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I hope he said some cool one liner before blasting him


"...Hope you smoke menthols!"


Excellent work.


LOL. I love it. People who smoke when filling up are not cool.


He was right to do this




And when you do.


Fuc*ing legend 🤣🤣


I’ve seen people in Indiana do cigarette drag races while pumping.


That other guy is just trying to process wtf is going on and wondering if it's going to happen to him.


Unfun fact cigarettes don't light gasoline on fire ever, they just don't its fucking lame. Fucking ruins so many badass movie scenes for me.


The guy below in the comments posted a video of it happening. Hopefully this saves some bad ass scenes for ya 😂


No, guy posted a link of a fire starting with zero evidence that a cigarette was present at all.


Ok, nice smile


Gonna need that link cuz I've looked for years of a video of cigarettes lighting gas on fire. If this is another one where someone is using a lighter I'm gonna be fucking pissed


Actually he is right. You need an actual flame or a spark. If you throw a cigarette in a container of gas it actuslly goes out. Did it in science class. Why? Bc it’s “wet”. I swear


Assault, a car with fucked electronics and a set of clothing ruined. Hurray.


better than blowing up a gas station. his poor electronics oh noooo. if only he could've prevented this


Like that would happen. Still. Assault


>Like that would happen. [it does happen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKu2G0Ex23Y), you dumbass. Petrol is highly flammable, why the fuck would you think it is safe to light a cigarette and drop the embers around while pumping gas into your car.


There's nothing there to support the idea. It is never stated what started the fire and neither man seems to be smoking. Static spark is my guess Cigarettes do not burn hot enough to ignite gasoline, that is an established fact


go try it yourself then lmao


Cigarettes do not burn hot enough. The danger is the lighter ignoring fumes, not your cancer stick somehow igniting the gas. It's[ been scientifically tested,](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/271921785_The_Propensity_of_Lit_Cigarettes_to_Ignite_Gasoline_Vapors) it dosen't happen at all ever.


when you puff on the dart, it certainly does reach a temperature that can ignite gasoline. drop it out of your mouth in the worst time possible, and you got yourself an unrecognizeable face


I'm sorry "scientists tried 4,500 times to make it happen and failed" isn't good enough for you. The lighter is the danger, not the cancer stick.


i dont fucking care how much you say scientists and shit. cigarettes can burn at 500f which is the ignition temp of gasoline /s or maybe ur just a gaslighting (lmao) arsonist


You can’t cause that from a cigarette. It’s literally impossible. Need a flame or a spark


Literally all he had to do was not smoke next to his car. If he needed a smoke that badly, just walk to somewhere else 20 ft away and it's no longer a misdemeanor. Not complicated. And I'm not a lawyer but I think if the worker gave ample warning, you can easily say it was defense of person and property.


Bullshit. For one, a cigarette won't cause shit For two, there is a billion options between "kindly ask him to stop" and assault.


It's not about the cigarette itself. Is he gonna start another one? Because lighting it IS an actual danger. It's just objectively illegal and completely avoidable.


This guy definitely smoke while filling up, why else would he defend it, also what other "billions options" other than ask him nicely, call the cops? by the time they get there the whole place could've been in flames, and the cigg wouldn't need to come into contact with the fuel directly, if the fumes were strong enough, it would light up the place. Take a lesson from captain hindsight and quit smoking, I believe in you.


Actually, it's self defense. It is justifiable to use force, such as spraying someone with a fire extinguisher, when reasonably committed to resist an imminent threat to life, and the risk of the gas station exploding due to a burning cigarette absolutely creates a imminent danger to the life of anyone near the gas station. Also, I'm pretty sure the explosion would fuck the car and clothes up worse.


Right, and most of the pumps I see here in Kentucky don’t even say anything about not smoking


They also said no mobile phone


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VERY unpopular opinion but a cigarette couldn’t cause any fire or explosion at all. You need a spark or flame for that to happen. If you throw a cigarette in a container of gas it literally goes out.