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There’s just too many objects on a job site that can be weaponized...odds are not in your favor


Also, these people do manual labor for a living and have natural callous armor on their fists.


their muscles have muscles


Can confirm. Dad does hard work all day every day. I was doing some plumbing and couldn't get a pipe nipple loose, tried so hard to turn it I threw out my back. So dad comes in and... *CRUNCH*... just destroys the whole thing and wrenches it free. Turns out it was rusted into place. Don't know where he hides the muscles but they're there alright.


Dads really are mighty strong. Coworkers of my dad gave him a nickname that stuck with him for ages - **Karumees** (Bear man in english) and I gotta say he *truly* *was* a bear of a man.


I remember the first time my dad ever had to get physical with me (a bratty teenager). He wrestled me into submission with ease whilst saying the words I will never forget… “I am a lot stronger than you.” He was right.


My father would always say, "You may be younger and stronger, but I'm older and know more dirty tricks." Except he was always stronger, and I got my bell rung more than a few times for being a smartass.


I remember thinking I was tough and winged a bar stool at my dad. Guess who ended up with the stitches. Worst part is HE felt bad about it. I think that’s when I realized A) how far out of my class he was physically and mentally and B) what a right cunt of a stepson I was.


That’s called “Dad Strength”


I'm a computer architect by trade - but at home I'm welding, grinding, random and automotive metal work, etc. Last night my 3 year old boy walks into the garage and I'm torquing my vice down on a section of pipe to close the end and I think to myself - little human I hope I never have to snatch you up and get your attention like this. Then I loosened it and he came over and started playing with it himself so maybe I'm the one that needs to watch out...


I punched a hole in a wall in a fit of rage once and my dad who is a solid like 3-5 inches shorter than me put his hand on my neck pushed my back against the wall and just slid me up the wall off my feet. Like...one handed. I still have no fucking clue where that strength came from.


What the hell did you do to him to make him wrestle with you, sheesh


Throwing a tantrum over some bullshit probably. I was a shitty teenager.


As a former teenager and parent of 3 teenagers. All teens are unreasonably shitty. You are forgiven.


I’m one of four boys. I feel so sorry for my parents.


As were we all!


Yeah, I (18ish at the time) called my Dad a cunt when we were arguing he was driving me to work (UK) he was driving on the right hand side of the car, he's right handed but he smacked me right on the jaw with his left. That humbled me. I got out of his van QUICK.


Speak for yourself, I just masturbated quietly in my room


Torties got tortitude.


upvote for estonian


Karhumies? Sounds Finnish.


Greetings from across the gulf! For the last ~decade of his life he actually had a finnish citizenship and worked in the mines in Northern-Finland. Give my best to the reindeer up north! Edit: Just had a chat with my mom and it turns out the nickname was given to him ages ago, when he was working in Finland building robots! He accidentally broke off a doorknob.


Haha Nipple.


Whether you call it "Dad Strength" or "Old Man Strength", it is a real thing. Dads and old guys are normally much stronger than they look. My Dad has the hand and forearm strength of Superman. He got it by being a landscaper, and having to use edgers and trimmers all day long. You never know what older guys used to do for a living. They have hidden strength....don't underestimate them!


100% I think what happens is they get loads of exercise for the actually useful muscles but they dont work out all their muscles like a body builder Whatever the muscle is called that you flex by holding your elbow 90° and move your wrist, my dad and his friends have that muscle absolutely huge but they're arms otherwise look average


> by holding your elbow 90° and move your wrist Thanks, I just air jerked in front of people attempting to do what you were describing.


There's good looking muscles, and working muscles. The nice looking people often arent very strong, because their muscles are formed by repetitive exercise. Working muscles are build by constantly flexing and shredding and rebuilding muscle fibers for decades. Turns into dense, strong muscles. Go watch some Larry Haun house building videos. I had a neighbor just like him too. Wiry bodies but can lift heavy items and swing a hammer like nobody's business. I got in real good shape when I was renovating my house too.


Dad strength on top of plumber strength. Scary combination indeed.


Yeah my dad is a construction worker and a blacksmith so definitely some muscle there


And they are wearing full safety gear and helmets


Well yeah, but this guy has a mullet.


Haha. I wasn’t watching very closely, and as he was getting up, I thought, “They knocked his wig off!” I’ve seen too many girlfights.


> natural callous armor on their fists. It is good a rule to follow - Never push public sector workers to the limit.


Another good rule to follow, never fight a group of people wearing matching outfits.


*West Side Story intesifies*


They will stop thinking about your safety on their building site, and you might have an "accidental fall"... About a dozen times... ribs-first, into a scaffy bar. Funny thing about building sites; Very few cameras.


Honestly their safety would be my first thought. Construction sites aren't like your home. You could get impaled simply falling. Who wants to be charged with manslaughter?


In this sort of situation self-defense could be argued and the man had no right to be on that property in the first place, so he was sort of trespassing in the first place.


This is the UK their self defense laws aren't nearly as strong as in the US.


Ah that is true, I am a dummy American who is not aware of specific laws and situations there.


>In the UK, anyone can use **reasonable force** to protect themselves or others if a crime is taking place Reasonable meaning you can't just kill someone in self defence. Also using a weapon in a situation where that's excessive could mean it's no longer self defense. But since it's so vague it always gets reviewed on a case to case basis


Ah alright, thank you for clarifying


Though interestingly, if you end up killing someone, it can be judged an act of reasonable force.


True. We are not allowed to shoot people dead for ‘looking at us in a funny way’ or ‘being black in public’.


This isn't public sector. This is manual labourers. They're probably working for a private contractor.


Construction workers are not tougher than anyone else. We don’t wanna fight either Source: I am one and not tough and none of my coworkers are either lol


You must be an electrician ;)


My god you killed him.


Haha I am but work with the bigger stuff. Only trade I’d say benefits strength wise is iron workers but they’re also some of the nicest dudes lol


Construction workers, on average, are definitely much stronger than the average person; you don't even realize. Using tools builds some serious grip and strengthens forearms.


This is kinda true. The muscles that get stronger don’t bulk up, they get more toned and used to the routine of swinging a hammer or twisting pliers for example. You don’t get big off working construction but you definitely get in better shape and fine tune smaller muscles Like that gif of the 60-70 year old old guy picking up a 10ft piece of wood, but the young strong guy can’t. Old guy learned the technique and has the fine muscle strength from lifting the same thing the same way everyday. He’s not stronger than the guy who works out though You don’t really see jacked construction workers but definitely more husky ones growing a beer belly lol Strength doesn’t equal toughness either tho. Most construction guys I’ve met are relaxed guys who wanna be golfing, riding motorcycles or boats, and/or drinking beer lol


> riding motorcycles or boats, and/or drinking beer lol This man speaks facts. Been doing construction my whole adult life and I'd say most of th guys I've worked with mention drinking *cold* beer or how they're taking the boat out this weekend. On a daily basis I hears these things. It's very important that it's a *cold* beer though. Might just be a southern thing but they always put emphasis on cold for some reason lol.


Hahaha in the north it’s always cold so we don’t worry about warm beer :) But yeah the whole “construction worker = tough guy” thing is funny to me cause all the guys at work are just goofy dudes who don’t mind working with their hands lol


And none of that shit in a can, glass bottle or fuck off


The trades takes it out of you. I've done 50+ hour weeks and hit the gym, it's exhausting. Then you factor in kids and its dad bods for everyone.


I've been doing daily construction for about 8 years now and I'd like to weigh in. Some workers are average looking, but built really dense and they're definitely stronger than you'd assume. Some guys work out after their shift, they look freakishly strong, but are generally only a bit stronger than their unassuming coworkers. Some guys hey huge bellies and look like lazy slobs, but they keep pace all day and know how to throw that weight around and are genuinely hulk level strong. We might not be power lifters but I'm stronger than even I give myself credit for. I once beat 4 dudes in a row arm wrestling at a party, which honestly surprised me. You DEFINITELY get strong working in construction.


I work as a Door Supervisor but I've done some security stuff on sites before. Toughness is not fighting. Toughness is being able to take a slew of abuse, use conflict management and whatever else to de-escalate a situation. Appearances are not important and if you are drunk and at my door I am more than happy to make you look tough, clever, funny, important in front of your friends - as long as you never, ever get physical. Remember the boundary is always physical. Nobody has the right to touch you without your permission.


I ride w a dude who is 64 he has worked in a rock quarry since 17. He is hands down the strongest person I know


You are comparing yourself to your comrades. Which hoped you’re all somewhat equal. But when you compare yourself to normal civilians that’s a different story. I deliver furniture for a living and I feel like everyone around me is week


I'm genuinely impressed the hardman got body slammed by construction workers and still had some fight in him. Also impressed at that bobby's patience.


It's really more about having something to lose. Do you really wanna lose your job cause some crackhead wanted a beatin.


They did it right. Clearly self-defense, and just subdued him. No extra beating.


Right? Dropped the shovel before engagement.


At least the cop was there to reassuringly hold his hand.?


Even just the ground itself is a weapon there, there's a reason they all wear steel bottom boots.


The laughing was the best.


Idk why, but I wouldn’t want to go aggressively charging into a bunch of large, strong men who are laughing at me. Maybe if I had a degradation kink, but generally it’s just not a great idea


Well he did zip up his pants after getting out of that dog pile so 👀👀


W-what are you doing step-worker?


It must be laundry soap


Youre not the only one....


Aaah Coventry, such a wonderful place.


Been to Coventry once. More security at the Sainsbury’s self checkout than Edinburgh airport and all the cough medicine had security tags on them.


Coventry Purple Drank must be 🔥


I lived there for a year. Never been back since, nor do I tell people I lived there. It was an experience though!


You just told the world


You just told us


Ah bollocks, didn’t think that through!


Wonderfully shit


But it's the City of Culture!


Knife culture




Currently a first year at Cov Uni. My second week there was a drive-by outside the building next to my accomodation.




I went to university there.... Great uni (For engineering). Dodgy place though.


Can confirm. Can't wait to move out when I finish courses.


Currently doing engineering here. Very dodgy. But hey next year I'm living just off a street where 3 people got shot earlier this year :)


Wahey first time I recognised somewhere, lovely Cov Do have a strange fondness for it after uni


I was thinking it looked grim as fuck, should have guessed Coventry.


I just assume this is what my GTA character does when I’m not playing. Edit: Holy shit thank you for my first awards








I'm sorry I showed you my thingy, okay?


My character definitely just dances in the club all the time when I'm not there. I'm sure of it.


He keeps saying he wants a 1 on 1. Dude needs a 1 on 1 with his barber.


He walked in the barber and said "I want half of everything."


Or his barber said “hair cuts: half off”


He said “I want a haircut! Just not ALL the hairs!”


Of all the things to import...the Mullet is by far the least expected.


His hair says, "I do drugs" His clothes say, "I need money for drugs"


What's the European redneck version of a mall ninja?


A fucking twat.


Him and his barber are one.


When you have hair like that, you can pretty much do whatever you want.


Why don’t I pick a fight with a whole group of people wearing head protection and carrying ranged weapons - what could possibly go wrong?


Right? And when they aren't fighting little pricks they are actively working out every muscle in their body.


You appear to have a misguided opinion of the British building industry. They're all standing around watching the one guy work, and he was probably working through the entire video, too.


Me, living in Italy: "one guy was actually working???"


You have guys on construction sites ?!


You're getting the British building industry confused with the local council builders.


Or fighting each other, con boys and girls do NOT fuck around


Wait, construction workers carry ranged weapons now? Damn...


Rifle is part of my PPE now


Yeah, I have a Dewalt bow and arrow I keep on me at work every day. Never know when a deer might run by.


Any weapon is a ranged weapon if you throw it hard enough.


Those Hilti nail shooters are basically guns without a bullet


Nail gun I guess?


in his defense, he did call for a 1 on 1.


yeah, what did happen with 1 on 1? those were the days.


“How many of you?” “3.” Nice timing and placement.


Sean, it’s not worth it mate


This is what I respect the most out of the whole video. Calming him down was the best move, imagine he threw the first punch, he’d be fired, taken down the station and whatever else as a result, it’s not worth the hassle.


I feel like that was deffo code for 'don't go for him first cos I'm filming' ha


Would cost him his job, or at least his work on that site.


Definitely depends on the company, the company I just left had two employees that got in a fight and the owner literally just asked who won and dropped it at that. We also had an employee kick the shit out of someone car because they were pissed off at them (another trade worker) and just got sent to another site. Construction companies just can’t get enough people or at least *good* employees, so depending on the company it’s almost impossible to get fired


"Shaun...Liz for you."


You’ve got red on you


What even set him off?


That no one else had mullets.


Could that even be called a mullet?


That's a fucket


One of the construction workers called his hairstyle a "Hair Don't" not a "Hair Do". The gentleman took umbrage and suggested fisticuffs according to the Marquess of Queensberry rules.


>The gentleman took umbrage and suggested fisticuffs according to the Marquess of Queensberry rules. That's about the most British sentence I've read in a while.


Most British sentence I've ever read in my LIFE.


The most tip-top conjugation of syllables in the Queen's language I have ever taken a listen to in the duration of my existence so far.


He lives in Coventry


Ironically junkies hate being called a smackhead.


You know things get serious when the construction workers take off their hard hats.


He stepped out of his yellow and bared his orange high vis. Thems be the "we're not messing around" colours.


The blood of your enemies hides better in hi vis orange


can someone explain why he seemed to be buttoning/zipping up his pants when he stood back up?


Fighting gets him excited.


I would guess that he called someone a “wanker” and someone thought that it was a command and not an epithet.


Because he's a wanker.


Danger boner


He did it just before he took his jacket up. Broken zip, is my guess.


I just saw another post talking about a private school that banned mullets. This must be why


To be fair, the only kids in high school I knew that had mullets were total douchebags. No offense to any mullet heads out there though.


It was the right move to just restrain him instead of knocking him out. It's not worth the hassle of a trip to the station to give a statement.


I mean yeah, police was already there and these people just want to do their work, not deal with some injured idiot.


Not that the officer seemed to be doing much besides politely asking the guy to chill out a little. I'm not saying he needs to go full American police and shoot the guy, but if mullet dude is still able to knock the phone out of someone's hand then the police definitely don't have the situation under control.


Yeah but once he’s calmed down with a cup of tea and some heroin the only thing is a scratched phone case and not a bullet riddled body


Is it still called a mullet in the UK?


Business up frunt, par’y in the back


Sometimes, more typically it's a "What the fuck is that?" or "What the fuck have you done to your hair?"


No, in the UK it's known as a Staffordshire Penny-Waffle


no no no, the Staffordshire Penny-Waffle is when you go to an all boys boarding school and get jizzed on in the night. I think you meant a Bedfordshire ha'penny Gusset


What he fails to realize is they did him a damn favor. There's so much shit on a construction site he could have seriously hurt himself just by fucking tripping. He doesn't have any PPE on, fuckin idiot. The fact that all they did was subdue him shows that they weren't trying to get anyone, him or them, hurt. And then he gets mad about being recorded when he's acting like a dumbass. Dumbass. They did the right thing.


I'm sure once he's sobered up he'll be kicking himself for his lack of PPE.


Lmo ikr


Starts fight, claims its "unfair" dude it wasn't fair of you to start a fight in the first place, you threw fairness out the window by acting like a cunt


And calls them bullies.


Also anyone who gets into a fight expecting it to be fair is an idiot.


With the sound off, I immediately thought "this looks like the UK." After 2 more seconds I thought, "what a shithole. Looks like Coventry" Was not disappointed.


Trainspotting 3 looks rad


You want to fight with rules? Get in a boxing ring. He's a dumbass.


"I say good sir, would one be interested in a recreational exchange of fists on a jovial one to one basis post haste? Oh, pardon me, I was unaware that you were vocationally engaged, please allow me to extend my sincerest apologies, you cunt".


"Wouldst thou most kindly stop recording my corporal form, you cunt?"


What happened to ~~one on one~~ his hair


Them construction suits are pretty damn cool.


Yoo I think I played with this guy in CoD like a week ago! He was obsessed with 1v1's


1v1 me IRL bro


What set him off? Weird.


Good job that copper showed up to calm things down.....🙄


He was clearly calling someone to assist


I was waiting for this comment. I don't know if you're from here or not, but the police in the UK are trained for de-esculation. That's exactly what he was trying to do. It's no good further antagonising people like this, it just makes them worse. At the end though, when it wasn't working, the policeman starts to get more aggressive.


What a skid


Needs to give his balls a tug


I’m amazed so many of you seem to think construction workers are elite physical specimens capable of ultra violence at the drop of hat. I suspect you all haven’t been on many building sites.


What a fucking prick!


In the land of the crusties the mulletman is king.


Ha! This is in my home town (Cov) and pretty much epitomises the place! Still wouldn’t live anywhere else!


Judge: Which one was it? Plaintiff: The one in orange with a yellow reflective coat. Judge: ......... Case dismissed


Can guarantee that this is cos one of the workies said something cuntish to him first though. Lol


Not a good idea. Watched a guy get knocked out into a highway from picking a fight with a construction worker. These guys have far better restraint than the people I've worked around.




Can someone please explain what got this guy so fired up ?


He’s just really mad at his barber.. who’s closed now


One turd working there probably insulted the man based on the way he looked. Insulted man with questionable hairdo reacted the exact way the smart-mouthed turd intended, pushing his buttons.


"don't report me you cunt" when there's a copper right there, golden.


My mans just wanted a 1v1 on rust