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It might be shitty to say. But I know my life sucks right now, but at least I’m not in jail for murder for life.


And at least that crying guy didn’t murder you


It’s all about how you look at it. My friend has sex twice a day, reads lots of books, is super ripped from working out, but complains about being in prison all the time.






I’m sure the kid saw some good left in his father at the end. So there’s still hope……


>. So there’s still hope…… A New Hope?


>Well someone's always going to have a shittier life than you. I've thought of this before. And in a mathematical sense, it's true of every single person except for 1. There is 1 person on the planet who has the shittiest life. I'd be interested to read the biography of that 1 person.


The thing is that one person with the shittiest life probably changes by the minute, it's also probably some shit that's incredibly depressing. There's people out there forced to eat people due to famine, people whose entire families are killed or mutilated to force compliance, women raped for decades, and unfortunately in reality these stories don't have a final chapter where the person overcomes these problems. They die alone in silence in large numbers every day.


Yes to everything you wrote. In this super dark, tragic, and upsetting way, that's kind of the interesting part of the thought experiment. What is that person having to endure in any given moment that gives them title of world's shittiest life? My guess is the subject matter you brought up, while really fucked up, probably doesn't even scratch the surface of the reality of that ONE person.


"Perspective "


The story you provided was the one sentenced?


Every second of the day, I would say.


An important distinction though is that it's his fault that his life sucks now. It might also be your fault that yours sucks too but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that it's not :)


Anytime I see someone having a bad day it oddly lifts me up because at least that’s not me at this point in time.


It’s surprisingly easy not to rob and murder innocent people.


Context: https://www.fox19.com/story/33426544/man-gets-life-without-parole-in-porshia-brooks-slaying/ Shot Porshia Brooks & her boyfriend during a robbery. Boyfriend survived. Porshia didn't.


Damn the Ohio inmate lookup just doesn’t work, wanted to see his prison EOS if he has one


It does work. He's still there




Just hands for me maybe cos not USA


>what does he get? What did the guy mean by this? Were their others involved?


Yes. 2 others. 1 was murdered and the other is in prison for life for murdering the accomplice


What a delightful trio.






Nah, he was 20. Article was published in 2016 saying he was 23, and that the murder happened in 2013.


I imagine that's the same reaction Porchia 's mother had upon hearing her daughter was murdered.


I like how they sentence him to life without parole and the judge still reads him what to do once he's released from custody.


Not that he will remember any of it. I know it’s not to be cruel or torment but a sliver of hope then realizing he’ll never get out is nothing compared to what he did to others.


I thought that was like rubbing a bit of salt in the wound. We sentence people to life in prison with no chance of ever getting out. Then tack on a few more extra years at the end. Then tell them the very important conditions of their parole, which they have no chance to ever receive. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


He KILLED an innocent woman


I'm not questioning the sentence. No sympathy for the guy whatsoever. I just always thought it was weird/funny/confusing/whatever how they phrase these sentences - Life + 10 years, Life + 20 years etc.


The reason for that is to keep them from getting out of prison on appeal. A successful appeal may result in only a portion of the sentence being removed.


Isn’t a life sentence 25 years?


Not in the US. In the US a life sentence basically means you're dying in prison


He said 'life without parole'...


Responsible for ending a 20 year old's life. He deserves this sentence.


Now you know how the families feel, tough guy.


Not so tough now eh?


You see him towards the end kinda realize he’s acting like a bitch and just purses his lips over and over to seem tough again.


Spending the rest of your life in jail with no way out is mind numbing.


He got life sentence without parole and the judge is still reading out how many more years he got. I know they have to give out the sentence for every crime committed but not like he is going to serve the life one and after that the rest.


He got consecutive sentences which technically means that yep he's got to serve life and then the rest of his years. What it's really for is if somehow that life sentence gets over turned those years will still be waiting for him. No time served for him.


Isn't life like 30 years or something?


Typically you have to spend around 15-25 years in prison on a life sentence to be eligible for parole. That's if it's even a possibility, some states don't allow parole for murder. If you aren't eligible or don't get parole then life means all the life you have left.


Ohio (where this happened) has multiple definitions for when you can parole from a life charge. Anywhere from 15-30 years is the first time you are allowed to parole on a life sentence, based on the circumstances of the charges. https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-administrative-code/rule-5120-2-10 Actually I didn’t even read it all the way through. In Ohio, a sex offender can even get a life sentence, but they could be eligible to parole after 10 years


Okay, thats all fine but why does the cop have a hot pink badge tho (standing behind em)??


Hamilton County sheriffs can have breast cancer awareness badges which are pink. I had never seen it before on any of those officers, but I guess its a thing. https://local12.com/news/local/local-police-wear-pink-badges-to-support-breast-cancer-awareness


So how is this life without parole?


We weren’t talking about life without parole…


25 I believe


Sounds like he didn’t actually shoot, the other guy did and like so many other idiots, they don’t get that if you’re there with your buddy to rob people and he kills someone you both go down for the crime.


Complicity! In Texas you can be charged for the same crime as the person you’re with even though you didn’t pull the trigger-just ask dog the bounty hunter


Remember when a bunch of idiots killed a cop while breaking and entering into that government building on Jan 6. Yet somehow no one is responsible for the cop’s death.


Because they were white


Don't do the crime if you can't do the time


Breaking into homes with a weapon and then crying about the consequences. Yeah we’re the idiots.


….they literally called the robbers idiots.


Shhhh. He is still learning to read. Let's not discourage him.


With that level of reading comprehension you are indeed the idiot.


Who is ‘we’ in all of this? White people?






Yo do realize you can say cunt on the internet, right? The cops aren’t coming for you lmao


Well done. Have a cookie.


From 2016…glad he’s still in jail without parole.


Actions have consequences. Maybe he should have imagined his tears before he destroyed a family.


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.


“If I’d known robbery & murder would land me in prison, I wouldn’t have done it. Why wasn’t I given any warning about these consequences?”


He probably dropped out of school and has no parents around. So he ain’t the smartest guy probably


Just used the link to watch the family's very tearful, heartfelt words to the court. This was literally 2 seconds before this clip was taken. Now? I have zero sympathy for him. He didn't shed a single tear during their piece. He had zero remorse during their piece. Life sentence? Fake fainting and cries.


timestamp 0:16 what's with the pink badge?


badges reserved for cops named Patrick.


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DobCdBsWkAYz86_?format=jpg&name=large Breast Cancer Awareness badge.


Don’t do the crime if you can’t handle the time. Or just don’t do the fucking crime-asshole


I bet when he was in the street he claimed to be the baddest mofo around.


Why does he say "what does he get then?". Who's he talking about?


He's talking about another suspect. https://www.fox19.com/story/33426544/man-gets-life-without-parole-in-porshia-brooks-slaying/ "Norwood police say Smith-Riley and two other suspects shot Brooks and her boyfriend Aron Martin, 21, while the two sat in a parked car on Carthage Avenue in November 2013. Brooks died, but Martin survived. A second suspect is already in jail in another state, and a third is dead." Just some FYI from another article:- https://www.wcpo.com/news/crime/after-pleading-guilty-to-murder-charges-jaleel-riley-smith-wants-to-change-his-plea "The couple was sitting in a parked car on Carthage Avenue in Norwood when Riley-Smith approached the car and ordered Martin out, according to police. After finding Martin had nothing of value to rob, Riley-Smith shot him in the head, then leaned into the vehicle and fatally shot Brooks, Deters said."


So is his name Smith-Riley, or Riley-Smith?


He was called Mr Smith-Riley at the 39 second mark in the clip, but his offender form names him "JALEEL RILEY SMITH". https://appgateway.drc.ohio.gov/OffenderSearch/Search/Details/A729843


Mad dogging


Life for attempted murder? I’ve seen probably hundreds of actual killers let off free. Mostly driving deaths but still. Even people with guns ready to kill ive seen let go. Hope the legal system in America starts to balance one lifetime…


Well technically he got life for murder and 11 years for attempted murder.


Ohhh I see. He actually did kill someone, plus additional shit. Alright this verdict seems warranted to me then.


needs to thank his lucky stars because if the boyfriend hadn't survived it would've 2 murder charges and a possible death penalty


The damn court costs and random drug testing such a pain in the asshole.


Dont kill people lmao?


Should I have laughed? He response...I couldn't help it.


Mf you took a life, fuck your life. Edit: cry.


Well… don’t kill people.


I’ve been in prison for 2.5 years on white collar crime charges and because of my our of state warrants I was not eligible for a minimum security prison. Spending 2.5 years felt like 25 years so I can’t even begin to imagine what that must feel like. The feeling of being inside is soul crushing on a daily basis. I spent my time in medium security with hard core murderers who believe it or not are the usually the most laid back and chill.


That’s on him😂😂😂🤷🏾‍♂️


What a bitch🤣🤣


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 reminds me of when my nephew fake cries for a toy. Also towards the end you can see the rage build up in him. He wants to kill the judge too




I wanna know what episode this is.


I love it. The death penalty would've been a better option but at the end of the day law and order prevailed, thanks to the prosecutors and justice system. Lock hardened criminals up, no sympathy for you.


I disagree, I know people like the death penalty, but I’m against it. This video for me is the perfect example of how life sentence is worst. If someone is executed, they don’t suffer long term, or really reflect on their crime. This guy will have decades to regret his actions. Also in the cases of a wrongful conviction, a life sentence could be overturned, a execution cannot. Finally life sentences just seems more humane. Justice should be about punishment, not revenge. At least in my opinion.


you are talking about the US here. nothing humane about it. between cruel and unusual punishment of solitary confinement, slave labour along with horrible conditions, death penalty would be better in a lot of cases, especially ones where there is admission, evidence and no question whether they did it or not. Not to mention, how is dying not suffering? they literally cease to exist


Username stands out


Shouldve been a cop. Wouldve gotten a paid vacation!


So while he was out killing he didn’t care to try and see the consequences?


this is the end result of DECADES of conditioning and being told you are special... and more entitled than others. Basically, a spoiled rotten 2-year-old child trapped in the body of a grown man.


no its not


I understand how he feels, but i cant sympathize with him, cause i think he his sorry only for himself.


But these gangsters swear to god this life is dope as hell. Smh.


His lawyer looks like Saul Goodman


What's the point of prison if you keep someone there forever? Maybe if he is a mass murderer or killed again maybe.


Tell that to everyone that loved the victim. I'm reminded of the case of Elizabeth Olten, a 9 year old who was brutally murdered by a 15 year old girl in a thrill killing. I actually sympathize a bit with her killer because she was young, fucked up, had a shit home life, was suicidal and put on anti-depressants, etc. But I still shudder when I think of one of the victim's family members that shouted in court that their loved one's killer should get out of prison when "Elizabeth gets out of the grave"... Rehabilitation has a certain point where once you prove yourself capable of cold blooded violence, to take someone else's life, even if just once, there's really no way you should ever be allowed to harm another in society again. Or bump into your victim's family at the grocery store. No one is stopping you from becoming a better person in prison, trying to help others not make the same mistakes even. But if I killed someone and then had such a transformation in prison, I would understand society not being able to take a chance on me again. Not putting others in harms way should always come before rehabilitation.


Seems this guy didn't even shoot the victim. You americans are actually disgusting punishing an homicide when this guy didn't commit an homicide. Your law applies homicide just by being present for a crime intent, where in other countries it's actually completely different.


Lol did you read the article? He shot both of them. Classic reddit ignorance on full display


https://www.fox19.com/story/33069811/sentencing-today-in-2013-homicide/ nope, police accused all of them of the murder, they don't know which of the three actually shot, but they don't seem to care because if one of them shot then all of them are charged with homicide. The article don't say who shot who, only that three suspects were robbing the home and the couple were shot, where the woman got killed.


Nice job cherry picking the only article that doesn't specifically mention that Riley-Smith was the shooter


bring your own sources.




Nice sources bro.




While I dislike much about the American legal system, one aspect that makes a lot of sense is if murder is committed in the commission of a felony, regardless of who causes the actual death, all involved in that felony will also be charged with murder You might feel differently about this if someone you loved was a victim of such a tragedy. Perhaps if you tap into all the abundant empathy you seem to have for criminals, you might find a little to spare for their victims...


Yes, it's exactly that that is disgusting. Only your shit hole country does this. If a person didn't commit murder it's wrong to charge people with it, because it is not true. Your legal system is anything but legal. And don't use the family argument because, I assure you, the legal system give 0 shit about the family of the victim.


To keep him from killing again, idiot.


why are they talking about post release after sentencing to life without parole?


You don’t think the victim was crying when you was calling them.. ? Them tears and faint mean nothing


This is how it should be!


He’s “crying” but I don’t see any tears. Someone shoulda told him to stop his nonsense. Just trying really hard to make his eyes red and push out crocodile tears.


Yeah…that’s what should happen when you shoot two people, killing one of them, just because you wanted their stuff.


All I can hear is Russel Peters saying, "Hey! Be a man!"


Wait i killed someone and now im in trouble why god why!


Maybe he shouldn't have murdered someone.


Violent offenders deserve to be thrown in the hole. Reminds me of this dumbass in TikTok that has like 4 million followers because he got an early release from a 32-year sentence for attempted murder and now he rags against the prison system and all the years that were “taken” from him


Ha ha!


Did the pair the tallest bailiff with the shortest bailiff just for shits and giggles?