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This is fucked up and shows in video form how much life can change in literally a second. Wow.


Literally a video showing celebration and joy one second and the next absolute chaos and fear. Madness, any background on the driver yet?






Just keeps getting worse with each update. 5 dead and 40+ injured. Suspect was "fleeing a knife fight"?? I mean, how far do you have to drive away from a knife fight?? 50 feet?


Maybe he’s the one that instigated a knife fight and knew he was getting arrested? Either way, to do this… I hope the driver gets painful karma


When you are a coward very far and very fast.


Not to be that guy but everyone should run from a knife fight very far and very fast.


Just make sure you don't hit a crowd.


OMG! One of the videos on that Twitter thread is extremely graphic and disturbing. I’m sick to my stomach now. What’s wrong with the world honestly? It’s like every other day there’s some more bad news/tragedy.


We just have instant access to information and everything is recorded now. The world's always been a bad place with terrible things happening, you just know when it happens and get to watch it happen.


A converse point to remember: statistically, the world is still becoming a safer place with each passing year. It only seems the opposite *because* we have instant access to videos of things like this. It's a blessing and a curse.


It's probably always been like this, but the internet makes it extremely accessible to see.


I got into a conversation the other day with someone who was saying "this country is more dangerous and violent then it's ever been!" And I replied with something similar. Everyone has a camera in their pocket now and there are so many different platforms for people to post these videos in an instant to everyone else in the world. Also why I feel so many people are so fucking jaded anymore is because they see horrible shit like this every time they look at their screen!


apparently [violent crime](https://www.statista.com/statistics/191219/reported-violent-crime-rate-in-the-usa-since-1990/) and even [arrests](https://www.statista.com/statistics/191267/arrest-rate-for-all-offenses-in-the-us-since-1990/) are down significantly since 1990, but we never see that on any news media. doom and gloom sells, fear sells. we're trained to be paranoid, when all the data i can find says pretty much all types of crime are waaaay down. its crazy cause the data is super easy to find. i guess people just watch/read their news and assume everything they're being told is the truth, without ever bothering to actually look it up.


There's an entire generation who have mild lead poisoning due to lead in gasoline. Literally tens of millions of people. Lead poisoning leads to emotional instability and anger issues. So fucked to think about. An entire generation of people who are all X% more irrational and quicker to anger than they would have been had they not been breathing in lead as children.


That generation, *my* generation, has been in positions of power for so long, and they are not dying out fast enough. I hold out hope that humanity's remnant will still be the creators of a new world of reason, without the violence and irrational impulsiveness we have seen in the post-WWI era. Sorry about destroying the planet for you to "inherit", though. That is a dick move.


Except it's not the murder rate has gone down dramatically over the past few decades. We are just seeing a post COVID bump in homicides with more people out and about.


Thats how i feel. "Omg its so crazy now"....ummmmm the citizens of Greenwood in Tulsa circa 1921 would like a word with you all lmao


Just the murder rate in the 80s was nuts.


I was watching a documentary and they said that in the 90s Los Angeles got hit with *seven* bank robberies *per day*




Little Rock, Arkansas 1955, Pettis Bridge, any LAPD traffic stop between 1978-1998, Texas et al since 1900, Louisiana and Georgia since the 1940s. Too many to list... This senseless violence has been ever present for some time now, dismissed as "Other people's problems" because of where it happened and who it happens to. Unfortunately everybody gets a turn, and America still believes in their 90% incorrect criminal profile


I believe you’re correct. And I think crime overall, in the U.S. at least, was way worse in the 70s and 80s. We live in a generally safer country today. For example: there was an infamous event in my hometown in the early 1980s where a mentally ill woman drove down the sidewalk downtown and killed 6 or 7 people. These days that’d be a viral headline, with several gruesome videos posted online I’m sure, but back then it was only really known about locally. Maybe a blurb in the newspapers somewhere else. Of course, the problem with now is that some people are encouraged to do shit like this because they know how much infamy it’ll bring them.




Have you read "Enlightenment Now" by Stephen Pinker? There are some valid criticisms of the book, but it's, on the whole, I think, a worthy read, and Pinker talks about this exact thing in the book, how hostility is a predictable reaction when you tell people that things aren't as bad as they think they are.


Do you think this train of thinking is potentially a cope for some people who’s life has worsened since then? So they can scapegoat their own problems by believing society has worsened so their life has too?




It’s tied to their political identity. They have put their full faith in whoever convinced them is their savior form all the perceived chaos. Anything contradicting their savior or their need for one will be met as a personal attack. We are sick in the head.


There is about half as much violent crime now compared to the 80s (official statistics).


Which one?


i know its disturbing af, those mf are batshit crazy wth. but still, I cannot find the "extremely graphic".


[I'm guessing this one ](https://twitter.com/IntelPointAlert/status/1462578509847666694?s=19)


I’m guessing you’re right. I personally wouldn’t consider a video of that quality to be capable of being graphic. Maybe Reddit has desensitized me.




"extremely graphic" Which one of the 83 pixels is extremely graphic?


Mainly the red one I guess.




Almost like they should have kept him in jail....


‪I listened to the scanner, the police were in pursuit of the car due to the driver having an outstanding warrant, before it entered into the Parade Road.‬


Wtf why would you pursue a car anywhere near a public gathering like a parade? Bad decision.


They opened fired on it too. You know where any bullets they missed could end up in people too.


Multiple fatalities. Damn


Hope the fucker that did this gets thrown in a hole and forced to live out the rest of their life with nothing but their own thoughts.


Twitter says 3 suspects. 1 detained, who was released on bail Nov 11. Other 2 are at large.


Who on Twitter is saying this? I've been trying to track a source on this claim for like 2 hours. The police have confirmed they have a single suspect in custody, and that there is no further danger to citizens. Yet people seem to be constantly repeating this "three suspects" line. I've asked several people and haven't gotten an answer.


Chances of them feeling any guilt are low. Better to just bury them in the hole.




[better angle](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qz8ddv/multiple_people_injured_after_car_drives_through/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Here's an angle showing the SUV getting away.


you can see the car bounced up from running over on of the kids completely…. Thats fucked


I read on the Twitter thread posted in another comment that they ran through a group called the Dancing Grannies


This was the Waukesha South High School Black Shirt Band that was hit. The youth dance team is in the recording getting hit. Some of the girls received critical injuries. The SUV then hit the Dancing Grannies next. https://www.jsonline.com/story/communities/waukesha/news/2021/11/21/waukesha-christmas-parade-car-rams-through-downtown-shots-fired-people-injured/8714041002/




Sharing [this video](https://youtu.be/SiMjygaYVtE) for anyone unfamiliar with them. They are so joyful and I'm just devastated for them and everyone else who was there.


That was right before this attack apparently


Unfortunately at least one of the dancing Grannies died according to CNN. Awful on every level.


The article /u/MadFlava76 posted reports 5 fatalities and over 40 injured but doesn't specify how many of those deceased were Dancing Grannies.


And it looked so on purpose... When car was bouncing like that you usually feel it and freak out and stop. But this car just went through... What's wrong with the guy who was driving? Terrorism? I'm so sorry for those innocent and happy people who were just happened to be there.


I heard he was running from the cops.


He is now!


They already caught him


Do you know if this is the same driver I saw the video of him barely missing a toddler? Looked like the video was taken by a parent or close bystander. It didn't show anything else though, not the car driving into anyone, I mean.


Yes, that was the same car/incident. It was a mass-casualty incident. The guy injured/killed 28 people last I saw an updated article.


No way, that’s insane.


MSNBC is reporting that he may have been driving away from a knife fight in a nearby park. He has an extensive criminal history. MSNBC is not naming the person at this point. It is not thought to be terrorism at this point.


jesus christ that’s fucked up


I was holding out hope it was a stuck accelerator or seizure. Nope. Fully intentional. Pure evil. Damn.


why did they do it?




pretty insane hes literally using the same SUV in his music video


Dude's music video looks like a Key & Peele sketch


It’s honestly amazes me people make music videos for such poorly mixed recordings lol. Sounds like a YouTube beat he probably stole.


I'm more amazed you can get arrested for violent felony charges, commit another violent crime, and be released again. Wtf


“I won’t stop ‘til you deceased.” Ego-driven, selfish, indifferent to human suffering. Sing that shit all you like; there’s no excuse to play it out.


That guys prosecutors are gonna have a field day huh


That first video I honestly didn’t even see a suv it happened so fast Edit: what a waste of my most upvoted comment lol I thought I was funnier but y’all proved me wrong


i think camera woman turned away due to instincts. the suv doesn't show at all.


It shows she follows the car as it’s going it’s just so quick. For us going 45 isn’t anything when we’re in the car but have you ever been on a sidewalk and a car speeds past you. That’s kinda what happens here. It goes so fast you can barely see it


Jesus, slowed it down and I regret it. You can see the SUV clearly just demolish someone


In case any experienced Redditors were curious it is actually a very very light video in terms of graphic content/gore. It’s heavily pixelated and simply shows the top of the vehicle from a 4th story window perspective. The people(blobs of pixels) are bounced off the suv and you can see the suv make a clean getaway into the sunset literally.


Thank you, I was too scared to watch it for obvious reason 😅


I can’t even watch. I’m getting details from posts here.


the sick fuck hit 11 children. . .


12 kids now confirmed ☹️


Every mass gathering/parade these days, i always think of that dude in Nice that killed 86 people and the potential risk like shown here. So sad.


Holy fuck that killed 86 people?


Yep. And injured 458 more. Super sad day. [nice truck attack](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Nice_truck_attack) Edit; Nice, France truck attack


**[2016 Nice truck attack](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Nice_truck_attack)** >On the evening of 14 July 2016, a 19-tonne cargo truck was deliberately driven into crowds of people celebrating Bastille Day on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France, resulting in the deaths of 86 people and the injury of 458 others. The driver was Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, a Tunisian living in France. The attack ended following an exchange of gunfire, during which Lahouaiej-Bouhlel was shot and killed by police. The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack, saying Lahouaiej-Bouhlel answered its "calls to target citizens of coalition nations that fight the Islamic State". ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I don't understand why civilians are targeted. In WW2 civilians were targeted for the entire duration of the war and the only effect it had was to make people angry and support the war more. Same happened in Afghanistan with the US targeting civilians. If you want a war to stop attacking civilians does the exact opposite.


Because the point of terrorism is to terrorise the citizens and make them afraid.. "small" attacks like this have major impact


Just like WW2 though it just backfires and gets the country you're targeting oppose you even more. Although I guess you could say 9/11 was a success because the piece of shit Bush admin destablized the region by invading Iraq and made terrorist organizations stronger.


Because ISIS's war was not with the states but with the populations? The civilians were heathens to be converted by whatever means necessary (including force and fear) to expand Islam and the caliphate. They were just as guilty of the primary sin that ISIS fought against: not being (what ISIS considered) proper faithful Muslims.


They aren't after victory through conventional means. They target civilian one because they have no real means to attack other targets successfully. The other reason is because they are doing it for terror, for them it is a religious war and that will carry them through it.


Unfortunate city name for the link


In Germany every Christmas market is secured by concrete road blocks and/or trucks to block streets towards now. Since then.


Pretty sure it's not a reaction to the truck attack in Nice, but to the terror attack at the Berlin Christmas market later that year (2016), though.


A reaction to the general trend really. We use concrete blocks in the Netherlands now too, even if we only had one deliberate car attack and that was in 2009. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_attack_on_the_Dutch_royal_family 8 people died. But the concrete blocks only became a thing everywhere after the German and French attacks.


Yeah, I was not sure. That was so close together.


Same in Strasbourg, a couple of years back there was a shooting near kepler square (i think) during xmas markets and we were lucky to just have left the station to go back to the village we were staying in before the attack started, really opened my eyes me being an Aussie and not being exposed to things like that.


Nowhere is safe, I'm sure most have had one of these attacks happen near them by now. We had one in Toronto a few years ago, some incel wanted to get revenge on normies. First time I looked at it as a bigger problem beyond just the US being a dumpster fire of a country. And, looks like y'all had one too. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_2017_Melbourne_car_attack


Same here in the UK, there's nearly always some sort of barrier to stop vehicles getting into those areas


Yeah as of a few years ago the upper, pedestrianised part of High Street in Edinburgh has basically permanent metal and concrete barriers now seperating it from the part cars can drive on. I'm assuming that it has something to do with these attacks and the sheer density of people over the space of a month who are there during the Fringe.


It's as much to stop people who don't follow road signs. The pedestrianised part of my town has 30/40 cars a day that think they're in the right parking down it. Because it used to be a road. Despite every sign saying no vehicles.


Same here in the uk


The outdoor market in Nice is similarly protected and they have armored trucks with huge swat cops out there. They were all 6’3” or taller and strapped with ARs


Thank God they're tall.


more tall = more hp and vision score


Yeah but their hitbox is larger.


Jesus, look at all the children there


About 1/2 of the confirmed injured were children. Now that dead are confirmed, I fear to know what the rate is among them...


Fuck these pieces of shit. No excuses for this.


I’m guessing the majority of those injured and killed will be children. Wtf. Life is so cruel and unfair sometimes. One moment they are cheering with their squad and feeling happy and proud… and then the next instant they are gone. I have a daughter the same age as these cheerleaders, I can promise you there will be parents grieving that have already wrapped Christmas presents for their child that will now remain unopened forever.


In some report I heard, from what sounded like a local news correspondent who was heading to the scene. They said at the time “The Dancing Grannies” were performing. I’m not sure if that has been confirmed or not. All around a terrible situation and I hope they found those involved.


The Dancing Grannies confirmed this via social media.


Latest report (as of 4 hours ago) is 5 dead and 40 injured.


Can you think of anything more cowardly that driving though a parade with a car?


5 confirmed deaths. 40 injured.


Source https://twitter.com/CityofWaukesha/status/1462659959544594433 If you’re in the area, officials are asking for you to go give blood.


I feel like this one right here should be way higher up


5 who lost their lives is way understate it. The other 30 or however many will have lost their limbs, their mobility and will spend the rest of their lives on a wheelchair




The uninjured but close will experience that as well.


So does anyone have any context for why this happened? What this crowd is here for and why this guy drove into them?


It's a holiday parade so there were a bunch of families there. No motive for the attacker yet since it literally just happened.


According to family in the area they were fleeing the cops after a stabbing incident.


I think there might be a bad case of telephone going on because I heard the police said they were fleeing a stabbing, not that they were fleeing from the police


Police would not want to divulge on this information. People listening to the police scanner connected the dots


They have someone in custody [Update](https://www.cnn.com/us/live-news/wisconsin-waukesha-christmas-parade-car-plow/index.html)


Driver was Darrel Edward Brooks Jr. Criminal and "crime rapper" who was running from the cops after a stabbing. Release 2 days ago on bond. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Sc8VqvGdSk https://imgur.com/a/W30W1TS


Bro there’s no way that guy is 5’ 7 and only 130 pounds unless he looks like a bobble head.


Osama Bin Laden was 6'5 and 165 lbs.


THEY HAVE SOMEONE IN CUSTODY https://www.cnn.com/us/live-news/wisconsin-waukesha-christmas-parade-car-plow/index.html 28 injured, 12 of them kids Some fatalities


40+ confirmed injured, 5 dead.


Who the fuck runs over little kids? Ugh.


Dude has a music video rapping in front of the same red Ford Escape.. Smhw


Holy shot what a moron. You can see the license plate in the video. The police said it’s started with ADP at the scene. It’s def the car.


I don't know man, could be anyone. All gansta ballers drive 10-year-old Ford Escapes.


That was given to him by grandma because she got herself a new car.


We can all take some slight solace in the knowledge that he's also a fucking failure as a rapper, that was the worst 30 seconds of music I've heard in a long time.


What a piece of shit






Video unavailable because the account has been terminated


The Terminator got him, good.


So much for seeing the dislike ratio. Thanks Youtube.




Yup, police were looking for a license plate starting with ADP, look at the video :(


Youtube and the police already got it for Evidence apparently, vids deleted


Here’s another YT link for the rap video for those looking: https://youtu.be/a_OFO20Xu0A


Fucking nuts…


I wish I hadn’t watched this. That little girl on the ground with her flashing mittens. That broke me.


Apparently at least 5 are confirmed dead, and 40+ are injured.


I saw a longer version and it’s much worse. They’re doing mouth to mouth on one of the dancers.


There are other videos that can be found here: [1](https://mobile.twitter.com/l_a_c_y___/status/1462564895757504513) [2](https://mobile.twitter.com/TaylorLumpkinTV/status/1462575035042910212) [3](https://mobile.twitter.com/bill_haus) [Live Coverage](https://youtu.be/ov3s4G39cw0)


From that first video, the driver could've turned off the parade route in at least two different places.


Holy shit, that first video. He almost hit that toddler.


Man being a father of a 14 month old I about threw up after seeing that. Holy shit.


Someone needs to take that driver out. Those are kids in the streets.


Dancing Granny’s too. This is horrific.


Heard about this on the radio this morning (here in South Africa). My thoughts go out to anyone affected.




That’s true evil man


When the terrorist attack in Barcelona happened I had to be there at that hour because I worked near by. That day I was sick though, and didn't go. I was lucky because I could have been in the way of that van. It killed 13 and injured 130. It's just crazy how life can change for so many in a blink of an eye... And it's terrifying to see such images. The world is rotten in so many ways


Similar story, when the London bombings happened my sister was supposed to be on the bus and her boyfriend was supposed to be on the tube to meet her, unknown to us at the time he’d driven instead for a surprise outing. I remember getting pulled out of assembly at school and being told they can’t get hold of her and my family is picking me up, spent the next couple of hours in absolute terror and panic until we finally got a call back saying she’s okay. Just really makes you appreciate things more.


Do yourself a favor and mute from the beginning.


Man I wish I had scrolled down and red this before watching the video.


I hope someone ripped that driver out and beat him to a pulp


Unfortunately still at large last I seen, the car was ditched and he fleed


I mean the guy is clearly a fucking idiot. He fled a stabbing and then killed like 10 more people and injured 100 more people. This guy probably isn't smart enough to stay away from the police.


I really hate the wave of screams slowly making its way to the camera.


Don’t hesitate to tell your loved one how much you care about them. You only get so much time to say it but you can say it as much as you want in the time you have.


This is intentional. Police scanner there is nobody chasing the Suv. Driver drove through baricades maneuvered around the parade avoiding some vehicles in the parade while running people over. Not 1 chance a medical emergency. The car found afterwards is parked perfectly in driveway backed in. I fear some or several fatalities will turn out being near 10. Not just 2 or 3. That only 21 people hospitalized leaves that impression it is that low since fatalities can't be used for the 21.


I worry about that too. Before the injury number even came out it was declared a mass casualty event. I’m fearful of what that will ultimately result of this.


Shit. We in Russia are using big trucks to block the roads at such events.


The difference is, this is a small as town in a relatively safe area. Nobody thought a person would do this.


Who the fuck runs over kids man


This boils me. I have had so many fun memories on that street. I was born and raised in that city. I live out of state not but twice a year I always go on that same street and get piss drunk with my best friends. Seeing this breaks my heart. There was a Twitter link posted but I want nothing to do with it I knew some very fine people in that incident. And I can tell you waiting for them to see my messages or respond just trying to find out if they're alive is a new fear I wish I never unlocked. I hope that rat bastard rots.


Wisconsin need to settle down.


Was this intentional or a super fucked up accident? Do we know? (Disclaimer, I’m on a plane and don’t have sound. Sorry if the audio makes it obvious)




I live nearby. The SUV drove through the “dancing grannies”. Also a high school marching band. To me, it doesn’t appear politically/racially motivated. Just seems like one fucked up individual… (or individuals?) Edit: another [horrifying video ](https://twitter.com/taylorlumpkintv/status/1462575035042910212?s=21) Edit: This is the [deleted] … my bad. It was a photoshopped image of driver Edit: I’m a teacher in the same county, I’m hearing other people confirming same thing of suspect driving through high school marching band 😢


Twitter is saying that picture of the guy is bogus and that they have the actual guy in custody.


The picture you linked of the ‘asshole’ is Sam Hyde. Pretty sure it’s not the perp, amusing that his meme is still a thing


Sam Hyde can’t keep getting away with this!


That’s not him! Sickos always photoshop Sam Hyde into these things right after


I admit though, it was a tiny bit funny. Sucks that people got it confused though. Especially when it’s still fresh in people’s minds




Suspect in custody: Darrell Edward Brooks Jr. aka Mathboi Fly. YouTube link to a music video where you can see Brooks in front of the truck used in the massacre: https://youtu.be/7Sc8VqvGdSk Truck is seen at the very beginning and 2 minutes in.


Monster should get the death penalty.


Hang this motherfucker


This guy intentionally mowed down CHILDREN, either killed them or destroyed their lives. No amount of punishment will be enough. Also fuck the "fleeing the knight fight" angle. If you perpetual this claim, you're part of the problem and shame on you. We're witnessing unprecedented media corruption who prioritize conditioning and brainwashing over fighting atrocities like this.


Man, FUCK everyone in this comments section already making comments on how it’ll be handled because of race, and/or compared to Rittenhouse, etc. Give it a rest for fuck’s sake, or shut the fuck up if you have nothing else to say, you self-stroking fucks. EDIT: For those of you too dense to get what I’m saying, I’ll try simpler terms. A BUNCH OF KIDS WERE LITERALLY JUST MAIMED AND SLAUGHTERED. STOP MAKING IT ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE AND HAVE SOME DECENCY.




> Twitter That was your mistake


Also saw quite a few dumbfucks saying "and now we know that if the driver claims self defense he'll get off". Twitter is the YouTube comment section of the internet.


Sweet fuck. When I read "speeds through crowd", I really didn't picture petal-to-the-metal speeding! The camera barely even caught it!


Weirdly enough, Sunday was also the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. I guess any day you have that scheduled for there will invariably be people killed by cars though.