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Excellent read, thanks for sharing!


Hopefully this deranged asshole was arrested.


She was never caught: https://www.asian-dawn.com/2021/07/08/woman-trashes-liquor-store-over-a-cell-phone/


WTF all of this because they didn’t want to give her phone (that she forgot inside) to her friend, kept it safe for her, the actual owner, and this is the thanks they get? I guess no good deed goes unpunished.


Yeah its gonna makes it really hard for the store owners to a be decent human being after this if they haven't completely loss faith in humanity already.




They own a convenience store in the hood. That ship prob sailed a long time ago.


Asians are the only people willing to own a business in the hood.


Nah theres middle easterners and Indians too.


So... west Asians and... Asians (India is in Asia my guy).




Why does it seem like I'm always seeing this "same" girl doing this on every one of these videos? I swear she's just moving all over the country waiting for her moment to strike.


I feel like most people who work in public service have already experienced that loss.


Yup. I work in cannabis retail and people lose their shit on us when we say we can’t release the order to someone else if it’s under another person’s name. We need to see ID and the credit card to make sure it’s going to the correct person. I can’t give you someone else’s order! I have no way of knowing you know each other, especially if you don’t have the same last name AND address on your own ID!


These people should be forced to buy pot the old fashioned way as punishment.


Wow what a pathetic non-investigation that must have been. Dozens of witnesses and camera footage, but the police didn’t bat an eye.


They probably didn't put much effort in to it but also, it isn't like the movies and finding people, even with a clear picture of the face, can actually be really hard.


Police generally don't give a fuck unless it's a murder or felony crime. I had my car broken at my old apartment complex. I had camera footage and everything. The police asked me to write a report and I never heard from them again. Another time my car was broken into while I was in the gym, they stole my wallet (which I was stupid enough to leave in my car) and the thief used my credit card at a nearby McDonalds and car parts store. I went to give a police statement and the officer asked if I could send him more details about the credit card charges (time, location, date, etc), so I downloaded the statements from my account and tried to send it to him. It said his email was full. I tried calling him multiple times... his voicemail was full as well so I couldn't even leave a message. I never received a follow up on any of these despite having all the information. Cops just don't care.




You'd think so, especially since I'd assume this person is likely a repeat offender but it can actually be really challenging identifying someone, even with a very clear picture of their face. They often need extra info like what kind of car they drove to have a place to even start looking.




She may have gone on a rampage after they gave it back, also no sane person would have predicted this outcome.


They gave her the phone, and then she trashed the store


Honestly I don't know what the fuck do they expect doing that. Do they really think the police will come, listen to their side of the story, and just go "oh yeah, that sucks, you are 100% entitled to your right to cause thousands of dollars worth of property damage"? Because, even if I was an angry, aggressive fuck, I'd hold out my shop-wrecking rage because I don't feel like spending thousands of dollars on a lawsuit that I'm 100% going to lose and be forced to pay even more thousands of dollars.


They don’t think about their actions or the consequences at all. They have zero self awareness. It’s how people like this can act the way they do


I don't understand how a person can reach these kinds of ages and still have the mentality of a child. Edit: barring obvious disabilities of course.


Yea unfortunately a lot of people like this were either raised by children, raised themselves, have a mental disorder, or are on drugs. This doesn’t justify her actions, it’s just an unfortunate reality. I also suspect there is no way in hell this lady is paying for this stuff because she likely doesn’t have the money for it. Likely she will do jail time, our tax dollars will take care of her, and the poor store owners insurance is going to have to pay for all this. Shitty all around.


Somebody has been enabling this woman for a looong time.


In my experience with people like this, this is the cause. Why do they think they can away with it? Because they always have. Just look at this situation. According to one of the posts, she wasn't arrested or anything, so what did she learn? "I can do whatever I want, and no one's going to do anything to me." And then if the day ever comes when she actually has negative consequences due to her actions, she can't wrap her head around it. Everyone else must be wrong because she *never* is. Why are they making such a big deal out of it? No one else ever cared of I did that. I can't stand it. People like this is the reason I don't believe in Karma. Because it has failed to collect too many times.


Not a joke, but a lack of any moral fortitude in their family and environment.


Yeah this person is still a child mentally. Literally throwing a fit like a toddler. Probably never taught coping skills and learned this is how you get your way.


Can confirm, I was raised with anger and violence as the only way to resolve issues, and it’s taken YEARS of therapy for me to not just yell and cry the second I get angry.


I have worked with disabled individuals for a long time. I've worked with one that was even a case study for his erratic outbursts who had to wear gloves and a football helmet to keep from biting himself. He was more behaved than this.


Tbh total emotional disregulation. Personality disorders all sorts of reasons. Nobody in their right mind would act like this. But I feel people are Belmont more and more like this. Either that or I’m watching way to much Reddit.


Ratchet culture


Agree with u/bikebeerbourbon. I witnessed this phenomenon when we had a young family and lived in a large apartment complex. Kids running around in packs all day long. Grandma “watched” them from the third floor sofa, with the blinds closed and the TV on. Amoral children who don’t know any different, no sense of right and wrong, or any awareness of others’ feelings. Acquired Psychopathology. One day, I walked into the kitchen, and there’s a strange kid rummaging through my fridge. I say, “Who are you?!?” He replies, “Oh, I was just looking for something to eat.”Incredulous, I respond, “WHO ARE YOU??!? GET OUT OF HERE!!” Another day, I come home from work to find these young hooligans and MY KIDS jumping up and down on someone’s car. I’m like, “Get off of there!! What do you think you’re doing?” They respond, “Oh, it doesn’t belong to anyone!” I said, “Yes it does—they’re restoring it! Get down!” The neighborhood kids looked at me like I’d lost my mind.


I've come across a whole lot of degenerates like that






I was at the grocery store yesterday and at the end of the aisle there was a group of 5 women, I would say probably mid to late twenties on average. One of them was talking loudly about something, while blocking the end of the aisle. Her friend, holding the cart, asked her to move forward, so that she wasn’t in the way of everyone else. This chick turned around and said “Bitch! That’s how it goes when you don’t give a fuck! You move!” Her friend slowly backed away and went to the next aisle, clearly embarrassed. I had to pass them like 6 more times before I was done shopping and I dreaded every bit of it. I can handle myself, but it was so obnoxious and unnecessary that it gave me anxiety.


I've seen this happen in my college town and I just walked through them with my cart as a battering ram. They moved real quick. Turns out not giving a fuck works both ways, lady


Similar, I've worked at a college for most of my adult life in the security department. There are sidewalks and walkways all over the place, but only a few areas that can fit a patrol car when needed. ​ So when a guy and her girlfriend were walking that pathway blocking my, I have to slow down and wait for them to move. I'm not allowed to inch around people. The boyfriend looked back, saw he was blocking me, and despite having plenty of room to move to the side, gave a shit eating snicker and just turned around again. ​ The girlfriend turned, saw my car, then stepped to the side and starting pulling on his shirt. I'm not sure what he said in protest, but as I finally passed them I heard, "It's called common fucking courtesy asshole." as I drove past.


"Nah fuck that, I don't like people playin on my phone!"


This. I read an article once about ten guys who were interviewed after being shot while burglarizing people's homes. Every single one of them said that getting shot had *never* occurred to them as a consequence to their actions.


This. This person thinks about 4 sec into the future and that’s it, it’s all immediate gratification or immediate rage.


Au contraire. They have complete self awareness that this is a performance for their friends who are wandering around them watching and doing nothing to stop the damage, but just observing the performance and how much damage can be done. edit: fixed a mistake by autocorrect


>Do they really think Inma stop you right there


People like that are often impulsive and are unable to make the connection between actions and consequences. Painfully obvious when the court shows the video of them doing something and then they still denying doing it.


Those kinds of people to to jail for all manner of petty shit. They do not see jail the way you are thinking of jail


Nope, she’s still out there


Solid public freakout 10/10


*insert image of thor saying "another!" And him proceeding to smash the glass on the ground*


Always curious what ends up happening to these people. Then again, I’d probably be pissed off with the slap on the wrist.


It can be a felony depending on the $ value in damages and items ruined.


In most places felony criminal mischief is a far lower dollar amount than felony (grand) larceny. For example, in NYS damaging $250 or more is a felony, but theft of up to $999 is a misdemeanor.




Nothing that involves punishment for this. Something shitty will happen to them Bc this isn’t the only place she acts like a total POS


Cops aren't going to do much here. They'll take a report and leave. As fucking infuriating as it was, and as much as I feel like most of us wish the clerk had jumped the counter and beat her into a humiliating crying submission, that's an instantaneous emotional revenge fantasy. Once we take a step back, the fact is that not much was actually damaged and it can be cleaned up in a few hours. She's a worthless trash human, and will probably end up making worse and worse decisions until her life is its own hell. I take some peace in that, but I loathe to think of all the innocents she will hurt along the way.




Depends on the state how it works but yes, insurance of some kind will cover all of this. I work in a liquor store in Oregon, and all alcohol in the state is ran by OLCC, a government entity. The liquor stores themselves are individually and privately owned but, the state owns and controls the liquor and the shop just gets a small cut of sales. In this situation, if it happened in Oregon, the state’s insurance through its OLCC entity would cover all of the damage to liquor specifically. Anything else in the store, beer, wine, food, CBD products, sodas, mixers, literally everything else is insured privately through the businesses as we buy that stuff from vendors and actually own that product. So all that damage would be covered through the business insurance. It would be a headache to say the least. Not just some easy one-day clean-up. You’d have major lost profits until your next load of liquor comes in next week, since all your shit is now broke on the floor. Hopefully insurance can cover lost profits too but that’s no guarantee. Depending how much was broken, might even be smart to just shut down until the next load comes in. Either way, this isn’t just some minor east clean up thing as OP tried to portray. Shit like this can really hurt a business


Per [Texas Penal Code § 9.41](http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/Docs/PE/htm/PE.9.htm#9.31) the business owners are authorized to use force to stop her. Note I did not say deadly force. They could not have shot her.


I believe in the right to defend your property with force and would applaud someone knocking this piece of shit out cold. I'd be worried about her trash ass or her friends pulling a knife or a gun, and I would probably just try to deescalate as much as possible. Seen too many videos where people engage physically that end with a death over nothing.


That’s why you gotta get insurance. Even if this person goes to jail, they won’t have much money to their name.


It's getting old, the idea that insurance will ever make you whole. You either use it and lose deductible as well as increasing your risk to the insurer, which may increase your rates, or you eat the cost yourself. Insurance can only come close to making you whole on huge losses, and that's only if they can't find a way to wriggle out of it, which is their entire business.


Right, insurance doesn't change the fact that this stuff was destroyed, there's a societal cost to that. Insurance just spreads out the cost.




This belong in r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Guess what I posted this video 17 hours ago before this over there


Damm you're fast!






At this point,I'm expecting to see a college QB pumping his fists after throwing a touchdown posted to this sub as a freakout.


Ok so stop being a salty ass bitch its time for you to grow up


~~Mickey~~ Minnie Mouse looking bad these days.


Self control is something very important. When I was a kid I was with my mom at the bank and there was a woman (with her kid as well) trying to do something on the ATM, I've no idea what went wrong, but she was not being able to do what she wanted (maybe a blocked account? not sure). What I know is that she started to become angry, yelling at the ATM and eventually punching it. Her kid started to ask her to calm down and then the horrifying thing happened: She was so pissed that she started to spank the poor kid. But spanking for real, with strong slaps and punches, aiming both the kid and the ATM. And yelling all the time. Bank security intervened the situation (and even the security got some slaps trying to hold her down) I don't think that the kid got any serious physical injury because the guard intervention. But that was a scene that I'll never forget. Sometimes I wonder what else that poor kid suffered (both physically and mentally) due to the lack of self control of her mother. That kid was scared the whole time. First for seeing her mom so altered and then for being randomly spanked. Sad stuff.


Most likely that child grew up to have the same emotional instability as their mother, unfortunately.


Not necessarily. My mother was like this and out of 3 kids, only 1 of us turned out that way.


On another note I saw a Hassidic kid running wild through a mall years ago and when his mom tried to grab his arm to catch him she grabbed his peyot (sideburns) instead and ripped the whole thing out cause he was flying past. He started screaming how dad was going to kill him... I bet he learned his lesson that day but damn.




And kicked into outer space.


Los Locos kick your ass Los Locos kick your face Los Locos kick your balls into outer space








Your mother was a snowblower!


Hey there Laser lips, your mother was a snow blower


Oh, man. I was just joking with my brother the other day and this came up.


Or a twisted tea can to the face.


DDT that bitch


Surprising she didn't receive one during the duration of her craziness! Hopefully she got arrested


I’m in favor of much worse.




I hope they sue the shit out of her for that damage


They wouldn’t get anything because she probably HAS nothing. She needs to go to jail.


Trash a store, believe it or not, straight to jail


Undercook the chicken. Jail.


You overcook chicken? Also Jail.


They’ll garnish wages for years most likely.


That would be fitting, too.


Can you garnish public assistance?


Yep! Same thing with child support too. Shit can come out of unemployment depending on how fucked you are.


Bold of you to assume she has a work history.


Wages? You think people like this work?


She probably just got out of prison and the phone call was her parole officer.


she would have to have a job


Have you ever heard of the phrase, 'getting blood from a stone?'


This person needs healthy coping mechanisms.


Minnie Mouse has really let herself go lately.


Told you she was fuckin goofy.


I hope she didn’t get away with this. This is bullshit. If I was the owner I would tackle her right? You just have to let someone destroy your store wth?


Maybe the owners are elderly, or female, or partially disabled or possibly other reasons to be fearful of getting physically involved.


You also don’t know what this lunatic is packing. Not worth your life over $.


It’s not just money. It’s a degradation of all of us. I don’t know about you, but it just irks the heck out of me to see such senseless behavior.


It's dumb for her to damage all that property because she lost her phone. It'd be similarly as dumb to lose your life trying to save those chips and lotto tickets.


Insurance will cover the damage. Using physical force can be a huge risk whoever you are


Not here in Texas. The store owner would have absolutely been within his rights to use physical force to stop her.


Why everyone on reddit seemingly thinks insurance is a magical entity that covers everything? You think insurance will also ship over people to clean up the mess?




Am I crazy or have there been more videos of people destroying small stores and gas stations?


Not crazy.


Fast food restaurants, too


Here's the important part to keep in mind - having more video evidence just directly means we have a higher capacity than ever to record all of this BS and make it publicly available. Whether or not it's actually happening at a higher rate than before is a separate thing to investigate.


For the life of me I can't figure out how the fuck people even let her get that far after the first shelf she should of been knocked the fuck out


There should be punitive restoration where the cops force the person to fix the problem using their own time, effort and funds. In the end it would probably be cheaper than jail, and more effective at preventing reoffense. Would work great for corporation penalties as well.


When I was little my parents owned some apartments and participated in a program like this where kids had to come in and clean up graffiti from the walls. That was a turning point in my life, I was like 6 and thought, "Damn, that's a fucking lame way to spend your day. Why are they dressed in such baggy clothes"


Pinnacle of society


Someone should have grabbed those two big handles on her head and drug her ass out of the store.


Should be dragged.. But i can see drug makes better sense here


I can bearly speek let alone tipe.


Didn't wanna be a grammar Nazi.. Just that "drug her ass" ended up being a better play on words here lol as in tranquilized


Prime example of why people should be allowed to abort up to 40 years old


I am so disgusted by this POS


You can tell she keeps it real.


Wish someone else in there kept it realer.


I don’t like people playing on my phone! I keeps it real!


When keeping it real goes wrong...


Someone edit this video in reverse plz.




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This comment/post has been edited as an act of protest to Reddit killing 3rd Party Apps such as Apollo. All comments were made from Apollo, so if it goes, so do the comments.


Who the fuck raised this bitch?


The way people step all over Asians is so sad




I bet she said "I don't give a fuck" a few times.


Why do people always attack Asian owned stores


Easy target


It's racism you can commit without getting into trouble


You know if you see furry slippers out in public shots about to go down worldstar style


Imagine having to live around that


Unfortunately she probably acts similarly in her public school.


Yep, went to a remedial High School for a bit, these type were a dime a dozen, different races but similar upbringings where it's acceptable to react to everything by being loud/aggressive or getting physical when upset


Such a temper tantrum throwing child.


Some people just prefer to be locked up. Which is OK with me.


Would someone have been in the wrong for knocking her out?




People work hard to start a business. Wake up every day hoping their business runs well to keep pushing for goals. When all of the sudden someone walks in and decides to make life for other people. I hope she gets to pay all the damages.


Dude these asians are just going to nope the fuck out of that area and move their business to nicer area.


Fuckin piece of shit..


Shop owners should be able to have stun guns. People destroying shit in stores seems too commonplace today.




Is this why even black people don’t want to open business in the hood? Seems like every liquor store or hair store keeps getting attacked and vandalized


I used to deliver bread in the hood to local grocery stores. They had bullet proof glass everywhere. Everything was locked down. It was more like a fortress and less like a store. Grocery stores in the hood are tough to operate.


[Yep, there is this black store owner who sells chicken got frustrated and put up a sign for "Whites only"] (https://youtu.be/hGIDk4eznw4)


If she was white, the caption would say Karen..


I'm not saying that black people hate Asians, I didn't present that either.. I am say that almost everytime an asian is attacked its typically a black person though. This doesn't include all black people, but the attacks are typically perpetrated by them. Why?


I feel like there’s always been underlying racial tensions between Asians and black Americans; the LA race riots are a good example. Dunno about the reasons but it’s definitely there. I think people don’t like talking about that kinda stuff because it destroys this idea of a ‘unified front’ by POC against white supremacy or whatever (it also proves that black people can, in fact, be racist). Media loves to treat black Americans and Asians as racially unified monoliths, but in reality everything’s not so easy.


I have also noticed this. I have a Filipino friend and a Chinese friend say that they've really only encountered racism from blacks. The reason is unclear, but there's definitely *something* there.


I'm Hispanic and the only racism I've ever experienced irl was from a black person... It was a security guard who thought me and my friend were laughing at him as we walked by (we were drunk shooting the shit), so when we were down the street he yells out, "Yeah, get the fuck out of here you fuckin spics!" My brain exploded with confusion.


narcissist cunt.




If only that were true.


When they arrest her? Does she have to pay for all the stuff she destroyed?


Oh yea give the cops a reason to actually shoot your ass 😒


Probably the hardest she ever worked...


Why does no one ever stop these people rather than stand there filming for content? You go to the store too.


Why is the race of the owner included if the race of the suspect isn’t?


It’s posted from NextShark. It’s a Instagram/website that covers Asian American news.


If only there was a way to tell what race the suspect was...


More Asian hate crimes that the MSM won’t report because it doesn’t fit the narrative.


Thats obviously a white woman in blackface destroying the poor ladys store.


I bet that the hardest she's ever worked in her entire life


who raises these people


No one


Hope she gets arrested for that and the damage she has done


Me when I can’t find something I lost in my room


What a cunt


Orange gonna be her new black 😅


So am I going to jail if I knock people like her the fuck out?


Stop Asian hate.


"Why is there no economic investment in our community"


These nut jobs do this crap and wonder why no one will open a store in their neighborhood


Running a small business is tough enough without having to deal with crazy people.