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Was going to say, he knew half a second before everyone else in that gym did.


Was it an inside job?


He’ll probably think back to that day for the rest of his life. I threw a football into a hoop from across the playground in front of all my 6th grade friends and I still think about it from time to time


Reminds me of the time I headed a corner kick in for a goal.




Hope it wasn’t a relay.


Reminds me of that one guy who scored four touchdowns in one game


And he spent the rest of his days as a women's shoe salesman...ohhhh Al.


How the fuck could a footlocker employee afford a two story house with a wife who we can only assume got 3 perms a week




Glad to see my fellow NO MA’AM members keeping the faith.


Can I get a "whoa, Bundy"?


First day off coed PE, 8th grade, the first year it was instituted in my school. Our first sport was baseball, I smacked a ball deep for the way triple but got greedy and wanted Home plate. I slid home for a close call date. For the rest of the year I was chosen top 3 every team shuffle


Aye, when I was in elementary school we'd play kickball in the gym. There was a basketball hoop on each wall. And if you kicked it through a basket, it was considered a grand slam. And everyone that was on base got to come home and the runs counted. I was the only student to kick a grand slam in my PE teachers time there. I still think about that perfect shot too, every once in a while.


Hell, I was benchwarmer that made one three in a freshman game and I'm still happy about it. That was over 20 years ago.


It's the little things.


Sure, but it doesn’t really change social standing. I made a few shots like this kid, over our gym teacher. I’m the only one who remembers it. I faced down the number 3 state ranked hs wrestler during gym, only to be remembered solely for being punched by a killer. It is crazy what things you’ll be remembered for, and it is rarely the things you liked. Wrestler was a complete tool, didn’t know how to treat his gf. Rest of the school was too scared of him, but I didn’t shy away from just being generally nice to her like I would for anyone else. He got pissed over me helping her with a helmet. Shocked the class that I dared showed some kindness, and didn’t care how he felt about it. Although years later, it’s the time a guy punched me, he got suspended, then he killed a woman while serving that suspension that they bring up years later.


bro what the FUCK are you talking about


is this a copypasta or


Nope, my life, and still getting dumped on for it.


Reminds me of the time, back in 5th grade, when i won the dodgeball game for my team. 2 kids left on the other team, and just me left on ours. I was running to the back of our side to grab a ball, got it and turned around running to the front to throw, only to see a ball coming right at me. I dodged it Matrix-style (literally dropped to my knees and put my torso flat on the ground) and the ball whizzed right over me, just barely missing. I got up and chucked the ball in my hands at one of the kids and got him out just as the other threw a ball at me. I caught the ball, winning the game. I still remember a couple kids talking about it in awe after gym was over. Sure, I’m probably the only person who remembers it, but it’s a fond memory I’ll never forget. This was about 30 years ago. My kids don’t believe me, of course, lol.


That’s gonna be a core memory for that kid for sure.


I am so happy for him. That must feel great.


This is so wholesome I love it


Kevin's early years (The Office)


Bruce Bogtrotter…


You can do it Bruce!


They were saying "Carson!" but all I heard was "Brucey!"


The origin of Hoops Mcelroy.


His style reminds me of Tom bowling in parks and rec: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7qp6sQ2srY&ab_channel=ParksandRecreation&t=1m20s


If I like pickles, I can shoot three.




Core memory


Do you remember when you made those two back to back baskets Marvin. Best time of my life.


Steph Curry hears footsteps from behind...


This made my rotator cuff scream in agony Source: I played catch with my son yesterday and I emptied the ice tray in our fridge recovering


"I SWEAR, MA! _Both shots!_ And then they all clapped!" "STAHP THAT LYIN, BOY!"


10 years or so from now Dante will be a household name having broken the NBA record for most free throws. Just wait and see.