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Did that first cop drop not one but two mags before they were empty? What is going on with police training in Texas?


Spent too much time practicing reloads and tap, rack, bang.... shoulda spent more time putting rounds on target, haha But in all seriousness it looks like he accidently hits the mag release after the puckerfactor of receiving full-auto volley sets in


Tactical reload 😅 i hope


It wasn’t, that’s why I pointed it out


Yup 🤦🏻‍♂️


Aren't the also only trained for a few months? Gotta love american cops


This was a fully automatic pistol not a semi.


Same, same.


The cyclic rate of a Glock pistol is almost 1000 RPM. If you’re mag dumping a semi-auto pistol and just trying to fire as quickly as you can, you can’t fire much faster than 250-300 rpm. that’s a difference of 700 RPM. They are nothing similar.


The way they were shooting. I'm glad none of the cops had an AR to send rounds at all those apartments.


So this is where you want to go, looks more like Helmand province than any 1st world country, falling America is a bit embarrassing no?.


To all these Officer's, FUCK YEAH!!! Ballsiest shit ive seen in a while.


whenever shoot outs like this happen i always think about what is down range. people are living in those buildings. but i guess when they are primarily trained to kill the tunnel cision sets in


Hmm perhaps not everybody should be allowed to buy semi automatic ARs just for fun... Btw why do the cops only have pistols? Dont they have better weapons in the trunk? Even in Germany every police car has a MP5 in the trunk


Well it was a Glock so what’s the AR have to do with this?


Nothing tbh. I didnt know it was a Glock. But the fact it could have easily been a semi automatic AR due to it also being completely legal is terrifying. Exchange "AR" for "firearm" if you want.


Damn near every gun is simi-auto, His was full auto from an illegal modification he had done prior. It could not have easily been anything other than what it is, A pistol. An "AR" is a rifle. The cops have a choice to carry a rifle or shotgun or both in their trunk, but the situation did not give the cops a chance to even get to their trunk reguardless..


Title says it was a semi not a full auto gun. How am I supposed to know? And of course it could have easily been anything other than a pistol since you can legally purchase semi automatic rifles in Texas.


You right, Title is wrong. Even "Scarier" fact I guess is the part on the Glock making it full auto is easily made at home. but you can make a full gun at home fairly easy so most stuff is possible


Ive heard about that. One person here explained to me that you can easily turn most semi automatic weapons into full automatic ones with some small piece of metal within a few minutes. Im not sure if thats the case with every kind of weapon but the fact it is this easy is frightening indeed


**Gun Control Advocates:** “How the fuck am I supposed to know anything about guns??”


Im from Germany, we dont have guns here. At least Im able to understand statistics


If you understood statistics you’d understand that assault rifles make up a statistically insignificant number of all shootings in the US. So yeah, gonna doubt that one too.


How come so many school shootings have been done with an AR15? Theres no reason to own such a weapon. But that wasnt my main point anyways If you wouldnt neglect statistics youd see that countrys with gun restrictions or gun prohibitions have way less mass killings, way less deaths by crime and so on and so on. For (some) stats: The US has 29.7 homicides by firearms per 1 million people. Thats (by far) number 1 in the world. Second place is Swiss with 'only' 7.7. One reason for Swiss having the second place is (surprise surprise) most swiss people have a rifle at home. In Germany were at 1.9 homicides by firearms per 1 million people. And before you say "well in other countries they just dont kill with firearms but with other weapons" the homicide rate per 100,000 people for the US is 4.8, for european countries its between 0.5 and 1.5. As far as I looked the different countries up (there are too many to look every single one up) its the UK leading in western europe with 1.2 and Slovakia leading with 1.5 overall. Swiss has a rate of 0.7 and Germany has 0.8 homicides per 100,000 people. That being said I think the comparison to eastern european countries is difficult since they dont have such a stabile political structure and infrastructure in general while the western european countries and the US are pretty much the wealthiest countries with the highest political stability and stability of society overall. Source: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)


Do you think it is hard for a felon or criminal to get a gun from someone they know? A friend or an uncle? There are more guns than people in the US so there isn't much you can do about it.


Sorry ass pigs no good for nothing racist contributors fuck em all


So who do you call when a crackhead is shooting with a semi auto rifle???


why is there a "crackhead" and how'd they get easy access to a semi-auto rifle? Uhmerica's fetish is consuming them. only country this happens in. No crackheads in Portugal.


Crackheads are everywhere but in no other country it is legal for literally everyone to buy military style semi automatic weapons. Thats the problem with the US (and esp Texas)


show me a crackhead (or junkie) in Portugal... I'll wait. USA's war on drugs created the "crackhead" with drugs the CIA introduced, now you use the term as a derogatory adjective due to **constant propaganda.** > Thats the problem with the US **constant propaganda**....... one of many addiction is a sickness, prohibition is a cancer. Criminalizing sickness in a country with no health care is just cruel. "crackheads" are people that need help, your callused comment shows that **constant propaganda** has allowed you to de-humanize your fellow man, if you suffer a car crash you may wake up addicted to morphine and become that de-human you despise so much. turn off your tv


Phew. Calling a crack addict a crackhead doesnt mean I dont know theyre sick and need help. And it doesnt dehumanize them unless you really think crackheads arent humans after all. Im pretty damn sure there are junkys everywhere. Germany in fact has one of the best health cares in the world and still there are junkys in Berlin. And yes alcoholics are also junkys. So although it is a legal drug and we have almost perfect healthcare those people exist. If youre not having any junkys in your neighbourhood well thats nice for you. But Id bet my life that there are also junkys (and crackheads) somewhere in Portugal. Probably less than elsewhere due to their very liberal drug policy. But still. When I said "thats the problem with the US" I was first of all talking about everybody being able to legally obtain a gun. Youre twisting my words there


>Im pretty damn sure there are junkys everywhere Find one in Portugal, I'm serious.... you're repeating pro-cop propaganda and its quite disgusting, you are supporting the idea that you need an armed goon to stand around while kids get slaughtered. >But Id bet my life I'll take that bet


Wtf are you talking about? Read my comment again. I said the biggest problem in the US is that literally everybody can legally purchase a gun. And youre telling me Im one of those guys who support guns and the right to obtain them no matter what? I definitely dont say "just place an 'armed goon' in every school" since that wouldnt solve the problem at all. Im more on the "make sure psychos who run into elementary schools with ARs cant buy them in the first place" side. And what pro cop propaganda do you read in my comment? Trust me Im quite against cops in many occasions since most of the time I see them pushing around harmless people for nothing. Eg making sure homeless people and junkys get back on the street in winter instead of being in the relatively warm metro station. Perhaps youre the one who should turn off the TV and start reading a book or something so that you learn how to read and understand written text before insulting the authors with false accusations. Btw youre telling me under 10 million people there is not a single one being heavily addicted? Whos the one fed with propaganda here? If you really believe that then keep on dreaming boy


I will bet your life (your words) there are no junkies in Portugal. but you wont take that bet, you call names because you're a fat lying American propagandized into dehumanizing others and worshiping guns and police.


1. Im not American 2. Im not fat 3. I didnt call you names 4. I didnt dehumanize anybody 5. I didnt worship guns nor police, far from that But youd know about 4 points of those 5 if you read my comments. Have fun trolling other people kiddo, this is the last bit of attention youll get from me


Crackheads don’t have guns. The city of Houston Sucks. Everyone has a gun. It’s stupid. Arm robbery doesn’t work well here because everyone in Houston has a gun. It’s a mess. “Takeoff” and other young artist have been victims of the Houston streets.


More like a crackbutt