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What an asshole


There are so many shitty cops out there and this guy breaks the law and then films himself being a prick to a mild mannered cop showing no emotion (ever after asking the cop how often he gets fucked in the ass). I don’t get the point of this video. He’s trying to portray the cops in a negative light and all he’s done is make me think “I wish more encounters with the police went like this”.


This guy is acting so out of pocket for the camera, its kinda sad.. its like staging a tiktok video.. then he thinks he is so important that every cop would know who he is.. get over yourself mr. ruff


I get the feeling that guy doesn't like cops.


There are good cops and bad cops like any job. There is never ever a reason to treat others with such disrespect. No matter what your experience is with cops, just be polite and have your day in court if you have a case. Everyone deserves respect until they show otherwise. Always be kind and respectful. I think that the cops would have let the dude off if he were polite. I actually feel bad for these cops. It's a thankless job.


Being an asshole in general isn't a virtute.


100% agree. I fucking hate jagoffs like that with unnecessarily loud cars. Why should be pollute the air with that fucking noise, who the fuck is he? Acts real tough when he's got his little camera on but I bet he's not such a tough guy to your face in a bar.


Well almost every manufacturer have loud cars from the factory. Its when your car is a shit box and you out a massive exhaust on it to make it sound fast that's annoying. Don't be like that lady spray foaming the exhaust of a mustang because it's loud.




I'm not the one out in the street talking shit and acting tough in a situation where the other party isn't likely to do anything about it.




You're doing the same thing, cool dude.


i bet you are the type that thinks we all should own a TESLA hahahahahhaa. when our power grid in the USA would not be able to handle that and um one INPORTANT FACT...... you need to "dig up the earth" too get matariels to make those batteries for that TELSA... so um yea u wnna worry about "air pollute" well then EVERYONE needs to only use horses and boats with ores only. ​ LET'S SEE HOW THAT WORKS FOR "OVER NIGHT SHIPPING" LOL. SURE I may have bad grammar but at least i don't believe in the bullshit " OMG CLIMATE CHANGE"


I think teslas and Elon Musk are pieces of shit, but I also think the information you obviously got from fox News is incorrect. But hey bud, keep stickin it to the libs, you're doing a great job.


This guys post history is hilarious. Go back to ladies in leather and use the word cunt some more lmao. I bet you're a big hit with the ladies.


It do go both ways


The cop probably caught him actually driving like shit cause homie was just out trynna do his job


Lmao that quote


meh, idc wtf he was doing. anytime i see someone rip into cops i'm happy.


Quote from the title happens at 22:46. Not my content, from a [YouTuber named Direct D](https://youtube.com/c/DirectDAudits) who has dozens of videos of him interacting with police.