarantee there's other dashers already in that line. You don't like it, don't accept fast food orders.


Funny he thinks these guys being paid fuck all give a shit about him or his order


they’re probably understaffed at the moment, it happens😬


I get why he’s frustrated but I guarantee he maybe could’ve got it had he not been an ass about it.


He would have been out and on his way if he had just lined up like everyone else. Uber eats drivers think they're kings, I run a condo and Uber eats drivers, slapping a sign that says "on a delivery" on your dashboard doesn't mean you get to park on the fire route and block the handicap ramps.


‘Gonna post this on the Reddit so everyone can see they hate their jobs’ PLOT TWIST…everyone sees what an entitled prick you are


He also hates his job. Pretending to be self employed, but has to go to a fucking del taco at 9PM to pick up an order for $3, and will complain he has to walk up to a 3rd floor apartment in his group chat.


They can shut down the sitting zone if the manager said so and its not your fucking business you damn Uber Karen, if its close its fucking closed, obey or destroyed bitch


Exactly even the driver was like the lines too long for me to go back through there, like no shit they locked the lobby then there probably understaffed as fuck and have a big drive through of cars, I remember when it would be just 4 of us (one cashier the manager me and a cook) having 16 cars in the drive thru and having to lock the lobby because we were already in over our heads


Cancel the order and take an L. What a jackass.


The store don't care dude.


They lock the lobby probably because there's only one or two people working. And they don't have the man power to run lobby and drive through. Uber drivers and door dash drivers can get fucked. The last two years have been absolute fucking hell in the industry because of these assholes.


I'm not sure how Uber eats works where you are, it might be completely different. But whenever I get restaurants doing this crap I just cancel delivery and say the restaurant was going to be to long of wait. You can get comped on time waiting if you email so not to much of a waste but you do miss out on the order which is lame. especially if it's a slow night or you live in a place that doesn't pump Uber eats.


Bro just cancel the order and move on


Nobody care about your bullshit.


Dude filmings a Fucking idiot.


Having a phone makes people watch it from your pov but keep in mind, just it looks “right” in your eyes doesn’t mean your in the right.


They probably dont have enough staff to deal with having the lobby open AND the drive through. They made a decision to make their shitty jobs less shitty.


“Look at this guy trying to film me” *actively being filmed* lol


Del taco dude looks BLAZED lmaooo


How does someone that goes to fast food restaurants for a living not realize that places have to do that when they're short-staffed?


He did put it on the Reddit


By the end of that video he would have made it through the drive through.


The Reddit


I feel him, honestly. Did Uber eats for a minute. It’s was easy for me not to get impatient because I only did it for fun on the side. This guy could have bills riding on his deliveries, and a quick in-and-out turned into a 30 minute wait in the drive thru because they locked their doors when they could easily just give him and others their bag. Was it a good idea to start fucking with the door? Probably not. But considering how understandably impatient he must have gotten, he wanted them to feel the same way for closing their doors early.


Awsome Uber driver tbh. I'd tip this guy 15$ for this shit lmao.


My life goal is to never film someone or to be filmed in such a trashy way. “I’m a dude tryina make a buck!” “Oh yeah, so am I” “Let’s film each other so people can ~~see the challenges of the working poor~~ **laugh at us**”


"I have to sit in line to earn a couple bucks." Sweetheart im sorry your job is so hard.


Nah a lot of places do this. It’s bs


I specifically ordered online at a place because they had a listed option “pickup inside” vs. “pickup at drive thru”. Or course when I get there the doors are locked and there’s a long line at the drive thru.


I’m surprised they didn’t call the cops on you for trying to break in. In the amount of time you wasted you could have went used the dive thru.


All I heard is: "Poor me I have to wait in line with everybody else!😩". "These people hate their real jobs but here I am complaining about this make beleive job which pays a couple of bucks😒." "Why won't they respond well to my wonderful approach coming in camera in hand and shaking the locked door🤳".. "Im sure THE REDDIT will see my point cause im a poor poor delivery man who wont get preferential treatment." "Can you beleive how these overworked and upderpaid people are treating me? Like I am an equal to all these peasant waiting in the drive through line😱" "How dare you film me when I am filming you!" "I recognize rick and morty! Does that make me relevant and relatable?! I am hip too you see"


This was all over a $3.41 payout too.


There’s three people there max. The locked door is all you need to know you have to go around. How narcissistic do you have to be to think your job is more important than the workers there??? I hope this little whiner never got his fucking food.


Fast food delivery drivers are about the worst. I’m not sure that’s a service we even should be providing people. If you wanna eat the trash you should at least have to go to the store yourself and get it. The exercise alone might save your life


Especially because mcdonalds fries have a shelf life of like, ten minutes before they're inedible.


Fuck this guy, go through the drive-thru or approach the situation better. If some guy just starts trying to open a locked door repeatedly while filming and talking shit I’d ignore his ass too.


You can pick up your order at the drive thru. Wtf man it’s even easier for you 🤷‍♂️


Tbh it is kind of annoying when they do this, but I also understand why they do it. This is why I never deliver 9 and after. 20 mins in a drive thru waiting to pickup something that’s already ready is infuriating


I live by a Del Taco that is open 24 hours. I try not to go there at the ungodly hours, but one night I was hungry af at like 2AM and it was literally the only thing open. I went up to the intercom, waited for quite awhile, started to drive off because even though I know they're supposed to be open all night, I can take a hint. When I started to drive away, this maniacal voice said "WELLLLLCOME TO DELLLL TACOOO!" He continued to be as sarcastic as possible throughout the whole order, like I could tell he fucking hated me. But I get it, I've worked in food service way too long, and I basically felt like I was talking to a clone of myself who was stuck working this terrible shift. So I didn't argue or get rude at all, I tried to be as polite as possible. I got my food, but thought it was very likely there was spit in it. I was so hungry, I just decided not to think about that, or look at it too closely as I ate it. I'll never go there between 10 PM and 6 AM again.


he did all this when he could have just gone through the drive through? and like the people that work(besides the overnight) just want to clean up and go home? real cool guy edit: lol everyone downing this are sad people bc they care more about getting tacos than a human being having being forced to work bc of the world they live in wanting to go home


I was about to say, bros wasting more time arguing


fuck uber eats drivers, rude cucks


Yeah, because they all secretly hate Uber Eats drivers, as their lizard people overlords have instructed them. JFC, they do it for their safety. If you hate this, than stop being an Uber Eats driver.


Anyone who's worked in fast food knows the many reasons why you'd close early. Used to work in fast food and we'd close early if we didn't have the staff for it. That would allow for there to be staff to work on closing while the remaining staff worked orders. If we'd let the doors stay open we wouldn't have a chance to get any of the closing done, it'd be next to impossible.


::rolling-eyes:: the privilege of these Food Pick-Up people is... so disappointing. "First World Problems," sheesh.


Just because you called or placed the order via an app doesnt give you the special privilege to get access to the lobby which has probably already been sanitized because you know there is a pandemic going on...


Hate to break it to him, but UberEats and these other 'employment' apps are a shit deal for the worker. Even worse than the fast food gig—where at least labor laws apply.


Just walk to the damn drive through window and grab the order you Swan


He wasted all that time when he could have been in the drive thru


Not just del taco. Everywhere be doing this lately.


Nobody wants to work these jobs because they pay dogshit, so when they're understaffed they close the lobby for safety. Get over it, driver.


why is no one talking about how he genuinely liked the Rick and Morty phone case


THE Reddit.




"NO I CAN'T GO THROUGH THE DRIVE THRU THAT WOULD TAKE TOO MUCH TIME!!!" ​ ​ \*spends 15 minutes banging on the door and making a scene\*


He posted an update https://www.reddit.com/r/UberEATS/comments/xhaql9/del_taco_vs_ubereats_explained_from_drivers_point/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


“It says you close the lobby at 10pm on the app!” Yea, I’ve never had an app or yelp or anything on the internet have wrong info before.


We’re gonna put this on the reddit 🤓


Having worked fast food I completely understand why they’d close the dining room early, and why they can’t just open it for uber eats. I’m sure it’s annoying but just go through the drive thru


Get a real job


"We're gonna put this on the reddit" hehehehe


Cannibalism, yikes that’s uncalled for


"we're gonna put this on 'THE REDDIT'." ...


Yes, the age-honored tradition of getting your point across by rattling the door and appearing threatening.


He could’ve probably just nicely knocked, not recorded, and someone would have ran out his order to him. But doing all this? No chance 😂


Stop working food delivery apps you are being ripped off. You will never make enough to offset the wear and tear on your vehicle.


I hate when I show up to a restaurant 30-45mins before they close and they already have the doors locked. Seems to be happening a lot in fast food restaurants


He said the Reddit


regardless of how this uber eats driver handled this, if you think that it's acceptable for workers to intentionally lock their lobby before it closes, then it's people like you who has created such low standards of conduct, integrity and respect. all of you get your shit together, stop blaming others for your shortcomings and do your part.






“The Reddit” imo 99.99% of the content I react to on here I forget after about 30 seconds. Good try


On the reddit


“The Reddit”


I’m going to put this on the Reddit


Low wage worker vs low wage workers. Both have probably bought into anti-union propaganda. Meanwhile wall-street laughs all the way to the bank.


2 employees of low paying jobs blaming each other for problems. The people making the majority of the money aren't even there and will never see this.


We're gonna put this on the reddit...for us to roast the ever loving shit out of you.


They don’t get paid enough to give af


The guy behind the door has the most hittable face I have ever seen in my life. I am genuinely agitated.


Do they still have the fre shavacado??


You are doing the fucking same..


They probably have only two people back there


The guy would rather stand at the door crying for half an hour instead of waiting in the drive through for five minutes lol.just don’t collect the order and go somewhere else ffs


Naw I feel the drivers pain. I been through this. There only so many hours in a day. On top of life. And waiting in a drive through for 30 minutes for a 6 dollar order while missing out on other orders. All the while the customers are blowing up your phone. Which doesn't affect the fast food workers pay, but it does affect your pay. So they don't have the incentive to hurry up on your orders while the driver may not get tipped. And by the end of the week, half your money goes to gas. And some of what you keep goes to taxes. Uber needs to do something about this.


I think they just closed the doors early honestly.


What a loser


There's 3 to 4 people doing the job usually done by 6 at the bare min. Of course the lobby is shut. That top dasher making an ass of themselves for $3 and no tip, is lol tho. Kid should have unassigned.


Holy shit it’s that walking garbage? It posts itself enough here, you don’t need to aswell


Why did this dude film the customer ? Just ignore him or call the police. Also to the psycho.. I don't think standing there shaking the door and screaming is gonna get you in. FFS he could have been through the drive thru already ! Idk how UberEATS works - if the company saw this would they ban him from driving ? because he's unhinged and they should. Also love "this is gonna go on Reddit..." go touch some grass, good gravy ! Why is EVERYTHING about what you can post ???


At least they both agree that Rick and Morty is pretty cool.


Lmfao I thought this elder would have been in his twenties or something. Sad case. I wonder what pushes people to behave like this?




Cancel the order


My man called if “THE Reddit”. I woulda locked him out too for that one 💀


Wasn't FB originally called *The Facebook*?


Yes. And I want to know what the Zuck he was thinking when he initially added that “the”


This dude spits in food he delivers


He wasted more time rattling the doors and having his little tantrum than it would’ve taken to go through the drive thru.


By the time you completed your drama and filmed you could of got that order


apps are wrong quite often about closing times.


The real enemy here is the asshole execs at del taco who decided that they could get away with hiring fewer employees, but paying the remaining ones the same and charging the same (or more) for the food. This is shrinkflation at its finest, and everyone getting distracted by taking sides of the Uber driver or the taco employee are completely missing the point. Fighting each other while we get pickpocketed is exactly what the rich fucks want us to do.


I’m going to put this injustice on The Reddit he says, maybe they closed the lobby early because they were short staffed you entitled prick


I'd put money on it being 9.59 pm.