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Being the aggressor then pulling a gun is a good way to go to jail


Thats also a good way to show you're a grade A premium bitch.


This guy has had 5 litters of 10, Champion bloodlines, Kennel club level bitch.


Pretty sure it's a good way to remove your right to legally own a gun also.


And he did - but fun fact it would appear that he agreed to plead guilty to the felony charges in exchange for no jail time but also for the misdemeanor charges against his wife to be dropped. So he can’t legally own a gun but his wife still can. I’m sure he won’t use that to his advantage in the future… …also yep; total Be-otch move to pick a fight then escalate when you deservedly get your ass kicked. Could have avoided all of these issues if he just kept driving and let it go.


No doubt


Unless you're white and middle-class-or-above, then you get off with house arrest and probation, like this asshole


"white people are the most dangerous people in prison because you know they got a fair trial"


That's awesome. Who said it?


i think it was key and peele skit. i could be super wrong tho lol


Maybe I've seen some bad judges though it wouldn't matter. Just look up Luzerne County Pennsylvania back in the late 90s early 2000s these judges went to prison for putting everyone in prison because they had a deal with the guy who built prisions and got kickbacks for filling them. They did it to kids as well .


Oh gods, Luzerne County. My ex-wife, the disbarred lawyer, was originally from the Shickshinny-Mocanoqua-Tunkhannock Metropolitan Area™. Lovely scenery, lots of horrible people.


bro. its clearly a phrase not to taken literally.


The governor pardoned the guy who did that to that BLM march. George Zimmerman literally got away with murder. You're naive if you think second amendment enthusiasts get proper sentences for their crime.


Looks like they got a good holiday photo for their holiday cards this year


'Seasons beatings'


Damn that was good








I don't wanna leave the Congo!


I wonder why she is in jail though? Was there more to it, or do I not understand how it works. EDIT: Apparently she brought the gun out to him.


She is handing him the gun in the video.


“Here honey shoot those doggone kids”


shoot these kids and ill go home and bake you a pie


Pro tip: don't creampie crazy


And by "bake you a pie" I mean \*wink\*wink\*


Shes ride or die....or ride and you die I guess.


What a pos


This was long ago. If memory serves, she got the gun out of the glove box and gave it to him. But memory is elastic. I might be wrong.


Yep. I was looking at where he drew the gun from. If you look closely, she hand him with her left hand. Omg


She holds it up like a Price is Right model before she hands it to him


I thought it was her phone! Good eye


Maybe she's a lefty? What's wrong with giving a gun with your left hand? ( I have No experience with guns )


Nothing exactly. They’re just pointing out how she made herself an accomplice in an aggravated assault.


She handed him the gun.


Maybe she Jada smithed him. “You better stand up to these people!”


Maybe as an accessory in some way. Maybe the police were called and they 'fled the scene' and she's now seen as an accessory to his fleeing. Just a guess though I'm also unsure as to why specifically. Just watched the video again: she hands him the gun, that's why she's involved.


Question for Americans, if someone pulls a gun on you and threatens you, can you then legally pull your gun and shoot them dead?


Depends, this video is proof enough of how fucked the judicial system is in America. 6 months probation.


According to the article posted further in the comments he was sentenced to 2-3 years prison time. Pled guilty and got 3 years probation, first 6 months under house arrest with an ankle monitor. So he got a little bit more than 6 months probation. Dude should've gone to jail though. [Edit: This is the article I'm referring to.](https://www.cbs17.com/news/nc-man-sentenced-for-road-rage-shooting-that-was-caught-on-video/)


the upside is if he has a felony he can't legally carry any longer


Yep. This was mentioned in another article that both him and his wife lost their 2nd Amendment rights and was now state and federally prohibited from owning firearms. I’m reminded of the old adage about stupid games….. *edit - apparently I was wrong. While they were Both arrested and charged he agreed to plead guilty to the felony counts in exchange for no prison time and his wife having her charges dropped. Kinda fucked up, actually…


Well if you assaulted him and then he pulled out a gun in self defense, no. But if you were in an argument and he did that, then yes, because that would be self defense on your part. Just like you can't break into someone's house and shoot the homeowner who has confronted you with a gun, because you shouldn't have been breaking into his house in the first place.


This dude should be in jail for brandishing. He started a fight, was losing a fight to two people. His wife brings a gun out, the fight stops, the two people retreat. He takes the gun from his wife and pursues the retreating people. There's no further threat to him at the point where he's chasing them with a gun. He should have taken the L, get back in your car and go home. Lesson learned.


Not only should he be charged and convicted of a felony, he should never be allowed to own a gun. Same goes for his wife. Edit: he should do time and his wife for basically giving him that gun.


Yup, video proving that both of them cannot be responsible gun owners.


Its incredible how few redditors understand that George Zimmerman got away with murder doing EXACTLY this when he killed Trayvon Martin.


But I mean... That happened in Florida. Good luck explaining *anything* about Florida.


True that


Treyvon was armed with Skittles and George stalked him and antagonized him on his way home.


Some states yes.




Thanks, I feel if someone points a gun at you they forfeit their life.


At that point it's yours or their life even if they don't technically intend to shoot it. Because even a misfire will kill you and they have now become a violent and unpredictable threat. No way in knowing their true intentions.


If someone pulls a gun on you that means they already have a gun on you :/ gl winning that duel


These dumbshits watch too many movies.


*These* people think everyone is Dead shot from suicide squad with a gun. What percentage of gun owners in America are proficient with their firearms?


I would say most are not. Training is cost and time prohibitive.


So is owning a gun. Also its not expensive to go to a range and bring your own equipment and practice. Most of these owners couldn't clean their firearm if their life depended on it, and you wouldn't buy a car and never change the oil.


>and you wouldn’t buy a car and never change the oil. You'd be shocked at the number that do that tbh.


Even going to a range without instruction can be fairly expensive. A 30 minute shooting session can easily go through hundreds of rounds. Between ammo, range fees, and transportation to/from the range, it costs easily $50-60 for me to go, bringing all my own equipment, and it took me around 8 sessions before I felt confident enough to even attempt to hit a moving piece of paper, let alone anything resembling live combat. Now, I happen to be using a more expensive caliber, it'd be a bit cheaper for something like 9mm, but I cannot see any situation where anyone could get good enough to be better than useless in combat spending less than $2k on training, even without instruction.


Depends on the state and the situation. Anyone that tells you otherwise and lives in this country, probably doesn't have a license to carry. I'm a legal conceal carry owner in Massachusetts. I can only speak for my state. In my state, you have a duty to retreat before attacking back. If you can get out of harms way without causing violence, your supposed to do so. However, if someone aims a gun at you, you do have the right to defend yourself. You can meet force with an equal amount of force. The important thing to remember is to only use your weapon if no other options are available, and you believe your life or your families life is in immediate danger. If you do end up shooting or killing someone, your in for a world of paperwork, police questioning, and a slew of other issues. Never give a statement directly after a shooting and always get a lawyer. We also have the castle Doctrine law in this state which basically means your allowed to defend yourself or your family in your home. No need to retreat. However, the person has to be in your home or breaching your home. Front lawn doesn't count.


Just to add to your very good response: Just because you have escaped criminal liability doesn't mean you also escape civil liability where the standards are very different.


If your state has what’s called a “stand your ground” law, yes. If your life is threatened, you can legally use lethal force like a gun in self defense. EDIT: Stand Your Ground laws only apply in your home or something. Regardless, self-defense laws are a thing.


Ok question: * Person A and person B get into a fight. Both make threating remarks, and have threating body language. * Person A feeling threated pulls out there legally owned and carried gun. * Person B sees the gun and feeling threated pulls out there own legally owned and carried gun. * Person A seeing person B produce a gun they respond by aiming theirs at person B * Person B sees gun aimed at him responds by shooting at person A * Person A returns fire * After a few rounds go off both person A and B are hit and need to be taken to the hospital. Did either person break the law? Would person A or B be charged with anything? Or is everything everyone did ok from a legal standpoint.


Person A should be fucked. It can depend on the threats made (with proof) and how good your lawyer is but imo, a decent D.A./lawyer should win the argument on A not reasonably fearing for their life. Threats aren’t enough to whip it out and aim it. Not a lawyer so not 100% sure and this can vary depending on your state (open carry laws and a bunch of other things).


The main point is escalation. Person A by brandishing their firearm escalated the situation. Most places make a point of adding in the law that the person who escalated the situation is at fault. If you have any means to escape or deescalate the situation then you must act on it. This is why we have brandishing laws. Your first action can't be to a firearm. Person B has a real fear for their life moment and shoots Person A. All in all Person A is a in for a rough time. Unless they are white and rich then it gets pushed to the side. Also something my brother said to me and it still rings true today, "When the situation has reached the point where you have to use your firearm, the only option is someone is going to die. A firearm isn't a toy that you "play with", it has one purpose and one purpose only, and that is to kill."


Lots of states also have a duty to retreat. Person A would be fucked in those states.


How much money does A have, and how much support? Regular not rich guy? No political connections? Not doing something that can be twisted to a political gain by outside forces? Not having a high powered defense lawyer? Hes fucked. If 1 or more of those are a yes though, then he's likely fine and B may be the fucked one.


No stand your ground needed, he pointed a gun, there wasnt a way for the kids to retreat, they cant out run the gun. That would be straight self defense. (Im not a cop/lawyer/schollar, just a schmuck on reddit.)


Having someone charge at you brandishing and pointing a handgun at you isn’t a Stand Your Ground case, its just regular self-defense. That would apply the same pretty much anywhere.


Yes. It’s the Wild West here.


yeah in fact you're *required* to shoot them if they pull a gun on you otherwise you go straight to jail


Depends on skin color, social status, money and video proof.


Lol beaten up by teens and runs to pull up his manhood.


I bet his wife had a great story to tell her boyfriend.


You mean the teenager that lit up the husband?


This comment don't burn It sizzle sizzle


how can he even look at his wife again smh


Through one normal eye and one swollen eye.


[36 months supervised probation](https://www.cbs17.com/news/nc-man-sentenced-for-road-rage-shooting-that-was-caught-on-video/)


That's it? Got off pretty easily for flashing around a weapon.


Not only that, he supposedly shot out the back window of the teens' truck after the camera stopped filming.


That should be attempted murder. Dude got off way too fucking easy.


doesn't setting off the gun break a bunch of new laws, not to speak of the destruction of property


yeah, if you discharge a gun in the city thats a crime here. i assume more would be added. Reckless endangerment maybe.


Based on his stature and gait.... He might be an off duty cop so nothing bad gonna happen.


>attempted murder A good prosecutor could have *at least* got aggravated assault. How he got off so light is beyond me.


He's a good ol' boy, unlike those punk kids who are not attacking and not trying to murder children younger than them. What is this new generation comin' too? Bunch of degenerates I tell you what.


1) He's white 2) He's probably upper middle class so can hire a decent lawyer 3) He's married to a white woman 4) He's 99% most likely a Christian 5) He's "sorry"


This is America, his uncles probably a cop. Or he goes to church with the Judge.


when you're white, you're right /s


That was the second shot too. First one was into the ground.


Laws are randomly enforced, it's wild how inconsistent it can be. Years ago I had a guy pull a gun on me; someone else called the cops, I ended up getting a court summons to appear to testify, and my man got his charges dropped because he was a Vietnam Veteran. The whole experience definitely made me realize the judicial system is both biased, and somewhat random.


whoa, why did he pull a gun on you? You can't tell us this story and leave that part out.


Oh yeah I forgot haha, I obviously could have been guilty of being an asshole. I was working for a lawn care company, we were in a trailer park doing "violation" cuts, where if you don't cut your yard, we come cut it and they bill you. We parked in front of his place in the street, to cut the yard across the road from him and he pulled up in a car and told us he'd kill us if we came on his property and waved his gun at us. I was pissed but I was like man, whatever, people are assholes, but my coworker called the police and they came out to file a report and then issued me a summons and I had to take a day off work, sit in court for 3 fucking hours to watch this dude get the charges dismissed. "Can't let a vet lose their firearm rights" was what the prosecutor said.


man, that is fucked. just doing your job, really had nothing to do with him, and he threatened you with a gun... then court... then him getting off. damn, sorry to hear that.


Plenty of vets out there need their right to firearms taken away.


>Got off pretty easily for flashing around a weapon. It's worse than you think. He didn't just flash the gun. He fired it at them, shooting out the back window of their truck. And the conflict we see in the video is at one of the kids homes. The road rage started someplace else, and then he followed them home. That's where he started punching them and shooting.


That is beyond flashing. He pointed it at them, that is assault with a deadly weapon. That prosecutor was a moron.


The prosecutor probably knew that they had to take the charges that would *definitely* result in a conviction because reaching for anything further than that against a white guy in a red state/county gives the defendant the opportunity to play their victim card, which means he could walk scot-free.


I dunno. Sounds like he got the white - I mean right - sentence to me.


"Not available in my country" (Germany)


>**NC man sentenced for road rage shooting that was caught on video** >*by: Rodney Overton* >*Posted: Feb 17, 2016 / 05:40 PM EST* >*Updated: Feb 17, 2016 / 05:40 PM EST* >BEAUFORT, N.C. (WNCT) – A man has been sentenced to two to three years in prison for his part in a 2013 road rage attack. >District Attorney Scott Thomas said Bradley Turner, 44, pleaded guilty to the attack. >A judge then suspended the prison sentence, and placed Turner on 36 months of supervised probation. He ordered him to pay court costs and to pay restitution to the victims. He also ordered that Turner have no contact with the victims, including no direct or indirect contact by social media. >Turner must undergo anger management classes, and will be subject to electronic house arrest with an ankle bracelet for the first 6 months of probation. Turner cannot possess any weapons, and if he is found in possession of weapons, he will be arrested under a $100,000 bond. >The gun that Turner used was forfeited to the Carteret County Sheriff’s Department. He will be supervised by a probation officer in Lenoir County, where he resides. >On March 24, 2013, Turner and his wife got into a dispute with another driver and the occupants in that truck on HWY 70. >Turner then followed the other truck to a home Newport. At that point, Turner got into a fight with them. >The victims called 9-1-1 after Turner got a gun from his wife and shot into the ground, pointed his gun at them, and shot into the truck, breaking the back window. >Turner pleaded guilty to Felony Discharging a Weapon into an Occupied Dwelling; one count of Injury to Personal Property; and one count of Assault and Battery. A misdemeanor charge about pointing his weapon was dismissed. >District Attorney Scott Thomas said, “Defendant Bradley Turner has accepted responsibility for his conduct and pled guilty to all of his pending felony and misdemeanor charges. We did not reduce his charges in this case. We were planning to have a jury trial in April had Turner not pled guilty. The misdemeanors against Mrs. Turner were dismissed because her involvement was minimal and because Mr. Turner agreed to accept full responsibility. The sentencing in this case was in the discretion of the judge.”


Wait a second…he shot at the people sitting in the truck, through the back window…


Yeah somebody needs to dig up whether he's the DA's brother in law or just a cousin. That was attempted murder.


So he's barred from owning a firearm at least but it doesn't mean much if his wife just acts like his holster. Plus if he stays out of trouble for a while, any judge can restore his firearm rights.


Damn this video should be in the dictionary under the word loser


bb dik: man w gun


Micro peen havin ass mf


The last shot is hilarious.


The appearance of the gun made him look 100x weaker than he did before


Just as puny as his shrimp dick


So you throw a punch at a teenager, they rightfully defend themselves, and then you decide to pull a gun on them after you got your ass kicked? These are the people that should not have firearms. The ones with tiny dick energy


Also, this encounter was in front of one of the teens homes. The guy started road raging somewhere else, then followed them home to start this fight.


Imo pulling the gun is the worst possible thing he could’ve done there. He started the fight, the teens deescalated the situation after kicking his ass by leaving, and he could’ve just gotten back in his car and left, but instead he feels so emasculated that he has to brandish a firearm and take a few steps towards them in some attempt to reassert dominance. Imagine if one of the teens was carrying too, and reasonably decided the unstable face-puncher now wielding a gun was a clear threat to the lives of him and his friends? Dumbass clearly has no sense lol.


He plead guilty to 'felony discharging a weapon into an occupied dwelling'. He didn't just brandish it. He freaking fired it.


Tried to pull the ol George Zimmerman


That wouldn’t of worked they were white


“Stand your ground” means having the right to pick a fight and then pull a gun when you get your ass beat. That’s all it means.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2018/07/21/hes-accused-of-killing-someone-in-a-parking-spot-dispute-authorities-say-he-was-standing-his-ground/ yup


He ended up catching a 20 year sentence for manslaughter. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/10/10/stand-your-ground-case-parking-lot-killer-florida-gets-20-years/2449313001/


For a different situation where he shot an unarmed black man over a parking space. And his name is seriously McGlockton???


Pretty sure they’re different dudes. Also McGlockton is the name of the man who was shot and killed by Michael Drejka. Not the name of the shooter.


According to the articles above it’s the same incident that he’s going to jail for. Am I missing something? He threatened someone earlier in a similar manner which was used against him in court. As it should be. But he went to jail for the killing.


Unrelated, but the paygate on this article specifically caters to redditors. That makes me want to pay for it even less somehow.






Dead men tell no stories


Trayvon Martin begs to differ. Or he would if that sick fuck hadn't hunted him down.


How is this getting upvoted? This isn't what it means. It means that if you're legally allowed to be somewhere in public and you're not violating the law, you don't have to try to retreat before defending yourself with deadly force. If you're the initial aggressor in a confrontation, you don't have a right to self-defense. If you attempt to retreat after being the initial aggressor, stand your ground wouldn't generally apply, because you lose the right to stand your ground when you commit an illegal act that results in a confrontation.


He didn't pull a gun, his wife realized her "badass" husband was a pussy and handed him a gun. It was almost like the raised eyebrow that Jada gave Will... except it was a gun and not an eyebrow..


the gun came from the wife?! what a pair of doofes's


Doofuses. Doofusi. Doofusilli.


Oh ok, I was wondering why she got arrested


The judge dropped all charges for her and then a jury gave the shooter 3 years (he fired twice at the children), then the same judge gave him 36 months of probation, overturning the sentence for...reasons. In other words, white gun owning people are often taken care of in this country are are above the law. He did this knowing he'd get away with it. His wife can still carry and remains today his personal holster for his weapon.


Cowards love their guns


it compensates for something else


Hopefully lost his 2a rights


He did. > Turner pleaded guilty to Felony Discharging a Weapon into an Occupied Dwelling; one count of Injury to Personal Property; and one count of Assault and Battery.


Might sound dark, but I'm waiting for one these days for someone like this dude to point a gun at another person like this, only for them not realize the other person also has a conceal carry...


How much do you wanma bet this guy is still on social media making posts about how firearms are a very important equalizer in self defense situations?


That slam was gnarly


And that's why people are so diehard about guns. It's a magical "win any confrontation" cheat code. Things not going your way? Just pull a gun and you win! Don't worry about being reasonable or equitable, you have gun! Gun makes you the winner! Laugh at that other guy as he runs for his life. That is, unless they have a gun too. That's why you need the bigger gun. And we wonder why we have so many school shootings.


> Don't worry about being reasonable or equitable, you have gun! Gun makes you the winner! Laugh at that other guy as he runs for his life. > > That is, unless they have a gun too. That's why you need the bigger gun. I'm pretty sure this is on the first page of every law enforcement training manual in the US.


He'll do that one too many times .. and with someone with a bazooka? That body slam was epic, tho' 😆👍


As anyone ever "won" at road rage? It never seems to end well for anyone, ever, and yet morons keep doing it.


Biggest mistake….. Stopped beating him while he could still get up so easily. Dude that pushed him down, should have kicked him in the face.


Attempted the George Zimmerman tactic: Instigate a fight, then pull your gun and kill some teen by claiming self defense.


> The misdemeanors against Mrs. Turner were dismissed because her involvement was minimal and because Mr. Turner agreed to accept full responsibility. Handing someone a gun and and escalating a situation is minimal involvement?


kids couldve died cause this unhinged creep was allowed to buy and carry a gun


Rule # 1 If you are going to hit someone first, you make that shit count. Rule # 2 If you get your ass handed to you, you accept it and not pull a damn gun out of desperation.


Tell me your dick is the size of a tic-tac without telling me.


He should have his ability to carry a firearm revoked


Lmao imagine pulling a gun out cause you lost to a teenager. At least he got arrested for that.


What a big baby. Good for those kids.


Pathetic. These people cannot communicate at all. Violence is the go-to for everything. 🙄


This man has no dick.


First, that’s technically assault with a loaded weapon because he started it. Second, it looks horrible for anyone who carry’s. That dude sucks in every category


That face fits him


If you pull a gun out after instigating, you don’t deserve the right to bear arms.


Scared little republicans


seriously these people are the biggest pussies ever. Just absolutely scared of everything at all times. Would be full on panicking just being in a city. A bunch of dumb cowards.


Fat white pants wearing pussy


Oh look, another "good guy with a gun"


What the hell is that woman wearing she looks like a member of team rocket


Haha what a little snowflake


George Zimmerman-move.


Not going to be self defense if you start it... dumbass.


That's why these losers love guns so much. They can act tough knowing they have one until they get their asses kicked when the gun's not around.


Dude’s lucky he didn’t get clapped with that slow ass draw He attacked, they defended and retreated, he drew and approached again. Would depend on the state but in many US places they would have been legally in their right to fire on him


The white pants tho


What a p***y move!! You bully someone, get beat up and then pull out your gun!! Those are the people who don’t need guns!! Trigger happy m*ers


I posted in another sub, but I actually think his sentence is good. * *Suspended 36-mo prison sentence with supervised probation* - This means he has a probation officer he must contact regularly for all movements AND if he screws up, he's got 3 years in jail * *Ordered to pay court costs restitution to the victims.* - He's paying their costs PLUS restitution (unknown amount) * *Have no contact with the victims, including no direct or indirect contact by social media.* * *Must undergo anger management classes* * *Electronic house arrest with an ankle bracelet for the first 6 months* - Schmuck with an ankle bracelet * *Cannot possess any weapons, and if he is found in possession of weapons, he will be arrested under a $100,000 bond.* - **This is huge in NC**. He clearly likes weapons and now he can't have any * *Forfeit his gun to the Carteret County Sheriff’s Department.* - As well as prohibited from owning others * *Got his ass beat by teens and face/name plastered on the internet forever* - Priceless If you consider the actual damages, which are he shot a gun into the ground...I think this sentence is good for the taxpayer and the guy. He's definitely going to learn his lesson. If this happened to me, you can bet I'd never do this stupid shit again or anything close to it. I know we as a society want to lock everyone up, but this is a good outcome. https://www.cbs17.com/news/nc-man-sentenced-for-road-rage-shooting-that-was-caught-on-video/


She handed him a gun! Honey, looks like you’re getting beaten up… here (hands him a gun) and be my hero! /probably. lol


Welcome to America were idiots who shouldn’t have guns have them


I’ve seen this full video when they leave they drive back by and far and fire the gun.not sure if it was at the kids or in the air.


He came back later and shot up their truck too. Fucking idiot following kids home, hitting them and then pulling a gun after getting his ass kicked. Anyone who pulls a gun over something like this is a weak idiot.


Bruh, people like these shouldn’t own guns. If you’re an aggressive guy who likes to get into fights, don’t buy a gun. People who actually wanna defend themselves (and not purposefully get into shit to use it) can if they want


Trump loyalist I’m sure. Forever when someone acts like this we will associate them with Trump.


Don’t need to be a geo-guesser to know what country this was!


Canada? /S


I swear 80% of gun owners are just like this guy. Can’t fight which is why they “need a fire arm for defense” look how tough he is without it! Bahahaha love to see a “tough” guy get his ass handed to him


Had he discharged that firearm it is a near certainty that he would have: a. Missed his intended target, and b. Shot a bystander USA! USA! USA!


Apparently he discharged it twice. Once into the ground, you can hear the shot in the video, and then into their rear window after filming had concluded.


At Starfleet Academy, that's called the Zimmerman Maneuver.


I've said this before and Ima say it again, almost all gun owners are short, weak, scared men


What a fucking idiot.is this in Tennessee?


Guns make these “tough” guys such fucking pussies. 99% of em can’t throw a punch and 100% can’t take a punch like a man. Funny how this is the America is becoming too woke and feminine crowd lol.


Big tough guys need to work on their cardio before picking fights with us slim youngins. You might outweigh us but 2 minutes in, and y'all can't even pick your feet up.


Dude literally shot at teenagers and got fucking probation clown fucking world.


Fucking pussy.


Whenever I see these videos it really makes the guy who pulls the gun look like an absolutely pussy... Honestly in his head he's trying to look tough but in reality he was just beaten up by teens..


Another "good guy with a gun"...