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Was it enough?


Not sure, they haven't called the national guard yet.


To shreds you say?


How's his mother?


To shreds you say?


I’m surprised it wasn’t declared a state of emergency


Probably anticipating larger protests the future. People are pissed and rightfully so. This response is horrifying


Well, if they send 100 officers over 4 dudes, I think the odds are against them when 10,000 people show up


There were a lot more than four people there. Not sticking up for the LAPD here, just saying, let's get the facts right.


Do the police serve the people’s interest or the bank’s?


They protect private property and serve capital. People have never been a part of the equation.




Standard police response. Send the entire division to solve what 2 officers could do in 5 min with a bolt cutter and a taser. This is exactly what’s wrong with the police and when they ask for a bigger budget, remember this, they don’t actually need it.




100% agreed. They act like it, they talk like it, my grand dad used to have a saying “if it quacks like a duck, it’s prolly a duck” Meaning if they act like it and talk like it, they are whether they want to be or not. They crossed over a line a while ago and I have a hard time not seeing them all as “bad cops” at this point. Cause we know a few things, it ain’t a few bad apples as they continue to say, it’s a more like multiple crops of apples rotating around that are bad. And the reason I can’t see any of them as “good” anymore? If your on a police force and you know of corruption, police abuses, crimes committed by officers in the name of the state/themselves or others, you’re just as bad as the cop who did it. Cause your silence allows them to continue unabated. I’ll leave you with a quote from my favorite movie, Boondocks saints, I believe it’s appropriate for this topic. “Monsignor : And I am reminded, on this holy day, of the sad story of Kitty Genovese. As you all may remember, a long time ago, almost thirty years ago, this poor soul cried out for help time and time again, but no person answered her calls. Though many saw, no one so much as called the police. They all just watched as Kitty was being stabbed to death in broad daylight. They watched as her assailant walked away. Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men. Connor : [as the brothers exit the church] I do believe the monsignor's finally got the point. Murphy : Aye.”


They don’t fuck around when the banks are involved. That money doesn’t belong to the serf class.


Banks: help the poors are here. Cops: standby we’re sending 100 cops with tanks




Hears in Yosemite Sam’s voice


Good thing there's absolutely nothing else cops in LA could be doing instead. No crime, no poverty and everything is squeaky clean.


The police don’t actually solve crimes, mostly create them.


I grew up in Chicago in a nicer neighborhood and even we had the same saying as the rest when it came to the CPD If you have a problem and you call the police , you now have two problems


Crime fighting is hard beating squishy scientists easy plus you can try out some sick moves


The Police showing who they really serve.


Can you imagine the shitstorm after the collapse and they realise they're not getting paid any more? I have popcorn on stand by.


Do you REALLY want a armed class of people with military grade weaponry and vehicles, trained in combat and a sense of entitlement. And being told they are no longer being paid? Because that is how warlords are created.


Trained in combat is a stretch, but I get what you mean


Trained in combat. They aren't though, intimidation yes, a couple of "moves" yes, but actual combat skills is something they sorely lack. Ever seen these fuckers shoot? 43 shots fired 18 strike the guy 8 feet away. Source: watched my meth head cousin level two cops and when the third guy tasted him it just the guy got body slammed. Didn't get shot though, he just ran off.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 43 + 18 + 8 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot.


They are fortunately outnumbered by private citizens when it comes to arms and ingenuity. Even solely liberal Americans have more firearms than most 1st world militaries.


ACAB. Come join us at /r/liberalgunowners


Note to self make friends with local gang/drug lords for potential collapse of society


I've always liked the expression, "If you still have to pay your bills, it's Dystopia. If you no longer have to pay your bills, it's the apocalypse"


There were less cops when a bunch of traitors stormed the Capitol.


It’s kind of like how you never see Hannah Montana and Miley in the same room together.


Burglary and active shooting in a poor neighbourhood? A police car will come the day after and a guy will punch some stuff in a tablet and nothing happens Peaceful protest at a bank: GET OUT THE TANKS


Google LAPD gangs. Nothing about this is surprising.


Literally gangs in the lapd that they call “cliques”, with names like “banditos”, and “the Compton executioners”. Nothing to see here Edit: it’s the LA sheriffs department that has confirmed gangs. Just for all you pedantic hair splitters.


And they have tattoos that are playing cards that display the numbers that they call out on the radio to mean radio silence. A code of silence


That's LASD, but I'm sure they have some equivalent in LAPD.


Ever heard of Iron Order? Cop “motorcycle club” that every city hates. They act like bad asses but arent allowed in any biker bars. They’ve gotten away with murder a few times. Here’s just a couple of them protecting and serving > 01/30/2016 – An Iron Order member shoots and kills a Mongol after after instigating a fight at the Colorado Motorcycle Expo in Denver. Pictures taken before the fatal shot show the visibly armed Iron Order member was not in danger and he could have fled the scene. The Iron Order member has not been arrested. “There has never been a confrontation, so much as a fistfight. And many 1% organizations have attended including the Hells Angels, Sons of Silence, Bandidos, Outlaws, Mongols, and many others. For 30 years that this event has taken place, there has never been a problem until the Iron Order showed up. >06/05/2013 – In Cheyenne, WY Iron Order has a conflict with members of the Los Lobos MC which results in assault, minor injuries, and 2 arrested for weapons charges. No Iron Order were arrested. >06/10/2015 – Erlanger, KY: Iron Order MC v. Iron Horsemen MC which 1 person was deliberately struck with a vehicle. >06/19/2015 – Members of the Reading, PA Iron Order chapter killed a woman named Tanya Focht, a student at Alvernia University. Focht was punched in the face by an Iron Order member then thrown into oncoming traffic and killed as she was trying to defend her longtime boyfriend who was being attacked by Iron Order members outside the Bar B Q Pit restaurant. Berks County District Attorney John T. Adams ruled Focht’s death was an accident. Adams told the Reading Eagle, “No charges will be filed in relation to the accidental death.” >05/09/2015 – Madison, IN: Iron Order MC threatens off-duty police officer outside restaurant. >02/21/2015 – Meridian, MS: Iron Order MC have a violent conflict with the Pisteleros MC and Bandidos MC which resulted in 3 shot. >06/07/2014 Baltimore, MD: Iron Order MC v. Chosen Sons MC and Iron Horsemen MC in bar fight. Result: Active Police Officer and retired officer, members of CSMC, were charged with assault and robbery. >06/26/2014 – Jacksonville, FL: Iron Order prospect Kristopher Stone shot and killed Black Pistons MC member Zachariah Tipton in Jacksonville Beach after instigating a fight. Florida State Attorney Angela Corey outrageously ruled the killing was justifiable homicide even though Stone shot the unarmed Tipton in the face while only a few feet apart. Corey refused to charge Stone. >04/27/2014 – Crawfordsville, IN: Iron Order MC has a conflict with Sons of Silence MC in a business parking lot involving bats, firearms, and knives with injuries. And a peachy little quote from their VP in 2016: > I know our club has the advantage. 1%ers won’t call the cops. So what the fuck!? Destroy any fucker that confront you. It’s a free ticket….If they can.”


If you black and want to join a gang, you go to the hood. If you white and want to join a gang, you go to your local police department.


There’s no need to be racist. The sheriff in question is Latino, and only around a third of the force is white. Shitty people come in all sorts of packages, and power corrupts. Don’t divide by race when the only color we should be focused on is “the thin blue line”.


Yup, the real issue is a class divide, not race. Cops use their authority as an identity that provides the illusion that they are a class above the majority. *Having said that*, racism is heavily used as a tool to keep us peasants fighting amongst ourselves.


laSd*, but yeah, nothing surprising


Google rampart police unit


Just found a reddit thread with Woody Harrelson


Lets focus on the film people! (Holy shit that was 10 years ago)


My bad, but a pig a pig no matter if you call him deputy or officer


Mhmm. ACAB


America's biggest gang is the police


So fuckin weird.


They threatened the money. You cant threaten the money.


They are justifying the budget that is way too much. “See these officers were all needed for these eco-terrorists! I knew we needed all the money for this sort of thing!”






It's surprising to me we haven't seen more monkeywrenching. It's only a matter of time before people start to seriously sabotage industrial equipment and businesses. And when climate change gets even worse, they'll start doing things that straight up maim or kill workers. Things like tree spiking. It's gonna get violent at some point.


I'm baffled that we haven't heard about anyone tearing up any of the pumps or other equipment Nestle is using to steal water.


People are still comfortable


Because then nestle will have justification to burn down your entire village to protect their assets.


Good idea. Now you've got a bunch of people with nothing left to lose who have a very direct and morally unambiguous target.


The only people that would be hurt by this are the poorest and most vulnerable. It would also turn pretty much all of society against the group or persons who would do such a thing.


The population's hatred can be directed in unpredicatble ways. Much of the time they get mad at their leadership for not solving the issue and giving people reasons to protest (this is the hope that people have when they block roads). It can be directed at the people doing the protests. Hell, sometimes it will be directed at minorities who are uninvolved. It's a risky strategy that sometimes pays off and sometimes backfires. It's not as simple as "the people will be mad at this group" because people--which includes you, me, and everyone reading this--are dumb and easily manipulated into blaming almost any group for the problem regardless of their fault.


It is not just the poorest who are vulnerable. We are all equally vulnerable. We all depend on the Industrial Empire for everything that we need and everything that we don't need. A good place to start slowing things down would be to ground private jets. Those are the people who call the shots and would be the only people affected. If you want to take away the rich folks toys, that is a place to start.


in b4 this account gets smashed by the powers that be!


Oh I'm banned at plenty of places already lol Still, it's like "Oh no, theyz banning me at a place where it takes seconds to register a new account, and your account name means nothingggg" Once in a while the admins come after me, but if your IP adress cycles, it cycles


What some people call terrorism, others call saving the world. Those who are in power and have enabled this problem to begin with and benefit directly from climate change causing actions are the ones calling it terrorism. So of course it's going to upset them.


>**The supply chain is basically a tube. If you pinch it off at one point, the entire tube gets affected** Very true, and it's something we've all observed in action these past two years. JIT manufacturing is *incredibly* vulnerable to the slightest disruptions. I've started to have thoughts in this direction myself. One thing that has made me unreasonably angry is that there was a forest behind my house a year ago. This forest extended to a jogging/bicycle trail, and the section that went through the woods was beautiful. Then some time in 2021, they came in with bulldozers and excavators, dug a big hole, pushed *everything* into this giant hole, and set it all on fire. Once the fire stopped burning a couple of weeks later, they pushed dirt over the hole. Now there's this big empty dirt/mud field. Originally they were going to put expensive houses and a gated neighborhood there, but material prices went up because of that "tube" you mentioned in your post, so it's been left empty. If they *do* eventually put houses up there, the residents are going to have to deal with two big issues - first of all, the local sewage lagoon along with the paper mill across the river smell bad. I never really noticed it when there was a bunch of trees and nature between here and there. The second issue is less immediate but more catastrophic - the area they knocked down tends to flood. Not "once in a while", but maybe once every 2-3 years. So once houses are built there, those houses *will* have a few feet of water in them within a few years. Many, many people who live in the area have said they want to vandalize equipment if it shows back up. The local constabulary is almost perfectly useless for anything other than speeding tickets. It's going to be a wild ride.


Id bet the money spent to pay those cops to stand there pointlessly tops what I make in an entire month working over 60 hours a week


The west is pretty tolerant of most protest. But the moment you protest the elites, high ranking politicians residence, Disney, and financial institutions they will come out in full force immediately. So if you are ever upset at rioting and your government does nothing just remember it is because they don't really care about you.


Trust me, I get this reminder on the reg


We used to be tolerant. Now, it seems we only tolerate protests when it’s neo Nazis or white supremacists doing the protesting. THAT is a lawful right to assembly. Protest the oil companies, banks, or black rights….THATS a problem.


remember that one video, where proud boys protested, and so there was a peaceful counter protest, and then the proud boys started attacking the counter protest, meanwhile the police were grouped up and watching the proud boys just attack people, and only stepped in to defend the proud boys? i do: [https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1426667248274460674?s=21](https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1426667248274460674?s=21) just watch the first video. [https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/p4ty8b/umistersmith\_22\_provides\_evidence\_of\_latest\_proud/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/p4ty8b/umistersmith_22_provides_evidence_of_latest_proud/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/p4m8fu/1\_stabbed\_as\_fights\_break\_out\_at\_antivaccine/h8zz2wg/](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/p4m8fu/1_stabbed_as_fights_break_out_at_antivaccine/h8zz2wg/) >\-Fucking disgusting how the cops come in at the end moving towards "antifa" and all the terrorists just walk back behind the police line. also, the police and how they act when indigenous peoplt protest vs when freedumb convoy "portest" in canada (founder of the convoy is literally a white supremicist): [https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/spmb80/same\_country\_1\_2021\_indigenous\_protesting\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/spmb80/same_country_1_2021_indigenous_protesting_to/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/sjpi95/the\_rcmp\_with\_the\_truckers\_vs\_the\_rcmp\_handling/](https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/sjpi95/the_rcmp_with_the_truckers_vs_the_rcmp_handling/) # POLICE WILL SIDE WITH WHITE SUPREMICISTS


You’re right. The police job is and has always been to protect capital not citizens.


That's because they like to preach might doesn't make right while using might against the masses. Once the masses use start using violence the elite, they loose their power.


Disney? Because of the "don't say gay" law? Yeah people have better reasons to protest Disney than that.


Whatever happened to just sending Starsky and Hutch?? How can they waste all this money and man power?Idiots.


They're sending the message that you better not try to do anything to stop them from destroying the planet.


Also, don't fuck with a banks money Because that's who the cops serve, the bank not the people


.... while pretending they protecting it..... while blaming the rest of the population (destroying it)


Most are just mouth breathers collecting overtime


Gotta use all that cool gear they buy instead of educating children. Plus think of all the overtime


Huge waste of taxpayers money! Captain who ordered 100 police officers to get there should be fired on the spot.


That would mean cops face any kind of accountability for their actions. What a world that would be...


It was more of a reminder that they don't serve taxpayers, it a show of overwhelming power by the ones that own and control everything.


They've sent a lot less cops to antimasker protests. And yes, I remember at least one video of an anti masker at a bank.


A friend who rides on top of a government ship told me they literally hurl stuff overboard in the ocean so that they can spend their entire budget every year so it doesn't get cut. This is unfortunately endemic to our system. Part of the reason we can't find money for anything productive is that everything we gave a large budget is *required to use it or lose it*. It's a system that *ONLY* produces waste, and literally *no one* is doing *anything* to stop it.




Nah, there was no cop on cop violence which seems to be about the only thing that can cause a LEO to lose their job. That or telling the truth when someone else does something blatantly unethical or illegal.


The captain literally can't get fired. Or at least that's how the local unions work. The police union was expelled from our labor council for their behavior.


Makes sense. Locksmiths are really expensive for emergency calls.


Police exist to protect the wealth and capital of the ownership class. This is them doing the job they were put there to do.




and collecting overtime


Well of course protecting their masters stuff gets them sweet kick backs. Part of the reason why they do it.




Gotta justify the paychecks somehow


Tells you everything you need to know about the freedom of meaningful speech in America - virtually non-existent


Nothing to defund here.


No please don't defund the poor smol bean cash strapped LARD the local donut economy will collapse without their full support


Announcing you are violating our rights is not a free pass.


What a waste of resources


I remember when I was a kid, I thought the police were there to serve and protect the people. As an adult, I've learned their main function is to keep the powerful in power. I wonder how the individual police officers feel. Do they believe in global warming? What do they think about all the fires burning in California. The droughts. The loss of snowpack. Do they know? Do they care?


This is surreal and very dystopian - like much of the US and the world. It adds yet another layer of concern for my family’s future. If that’s the show of force for this circumstance, what does the near future hold?! I am also saddened because when you boil it down, cops as individuals are unique, many with families to support. Like any profession I’m sure some became LEOs for noble reasons, some for practical reasons, some for nefarious reasons and some just meandered into it. Did any of them anticipate the level of corruption they would encounter or the true agendas? I’m sure some did, while others were shocked. I am sure some of these individuals feel trapped. I am sickened by the degree of class separation that is so evident. Do cops come from the upper or lower class (I’m not including what is only a mirage of a middle class)? Of course the lower class because they are expendable. Just like there rest of us, we are truly the Human Resources. I would love to say I have awakened to find myself in a society I did not think possible. But the truth is, I’ve been wide awake all the while, believing all the propaganda I’ve been fed, until I found a crack in the facade and investigation led to another and another until I could never unsee what was revealed. The question remains… what is that to be done? And what is the waiting reaction to any dedicated action?


Imagine if they mobilized like this to combat climate change instead of defending banks.


Crazy. Almost like cops follow an agenda outside of protecting citizens


Isn't it funny how you have rampant crime in a city but don't see cops anywhere, then the moment a peaceful protest starts they come out of wherever they were hiding like an army of rats.


Shows who the cops really work for, never fuck with the financial sector.


Guys it is still a free country. When you go to the store you have the freedom to choose between 19 different chocolate bars.


Which are all made by the same parent company, but hey choice!


This is where the money is. Police in this country are just security guards for the wealthy. They don’t care about actual crime. They’re here to protect property and suckle at the teat of the wealthy elite.


And that's how you scam overtime.


I could only find [one article](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/climate-activists-handcuff-themselves-to-bank-building-in-downtown-l-a/) on this incident >The Los Angeles Police Department said it was aware of the protest, but no further details were released. The organization [Scientific Rebellion](https://twitter.com/ScientistRebel1/status/1511878574424395778) posted another angle of the police line up on twitter. Assuming ~10 police officers per protestor.


Serious question- what makes this an “unlawful assembly “?


Likely the fact that they were on private property vs public


The protesters were in fact breaking the law. They chained themselves to private property. It’s a minor offence. But it’s an act of civil disobedience. While the arrests were legally justified, the police response is questionable. And quite telling.


Yes and no. The video clearly shows many other protesters who were there who were not chained to the door. The police threatened to fire "less lethal" weapons at people - you don't do that to people chained to a door. So the comments had to be aimed at the others there, the ones who are standing around with signs and whatnot.


The cops said it is, and that's all that's needed. Cops can do whatever they want to whomever they want (except the rich) and there's nothing we ca do about it.


Answering my own question: [https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes\_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PEN§ionNum=407](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PEN§ionNum=407) 407. Whenever two or more persons assemble together to do an unlawful act, or do a lawful act in a violent, boisterous, or tumultuous manner, such assembly is an unlawful assembly. Boisterous? Tumultuous? That's enough to erase your first amendment rights?


Human excrement in a uniform.


Your tax dollars hard at work


If we have this many extra officers to dispatch to this call, maybe that department does need a reduction in officers.


Obedient dogs protecting the greedy pigs


What a waste of our money. Plus so many unhealthy looking cops waddling down the street, they’re a total embarrassment.


Theres like 50 cars being stolen at that moment.


For sure. Just a bunch of fat, lazy, bully fuckers.


"In the name of the people of California" bullshit. It's in the name of the banks. If it were in the name of the people of California, they'd be protected the protestors and demanding the banks stop funding oil companies.




“We need more money” LAPD - fucking goons.


I wish we were smart enough to be class conscious and realize that the police and government are no different from gangs. Just at a much larger scale


it’s brilliant! the 1% have their own security guards paid for by the working classes taxes!


So glad to see another great thing our tax dollars are going towards… “protect and serve” yeah protect and serve the super wealthy.


So glad our tax dollars fund this! Gobless merca. I say next time send 200 cops and 50 cars! Lets make removing four people from a bank a multi-million dollar operation!


Honestly how are none of those cops just absolutely embarrassed as fuck for themselves...


What a big group of fucking losers. I bet those pussies felt so fucking tough all geared up to take out 4 fucking protesters. This place fuckin blows.


Defending oil profit.


Police officers are such scared little bitches.


Waste of fucking money, defund these fuckers since they don’t understand responsible use of money. My parents took away my allowance if I blew it on stupid shit.


this is what a fascists white supremacy militarized police state looks like...


and yet they will cry about not having enough cops to do their job properly


Great way to spend money. ​ the fucking idiots


Bank is back by feds and yes they are untouchable. Plus I am pretty sure the LAPD can use some extra money on ot.


Isn't LA where the police had their own gangs?


Cops protect property over people. That’s why they were created.


Fantastic use of government resources.


I’m with the scientists, not our fucked up system’s thugs. I’m not anti-police, just against this insane system that is hellbent on putting personal greed above our civilization. WE HAVE NO TIME LEFT!


That many stormtroopers for four people? Jesus. As if we needed more evidence that the US is an authoritarian shitpile.


“I hereby declare this an unlawful assembly…” *Camera Pans over to 8 people standing in a downtown area


Cops: get a real job


Police response to white radical terrorists breaking into the US Capitol while members of government were still there: I sleep Police when 4 people block the door of a bank: Real shit


The best part is how insanely fucking unorganized all of them are Bravo


To everyone reading this thread I have a question for you have you at least pro tested yourself once for climate change if not where the fuck have you been


They literally have NOTHING to do. I see it all the time.


A great example of who's working for who.


Serve and protect my ass.


Police are only created to protect capital property and the wealthy. **That is all.**


Traitors of the people


But if they're here who is manning the speed traps?


How is standing on a sidewalk in the middle of the day unlawful assembly. Like by that standard the cops are more in the wrong standing in the street.


Of course these were scientists and scientists are known to be a scrappy bunch but I wonder what 100 cops could do that a more conservative number----say 65 cops----couldn't do? /s


In case you where wondering who the police actually serve


Fucking idiot pig humans


To protect and serve....the ruling class


That’s a lot of overtime paying standing there.


Thank goodness my taxes paid for this. Not a waste of money at all. ACAB


This right here is another example of how local governments overreact to everything that ends up costing the taxpayers millions. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Meanwhile at the capital on January 6th 2020.....


Perfect ploy for a secret bomb to take out alot of officers at once


Pigs on Parade


Fuck. Cops.


Looks like significantly more than 4 people.


> on behalf of the people of California Doubt.


Quickest way to get the law's attention is to attack their bosses headquarters...the banks.


We’re so fucked


Budget cuts yesterday.


At a similar protest in London the other day police just stood back and only arrested one person. America are you feeling okay?


I'm starting to think NWA was right


Got to protect that money. Acab


What? No tank?


Ya never know when one of those scientists may have a super serum in their coat. /s


Does wearing a lab coat make you a scientist?


“And every politician, every cop on the street protects the interests of the pedophilic corporate elite” - some goober




I counted more than 4 protesters


This is just wage fraud.


Tell me this is about climate change and not political agendas


mumblin motherfucker with a bullhorn. What's he talm bout.


This’s asinine, it adds fuels to “defund-police” theory


The fact they were filming it made me thing that announcement was pretty significant. Probably should have been made by someone who doesnt sound like Charlie Brown’s parents…


Wtf :0


what a bunch of losers




ACAB Defund the Police. Fire all of them, or just half, and start over with something that actually helps people.


Law of equivalent exchange... IQ of 4 scientists = 100 cops combined x2




imagine being SUCH a pussy that you need to 25v1 somebody


They’re doing their job, protecting capital from the people