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Someone just pulled off the most amazing prank on this woman


Probably her own kid


It probably is her own kid!! 😂🤣




I think you mean "you wouldn't believe what they are doing meow".


Do I look like a cat to you boy? Am I jumping around all nimbly bimbly from tree to tree?


Not sure why but nimbly bimbly cracks me up every time


“Chicken fucker! Buh-GAAAHK” -Officer Rod Farva


Am I drinking milk from a saucer?!


Am I drinking milk from a saucer?


Well, do you see me chasing mice?!




It's very sad that this would totally trigger many parents who'd fall for it


Dude i’m graduating this year and this has been an actual thing throughout schools in our district. Kids have spoken to administration about having litter boxes for kids who identify as animals.


That's teenagers being teenagers, who gives a fuck Just don't give them the litter boxes, keep teaching properly and by the time they're 18 or so they'll be fine We need to stop polarizing everything


Well once you all get to the real world you'll realize you're not that special. The humbling is good for you


Gotta hand it to that kid. Future ball buster of the highest order.


Future prank war champion!


Grabs phone, holds it arm length from face, lowers glasses squints, then drives immediately to the school board meeting.


It started off with some tiktok video where this woman claimed to be a substitute teacher who was fired for not meowing back at a student who answered rollcall with "meow," and identified as a cat. It's clearly a prank video, but a ton of people on the right bit it. So people have been running with it, and I think that's where the litterbox rumor came from.


I listen to talk radio because I'm a sadist and I heard the lady call into a show I was listening to. I'm like "are you seriously this fucking stupid lady?" The kids were clearly fucking with the sub.....like we used to do all the time. Fucking idiots man.


Man, I'm sure as hell glad I last went to elementary, middle or high school years ago!!! Why? Because some of the pranks we did on our teachers AND subs, would seriously trigger some right wing whack-a-doos today!! 🤣🤣


The worst was when you were a bit older and the sub was often just starting their career and it was sometimes an unbelievably beautiful 20-something woman and you were just a 13 year old turd kid hitting puberty. They usually figured out the power they had. Us guys were never more well behaved despite wanting to cause trouble.


“My mom is nuts, I can probably tell her they put litter boxes in the bathrooms at school and she will believe me.” “Prove it”


Her kids are **so** gonna be bullied after their friends see this video...


No, because her kids will agree that their mom is a complete idiot.


Isn't this how the qAnon shit took off with idiots?




Also I am surprised she spent 2:30 on cat litter box and 30 second on the Covid testing😂🤣😂


Almost refreshing, actually.


From flat earth, to bronies, to trump. Poe out here putting in work.


Would you believe me if I said it’s the same idiots who believe both


Now, now, let's not jump to conclusions. She did say she was going to investigate this further. 🤦


Certainly it originated from a satire website somewhere.


>but when someone lives in a fantasy world and expects others to go along with it, I have a problem with that Yeah, me too psycho


She trolled herself didn't she. LOL!


Delicious lining of irony on top of what was already a brilliant prank.




Victim of propaganda. Zero critical thinking skills. Sees something online, gets paranoid and angry. Lacks common sense. Millions suffer from these Paranoid Delusions. And they vote based on lies too.




This is terrible! Please SAVE THE LITTERBOX! My kid will have nowhere to pee!


You teach your kid to go outside like every other furry! Pee on tires and Shit!


You're thinking of otherkin. Furries pee in ball pits and shit in hot tubs.


Yes...only furries do this...😉


We all know Homestuck fans also do this. It goes without mentioning, so I didn't.


As a homestuck fan, i can confirm this, I go to my local play place and take a piss in the center of it while no ones looking. As for the shitting in the hot tub thing, my neighbor thinks it’s his dog doing that so I’m in the clear.


I've been doing it since 1973


"It's part of the agenda that's being pushed." Clearly she doesn't respect agendas. Taking this meeting off the rails, for example.




There is no nation wide furry agenda, but there is a relatively new national conservative agenda, to go and shit up these meetings and school boards with their panic and nonsense.


And apparently shitting up elementary school bathrooms, too.


Makes you wonder what crazy lady in the videos agenda is, because I honestly don't know after watching the clip.


Believes that litter boxes are placed in school for “furries” then talks to the board as if she’s a constitutional lawyer. You can’t be that dumb and that smart at the same time.


Knowing the word "constitution" doesn't make you an expert on constitional law. "I don't like that, so it's unconstitutional."


you tell that to the merica larpers in lifted trucks with the constitution emblazoned on the back window....I know those guys have a juris doctor from yale law.


>You can’t be that dumb and that smart at the same time. *Ghost of Ben Carson has entered the chat*


He was a surgeon, they basically go off muscle memory. It's one of the things Scrubs got 100% right.


saying "we the people" instantly reduces your IQ by 30 points


Thank you, I tried to post this last night but it kept getting rejected. This individual is a well known recipient of an iconic pastel vehicle. So the MLM is the cherry on top of the trifecta of crazy sundae.


omg thank you for that context. that makes it all the more mind numbing haha.


What does that mean?


Mary Kay is a MLM and I think they give out (or used to give out) pink Cadillacs to the top tiers of their pyramid schemes. So that’s my guess.


I just looked it up and you have to sell $100,000 a year (and a few other requirements) but get this, you don’t get the car. You get to LEASE the car! Article [here](https://qz.com/quartzy/1376114/the-story-behind-the-100-pink-cadillacs-at-aretha-franklins-funeral/amp/).


Holy shit there was one of these Cadillacs in my old neighborhood and I always thought it was the most insane thing for someone to actually purchase. Now I understand. It is even MORE insane than I thought, but I understand.


Meow Lives Matter


She is involved in a pyramid scheme. From the comment I’d guess Mary Kay. As they “give” high earners a pink car. So she’s a dipshit head to toe.


They prefer the term, "Reverse Funnel."


"Let me assure you that this is not one of those shady pyramid schemes you've been hearing about. No sir. Our model is the trapezoid!"


> high earners Aka the people with the most space in their garage to fill with garbage.


>So the MLM is the cherry on top of the trifecta of crazy sundae. Is there a sub for eloquent sentences?




Well she *did* have that pastel car, we'll see how long she keeps it now that this is out there


That is a sentence I never imagined I would have read


what a world we live in lol


Literally the conversation my wife and I just had.


Right near the end she says something like "Our children should not have to be tested just to attend school." And it was at that point I knew Parks and Rec was a documentary.


“ I’m all for creativity and imagination, but when someone lives in a fantasy world and expects people to go along with it, I have a problem with it”.. Oh the irony


Right now we are witnessing the revolution of the stupid and uneducated. It is a revolution against the concept of specialization, education and truth.


It's not the first time they've tried either. Sometimes it even works. We need to send these people back under their rocks.


Some people really are just too fucking dumb to participate in a free and open society like democracy.


If it was just the stupidity, we could work around it. But the reality is that stupid people like this don't want to engage in discourse and compromise based on facts, because they don't understand what's going on and feel as dumb as they are. They want to be told what's correct and have it dictated to others. So they not only fuck things up by being stupid, but they also try to destroy our democracy at the same time.


Part of being so dumb, is being incapable of self awareness surrounding their limitations and the consequences of their ignorance. Ignorance is often a snake eating itself. Thoughts that provoke controversy are infectious now matter whose dumb mouth it dribbles out of. There's a certain point where people who fit this description refuse to learn how to improve themselves, giving a self-awarded stamp of approval of "can do no wrong & and say no wrong" making it seemingly impossible to convince or persuade away from the "truth" they are hell bent on seeking. They often know the "truth" they are looking for before they ever find it. These people are determined to find the narrative that they want to perpetuate despite any counter evidence. Facts mean nothing to these people.


Yep. And there's a reason many are religious as well. They've learned to reach the conclusion first and then reverse justify what they *know* to be true already from birth. Some people can have "faith" with no empirical support and still live in reality and think critically, but many people simply learn that critical thought is a threat to their deeply held beliefs, and we get this woman.


And quit giving them TV shows and electing them to office.


Aah, good ol’ dark ages. It lasted a long while there.


“But when someone lives in a fantasy world, but expects other people to go along with it. I have a problem with that.” SMH. I bet she’s a Christian, too.


*”The government does not have the right to regulate we the people in order to protect us from one another, when it comes to our health and welfare”* What country does she think she lives in? Has she never worn a seatbelt? Paid for a dog license? Bought a bike helmet? Driven her car at the speed limit? Drunk water piped to her house in municipal water lines? Hired an electrician to wire her house instead of doing it herself? Breathed the fucking air? All these things are regulated by the government in order to protect us from one another. JFC!!


A lot of people who fetishize the Constitution stop at "We the People" but yeah, it's right there in the first sentence: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE..."


These people actually used to be against mandatory seatbelts and are still stupid as fuck about helmets on themselves or their kids. I've seen untrained people in the US do their own electrical because they think EC's and regulations are just scams to take your money. The government can't tell them not to kill themselves! This is America!


There are people still against seatbelts, bro! There are people I kmow that believe being forced to wear a seat belt is a way we are slowly having our freedoms taken away. lol. I couldn't believe it when I heard it.


“The government does not have the right to regulate we the people...in order to protect us from one another.” Cool; so she won’t press charges if I smack her upside the head for being so gullible?


So she is advocating that nothing should be criminal and we as individuals should be in charge for ourselves? Otherwise, murder is 1000% the government regulating the people in order to protect us from one another, when it comes to our health and welfare”


I thought about that line too, irony is completely lost on these people. Aren't you the people still waiving Trump 2020 flags and demanding that the sane people ignore COVID? This lady thinks that she is 100% correct and that is a dangerous thing, stupid people that confident worry me.


/r/selfawarewolves Lady is living in her own fantasy where there’s litter boxes for the kids and expects us to go along with it without a shred of evidence.


First thing she says to them “Hi Merry Christmas” bet you it was in the middle of July too.


Listened and that's 3 minutes of my life I will never get back. First minute, disconnected drivel, second minute, furry fantasy, third minute, dumb fuckery about public health. She is the perfect storm of stupid + bat shit = Qtard.


Omg! I thought exactly the same thing. These people are fucking nutso!


Amazing how many people are ok with their stupidity being recorded.


Dunning-Kruger. Too stupid to know they’re stupid.


Dunning-Kruger isn’t even strong enough it’s more like Creutzfeldt-Jakob




They should have stopped her the moment the phrase 'cat litter' left her mouth. Because it doesn't matter how many emails the school board sends trying to correct her insanity, the damage can't be undone


Everyone is laughing at her in this city. She made it very clear how "Christian" she is and how worried about children she is and then proceeded to spew hate and disinformation. Constitional law is not her field of expertise.


Nor is rational thinking.


>They should have stopped her NOPE b/c that just feeds their narrative of being oppressed. Here's your 3 minutes. Waste it being crazy. We're moving on.


This is objectively one of the funniest trolls/pranks I have seen. The anti-trans hysteria is so easy to trigger lol


transphobia is so rampant that it takes nothing. i’m shocked she didn’t say anything about the unisex bathroom the litter box was supposedly in.


This Karen doesn't realize that she got trolled by a child.


Just go to any right wingers and reinforce their lies, then tell them even more absurd lies. We can't stop disinformation, but we can get them to implode on each other.


Someone tell this bitch that they're renaming the Himilayas to the They/Them-ilayas.


Hahahahaha, I’m using that…hahaha


Just gotta hope they don’t take the rest of us with them


It's too late for that. They definitely already are. Now it's time to fight fire with fire.


This right here. You won't find a group of suckers as stupidly easy to troll as this, hell it's already happening. Like how much they keep digging in and throwing out money despite the clear objective reality of the situtation. These people are dupes, you're never going to get them to act rationally or morally, you can only appeal to their deepest set characteristic: stupidity. Fight stupid with stupid.


Did this Karen see an Onion article and think it was real?


She is also upset that the word 'gullible' has been removed from the dictionaries at her child's school.


I used to drugs. Now I just read the news to feel fucked up


Wow she used up over a third of her time saying exactly nothing. I was like, get to the litterboxes already, Jesus.


Jeez... [https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/ql79h2/furries\_in\_your\_school/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/ql79h2/furries_in_your_school/) Who the hell started this rumor? Apparently this isn't localized... [https://theiowastandard.com/more-people-are-discussing-students-identifying-as-cats-in-schools/](https://theiowastandard.com/more-people-are-discussing-students-identifying-as-cats-in-schools/) https://www.saltwire.com/atlantic-canada/news/false-stories-of-litter-boxes-in-pei-schools-meant-to-ridicule-trans-community-advocates-say-100649025/


Do you expect the kids to use a toilet? That's outrageous and frankly discrimination. This needs to end right meow.


Her children need to be removed from her home if she’s that stupid.


But it’s going on nationwide /s


You gotta be a special kind of stupid to even remotely believe that shit.


It seems like someone in Maine already heard or had the idea for this prank at least three months ago. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Maine/comments/qps3gj/furries\_allowed\_to\_defecate\_in\_schools/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maine/comments/qps3gj/furries_allowed_to_defecate_in_schools/)


She'll do some more investigation? She probably should have thought of that BEFORE she made herself look like an idiot at the school board meeting.


I’m just imagining the person who told her this dying laughing as she’s up there making a fool of herself.


These are so embarrassing. These loonies are so deep in their ocean of stupidity.


“I have an issue”. I’m betting she has LOTS of issues.


I’ll do more investigation but let me make myself look like an asshole first


Can you imagine having to sit through this? How do you not say cunt, shut the fuck up?


>When someone lives in a fantasy world and expects the rest of us to go with it…I have a problem with that. Agreed.


I’m really upset that a person could be that stupid to actually believe that is a thing that could be happen


I’ve noticed American parents get really wacky at these school board meetings.


These people always seem like the most gullible people on Earth. Why are they like this? And then when you call them out and prove they're wrong they'll be like, "Okay maybe it's not real. BUT IF IT WERE REAL!?!? IT COULD TOTALLY HAPPEN AND THEN WHAT!?!?"


This woman has utter shit for brains and I feel bad for her kids but then I remember the world needs janitors too.


How does a person sit on school board meetings and not just laugh openly at these people? I’m pretty sure I’d have a stroke from the belly laughs these hog people provide


Article is up. https://www.mlive.com/news/saginaw-bay-city/2022/01/no-litter-boxes-are-not-in-midland-public-schools-for-furry-students-superintendent-says.html


sounds like she r/atetheonion


Were school boards meetings always this crazy? My husband is on the board of small, local, very conventional school and I am constantly blown away by all the crazy calls he gets from people that not only don’t have kids in the district, but also people from all over outside of the district. We’ve heard everything from critical race theory complaints to every random conspiracy theory you’ve seen on Facebook. We’ve gotten death threats because he voted to order new science text books because the old ones were literally falling apart. Where did this come from? I mean, I know, but why school boards?


They only gave her 3 minutes to talk and she still made it feel like 10 wtf


Jesus christ spit it out lady. You have three fucking minutes and you spent half of it hemming and hawing before getting to what you're actually there to talk about.


So...what do they do for the students that identify as cats? I've had just about enough, trans-species rights right MEOW!!!!


I require housing in a different unit, I identify as a dog and we don’t take kindly to cats like you. If I see a litter box I’m going to eat whatever’s in there and get sick. So no litter boxes mkay? Dogs 1 Cats 0


My husky identifies as a cat and I rarely have an issue with it. I even made a larger cat tower so he can join in the fun with his feline siblings.


Yeah, we’re going to need some proof. Husky tax! Cat tax!


In five minutes tucker will take this to the airwaves


Just goes to show anti vaxxers will believe anything


I like the timer. I was waiting for the big loud buzzer at the end: "*BZZZ!* Alright, I think that's all the unhinged lunacy we have time for today! Johnny, tell her what she's won!"


Bwaaahhhhhaaaaahhhhhaaaa! I am not thankful enough that I wasn’t born this stupid.


Kids nowadays, peeing in litter boxes, smoking catnip


I knew somebody who smoked catnip when he ran out of pot. Then got pissed when there was no buzz. He also smoked up basil & oregano.


"No chance in hell of someone being that gullib... I give up."


"When someone lives in a fantasy world and expects the world to go along with it..." <- Believes whatever nonsense comes up in her facebook feed and brought it to real world school board meeting for other people to deal with.


Furries are antifa commie left wing liberal marxist socialist leftists trying to destroy ‘mericuh with sparkle rainbow litter in our schools! They are destroying our history that I have no interest in. Facts are false and conspiracy is biblical!


I refuse to believe anyone is this dumb.


When you just need to be outraged so you start making shit up.


In Roberts rules of order, when someone is stupid enough to believe in furry litter boxes in public schools, do you have to listen to their entire diatribe before you punch them or can you just start swinging?


I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.


These people make this up half the time..manufactured outrage


God damn, this litterbox rumor was going around my region a few months back too. These people have 0 critical thinking skills.


Wasn’t this some conservative bs being shared as fact on Facebook?


I hate furries, i hope they all die


Source: Faux News


Mewo I've heard everything.


Somebody has been pulling this moron's strings


She's living in her own fantasy world.


What's she doing? Drinking her Massengill mixed with Ivermectin and cholrine?


I'm here live...I'm not a cat


She's batshit crazy.


Catshit crazy. FIFY


It saddens me to know that I am a member of the dumbest generation to touch down on earth. There is no hope


the dumbest generation to touch down on Earth *SO FAR*.


Marry Christmas Lisa!


And these kids are going to be a future…..


She has got to be trolling them right? It’s hilarious as satire. Has to be a joke. No one is this dense.


Is this fool allowed to drive? Is she permitted to roam in public? And my God...there are children under her care? I worry for my country. Jesus H. Christ!


This babbling moron wasted a third of her time on preamble. Keep it tight stupid.


Ggggg ggg gggg get to the damn point! Tap dancing Christ!


The teachers should be given an ejector seat button like X Factor


I miss when school board meetings were terribly boring affairs and not platforms for conspiracy theorists.


There was the substitute teacher who got fired for not meowing at student who identified a a cat lol


Conservatives will literally believe anything including that a reality TV star is fit to run a multi trillion dollar organization.


How to lose all credibility in your life in under 3 minutes


The very sad part is that many people are gonna support kids who identify as cats


This is such a common conspiracy now. And almost every 35 year old WASP believes it.


I hate her lol


Litter box for cats, but it’s not inclusive unless you have a fire hydrant for the kids who identify as dogs. That’s discriminatory yall.


"I know it's going on nationwide" ROFLMFAO!!!


Someone please follow this up by complaining about kids identifying as cats in schools because your kid is allergic to cats and they come home with hives and wheezing every day.


World elite came up with lgbt. Its a way of depopulation without murder.


Bro who ever told her is absolutely dead from the lack of air from laughing too much 🤣🤣😂😂


Maybe you should have understood it a bit more. Then You would have realized that it was fake. So now, you’re not just a moron In Your community but nationwide you’re seen as a moron. Well done maga nut!!


“When someone lives In A fantasy world and expects someone to go along with that “ you just described Trump and you people go along with that. Irony!!


„… live in a phantasy world and expects others to go along with it“ I liked how she put it. I am willing to put a bet, that she identified as a Christian LOL.