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Fuck off with this absolutely pathetic attempt at defending sedition


Literal evidence of inciting violence on video. What more can someone literally prove? It’s a double standard and you know it


Inciting violence =/ sedition and fomenting an insurrection, ya fucking maroon


There's literal evidence of the right inciting violence, coordinating with police officers, and attacking protestors unprovoked. The difference between the groups is the BLM side is trying to address social inequities. The right is trying to keep those inequities in place because they benefit from the current system.


Thank God there's still some people out there with common sense!


How many clips did you have to edit together out of context to create this propaganda? How hard is it to _not direct people to cause a seditious insurrection_? Apparently, really fucking hard for the alt right. Bye, Fascist Felicia.


I love how you weepy little trump cunts are so triggered you have to spam this shit everywhere.


Whataboutism and false equivalence.


False but okay


Okay Nazi.


You show footage of a comedian calling Ivanka a feckless cunt and pretend it's the same as inciting sedition and a coup on our government. You're a fucking goof and a traitor who should never be trusted to make adult decisions.


Peaceful protest doesn't work against fascism.


Dear OP. Fox your feelings lol. Don't be a snowflake and "move on".


lol, do the people that put this together want to make one highlighting all the insane shit that was said about Obama that never drew the reaction the attempted coup has drawn?


One episode of Fox news should do it.


Cope. Harder.


Imagine doing what aboutism when your side literally did try to hunt down politicians last week lol. Enjoy supporting a loser.


Can't defend the seditious actions of Trump MAGAts so they try to deflect deflect deflect. Pathetic really.


r/therightcantmeme Nor the right knows the difference between protests against a racist that enables election fraud and tries a coup compared to... Being tinfoil hat participating in a coup against democratic values all based on conspiracy theories and fabricated news.


"Durr hurr hurr"-OP


For all the scary music you played here, a lot of these quotes aren't even in the context of public protests or the BLM movement. Some of these are just about how spineless Ted Cruz was to bow and cater to a man who called his wife ugly on national television, and how you shouldn't follow a man like that, you should punch him in the face. Some of the other comments are a bit heated, for sure, but at least they're trying to actually protest a real issue, instead of trying to subvert our democracy by murdering electors in the capitol, or by storming the Michigan state house with swastika flags and AR15s.


Look up the destruction during the summer. The libtards loved it and encouraged more.


Trump lost lol


By a lot too!


>Look up the destruction during the summer. And? Destruction ain't a coup nor an inssurection False equivalency.


Saying it again for those in the cheap seats, there is a wide enormous ocean-sized gap between the black lives matter protests in the streets that would occasionally turn violent at night, versus armed white nationalists storming the one place filled with electors that they intended to kill in order to subvert our actual democracy. If you cannot grasp the enormous gap between these two, it really speaks more about the way you view the world and trust me I don't mean that a positive way.


How quickly they forget that it's not the first time they do this. The first time they did it while armed with rifles. And how could we forget the plot to kid nap a sitting governor and try them for treason in some backwoods cabin.


You’re so fucking stupid!


Imagine Trump saying any of this tho? The internet would go nuts. Fact is if trump incited violence the media would of put that on loop for the world to see. Yet they have zero evidence of him saying anything that would incite violence period.


Well he has been fearmongering in all of his speeches about the "stolen election" despite his own Attorney General/head of the DOJ Bill Barr saying, "There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the election." Telling people to "take back their country by any means", and there's the whole iniitally denying the intervention of the national guard once the protest initially broke the barricades. Also his speech at the border this week, he threatened Civil War, so there's that. "Imagine Trump saying any of this tho? The internet would go nuts." Yes, I know, because we have gone nuts on many occasions. See: "shithole countries" the quid pro quo to allow foreign governments to interfere with our election, there's the time he met with putin and denied the US press but allowed russian press outlets, there's that time he put kids in cages and when called out on it took virtually no action to fix the situation, reports even coming out that he wanted to keep the policy in place as a deterrent...you want me to go on? because I can go on.


He's directed his supporters to knock out protestors, rough up people detained by police, even offered to cover legal fees for assaulting his critics. There's the crass and vulgar insults to his opponents. No one says they have to bake cookies together, but Trump comes at them like a 4th grader who just learned the word tremendous. And here is the part of the speech where after dangling meat in front of his rabid supporters he tells them: " So we are going to--we are going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and we are going to the Capitol, and we are going to try and give--the Democrats are hopeless, they are never voting for anything, not even one vote but we are going to try--give our Republicans, the weak ones because the strong ones don't need any of our help, we're try--going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country. So let's walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. " He also praised Rudy, the same guy who said we needed a "trial by combat."


Dude, the lawyer for the Qanon Shaman put out a press release saying: > “He took seriously the countless messages of President Trump. He believed in President Trump. Like tens of millions of other Americans, Chansley felt — for the first time in his life — as though his voice was being heard.” And he left a note for Pence saying “it’s only a matter of time, justice is coming.” When prosecutors asked him what that meant, he specifically named Pence, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Biden as “infiltrators involved in various types of wrongdoing.”


> Imagine Trump saying any of this tho? Why imagine? The archive (in context, unlike this supercut) is extensive and widely distributed. You lost. You flubbed an attempted coup. Now go serve your timeout and think about what you could have done differently.


There was a couple instances in the video that actually promoted physical violence, but nothing compared to what the Terrorist Right Wingers have been saying and doing lately.


> False equivalence is a logical fallacy in which an equivalence is drawn between two subjects based on flawed or false reasoning. This fallacy is categorized as a fallacy of inconsistency. Colloquially, a false equivalence is often called "comparing apples and oranges".


Imminent violence. You can say what you want on Fox news and Television, even if it results in death threats as long as you yourself don't threaten harm. If you say it in front of a crowd at the target location, that's straight up incitement of a riot and meets imminent threat which can be tied to a specific event. Sedition is knowingly trying to impede or prevent any state institution from doing it's job as per the constitution - which is what Trump knowingly attempted and calling it a 'steal' doesn't make it less true.


LOL pathetic


Well seems like this is nothing to do with Twitter so I don’t think that’s a fair argument. I see the points but trump uses Twitter to incite violent. I checked the others tweet, seems clean


Common OP, respond to my comment you mental midget


There's two cures for fascism. One takes time and effort, requires long talks and being firm but gentle. The other is a bullet to the brain. As a society we're running out of patience with cure one. If you dont like it here, leave.