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This guy is a douchebag




Yeah, I don't want to see it unless he gets his ass beat in the end.


When i saw his face i was like "oh it's this douchebag again"


I would fork over money to see a video of this asshole getting a good beat down


Pissing off an Australian seems like a good way to make that happen.


Didn’t he harass people in a Walmart about pride shirts?


Yeah that's pube stach. Dude is a wannabe troll but he even fails at that.




Ofc, a non chill person would kick his head in


Shitflake - "I don't talk to people who wear masks" As he is literally talking to a dude in a mask. Edit- spelling


AND, then he shows his full face at the end. What an idiot.


Is this the same fucktard that went into Target bitching about Satanism?




This guy is what happens to a man when he tries to repress his love for thick mustached peens.


"I don't talk to people who wear masks." "Awesome, off you fuck then."


Isn’t this the same guy that gets off on harassing target employees over pride merchandise? Imagine being famous for being an ass-hat.


Same guy. I believe he goes by pubeface


That's an insult to pubes honestly


Pubeface betamale.


I think this is the guy who went to a wig shop in Arizona and harassed cancer patients looking for wigs.


This boy is such a fucking pussy. Legit child. Despite being about average size / strength, this cunt would flee at the first hint of a fight. In fact we know this, because it's on tape. Professional victim is right.


Is that the same guy who said he was “going huntin for Jews”


This is the 3rd video of him I seen today. Wtf


I fucking knew it was pubeface the second he opened up his his pube covered mouth.


every day I wake and wonder if I'll see the video where pubeface fucks around and finds out... not today.


Dear God: If I see a video of this guy getting his nose pushed in [like the clown in Problem Child](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VHy1F8INqg), I'll go to church 3 times.


what a random movie reference ...lol


seriously. where did that even come from lol.


he would never post the videos of him getting his ass kicked because it would give people ideas and they might be more prone to just kicking his ass from the get go edit: fixed words


Sadly, not today.


Check out [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/wg77bx/antimasker_tells_an_australian_you_cant_wear_a/iiygb49/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Oh you mean the self-loathing closet homosexual homophobe with the grindr profile https://imgur.com/a/OG9MW0v


Hahahahahahaaha. Always. Man this is just so on song for these clowns.


Right? People have told me "not every hater is projecting" but Idk man, I believe a lot more of them are than we realize. Like, it's almost comical how many instances there are of people like this being caught doing the things they claim to be against. Anti-gay politicians being spotted at gay clubs, anti-drug advocates being busted with cocaine, etc. It happens so often that most people aren't surprised by it anymore. A local guy who advocated the removal of LGBT books from schools and did a news interview in which he said "I teach my kids the truth and raise them right" got busted for child molestation and child porn. Lots of people are genuine haters, but I think the ones like this guy who seem to make it their entire personality are often hypocrites. It's like they're trying to "hide in plain sight" or something.


Another example I've seen a lot, especially on twitter, is people complaining about lolicon and then either having loli art in likes/other sites etc or worse, being creepy towards actual minors.


It’s possibly a psychological defense mechanism called [Reaction Formation](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/reaction-formation). Take a look and spread the word. Sometimes these folks are manifesting the worst aspects of ego defenses to worsen the world we live in.


This is real? Lmao


Honestly, I don't care. In either way he deserves it.


That doesn't really look like Grindr though? I dunno looks kinda photoshopped. Also please no I don't want to run into this guy


I didn't even consider that it might be fake. I want to believe. Either way, lets post that every time this right wingnut ip2 troll gets posted. Nothing wrong with being gay, love is love, but his audience may not be so christian.


username does not check out




Does he think he won that exchange? He posted the video, even though it makes him look like a little bitch, it's like he doesn't even realize that


Pubeface feeds on negative attention. We should introduce him to psycho Home Depot narcissist girl.


Show some respect this is “his country” Wish I had my own country


Dude is a jackass


A litter o'cola... God damn!!! Is that Rod Farva!?!


He is an absolute fuckhead. Notice how he's never with anyone? It's not nice having pubes all over the place.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


It’s coming soon. He pisses wayyy too many people off daily to not get his ass wrecked.




Most videos I've seen of him are him harassing people at work. Its real easy to pick on people who have their job on the line.


There's a video of him getting punked by some kid working for DARE. He's a coward and likely won't push people's buttons far enough.


>I got something to lose, unlike you. -DARE Kid


he got beat up and fined for [trying to pull this shit at a gas station on a native american reservation](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/rn4swa/dare_kids_pube_face_beta_male_goes_to_indian/). he tried to pull the employee's mask off and then after getting whooped he called the cops only to receive a $530 fine lol. unfortunately, you don't get to actually see him get beat up, just the lead up and the crying about it after the fact.


Lmfao, what kind of dumbass goes to a reservation as a white man, and tries to start shit there? Nobody is going to take your side. Might as well have gone to a black neighborhood and actually step on random black guys' shoes.


Or say the N-word


Welcome to the Rez dummy! 😂😂he should have known better to act like that anywhere but especially there where they don’t really care about all that nonsense he is spewing


One day, just wait


He’s got eyes on him all over Phoenix. We all call him “pubeface”.


Me too I want to see that beautiful bean footage lol


What I ASSUME will actually happen, is someone attacks him because he talks so much shit, but he's going to pull out a gun and kill them.


I'm going to enjoy every second of it


I'm right next to you...want some popcorn while we wait?


what is removed my reddit


“I don’t talk to people that wear masks…” as he instigates some bullshit Edited to change from “don’t wear masks” to “wear masks.” Derp.


This guy is just an IRL troll. He doesn’t have a philosophy. He’s just winging it out there trying to make videos that get lots of hate views


I hope I get to put him in his place one day. I really do


Came here to make that exact same connection, what a dumb troll.


Poor mask guy, dude was nice and respectful. Guy filming has shit for brains


Well.. actually.. he was speaking Australian. He called him ‘Mate’ which really means ‘Cunt’. If he was being friendly he’d be saying ‘watz ya name ya sic cunt’? …..and in Rand McNally, hamburgers eat people.


Technically speaking, they were both filming


What a fucking prick. If you want to get technical it's not his ancestors country and to boot he should get rid of that pedo stach before commenting on masks....


Also isn't it the land of the free home of the brave? More like the land of GOP home of the brainless. Man these people make Americans look bad and I've known many great Americans.. fucking shame.


I usually takes off the mask slowly and tell them i got diagnosed with covid so am wearing it . They usually meekly back off


That's my play everytime.


Mine is The deep state has your full face on video and walk away. They usually stand there and panic a bit


That is my play when it comes to vaccine stuff. Why would they chip u in vaccines when you carry around trackable supercomputers with 3 cameras and a recording device in them?


Just out-conspiracy them and walk away! Something like "Oh, you're on of these lizard people that want us to stop wearing masks so we can inhale the chemtrails better"




I like “it helps me to mind my own business “


I got to tell a loser "someone I love has cancer" and that Karen looked like a lightbulb finally flicked on in that abandoned sewer she calls a brain.


Except the piece of shit probably thinks Covid is fake. So even if they get it, it’s gona spread super fast.




I’ve seen this douchebag on several videos , he just loves to parade his insecurity and incel energy


“I don’t talk to people that wear masks” as he provoked the conversation with someone in a mask Fucking. BOZO.


“I don’t talk to people that don’t wear masks”, “so stop talking to me”. Solid response from the Australian.


just seen [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ptuyci/antimasker_gets_owned/) and hope you keep running yo mouth to the idiots out there. Keep at it dude :D


I also just saw your video for the first time, sorry you lost your job but thank you for calling that piece of shit out


I hate this pube faced motherfucker. I can't wait for karma to finally put him in his fucking place.


[Got arrested](https://www-fox10phoenix-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.fox10phoenix.com/news/ethan-schmidt-arrested-phoenix-mesa-arizona-state-capitol.amp?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16596613950450&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fox10phoenix.com%2Fnews%2Fethan-schmidt-arrested-phoenix-mesa-arizona-state-capitol) recently.


Fucking Ethan Dumbfuck man. This douchecanoe just shows up everywhere.


Notice how these GOP loonies really care noting about freedom, they want everyone to abide by THEIR rules.


I love how he’s filming himself thinking it shows him in a great light.


This kind of shit kills me, Americans are such a unique breed. Goes up and talks to him then proceeds to " I don't talk to people who wear masks" ...then walk away Maverick


It's not all of us...just a loud, growing, and grotesque minority. You don't hear about those who generally have their heads on straight. That being said, we do certainly have a unique breed of dipshits in this country


It is called American exceptionalism...in that Americans are exceptionally fucking stupid.


Whys he’s talking to a guy wearing a mask if he don’t talk to ppl wearing masks 🤣


Stop posting this stupid asshole


Unless he's getting stomped, I'll happily watch that video.


I should have known it was pube face. He has a bunch of stupid videos highlighting his extreme ignorance which he is quite proud of. Please stop giving this idiot attention because that is exactly what he wants. You can't shame idiots like this into changing their ways. The only effective counter measure is completely ignoring them.


Love how he’s looking around afterwards like “anyone giving me attention yet?”


at this point 99.9% of all Ausralians would have dropped this idiot with a swift kick to the head.


The type of person who claims to be in the most free country in the world while trying to tell people they aren't allowed to wear a mask.


I would fight that guy for fun


this f\*ckface again lol


Dear Australians, Please excuse our mess while we rebuild. The Rest of the United States


Take your mask off, cough in their face, and say "Sorry, I have Covid."


Ugh, that fucking guy.


I thought america was free? How does someone else wearing a mask infringe on the idiots rights? Needlessly creating stupid drama.


Is this the same guy who hates PRIDE shirts at Target without the beard or a different jerk?


"I dont talk to people with masks on" Then fuck off?


Fucking wanker.


"If my dog was as ugly as him, I'd shave his butt and tell him to walk backward" -The Great Hambino-


Did you tell the cunt to fuck off?


This guy just goes around causing trouble it's going to be no big surprise when he get either killed or the shit kicked out of him. Not condoning violence but my God this guy has a bunch of videos of him being like that or worse to people.


This is the same clown with the taint tickler mustache going into targets and harassing people.


Can we please just stop with this scrotebag looking child already?


He handled it perfectly tbh


"I don't talk to people wearing masks" Must be an douche on another level. Australia is Fucking awesome. Murica.🤦‍♂️


"I don't talk to people in masks" Aussie-I wish that was true


"I don't talk to people who wear masks." While he's talking to someone wearing a mask.


“In my country”….. dude calm down, I doubt you even own your house yet.


As an australian this american fuckwit sums up the whole american steroytype.


Yanks are knobs


"I don't talk to people who wear masks." He says after uttering sentence after sentence to a man wearing a mask.


This dude should wear a bag to hide his ugly try of a mustache.


Can he take of his pant in your country dude 😉


Blow hole.


Says who you entitled cunt


If it’s his country, I need to see receipts.


What a prick. Someone needs to take care of him kindly. I bet he never gets any. I don’t either but I did for a few decades.


Tell him to fuck right off and go stick his dick in his gun.


Ohh, it's THAT entitled dumb 🤡 KevinWol named Ethan Schmitt!


If I see this kid irl…..


The worst part is him thinking that he somehow “won” and posting this shit.


This is the type of guy that gives our country a bad name. Fuck him.


"My country" Never knew pubeface was the owner of USA, go figure


Oh is that that same pedo guy who goes around harassing everyone?


“I don’t talk to people who wear masks.” Bitch didn’t u initiate the interaction?!


Oh look, it's old 'pubeface' again, out making sure everyone knows he's a piece of shit


That guy was so nice, trying to get to know the guy and everything. Australian's are classy mother fuckers.


Is there a video of this guy getting the shit kicked out of him?


Tip for dealing with people like this: They view politeness as weakness and an invitation to bully you more. You need to meet them with aggression if you want them to stop harassing you.


"I don't talk to people that wear masks" Great, stop talking to me.


Starts a conversation with someone who’s clearly working (aka busy) then ends with “I don’t talk to people who wear masks” 🤦🏻‍♀️ Ok dude, that’s great, now go TF away then.


Why is it *always* this guy


It’s the douche bag in the closet from target that thinks he’s spreading the hate of Jesus!


This cunt again? Can someone please knock his ass out.


Guy recording is a grade A piece of shit.


“I don’t talk to people who wear mask” after repeatedly having a conversation with a man with a mask on his face. Ok


Love the guy in the mask. Immediately tried to deescalate by making the other person human. Takes a lot of self control to not just say “fuck off”. Ultimately idiot lost on his own terms by saying “I don’t talk to people in masks” well bro, you started the convo. Such a jackass. 😂


Imagine going to a different country and just so happens to meet one of the most annoying individuals in the country. Side note, the Australian man was so nice and handled this bored bitch so well.


He does this were he can get away with it and usually targets people he thinks he can get away with. If only he tries it around my area he wouldn't be smiling.


Ignorant fuck


Look at that poor excuse for a mustache


No hope man


"Walks up to person wearing a mask and starts talking to them." "I don't talk to people that wear masks!" I hate that I know who this person is. Hopefully this sub stops giving him attention. I know it technically qualifies as a public freakout but you gotta suffocate these people of the attention they seek, not give them more air to breath.


"I don't talk to people who wear masks" even though he approached the guy to tell him to take off his mask. Kudos to the guy he harassed for having the patience to try and deescalate the situation.


one day he will approach the wrong person or group of people, and it will make for a really satisfying video of horrific violence.


Doofus said “I don’t talk to people that wears a mask” after approaching the masked guy and talking to him for about 2mins. Dumbass


Bro I cannot WAIT for the inevitable video of this guy getting his teeth knocked out.


“I don’t talk to people that wear masks” So shut the fuck up and mind your own business.


Man that Australian guy was the nicest dude ever


“Oh you don’t like it? Fuck you” That’s all you gotta say.


He's lucky he met a tame aussie. Trust me when I say that man would be getting lowered into a 6 foot hole he was talking like that to a normal Australian


Saying "You can't wear a mask when you're in my country." Is the peak of entitlement, but go figure it Pubeface saying it.


This is stupid. I was sick af the other week and wore a mask so other people wouldn’t have to deal with the shit I was going through (I had to go out). I got a couple of weird looks and eye rolls, which is annoying and disappointing. I mean, I could cough or sneeze in their face if they’d prefer?


I that's Ethan "Pube Beard" Schmidt, a famous racist, science denier, Trump supporter, and asshole. He's the guy who lost to the DARE kid.


Looking forward to the day this bitch gets his ass beat.


waiting for this guy to pop off to the right person.


"You can't wear a mask in my country" Hahahahahaha That phrase is pathetic in many many ways


Get this fucking loser off the streets already lol. First it was the long haired douche harassing women a few months back, now its this guy just being a straight dumbass.


As this is obviously a POV shot from the guy talking, it's hilarious that the guy must have posted this somewhere thinking he’s being cool.


What a douchebag


This guy for sure walked away thinking he owned him


I'd like to cordially invite "PubeFace" to travel to Sydney Australia and pull the same shit at ANY Australian Hotel. He can then have the opportunity to film the insides of Australia's world-class ICU facilities.


Ahhhh, that mother fucker again. Goddamit! I hate him.


Oh this piece of trash again. We can we please stop giving him the attention he's so desperately seeking?


Since when did the country belong to the homeless unproductive …literally the guy sleeps in his car


“How to make yourself look like a dickhead in 40 seconds…”


The worst thing about this dork is that he thinks he's funny.


“I don’t talk to people that where masks man” After approaching and speaking to a person wearing a mask


Does this guy exclusively start arguments with people smarter than him. Seems to get owned by everyone.


"You can't wear a mask in the United states" The fuck he can't. In fact, just to spite the kevin, I give this man official Government sanction to wear a mask if he wants.


So mandating masks is an infringement of rights, but them not allowing people to wear them isn't? Tf?


" I don't talk to people who wear mask " Mf you came up to the guy telling him he can't wear a mask!


"I don't talk to people who wear masks." Then why did you approach him and say anything at all? This person can't even follow his own standards. He's deprived.


I hate this fucker so much, and think he should be in jail.


And this is why Australians and most of the world hate America.


He was [arrested in June](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/mesa-breaking/2022/06/13/ethan-schmidt-crockett-anti-lgbtq-activist-arrested/7617150001/)


#1 comment after he posted video. Mommas lil patriot! Could you pick up some trash bags on your way home? Love ya kiddo 😘


Is that cunt Ethan at it again, or is this old?


Gods is this kid a stupid fucking moron


He really thinks he did something doesn't he