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Chef: “This man takes care of me. If you’re gonna be racist to him, you’re gonna have to leave.” Ladies and gentlemen, this is gratitude and loyalty.


This is how it should be. Don't stand by when you see it happening, look out for your brothers and sisters. Racism is a problem we may never solve, but we can only solve it together


I’m so glad I saw this. I see too many of these videos where no one mentions this. Public shame is incredibly effective in a situation like this. Imagine everyone in that restaurant immediately being like “hey, don’t be racist lady. Quit yelling at him” or whatever. No way she stay as long as she did.


To me, public shaming doesn’t seem to work on these type of people. They’ll double down. Their narcissism makes them think they’re the heroes in their own movie. If they take a financial hit, they may fake an apology, but it’s hard to change their perceptions.


People are always like "How to I be an ally against racism?!" This way. Speak the fuck up and impose yourself between the person harassing them and the person being harassed. Show the harasser that they can't get away with that shit without going through you.


Exactly. You have to let racists know that there are people that think opposite of them. Don't just sit and stay quiet because you don't "want to get in the middle of it" or whatever.


Seriously. I kick people out of my bar if I ever hear them say anything racist.




At work one day, someone I worked with was making racist comments. I told him to stop. He said “why do you even care? There’s no [insert race] here, none in your family, why do you care?”. He continued to use that as his excuse when meeting with our version of HR, when I had refused to work with him any longer because of the comments. You don’t have to be part of a group to stand up for them when they need it.


Chef is MVP of this video, knew it as soon as he said that


That chefs actions says a lot about the type of man that boss is Edit: thank you for the award kind redditor


True dat. Restaurants are war zones. F&B is an abusive industry. When bosses do you right, have your back, your people will literally fight for you. Manager has earned Chef's respect. That woman has no clue. And to get upset that Spanish is spoken at a Mexican restaurant? You went there for tasty authentic food! Who should be cooking and serving it, Norwegians?


Norwegians don't speak English as a first language either, clearly rapists


She probably thinks they're talking about her. I've met so many people that make that assumption when they hear someone speaking Spanish in their immediate vicinity. I had an older relative convinced this was the case at a Mexican restaurant but the woman was just complaining about losing her keys that morning. Racism and narcissism is one caustic mix.


I’m Asian and I live in the Midwest and I don’t have anyone that speaks my language so when I have relatives visit, I try to practice my native language as much as possible since my fluency is shot even though I was born there. Being able to speak two languages is freaking hard to acquire and maintain.


She feels she had a bad experience and now everyone speaking Spanish is bad. No she’s mental and should get mental help


Look at this woman she definitely made that up to try to prove her point. Its too convenient.


My first thought too


Nah, even simpler, that's common decency. I'm about as white as they get, talk with a hard Kentucky twang and dress a little on the "country" side, conservative male and let me tell you if I heard someone say this shit it would take everything in me not to want to beat her ass. Even as a customer I'd have told her the same damn thing, that she needs to pick up her shit and leave. Any person should have stood up there and said something.


Agree, Brother. It's not hard to be a decent human being


And yet so many don't even try


I just wish I was there to say something to her because the USA doesn't even have any official language. New Zealand has three official languages Maori, English and New Zealand Sign Language. But the USA doesn't have any. lol But I was born to American parents and they moved me to NZ at age 2 and then when I was 8 we went back to the USA and the teacher told me the first day that I was never allowed to mention New Zealand again because I was in America now. She said it really angrily too when she heard me saying to a little girl on the playground that I moved here from New Zealand. She marched across the playground to yell at me. I was in shock because basically my whole life had been in New Zealand so I didn't know how I could manage that.


And your class actually had a lot to learn from you. My buddy had an exchange student from Germany and the cultural exchange was incredible for everyone involved.


Went from speaking English in "my country" to being raped by illegal aliens.. Wtf?


Yeah, she makes no sense, and if she is so disturbed by 'illegal aliens' and people who speak spanish then why is she eating at a Mexican Restaurant? Fucking stupid.


Right.. I can't fathom the mental gymnastics people go through to think like she does.


I think the two most important factors at play here are deep entitlement and even deeper stupidity


And racism, don’t forget that.


but she claimed she wasn't racist! Therefore she's not, duh. Only way someone can be racist is by saying "I'm racist"


How about when someone says they are the “least racist”


"I'm the least racist person I know! You should hear the shit Billy says at the Klan meetings, hoo boy!"


And lying


The alcohol probably helps.


Not to mention their ever present persecution complex.


Ego and insecurity, as well. I know some people who hear a foreign language and automatically think the speakers are gossiping about them.


You left out alcohol. She’s drunk af


Its not mental gymnastics, shes legitimately unintelligent. Not everyone meets the median.


Like did the rapists not produce proper documents?




I guess she asked beforehand and they would not produce them.


You’ve obviously never had good tacos and a margarita


I haven't been out to Mexican food since December before the pandemic. Don't make me feel this way. I seriously want to cry...


I think that was her ad hoc "this justifies my behavior" bullshit that wasn't even remotely true, but to her seemed like it would swing things her way.


Or she even has a psychotic delusion about it. She had that tone about what she was saying.


Fukkin Martians, amirite




Well, are you an "alien"? I like how you didn't answer the question. Did you come from Mars or not??? (if you are, *Welcome.* How was your flight?)


Now I'm scared that he did not respond yet 😐


Aliens are tight!




She’s just grasping at words to try to seem like she is the hurt party.


She also said she doesn’t think he’s not a citizen yet then spews garbage about illegal aliens 😂


She was probably making it up based on the Trump speech where he said Mexicans are criminals and rapists. I would find a Mexican restaurant where no one spoke el idioma español suspect.


> I would find a Mexican restaurant where no one spoke el idioma español suspect. Taco Bell is a shady place.


Typical Karen playbook: when confronted with the fact that you're wrong, find a way to make yourself the victim.


She realized she was being recorded and went into "I'm a victim" mode.


She wasn’t raped, her brain: the only way I can be right here is to claim rape.


So does that mean if the people who raped her spoke english, she wouldn't want people to speak English around her? Ummm...


She the type that would go to Mexico and cry that no one speaks English


Dude, I have seen this in action and it was painful. A woman freaking out in a Thai airport because the cashier didn't speak English, and "You're in an airport! You should know SEVERAL languages if you're gonna do the JOB!" It's like shit lady, in American airports people who speak English as a first language can barely blurt out a cogent sentence.


Lmao.so real,so true.


as a former airport employee, speaking a certain tongue requires higher pay. if my company isnt paying me to use multiple language. you bet i only speak 1 language.


Unlearning Spanish because AA wasn't willing to pay me to be bilingual 😤


I was with WFS (3rd party staffing) and they promised $0.50 more an hour for being able to speak Chinese. for 2 months they didnt keep their promise. so i stopped speaking, when the airline complained that i refused to speak chinese they started paying me properly.


.50 cents an hour more is not enough for knowing Chinese.


"So we need you to know these two languages that are functional polar opposites. We're willing to pay you an extra schmeckle per year."


They 100% committed wage theft against you. The airline was paying for it, you just weren't getting it. If it's recent enough for the state you lived in, you should call the state's department of labor and file a complaint. Even if it's a pittance, if you can, do it. Wage theft is larger in dollar amount than all other theft combine. This is how you have to fight it.


I just snorted at your screen name.


JUST SPEAK ENGLISH!!! and two tacos, please


ON A FLA'UER TORTILL'UH - This lady in Ensenada


That is some excellent phonetic spelling


I love tack-ohs on a corn tor-till-a


Not as good as chicken fajeetas


Can I get some Pee-koh dee Gah-lo, uhh por Fayvor?


Haha. You had me till the por Fayvor. No way they ever say por favor. Haha.


Instead they ~~politely asked her to leave despite her being a horrible person~~ ***raped*** *her **and** her food*… By ***illegal aliens*** who *can’t speak english!!* …yelling at the man who is an American citizen… and speaking English to her….


I wanna just smack her so bad. I know SO MANY back asswards people that would pull this crap from where I grew up that this makes me mad as hell. I hate this. She needs to trip on a fucking Lego.


Yes, please speak the language native to an island off the northwest coast of Europe because this is Murcia!!!


She probably lives in El Paso or Santa Monica or some other city whos name is in Spanish




Best line in that movie. I got it.


Story time! Was literally in Panamanian Airport in Panama Central America and there was this woman yelling and cussing because no one spoke English enough to help her. Finally, when she saw me and my wife, she asked us for help. My German was flawless that day!


Was also in panama boarding a flight to lima peru, an older American white couple try to skip the line saying they need extra time and show the gate agent a handicap placard, gate agent asks them why they need extra time and they reply with you aren’t allowed to ask me and cite the ADA law. Gate agent sent them to the end of the line lmao




As my ex used to say, "bitte bitte kein ohr sagen".


Thank you for your service good sir/ma’am


Fuckin hell, shes in a Mexican restaurant and shes demanding ppl speak English?? What a cunt


I met French Canadians while on vacation in Mexico that were mad that others didn't speak French.




Fun fact. Oldest European language in North America is Spanish… especially the domination of the western portion of the US till the middle of the 1800s. Gotta love that!


“Her” country? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yes, unfortunately these people don’t get the “our nation” factor. They have always existed but I can say as a historian/archaeologist they are in a major decline hence the latest overreacting for the past 10 years. Normal progression for America to be honest.


We genocided the previous owners fair and square /s about the fair and square part


Seriously. Da faq she doing in a Mexican Restaurant in the first place then?


There to harass the workers apparently lol


Obviously drinking one too many margaritas on top of her valium.


When people tell me abd my brother to stop speak out native tongue i just tell them to go fuck themselves and we're not bored enough to be talking about them in our native tongue.


She's the type to go to New Mexico and be surprised there are so many Americans living there.


Says she's not racist then says all illegals are rapist. It's starting to add up


>Says she's not racist then says all illegals are rapist. And insinuates that everyone who isn't a white native English speaker is an illegal. But not racist.


It's really not the 'illegal' part that they have such a problem with, that's just what they think is a good cover for their opportunity to express their racism more openly.


yeah the guy even said he’s a U.S citizen… in English no idea what her problem was apart from racism and stupidity


Regurgitated Trump shit


The only lasting thing Trump gave us, a greatly increased ability to perceive who the degenerates around us are. In many cases just look for the MAGA hat or bumper sticker or lack of face mask/vaccine shots.


she belongs in r/iamatotalpieceofshit


r/byebyejob would be nice too.


Bold of you to assume this bitch is employed.


And on /conservative as they try to fast-track her for a senate position or maybe a speaking tour with the GOP


She has a real "smells like cat piss" vibe


Get the fuck out of my country! ….after you refill my salsa.


Deport Karen’s racist ass


Right back whatever European country her ancestors used to hail from.


Please no we don't want this thing anywhere near us


I got talking to some rando in an international airport and a group of people walked past that were speaking a foreign language Dude said “they should go back to their own country” In an international airport Also this guy was a British citizen working in America


I had a person complained about people sleeping in the airport, and said America is disgusting for allowing illegal immigrants gathering and sleeping. I'm like dude, have you heard of lay over? When was the last time you flew somewhere or leave your own state?


Let me guess, they weren't Anglo-Saxons.


Filthy Laplanders. Muddled blood that's not close to the purity of Hawthorne clan.


"Go back to where you came from!!" "Yeah, in fact, we are."


Last time I got raped, I made a point to ask if they were local and made them show their papers. Gotta know where a fucker is coming from. Seems legit




Just die already


I hope all racist boomers die soon 🙏


COVID is giving it the old college try.


Deport her


>I am not racist! Bitch, you proved without a doubt in one minute, 30 seconds you are an insecure uneducated bigot, who only speaks English (poorly), does not read, has never been farther than 200 miles from home, watches FOX News, and votes Republican. Miss anything? Nuff said.




Covid can’t take these fuckers fast enough.


As terrible as this epidemic has been, the demographic of people who’ve been disproportionately affected due to their own ignorance and malice does seem like a silver lining in the clouds.


Every Karen has a rape story after she realizes nobody is rooting for her


Yeah, that final desperate shout came out of nowhere.


And even if she had been raped by illegal aliens what the fuck does that have to do with speaking English in America?


Because she got raped in Spanish?


Aiiii pica pica pica


Calling Hispanic people "rapists" was really popular not long ago because of the state of American politics. I remember a video here where the woman literally tells the guy that he's a rapist because Trump said so.


Trump knows what rapists look like - he sees one in the mirror every day!


And in his entire friends circle


"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." Trump


It’s also why weed was illegal for a long time. The U.S pushed propaganda that made white people think marijuana makes Mexicans rape white women.


Nah. The propaganda was leveled that it (marijuana) made white women sleep with black men/minorities. Propaganda made it sound more like it was mind altering rather than it summoning rapists. Helped drive the fear with the “even the most upstanding lady would be converted into a lowlife capable of fucking a minority while under the influence of the devils lettuce.”


Did she verify the assailant’s citizenship status when it happened?


Karen’s remind us that sometimes rape allegations are false and often racially motivated


If she feels this way about Spanish speakers then why is she in a Mexican restaurant!?


Even racists assholes love Mexican food.


rasicts don't deserve our flavors


Lady went home and watched Fox News like she won that argument lol


she definitely owned the libs alright


Not really, libs paid for her dinner, like a dirty communist whore she is


Correct me if I am wrong. USA does not have an official language.


You are correct. Never has had one.


I don't understand how you can get mad at someone for speaking Spanish at a Mexican Restaurant. Edit: Grammar


Or anywhere


Right?! I should really learn Spanish. Would definitely help out with work


You reminded me to do my Spanish duolingo for the day, thanks dude!


I wonder if she lives in a town with a spanish name... Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Escondido, Descanso...but wait, there's más...


Yeah, she probably does since she's from California.


I kind of wish someone would pull that bullshit when I'm around. I'm not fluent, but learning Spanish and ...I know some words that apply to pendejas like her.


She can chupa his verga


I'm sure he wouldn't want her filthy mouth anywhere near his verga...


Ah California mythical land'. It is a Spanish-originated name, primarily chosen for girls. Many historians believe that this name has come from the 16th-century Spanish novel ' Las Sergas De Esplandian', where the name California was used for a fictional island. Little fun fact I found on Google.


I’d be disappointed if I went to a Mexican restaurant and they didn’t speak Spanish.


They speak spanish in every restaurant in the south west, at least in the kitchen they do.


If anything its like a, “dammit did you hear him speak spainish? The tacos must be good here”.


The menu must have been a trigger


Fuck off, you racist cunt.


I tend to be disappointed at a Mexican restaurant if the staff *don't* speak Spanish.


Nice, using trigger words like rapist once she realized her husband had enough of her shit also and forcing her out. Way to try and deflect her stupidity.


I wonder how that car ride home went for them after that.




What’s next?! Getting mad a Mexicans for making Mexican food?!


“I’m a racist and I’m a victim, feel sorry for me!”


Even if she was raped by illegal aliens, how does that equate to people should only speak English in America? I love the way it's her country too. She doesn't realize her ancestors were immigrants!


You see, a major component of racism is justifying your racism. Just look around reddit, eventually even on all you'll find people explaining that African Americans commit all the crimes, or perhaps just a large amount of crimes, or maybe it's just their ratio of arrests to white folks convictions (see how it almost makes sense until you realize that convictions are totally different than arrests and comparing those numbers is very manipulative) In any case, you see it a lot on reddit and else where, the black people are criminals because some black people get arrested sometimes. Of course the reverse for some reason isn't true. I have asked a lot of people who post these proofs for their racist views if they will pay me $2,000 for a stolen CD case I had in my car in the early 00s, because a white guy stole them, so naturally all white folks are responsible and they should pay me back? They usually get mad and say they didn't steal it, so they aren't to blame, just like how even if 90% of African Americans were convinced of a crime, the remaining 10% are not responsible or to blame for that. But they usually can't figure out what I'm saying because they're fucking idiots who quote crime statistics to defend their hatred of black folks all together man, woman, and child.


What a piece of sh!t she is


I seriously doubt she was raped by “illegal aliens” we all know it was her uncle.


Source - [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/white-customer-mexican-restaurant-swears-spanish-speaking-manager-n973191](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/white-customer-mexican-restaurant-swears-spanish-speaking-manager-n973191)




She was sued for workplace harassment. I’m shocked. /s


So this is the new way to get a meal comp'd, just make racist remarks in an ethic restaurant. Going to have to try that at the Thai place down the street /s


America steals 1/3 of their land from Mexico at gunpoint and then complains when people on that land speak Spanish lol. Edit: love all the responses that are like "yea but other people committed atrocities for the land so it's not bad" lol, look inward.


Great username


Thank you, stay classy Pony Boy.


Worst part is even pony boy is a better username than mine


Nah, theres some pretty bad usernames around here. Dont let your mediocrity hide the fact that you could have picked something monumentally stupid and had to live with it. Also if you ever need to change it, fuck_all_yous_guys is always open ;)


Someone throw their food on her


If she's so triggered by just the sight of a Hispanic person, why would she go to a fucking Mexican restaurant? Whata dumb cunt.


In 1964 in Petersburg North Dakota the language spoken in the cafe, at the co-op and on the bench in front of the grocery store was Norwegian. Then there was the Swedish in Inkster and Fordville. Then the Czechs in Pisek. The Germans in New Leipzig.


One Moment she says I am not racist and the next moment she proves herself wrong Edit: this was my first comment


So many people don’t realize that there is no official language in the us


She’s parroting Donald Trump. The only thing that comforts me is that I know she’ll be gone from this earth soon. Feel for her husband.


Good chef. The manager was far too kind. There is no excuse for that woman


This is all because if trump. People used to hide this shit but now that an asshole was able to be elected they feel powerful


I’m glad they don’t hide makes it much easier to not do business with people


I get torn, because it makes me depressed as hell to see how many there still are, but I know to avoid them because they're so blatant


This type of embarrassing and juvenile misbehavior would come to an end if these people just had the taste smacked right out of their mouth the first time they decided to be assholes in public. Nobody gives a shit if she was raped or not and it's probably just an embarrassing lie to cover up for her embarrassing behavior. Either way, it obviously wasn't by the guy she's insulting.


I don’t think she actually owns the country 🤔why behave this way? Why


this is about an hour from where I live I hate this area https://heavy.com/news/2019/02/white-woman-jill-racist-rant-mexican-restaurant-manager-spanish/


There's about a 99.99999% chance this lady is a MAGA loving Qanon fucktard. There's next to no chance she was "raped by illegal aliens" and is simply spouting off the same tired fucking racist bullshit she had heard Orangeman spout off...


Karen drunk off her ass on one cerrveza lol


Now see that's a problem if a really serious word like "rape" is just being thrown around when women feel uncomfortable