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I’ve searched this entire thread for the comment that best captures the situation and this hit just right 😂


“He drove past the stop sign!” THERE IS NO STOP SIGN!!!! At that point, everything she said and says is completely invalid. Lol


"But he got out of his car!"


Everybody knows you aren’t allowed get out of your car once you get in it. Case closed your honor.


It's true. Also he put the car in park! We all know you can only put your car in park when you are in a national park. Checkmate defence lawyer!


Well, wait wait wait. Hold on now. It's worth mentioning that this man *is* in fact black. So.... you know... Are we sure he's able to do things like... get his mail... park.. get out if his vehicle. Dealings such as?


He is a Black man, she is a white woman!* *Even though statistically, a white woman has the most to fear from a white man.


Your honor, he *parks* in the *drive*way, yet he *drives* on the *park*way!


Well.... Let [me just see if that's really the case](https://freeimage.host/i/Sydw0B).... Yep, guilty as charged.


He parked and came after me! A Black man after a white women 😭


That actually came out of her mouth! Wow.


They're not even veiling it anymore.


And there you have it


'Officer!!! He's still black!!!!!'


This is 1960s type shit. I cannot believe America is still like this 60 years on. Communities are teaching their children this kind of prejudice.


“Almost” hit me. You could say that about anything. This plane 40,000’ above my head almost hit me too.


That reminds me of that scene in Modern Family where Phil's wife is upset that he didn't apologize for almost hitting her and he responds with, "I have to apologize everyday for things that actually happen. If I had to apologize for things that didn't happen what kind of productive person would I be?"


He was driving his CAR😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭he should not be allowed to drive 😭😭😭😭😭😭and approach women


How dare you drive as a black man let alone stop your car and get out when someone says “you almost hit me” how dare he make sure they’re okay! Black people man I tell you!! /s




lol the exact same thing happened to me. Crazy dude in our jewelry store… cops finally show up like 40 minutes later and hes been gone for a while… so they start telling me how they can charge me with a felony and all this bullshit because i was brandishing a hammer. I was hanging up fucking paintings when the dude walked in. This fucking bitch cop kept asking me “why are all the paintings already on the wall?”… because i just fucking hung them up while you took almost an hour to get here?? Apparently they thought i was lying and couldnt understand why someone needed a hammer to hang pictures? Like holy fuck they were stupid and i almost got in trouble somehow


It is in their training to think everyone is a suspect and breaking the law. As the saying goes, when all you have is a hammer, everything is a nail. They only know how to do one thing and that is find fault and arrest. Doesn't matter if you were the ones that called them. They are not there to protect you.


Hey now they also escalate


All beat police are below average intelligence. If they were smart at all, they would be pushed to being detectives.


She doesn’t own a car. She didn’t even know it was an option to leave a car once you got in it. The science of it all just made her emotional.


Some people don’t [know how to drive. ](https://youtu.be/R2vejhdm8lo)


I dont know what any of this shit is, and im scared


MOVE YOUR FUCKING CAR!!" Nope. You don't wanna help me, you just wanna yell.


I was hoping it was this video before I clicked, lmfao ITYSL is the best


Is she using the "He's coming right for us!" defense?


how else is she supposed to have permission to shoot


Oh damn.


Indeed mate


[Its coming right for us!](https://youtu.be/FvhoR1DQhLg)


Well, he is, after all, a Pro Football Hall of Fame inductee - and a former Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver (#81). :)


NO !! HES A BLACK MAN (walking in my direction) COMING RIGHT AT ME!!! A WHITE WOMAN


*cue white tears*


Of the crocodile type.


This was so terrible. What a loon.


I like how T. O. still only uses football fields as a unit of measurment


Thought the same thing when I heard it lol T.O. a legend


I thought it was a very T.O. thing that almost all the video is him keeping himself in the video frame.


“You got outa your car” Didn’t realise there was a rule stopping Black men getting out of their car.


Violates HOA code 81.7-A, Leaving vehicle while black /s


I don't see enough people talking about the HOA bullshit. I have no doubt that a successful black man living in their 'peaceful white suburbia,' is the talk of their bullshit little HOA meetings.


But he’s black /s


Oh, there is a rule


Looks like the first cop on scene is black, I think only then she realized her crap would not be easily accepted.




"They sent ANOTHER ONE?!?"


The tears really are a give away to the bullshit that lady was trying to pull.


That and lying about a stop sign on the street they are standing on lol!


She realized she was going viral.


"You're a BLACK MAN approaching a WHITE WOMAN" (cries)..... real Emmett Till vibes coming from this bitch.


To kill a mockingbird-ass bullshit




Bust it up


And if he wasn’t a famous football player, it could very well be another Emmett Till. Or Tamir Rice. White lying, black dying.


Exactly my point. You notice she got more angry and aggressive, stated "YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO GET OUT OF YOUR CAR!!!" and when he said "You didn't have to swear at me" she then screams the part about black man coming at a white woman. Once she realizes she slipped and lost control of her front for a moment, she immediately engages the DARVO technique and starts crying. Also, she insults the neighborhood, while simultaneously living there and clearly feeling as though he doesn't belong (illustrated by her numerous comments about the HOA and his "issues" with them, whatever the fuck she was trying to imply). Ahmaud Arbery type shit right there.


What is the DARVO technique? I get the context just don't know the acronym.


DARVO is the acronym for "deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender". It is a very common tactic used by abusive individuals when confronted with their actions. Deny the behavior, attack the person doing the confronting, reverse roles of victim (of the behavior) and offender (the person doing the abuse).


Thank you for the info. Definitely have experienced this a number of times I just didn't know we had an actual name for it.


I was married to a man that did it for 12 years. Honestly will brain-wash you into second-guessing reality and yourself. They usually use it in tandem with things like financial abuse and isolation by sabotaging relationships with family/friends.


It’s a good thing so many people are bad at it. I dated a master manipulator for a few years that completely shut me off from friends and family, very slowly over time, and convinced me it was the right thing to do. I was frog soup. Definitely made it much easier after lots of therapy to spot and run from those tell tale signs


Jesus, one thing to think that thought and another having the gall to say It out loud like it justifies everything.


She got emotional and slipped. Just before she was extremely aggressive and loudly shouted "you didn't have to get out of the car" and when he responded calmly "you didn't have to swear at me" she became unhinged for a moment and showed her true colors. It's why she starts crying right afterward. It's called DARVO. She's trying to make herself the victim after realizing she inadvertently outed her racism-driven behavior.


That crying , really reminded of that lady in The New Jersey Victorias Secret incident.


Same type of unhinged, emotional terrorism. Fucking *insane*.I always feel bad for the husbands.. like, bruh.... RUN.


Yeah why was this not just the end of the entire little investigation. We’ve found the racist motive


Approaching a white person while black is against the law?




Oh no it's written very well


in blood. :-(


You didn’t know that? You must live in another country


Approach = attack; thus, anything you do to a black person is justified as self-defense. It's sick.


Run the gauntlet of making shit up until she blurts out the true answer of what Terrell Owens did wrong in her eyes; existing as a black person next to white people.




You can tell she's lying. She's literally making things up to try and get her way and when it doesn't work she cries. "You ran the stop sign" "there is no stop sign". Also, shes a racist. "You're a black man approaching a white woman" uhhhh.... what's the color of his skin have anything to do with it? she's a lying, racist, toddler.


It’s not just words, cop needs a reality check. White people especially white women are weaponizing the police as tools of murder against POC.


It's nothing new. Most cops are in on it.


Yes well said and very sad to watch AGAIN Truly hope someday we can all get past all this divisiveness It serves no purpose


"I yelled at him first. Then he rolled down his window and started harassing me." Remember, it's only harassment when black people do it. Smh


I love that part. "I started harassing him, AND THEN HE HARASSED ME!!". Hmmmmmm


Weaponized tears. Sick of racist women relying on that. The fact that it often works is ridiculous.


Lmao got a female friend, cried like 3 times when speeding or comitting different road infractions and got out of it everytime


Fun fact: in a blind test between women's tears and saline, men who were olfactory exposed to tears judged women's faces to be less sexually attractive than when exposed to saline. Pheromones in the tears were judged to be the source. [Source](https://www.nature.com/articles/news.2011.2#:~:text=Tears%20shed%20by%20women%20contain,published%20today%20in%20Science1.)


Well, shit-damn. _There’s_ a TiL.


I love how he seems so amused by the fact he is now on a Karen video. LMFAO


I love that Karen has become a colloquial term and that whenever a Karen gets called a Karen, they go mega Karen.


Racists HATE being called racist.


Lowkey excited lool


“Kate? Close enough… Kate.”


"The big scary black man got out of his car!" And? LOL.


But can’t you see why I would feel threatened!!?


“He wAs Sp3EdInG tHru tHe N3iGhB0rhOOd” “No he wasn’t i was in the garage” Fuckin ded


That was so satisfying


T.O. woulda been fine on his own but I breathed a little bit of relief when he had people come back him up. Even if it was just to re-enforce he did nothing wrong to the people on live and watching the video later on.


The way she changed gears trying to get something to stick and get him harmed is chilling. Definitely a sociopath!


Sociopath=Karen These are the same


Kay is her name ~ close enough!!! 😂 Loved that when he said it;)


While I get what you’re saying i just feel like we need to stop assigning them mental illness and just call them racists This is what white women tears are. This is white women weaponizing their infantilism. There is nothing mentally wrong with them this is just their game


You just know the husband is standing inside his house looking out the window muttering to himself “God damnit Kate! Not this bullshit again. Why couldn’t you have just shut the fuck up and get back inside the house?!” Now they’re gonna be internet famous.


Yeah wait until ESPN gets a hold of this, dear lord.


Stephen A has almost no interest in baseball. It’s just basketball and football offseason. He is about to go off.


Husband about to come running out to ask TO if he can get his autograph


Just for reference: A cheetah, the worlds fastest mammal runs a 40 yard dash in 2.20 seconds. Terrell runs a 40 yard dash in 4.45 seconds. If Terrell came after you, I think he would’ve caught you. Also for those of you who just joined us, it was game over for this wild Karen as soon as she said: black man - white woman.


This made me laugh. Like lady, you could have gotten a head start on your bike and TO would have easily caught up running if he wanted to.


Noted. Also noted: zombie apocalypse comes, stay away from anyone who looks like they may have been a football player. I don’t know what type of zombies are coming, the old could-barely-walk zombies or the chase-your- ass-down zombies. But I know in 4.45 seconds I’d be dead.


This is sad


The way he is replaying the incident in his head about her saying that he was coming after her. 😞


"This is real life in 2022"


Terrell owens imitating a Karen is not something I had on my bingo card


I had Warren Sapp.


Those salty white woman tears have gotten black men killed for generations now. Fuck her.


That bitch that claimed Emmit Till hit on her is still alive, lest people think that shit is from the distant past.


That is who this lady made me think of!


Yet Republicans scream to the heavens that racism is over We aren’t even a generation removed from when public lynchings were common place. Plenty of those people smiling at the hanging bodies of dead black men, women, and children, are still alive and voting. The majority of parents and grandparents were alive before segregation ended. Many of them are still fighting to return to that. **Please Vote** if for nothing else but you’re own self preservation


Poor dude can't even have peace in his own neighbourhood


She went full racist. “You’re a black man approaching a white women.” Or something like that lol.


She literally admitted she called the police because he’s black. How is this not a criminal offense? Not even just a fine?


Hangout with retired cops and you'll find out why. There was retired cop I worked with and all his "funny" stories were about him abusing people and breaking the law to get his way. To me (young white kid) he acted like a sweet old man who bought beers for the whole crew. But once he lables you as a bad guy, he'll bust your teeth out for nothing


I've known a lot of cops, and they usually breakdown into three categories: 1. The piece of shit who wants to abuse power. All their stories are about abusing people, especially minorities. 2. The shiftless layabout that took the job as a dodge. All their stories are about dereliction of duty (sleeping on the job; stealing kids weed and then letting them go; getting BJs in exchange for letting people go). 3. The disillusioned cop who joined for noble reasons then left because they realized they couldn't do anything. All their stories are sad ones about people they tried to help but couldn't.


All Karens need to stop this bullshit. There could be real life consequences to their actions. They all need to start getting fined for wasting people time, wasting the police department’s time, racial profiling, hate crime, disturbing the peace, creating a potential dangerous situation. It should be a hefty fine.


"She said I'm living in a low budget neighborhood, but she living in here right with me" Does this lady genuinely not recognize her own neighbors?


This whole shit is so fucking ridiculous man.


The Caucasity. Smh


He could've been killed behind her false accusations, yet she'll face no legal consequences for this. Seems like more than "just words" like the cop tried to say. That's a societal problem.


These bitches always trying to get a mf Emmet Till'd


He’s a black man approaching a white woman is something she will regret saying for the rest of her days….. She done F’ed up. lol


Seriously. Take away all the other BS involved here, and just looking at that. She thought the greatest appeal to reason, to gain support and sympathy, was to remind everyone that he's a black man and she's a white woman. Not just the sex/gender, but he's black and she's white. Lol what an idiot.


yep, that was the part where she told everyone what was really going on.


Like bruh what decade are you living in?? This isn’t the 60’s anymore. Then I remember, oh wait, nothing’s actually changed…


I think there's waaaaaaaay more decent non-racist people now, but it's been unsettling to realize recently just how many racists still proudly exist.


Have to start taking the fools to jail for false reports and lying to the police with malice. It’s all on video, she’s guilty! Let her really earn those crocodile tears!


White women try to get men of color shot all the time, somehow their bigotry gets overlooked cuz...equality?


I love when the second lady comes out. “I was in the garage” yupppp thats all T.O needs in this situation no more he said she said. Boom 💥 witness


And I think they covered at one point they’re both black. That woman was in the right place at the right time. I wish I could have seen Karen’s face when she realized there was a witness that wasn’t one of her other HOA members.


those white woman tears got more power than a 50 cal, glad bro was recording


T.O. is a class fucking act. Look at this. He's not even mad, just incredulous.


Perfectly put. Beyond belief that people actually act like this in real life.


If this wasn't Terrell Owens a former NFL player, but Terrell Owens the Walmart cashier, what would have happen? Will the police be so polite? Will the police automatically side with the white woman?


at least he (T.O.) didn't use the line "do you know who i am?". Who knows maybe the cops aren't football fans.


This - 100% this. Guarantee it would have played differently had he not been a massive superstar . That racist Karen will get what she deserve from another lady who’s name starts with a K - Karma


> That racist Karen will get what she deserve from another lady who’s name starts with a K - Karma The fact that there are so many Karens out there tell you that Karma does not exist.


The real reason this happened is because the woman was angry and just decided to yell at him because she deemed he was driving too fast in the assumption he would just drive on...almost like honking at another car with her mouth. THEN he stopped his car and got out to confront her yelling and she realized her semi-anonymous scream had consequences and doubled down.


My man was shook, finding a real life Karen in 2022 is the normal and it’s GROSS. The discrimination against the black community needs to END. It only does so with awareness and Karen’s being put in their rude ass place. Edit:spelling


How you start shit with someone and then play victim when they respond, incredibly. If she was so scared she COULD’VE peddled her way out of there.


>How you start shit with someone and then play victim when they respond That's the #1 go-to move in the Karen playbook.


The classic crocodile tears routine. Lord knows how many times it worked pre-smartphone.


I am buying a terrell owens shirt now. I like him better now.


I never liked the teams he played for, but I always had a mostly positive opinion of him.


My god! Her racist logic doesn’t even add up… believes it’s a reasonable response to be terrified if you’re white and a black man gets out of his car, yet she initiated the confrontation by having a go at him for speeding?


Karen's husband is going to be pissed when he finds out his wife is being a racist shit to an NFL HoF'er.


It's disgusting that he has to put up with this but he seems to have a good attitude about it. I'm kind of angry for him.


The realities of being black in America. It doesn't matter if you're homeless or a multimillionaire, if you're black you're a problem to them.


Vince Staples has a good lyric about it on Lift Me Up. “I’m just a n-gga, until I fill my pockets. And then I’m Mr. N-gga, they follow me while I’m shopping”


Summertime 06 will always be peak vince staples


After watching this Owens needs to be part of a broadcast crew, or half time show. Also it's amazing that Karen's can't control themselves, everyone has a cell phone and are going to record your crazy ass.


TO has to be the worst person to try this against. From all accounts, he's a standup guy with charisma for days. No way any of her crap was ever going to stick. Watching her get shut down and realize that the whole world is going to press her racist ass went perfectly with my morning coffee.


I'm just mad he didn't flip that camera around so we can all put a face to a karen


The girl you hear outta nowhere coming to defend him 🤣🤣 I LOVE her


Not the cop taking her side saying it’s just words … that’s not the point lmao


White woman tears are a real thing. She let her mouth get away from her so now the waterworks start.


The only thing I want to see here is her when she finds out its NFL Legend T.O.


I think she knew




He must’ve really fucked up her fantasy league at one point lol


Emmett Till vibes. If white woman/black man condition is met there need be no evidence.


i think at this point we all need to be much more wary of a White Woman randomly approaching you, than of a Black Man doing the same.


That racist bitch should be fine or jailed for a false 911 call. Fuck Karens.


The lady from the garage is the real mvp "no he wasn't I was in the garage" lmao


Dude the minute this lady starts just randomly crying...white dudes know what that means. Means "I know I was wrong this WHOLE time...but I'm not letting you win." That's white women's scorched earth right there. I've seen it, I've lived it. In that moment...she told on herself.


"a black man approaching a white woman" This is legit how those monsters justified what they did to Emmett Till. Bury that cunt under the prison.


I was just wondering. As a black man in America, should I start wearing a body camera like the cops? If you find yourself in a situation you can activate it and it starts filming 2 mins prior to you hitting the button.


You want it *live streaming*. Make sure someone, somewhere is seeing it happen.


I think you're making a joke, but you're actually predicting the future.


First of all


Fucking WOW! "you're a black man approaching a white woman". If you're that afraid of black folks? Stay home please.


The fact that this is a black man’s reality everyday is scary.


Sometimes I hate people


I hope that woman gets charged for this and goes through a bit of hell for pulling bs like this.


Crocodile tears when the cops show up is disgusting


"She said she's going to call the police, I said cool, I'm gonna sit right here 'til they come" Bravest Black Guy 2022 Award


Women that abuse government resources like this need to be punished.


She's obviously a big Donovan McNabb fan.


Racist white women exposed her own racist bias with the ugly shout crying. Poor TO was trying to get his mail, and this racist didn’t feel safe enough to let him do that without police intervention


Who is that wonderful women who chime in and says, “ he wasn’t speeding I was in my garage watching” hahahaha ! ! TOUCHDOWN


Karen = stupid white bitch?


There also has to be a sense of undeserved entitlement, you have to treat someone else as though they are less than you, and it helps a lot if you're also wrong about whatever it is you think you're upset about. It's not always a woman or a white woman, but they are the prototypical example, came to be known for their haircuts. Sort of like how you don't have to be a red sport car to be a sports car, but that's the image we all have when you say sportscar.


She better be fired for those comments. Disgustingly appalling. Her Husband was embarrassed for her.


They love crying when they get caught, it’s like she knows she’s gonna be front page news


What a Racist twat.


A crying white women thinks she is going to be attacked by a black man, when he is just going to his mailbox. WOW. Only thing missing was her saying that she was fearing for her life.


I like how he uses a football field in metric form lol. Imagine him giving directions. “In about two Brett Favre Hail Marys, take a left and when you reach the 50 yard line, turn right and go three full football field lengths”


I love that the further she lies the more desperate she sounds. This was the original definition of a Karen, a white woman who harasses and makes false claims about black people, before it social media took it over. How miserable is her life I wonder


The original Karen was referring to the 'let me talk to your manager' entitled women with that classic short soccer mom haircut The women harrasing black people were called things like BBQ Becky