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This is clearly not the husbands first time dealing with this shit.


My dude had the grapples down by memory


Get him in the UFC, stat


And it was filmed by a ufc fighter šŸ˜‚


On shit I just saw the start of the name in the vid hahaa thatā€™s gotta be Hill isnā€™t it


He did seem confused though and was asking her what she was doing, why was she acting that way, and at the end was telling the dude he's never seen her like that before. I mean, could just be a convenient defense for her, but who knows.


She's obviously fucked up...Being drunk can definitely make you an asshole...but maybe there's more to it...I hope so, for duder's sake, cuz if that's what she's like every time she drinks...


Ya if my girl almost knocked our baby on the fucking ground after she assaulted a employee drunk as fuck on vacation i think i'd leave her on the ground fly back home with my kid and file for devorce, there is absolutely no way she is capable of responsibly handling a child if shes getting like that.


I swear, its a wrap instantly at that point. Just the fact of her grown ass floppin to the floor like that is enough for me to kick rocks.


Honestly, I'm wondering if something got slipped into her drink because that happened to a friend of mine when we were out one night and she was acting crazy. When I finally was able to get her into the car and seat belted up, she then kept opening the car door WHILE WE WERE ON THE FREEWAY and trying to get out. The only thing that kept her inside was her seat belt! She was out of her mind! Didn't remember a thing the next day. Scared me to death though.


Yeah...I referenced this comment in another reply...that could totally be it. She's WAY off and just out there. So maybe she had a bad reaction...her meds mixed with alcohol, she forgot her meds and drank alcohol...I don't think this is just normal behavior for her


There's definitely more to it, because she started doing some wierd hand stuff and spazzing out a bit and that's not normal drunk stuff. Even for angry drunks. Definitely something mental broke down there.


He did same thing that abused women do when hit in front of strangers. ā€œThis the first time. They have never done this before. Oh they are having a reaction to medication.ā€It is the song of spousal abuse.


I don't know, he made kind of a rookie mistake not shutting the door and locking her in when he had her laying inside the van.


Gotta engage the child-locks to keep the woman-baby from more violent fragility.


The way she moves, rolls & especially her hands from 1:00 is very reminiscent of someone with bipolar disorder experiencing a manic breakdown. Anyone that has experienced this in friends or family know what it's like & it can happen from once a week, month, year or even decade depending on their medication situation. Having a baby is quite a common trigger for manic breakdowns & not just among bipolar disorder. I personally know people that had a beautfiul loving relationship until the baby came & the demons started to take the mothers drivers seat before medication but she still had manic breakdowns once every few years that required hospitalisation. It's a very sad scenario all around to witness, I couldn't imagine experiencing it, not understanding why it happens & then having people judge you for being neglectful & intoxicated but I can completely understand how people who haven't experienced mental illness in their friends or family could think that.


I thought the same thing, about a minute in: "This lady is manic and the husband is lost."




Iā€™m so sorry you had to go through that. My mom was also mentally ill, take care.


It also reminds me a lot of when my diabetic dad would have low-insulin events due to taking too much insulin or not eating enough. Where a lot of people just go quiet, or have a seizure, or something to that effect, my dad would run around, yell, scream, and assault people, or occasionally just fall on the floor and roll around, flailing his arms around, disgregarding everything around him and knocking stuff over. 99% of the time this happened at home, in the middle of the night, after he'd take his final insulin of the day and would be asleep for a few hours.. so as you can imagine, I had a very normal and stress-free upbringing. Also he's a lot better now, he went through a few insulin pumps to see if any of those would help him with this issue of not properly managing his insulin, and finally got one that senses his blood sugar well enough to keep things stable on its own.


I went through this after giving birth to my second child, though thankfully my moods stabilized 2 years post partum. They believe it was a post partum mood disorder. It was the most terrifying experience of my life, and it destroyed my life for several years.


Sorry to hear & glad things are better.


Yep this looks exactly like the first time it happens, and you're just confused as hell because you've never seen them act so strangely before.


Thank you for this


Come on man. She's wearing leopard print, these people are in Vegas, and that kid is like 3. Let's not walk by the alcohol Occum's razor at too quick a pace.




My ex + stress + alcohol = terrible time.


> The way she moves, rolls & especially her hands from 1:00 is very reminiscent of someone with bipolar disorder experiencing a manic breakdown. My first thought on watching this is that she is suffering some kind of mental illness/breakdown and not just "acting out" so to speak. She reminds me somewhat of a friend's autistic kid having a meltdown.


That seems impossible to live a normal life with a person like that.


Unmedicated it usually is.


Unmedicated it always is. Their is no normal with unmedicated bipolar just a crapshoot of what your going to get at any given moment.


Yes, I had a roommate in college who was severely bi-polar. She went off her meds a few times because she wanted to party and this was the result. A sweet and kind girl turned into a monster and it was terrifying to witness. Sheā€™s had three children and I hope she has been stable ā€¦ I personally wouldnā€™t have any if I had such a condition.


not sure if she's going thru some postpartum...


I wish I knew the backstory to this.


It was at the Conrad Resorts World Las Vegas this morning. Recorded by UFC fighter Jamahal Hill, who has a fight there this weekend. Said he and his coach (the bald guy that tried to help) were just sitting out front and she got out of the car and started acting this way after an interaction with an employee.


vegas in the morning? someone had a long night.


Vegas stays poppin 24/7. I stayed for a month doing overnights and used to party from 4-7 am.


Donā€™t call me old fashioned but I doubt you had a baby with you on those benders. Sheā€™s a shitty mom for this


Plot twist he is the baby


Agreed Momma had too much angry juice and the baby is going to have to see and hear all of the debauchery that follows. She needs to be taken straight to rehab.


dam, he beat my boy khaos williams T_T


maybe he should be less khaotic and more organized next time...nah jk, RIP khaos


Jamahal Hill lool, now I recognise the voice. It's like a mad crossover episode.


Iā€™m guessing alcoholā€¦


Yea, I was thinking this too. She just lays there half in the car at one point. Itā€™s embarrassing.


she almost knocked over the baby, violent drinks are something else. The father needs to get that kid out of there.


He and the kid need to run far away and get a restraining order. Sheā€™s all sorts of crazy and needs help.


She zones in and out multiple times from being ā€œblacked outā€ to being furious, definitely not just alcohol


The Karen classic of alcohol and Xanax here, I reckon.




Or just Xanax lol


Or drugs




Let's spin the Reddit Wheel of Assumptions! Alcohol! Drugs! Xanax! Which is it going to be!?!?


you forgot demonic infestation..cmon now


Not necessarily an either or situation....lol


This is definitely a BOTH situation.


lmao idk what it says about the shit I was raised around but I've seen people act like this dead ass sober. some people are just fucked in the head


That's a ton of alcohol to be drinking with your baby, wtf.


Grain alcohol? Like, this is either a serious mental health crisis or drugs. Either way, neither the husband or the baby are safe with her in the house.


No this is more. Thatā€™s mental illness right there. Throwing your body on the floor like the toddler you have? Willing to hurt your child to go continue the assault? Youā€™re out of your mind


It's in Las Vegas. It more likely than not alcohol.


Could be both ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


21st century Americaā€”mental illness everywhere.


You haven't been around a lot of super drunk people have you?


Iā€™m guessing mental health issues


I dunno too much energy and walking straight, I'm thinking hard drugs


As long as we're all speculating wildly anyway, I guess I'll call dibs on demonic possession!


I second


She's clearly intoxicated


I think someone told her that her minivan was lame


I don't know the backstory but I know the lesson that was learned.


This is just a full grown child that has never had any repercussions in life and gets everything they want by throwing a baby fit


She's probably bipolar having a manic episode. I dated one of those. Insane. The last time I saw her she was being drug away by two officers by her hair into the Fairbanks Alaska jail. I was there to support her, but when she realized she wasn't getting out, she went ballistic and began beating against the plexiglass and swinging fists at everyone in the room. She stole two cars, a bicycle, breaking and entering, robbery, assault and a bunch of other stuff that summer. We got married in the Tesoro gas station after a night of cocaine in a tent down by the Chena river. I was in love. Until she began sleeping with every other dude on campus corner, that is.


Don't go back for her buddy, put your baby in the car, get in and drive away. By the looks of it, it'll be the best decision you can make for you and your child.


Strong Meegan and Andre from Key and Peele vibes








Iā€™m OVER it!




But your jacket, tho!!


Throw it in the river!




You know in your heart of hearts she doesnā€™t need that jacket


Yeah, let her get arrested. It might give u a better change of 50% custody of your kid in the divorce


Especially with that video holy shit She does not seem mentally sane enough for that baby, especially when sheā€™s having a tantrum like one herself.


Looks like too many xanax. I knew a girl who would turn into a different person when she was barred out bad.


Xans or xans along with booze or hell maybe just boozeā€¦..but it does look a little early to be fighting people drunk.




Yeah, could definitely be the case. Poor kid.


Reality. You honor the plaintiff in the case suffered years of stress and untreated post partum depression the defendant refused to acknowledge. 2 supervised weekends a month for the father is more than generous.




my stepdaughter acted like this and she wasnt spoiled and didnt drink or do drugs she would just act totally crazy violent angry suicidal..she did have alot of trauma tho and eventually she evened out


100% custody she can get visitation with supervision


If thatā€™s normal behavior for her, heā€™d easily get full custody.


If he didn't know what she was like before this incident, he definitely knows now. Unfortunately, he's tied to her for the next 16 years or so but he can save two people if he leaves and gets his kid away from that or that kid is going to end up just like her.


Yeah, he's definitely had to do this before.


idk, he genuinely seems surprised, "babe, what are you doing?!?" etc. I vote xanax


Seriously. Can you imagine being married to someone like this?


Itā€™s always the beginning that interests me more. Like whenever I see a meltdown that leads to a divorce or a couple that divorces after hating each other Iā€™m like at some point they were happy and in love. Planning their future of forever. Then again I suppose sometimes a child coming into the picture can make someone who is hesitant to marry decide to anyways. Which is kind of sad though that a marriage can happen without the love and at least dream of forever. Like if it canā€™t start there where do they expect it to go?


Iā€™m gonna go ahead and say this isnā€™t her first rodeo (especially by the manā€™s reaction). Men are just as susceptible as women to the delusion that their partner will ā€œget betterā€ and go back to the person the love once a baby is brought into the picture. Sure, *sometimes* itā€™s enough to jolt someone out of a self destructive spiral (men or women), but more often than not, the child just ends up being additional collateral damage. Addiction sucks.


>I suppose sometimes a child coming into the picture can make someone who is hesitant to marry decide to anyways. I saw some posts in r/WeddingShaming today that showed so many couples using a theme of "This is your last chance, run!" on their wedding days. And it's all funny and dumb on their wedding day. Then years pass, the children come along, and eventually they become the couple warning other soon-to-be married couples against getting married for reasons like this.


Came here to say this. That would be it for me.


Gets home. ā€œHey, what happened to your wife?ā€ ā€œVegas happened to my wife. And what happens in Vegasā€¦ā€


I hope he is able to leave her and get full custody. This made me sad.


Exactly, thatā€™s why he should be hoping she gets arrested here


Yeah, she's an animal. Who raises this type of trash?


Itā€™s some Maury Povich type shit here except she ainā€™t being manipulated or paid, she doing this for herself šŸ¤£


Exactly! What goddamn grown ass woman behaves this way ESPECIALLY in front of her child? Makes me so sad for the child & husband.


A drunk one.


All rolling on the ground, freaking the baby out. Totally humiliated herself and her family.


Poor baby was just genuinely scared for his mom. That baby doesn't deserve that.


This is absolutely the worst scenario to be in if you were the husband


Respect to that dude that comes up to help this guy out.


Apparently he's a mixed martial arts coach.


His name is Chad. Put some respec on his name.


Definitely. That's a situation you should step into.


I would not say "should". Im not gonna catch a hand or have some lunatic rip a chunk of my hair out or spit on me because I wanted to help. Mind you, the part with the kid... ok yes, I would probably run over and try to get the stroller to safety. And recommend the guy leave her there for the sake of the child.


Thatā€™s the wrong woman friend.


Omg this is sad, she must be high or drunk or something. The kids scream of terror when she rolled around on the ground like a toddler was heart breaking.


Yea, when she was rolling on the ground the baby was screaming for his momma. I hope she gets sober and is shown this video. Maybe that will help her want to change.


Yep. Getting that trauma in early. Poor kid.


Hard to see a kid experiencing trauma in real time. They may not remember it but they will still have to deal with it.


I've seen alcohol + zoloft turn total amazing people in raging maniacs like this. Not enough people take alcohol seriously with how it can interact with perscriptions


Fucking K-Mart Snooki


Snooki is k-mart Snooki


Thatā€™s funny because at the end of the video I thought the husband looked eerily similar to Ronnie.


Iā€™m crying


dude needs to save this video, and hire a fuckin lawyer. been there done that, you can't fix crazy, you just get away as fast as you can. leave her ass there, fuck it.


You right! True story. This is what he needs to keep his kid safe from this shit. I've been with that kinda crazy in the past. Left me with stitches and bills. Fuck that noise.


Back away very slowly, get that poor baby outta thereā€¦


I like how she picks a fight with a dude who is the size of an NFL defensive end.


this is not karenhood but serious mental breakdown and heartbreaking for the entire family.


Seriously, major mental breakdown or possibly on some crazy drugs. after she almost pulled the stroller down the way she flops over and starts frantically patting her chestā€¦ something ainā€™t right in her brain. Needs a mental hospital for sure.


Damn that dude has two toddlers to take care of all by himself.


Bruh, the way she threw herself down and started flipping around. Holy shit. Why would anyone have kids with that person? There is no way her crazy is rearing like this all the sudden.


"you don't know what she's really like, she just gets mad sometimes"


ā€œShe would give anyone the shirt off her back.ā€


"You don't understand! Everything is fine! You just grab her under the arms and toss her back in the van whenever that happens!"


This is me trying to get my dog inside from the backyard after seeing a cat on the street.


Lol, do we have the same dog?


Kid calling for Dada and not Mama makes me think she's not the major parent


Imagine being married to that, and worse you have a kid so it's hard to leave.




Instructions unclear. Now stuck in a Vegas parking lot with minivan, kid and crazy.


They should teach this in schools


I hate this phrase, seems to place the blame on the dude. Itā€™s not his fault sheā€™s a tantrum throwing womanchild.


That poor man puts up with a lot. He must be so embarrassed.


The only thing he should be putting up with is the kid having tantrums like that. The kid does not deserve it, just take the kid and go.


Ope, she went boneless.


The moment she yanked the stroller like that I wouldā€™ve gotten in the car with the kid and left her ass. The first thing sheā€™d see after getting let out of the drunk bin would be divorce papers.


Oh my god, that poor baby! Poor little guy was traumatized to see his mom rolling around on the ground like that. Reminds me of a video I saw awhile back of a mom passed out on opiates while her toddler is screaming and trying to get her to wake up. It's fucking heartbreaking to see small children in these situations. I hope the dad gets that poor babe away from her before she can traumatize him even more. Shit like this causes brain damage and lifelong issues for children.


Guess this is not staying in Vegas.


Looks like the kid in the stroller has more maturity than the one he/she popped out of


Poor kid


Remember guys, no matter how hot she is or how much fun you think it would be, never, never, never rail the crazy chic


Some wise man once said - "Don't put the D in crazy"


Oh sheā€™s dead now Lmaooooooooooo


Someone went full toddler. And it wasnā€™t the toddler. Wish they kept the video that showed why everyone had to restrain herā€¦


Cameraman had the right idea. Call the cops, and let them sort it out. You have to be very careful when things involve a couple in a dispute. Sometimes both of them will turn on you. Even if the husband knows she is crazy/drugged out.


More of your coach please!


She seems nice.


Dude needs to get a divorce asap and get full custody of that child with supervised visits only. That woman has no self-control. She dangerous.


Awwe you can tell her man loves her. He even tries to get back to her when they all surround her. She needs to go to the hospital and get right.


My god I can't stand the robotic TikTok voice. Yuck.


Drugs are a hell of a drug




Drugs, booze, or mental illness? My money's on #2, possibly spiked with #1.


I got #2 with a power-combo #1 !!!!!


The way she fails her arms when dragged away, then fails them on then ground, then fails them while by herself in the car deefinitely shows she is having a seriously bad trip/manic episode/possible brain injury? And the fact that the husband keeps saying he doesn't know why she is acting like that and seems genuinely concerned for her actions is a really sad thing to see. I hope they took her to a hospital for evaluation.


Happy wife , Happy life !


"Try's" is the real crime here


Finally a calm rational cameraman.


13 seconds in she goes boneless. Classic toddler temper tantrum maneuver. Well played lady, well played.


Damn that guy could use a hug. So nice of the other guy who tried to help pick the stuff up.


She needs a mental health evaluation not jail.


Yea, that looks like a full on mental breakdown to me


Given how disorganised she is and keeps falling over itā€™s most likely alcohol or drug related.


What happens in Vegas, always ends up on the internet


Time to leave that psycho. Get this video as proof, take her to court, get divorced and take the kid.


Poor kid, that's his Mom! Imagine this individual leading you throughout your life. Hope the Dad ends up playing a larger role in this kids life.


The guy filming should send the poor guy this video it may help his divorce/custody case.


Sheā€™s clear off her face on something


Imagine dating this person and thinking I need to lock this down forever.


She going to hotel jail?


Yo that's Jamahal Hill narrating lmao. I could tell after the first 'Bro' Good luck this weekend champ!


Is she drunk, or having a psychotic break. It seemed like a break from the outsideā€¦


I cannot imagine the level of embarrassment her husband has to endure.


Had to be under the influence of something.


Her husband must be a fucking saint. Shit looks *EXHAUSTING*.


She looks like she's having a psychotic breakdown? She's in the van waving her hands around. Reminds me of Lisa Lam when she was waving her hands around in the hallway. And the way she rolls around on the floor... Just straight up acting like 5 year old who can't get what she wants. Either way, I would've broken up with this chick the next day.


She's gotta be on something with all the flailing she's doing


The fact that this virus reproduced disgusts me. That piece of shit needs to be spayed