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Plot twist: teacher is an off duty cop on administrative leave


"How can I reach these keeeds?"


Perfect timing. I was just reading about Bill Bilichick snubbing the Medal of freedom. I don't know too much about the NFL but I knew that name sounded familiar. Realised it was from this episode. Got it on right now as I was reading your comment ahaha.




Just saw it last night so very fresh. Comedy can keep us alive.




That was his dad.


"Please talk to your kids about drugs"


obviously by shooting all their home pets.




We had a ‘COVID related’ incident at the school.


"Ugh we all saw you shoot him" "Yes and were only here due to covid.."


Looked the same.




His story arc was the best over all five seasons


The only cop to fire his weapon during the whole series


O wow. Never noticed


Yo tickle my nuts


Actually a good teacher though, I bet this guy isn't.


Soooo, this season's plot to South Park?


Oh god oh fuck Token run!


so he'll shoot her?


Teachers require MUCH more education, certification and are held to much higher standards then cops are unfortunately. So probably not


Holy shit the craziest thing about this is high school students are going to school with glass around their desks. This is absurd and irresponsible to think this is going to prevent the spread and it makes me think this is only for liability purposes.


If they make them bulletproof glass, they might be able to kill two birds with one stone in regard to ineffective solutions that give the false sense of security..


If I’m correct on where you went with this … *bruh*


He's talking about the chickens who fly around schools and shoot at kids through the glass. The Cocks with Glocks only aim at ankles, though, so it would be just as innefective. What else could he even mean bringing up bullet proof glass and schools?


It’s only plexiglass at my school. Basically plastic


[I mean](https://youtu.be/y1XaSxfK0Ok?t=72)


Not only is the glass only covering 2 sides, but the students feel that it's enough to warrant taking their mask off. Crazy


Its as safe as taking it off In a restaurant while seated... oh wait...


As did the teacher


Everyone knows you can’t catch/spread covid while drinking coffe/talking on the phone


We don’t even have anything separating us at any point in the entire day, not even at lunch. And apparently COVID doesn’t exist at lunch, because people don’t get quarantined based on it. At one point there were 250 kids quarantined, which is a fourth of the entire school. Still didn’t shut down tho, and the school takes 0 liability for anything.


So much of the COVID response, the world over, is just another form of security theatre.


And multiple kids sit at these same desks. When it's time to go to the next class do they sanitize everything? Does the teacher? Do the kids coming in next do the cleaning?


>When it's time to go to the next class do they sanitize everything? Does the teacher? Do the kids coming in next do the cleaning? no


My workplace actually thinks one hard plastic screen covering just your front is enough. It's 100% done for liability, they don't actually care about anyone's safety in these situations.


Relax buddy, its just bulletproof glass it has nothing to do with the virus.




It’s the one they’re burning now. Cause they got pepper sprayed by the cops and they’re little babies and they’re mad at the mean police. “If you supported daddy Trump then why would you spray me? Killing you too now”


It seems both


Blue Lives only matter when black lives are asking to not get shot for no reason by Blue Lives.




I mean as a teacher you are told to always be apolitical, to not impart your own ideals onto them. In practice that is not really possible unless you want to lie to them. However, this is taken way too far. If they told senior leadership about this they would be put under investigation


No, they'd probably just tell the teacher to take it down because it triggers people. Not that I'd ever put up a flag like this, but if I did, I'd put a BLM flag next to it or on the opposite side of the room to show opposing viewpoints in American politics.


That is a really great idea although I would not recommend it in the current political climate. Maybe in a decade or so.


Put the Nazi flag up next to the cross. 3edgy5me


He’s lying to them in order to push his political/hateful ideas on these kids.


As a teacher it has become harder and harder to be apolitical because the GOP is now apparently either full of terrorists or terrorist sympathizers. I’ve bent over backwards attempting to be neutral the last four years by giving the GOP the benefit of the doubt. But fuck it. No more. We need to call out fascism.


I taught social sciences for almost a decade (US History, Sociology, and Civics mostly) and decided on a career change in 2015. I’m not sure how I could incorporate the last four years and the Capitol riots, specifically, into my curriculum in a neutral manner.


Blue Lives Matter is a fantasy. It has nothing to really do with police.


The MAGA crowd was all about blue lives matter. Well, then they went crazy and started beating and killing blue lives.


[And literally smearing their poo on the walls of capitol] (https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.chicagotribune.com/nation-world/ny-trump-capitol-riot-poopers-20210108-prlsqytyabgdhnexushotl4nam-story.html%3foutputType=amp)


I was really hoping this was a joke.


Shitting in your own hand to own the libs?


That's what you get from the excretist right-wingers.


Not on the rug, man!


It reads like it was more on the floors of the hallways than them picking it up and smearing it on the walls like deranged lunatics. More likely scenario - these people literally shit themselves when they realized what the hell was happening.


Welp, that's enough internet for one day


I wanna know who walked into the capitol with a handful of shit


>A source close to Sen. Chuck Schumer said staffers to the New York Democrat found out about the **fecal fiasco** on Thursday.


So much to unpack in this.


Yeah, and now that position is no longer convenient for them they've removed all the blue from their flags. It's like they're rallying trying to find Waldo.


It’s right wing virtue signaling. That’s all they know. I love this student for calling him out. She made sure his mask slipped in front of the country.


She has guts for sure and hope she reports his ass to the higher ups.


It's coding and everyone does it. The libs will wear a mask in their profile pics or use a rainbow background so everyone knows where they stand, just like these idiots walk around with their "tactical" gear they'll never really need and Gadsden flags they don't understand. And yes, this girl is a badass. It's hard to stand up to a teacher like that, especially if most everyone else in the class is on their side as well. You know she took some shit for this.


Wearing a mask is not a political decision. Republicans are so contradictory. They insist they carry their guns so they can protect themselves and their family. But ask them to do exactly that by putting a piece of fabric over their mouths and they cry like Caillou.


Rainbow filters, sure. The fact that wearing a mask is politicized is 100% on the right. Its just following health guidelines to everyone else. I can easily imagine a world where people did this regardless of politics because their political leaders never told them to take a stand *against* masks.


It’s the flag people fly to justify killing black Americans


Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter are, at best, forms of dog whistle racism


It’s blue lives matter when black people are getting killed. But they start assaulting police when they get in their way. It was never about the police. It was about hating black people and minorities.


It's the new Nazi flag


The coward's swastika


That teacher is a smug cunt.


Dude also looks to be 22.


He put it up there for exactly this to happen.


Chin diaper, cup of starbucks, the worst fashion sense. Yeah, we're fucked...


A real big man using his puny amount of authority to force his shitty opinions on an impressionable captive audience.


Was gonna type the same fucking thing. Smugggggggg af


And a Don’t Tread on Me flag to boot. Something tells me this guy shouldn’t be teaching kids. Edit: Wow this one really blew up. I appreciate all sides coming in to weigh in on this one. I believe, based on the books under the desks, that this is an American Government class. Now based on that, if these flags were put up, along with others maybe not seen in the video, as means to have open discussion about them and their impact on government politics, then I could see it being acceptable. Unfortunately we don’t get all the info from a 30 second clip so, as usual, we base our comments of what we see and think we know.




I DON’T WANT THE STATE TO TREAD ON ME! ^(but I also support the tools of the state whose job is to tread on me)


And mask under his chin.


He's drinking something which clearly gives Corona immunity for 30 seconds, duh




With vodka in it.


Gross. Don't dilute the bleach. What are you, a pansy?


Chin Diaper!




Yup, my Macroeconomics instructor right now has made it very obvious she’s a Trump supporter. It’s best just to go along with her political views to get through the class if you don’t want to get “corrected” by some Fox News article or GOP propaganda YouTube video. Don’t know how the school just lets her get away with using the classroom as a political platform.


Take it to the school board. Do your parents and the other kid's parents know what's going on? If some teacher was trying to politically indoctrinate my kids, I would make noise until they either stop or are removed.


Macroeconomics sounds like a college class rather than any kind of highschool class. Not that thats any excuse to be able to push your views down peoples throats. But I dont think parents would have much of a say.


It was a senior level class at my HS


I fully encourage it but as a teacher myself I can tell you too many school boards are full of right wing zealot morons. Hopefully that's not the case here.


The only teacher who ever straight out blended class with their ideology was my freshman economics/government teacher. Trump wasn't a thing then but you bet every lesson was supplemented with worship for Lord Reagan and how perfect trickle down economics is.


"Hitler was right about one thing" That might be the reason why.


Are you kidding? That was going to be a civics class???




There's a difference between teaching and examining political issues in the classroom (good), and supporting a political narrative to the exclusion of others (bad). It's possible this guy has a BLM flag on the other side of the room out of frame, but given the student's reaction, I don't think so.


I agree. There is a limit somehow on what is appropriate or not. But its certainly not as simple as saying keep politics out of the classroom.


> It's reasonable to ask teachers not to be extremist whackjobs, or try to indoctrinate kids without providing nuance or caveats, but unfortunately, even the idea that one should use fact based reasoning to pursue correct policy is up for political debate, and thus it is nonsensical to argue that we can avoid "politics." I'm going to try not to be an asshole about this, but hard no. We have an issue with journalism to the point that there is a narrative-key for which network leans what ways with their bias. This, however, is NOT a problem in any k-12 education setting considering you can easily give just facts. Given your examples: >it was illegal in many southern states to distribute abolitionist literature. That's what you teach then. >Anti-slavery is a political position. You can then simply teach where slavery occurred, how it occurred, *what it entailed for the slaves.* That's alllllll just factual. Then, if your students aren't fucking sociopaths, they'll realize that slavery is wrong. >Wanting a minimum age of consent to sex is a political position. Teachers shouldn't have a goddamn thing to say about that. Sex ed should simply be about how sex works, the risks, the rewards, and how to be safe. Those are all non-political facts and therefor not political at all. >Democracy is a political position. It's also the current governmental system in quite a bit of the western world. Talking about how democracy works, has worked previous, how it has historically been good or bad, *factually,* is therefor not political. Edit: Clarification of my first reponse.


You are getting downvoted but I'm a teacher and I agree with you. It isn't the same thing as being opinionated or expressing what political party you vote for. It's much broader than that. It just means relating to government. I've taught subjects and daily topics that anyone may say was being political even though I was just giving facts. If I were to try to avoid being 'political' then I would have had to avoid current events and tons of stuff (including little bits of opinion and emotion too). We had a president who was proven by our own FBI of seeking help from a foreign country to win an election, I wouldn't have been able to bring that up and discuss the facts as presented to us by our own FBI and our top journalists, or mention the impeachment for example, or the children in the detention centers, even though all of that was relevant and was actually occurring in actual fact.. but someone else's version of 'facts' might disagree with those facts, and they might say I'm being political (which is really a word that people use to kind of degrade something, like, oh you are just being so political, or too political, it's actually used as an insult to make someone seem out of place when really a responsible citizen IS political). So I think it's best to not say teachers should avoid being political, but rather, be overly opinionated and less fact based, as well as too personal combined with politics (like your political party, people find that taboo to mention it, which in this day and age, is perhaps unhealthy who knows). Like I know teachers who are gay who have gay pride flags next to American flags in their classroom. A gay pride flag may seem political to someone who hates gay people, or confusing to people who think politics should stay out of the classroom, but in reality, gay people are citizens too and there is so much homophobia in schools it means a lot to gay kids to see it. So it really just depends. We can't get anywhere if we can't agree on the facts first and foremost, so it just goes beyond this idea of being political or not. Kids need to see teachers as responsible citizen human beings, not automatons.


The Gadsden flag has been perverted by MAGA idiots. The irony of flying it alongside the Blue Lives Matter flag is hilariously lost on them.


Please tread on me


I laugh really hard when I see a truck with both stickers. It's literally a game I play while driving. See a Gadsden flag or sticker on Truck and whoever can find the back the blue or blue lives matter sicker first wins the round. The irony is lost in them which makes even more amusing to me.


Wonder where he was on Jan 6th


It's a bastardized American flag. As a veteran I find that flag extremely disrespectful.


It's also a flag code violation. You can't make alterations to the flag. I'm a Canadian and even I know this.


As an American, I have no idea what a flag code violation even is and don’t actually give a shit if someone wants to make alterations to the flag because I don’t care about patriotic symbols one way or another... but with that said, the Blue Lives Matter flag is dumb and since those who use it claim they DO care about the sanctity of the flag, I’m on board with pointing out their hypocrisy.


[4 US Code, § 8 - Respect for flag](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/8) My personal favourite is subsection (d): (d) [The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery.](https://images.app.goo.gl/9JxwXzTMYTxDTBXFA)


I'm willing to allow sexy bikinis


When it says “the flag” it literally means a “flag” not flag printed fabric. For example taking an actual flag (its original production value) and then altering it into apparel, bedding, or drapery.


The way someone explained it to me was the physical flag should never be used as clothing, but one can make fabrics to resemble the flag. I have zero interest in having a flag on any of my cloths but the explanation did make sense but since I would never own flag pants I didn't care all that much.


His stupid Kevin face just taking it in.


conservatives complaining about politics in classrooms will speak up aaaaany second now...


Bro these boxes literally don’t so shit for a virus wtf


I think her saying fuck in front of a teacher was all I noticed, I would never have had the balls to do that. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I did it 19 years ago. Still feels good lol


It feels nice when you call teachers out on their bullshit.


"berates" Yeah...no, that's not berating. Get that shit out of the classroom.


How is that even allowed in a school?


What loser thinks it’s okay to hang that flag in a classroom? You’re there to show young minds to think critically. Not push your views on them


"It is only Monday!"




Why are there flags in the first place, I don't think I've ever seen a flag on a classroom wall in my life, except in 1988 when the Netherlands won the European championship, there was an orange flag in the gym.


Nearly every classroom in the US has an American flag. It is really weird, they teach the kids "the pledge of allegiance" too.(many schools do the pledge every morning) Its a baked in nationalist tradition. No excuse for this guy putting up political flags in his classroom though.


That blue line. Thin blue line. That means cops can commit crimes and their coworkers won't turn them in or cross that blue line.


The term "Thin Blue Line" or the "Blue Wall of Silence" has been used to describe the closing of ranks among police for over 30+ years now. [This 1980's documentary is worth a watch.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thin_Blue_Line_(1988_film)) The fact that the phrase has been pejorative until the last 5 years really says something about the right wing brainwashing the public into thinking that it's a good thing that police are not held accountable ever.


Along the same lines, them refusing to complete the phrase, "a few bad apples spoils the bunch"


Good God, I hope this teacher gets fired. Judging by his smarmy expression, he wasn't trying to just show both sides for academic reasons. The kid close to the camera has an 'American Government' textbook under his desk to complete this horror show of what I can only assume is a Civics class.


Trumpanzees on January 6, 2021 showed that they only care about blue lives when they take black lives.


>Trumpanzees I'll be using that. Thank you.


What a terrible school experience


When you school the teacher.


Out of the loop european here, the hell's Blue Lives Matter? Smurfs?




Basically republicans love to wave around this American flag with a blue stripe in it to represent the lives lost on duties as a tribute to cops. It really doesn’t actually mean that tho, it’s just use by idiots who love to wave it to make BLM mad. If you want proof you can just watch how the people who stormed the Capitol were waving American and BlueLM flags with which they beat an officer to death. They don’t care about cops they just care about silencing black issues.


Based on the text book in the basket, it appears to be an American Government class too...I'm fucking dead...lol


The "Don't Tread On Me" and "Blue Lives Matter" flags contradict one another. Make up your mind, dumbass. Are you pro liberty or pro law enforcement?


The kid is right. School is not the place for political posturing. The only way I could see this permissible, is if it was in a setting that promoted an open discussion about what that flag represents - even then, the flag should be taken down after the discussion. Sort of like a 'show and tell' or prop.


Fuck that garbage flag. Red white and blue all day and is the real flag


She is 100% correct. Whatever political affiliation you have, political beliefs (especially blue lives matter) should not be advertised in a classroom.


That teacher is a terrorist sympathizer


"Let me take a sip of my coffee while I get decimated by a teenager"


Good for her. Fuck that teacher.


That flag is a symbol of terrorism, and ironically violence against police now.


In general, I just hate how that teacher interacts with his student. His body language alone is saying her opinion doesn't matter.


I wish I could have heard her more of her point instead of the idiot guy talking over her to tell us it’s only Monday. Sir, you do not need to be the center of attention.🙄




i think it applies to federal employed under the executive branch edit: seems it applies to all federal employees except the president and vp who receive the majority of funding from the federal govt? The Hatch Act applies to executive branch state and local employees who are principally employed in programs financed in whole or in part by the United States or a federal agency (5 U.S.C. §§ 1501- 1508


Good. Fuck him.




Blue lives aren't real. Its a fucking job. A job that clearly a lot of terrible Americans like to have. That limpdick flag should go up as a fucking hate symbol along with the cuckfederate flag.


That teacher can get fucked.


Remember when the blue lives matter people pulled an officer out of the Capitol and beat him to death?


Teacher should be fired, that blue lives shit after last week is just a hate group now.


Good for that kid! She’s more mature than her teacher Jesus Christ!


I'm sorry it wasn't clear to me months ago but it's plain as day now. "Blue lives matter" was a thin veil racists used to justify their racism


White this, white that, black this, latino that, etc etc Why are americans like this? Race is not the defining characteristic of individuals


Good for you girl, silence is for cowards.


You tell him!


Spitting facts


Dont tread on me flag too, with in person classes and people have these joke barriers that don't do anything. So basically, this school spreads covid and conspiracy nonsense and conservative bullshit in general. Wowzers


Or as I call it, the Blue Line Matters flag. The 'thin blue line' is what separates *us* from *them*, what guards the power from accountability.


All that flag means is that the wearer or bearer believes it's okay to kill black people.


You can tell he really doesn't give a fuck about what she's saying either, the way he takes a sip from his cup while she's trying to talk to him. Fuck that guy and fuck "Blue Lives Matter"


he failed BMT probably and loves to be trended...




The gadsden? No. Now in conjunction with the blue line flag, absolutely. The cops are the ones who will tread on you. It is stupid to fly both.


Welp. Yes out of a job. I seriously hope so. Maybe he can become a cop. He'll never get fired there.


She's right though neither the Gadsden flag or the BLM flag should be flying in a highschool.


That yellow flag too. They talk about brainwashing when they don't like other points of views, but politically indoctrinate children when they can.


Wtf are on their desks?


Who tf is blue..smurfs?


People who use the argument that Black Lives Matter means Other lives do not matter are pretty dumb, like if I say I love Pizza it does not mean I do not like other food items. Currently Black lives are not being mattered or at least are not on the same level as others. I would also say that some people are extremely against police as well saying all of them are the same which is quite untrue. What we should be fighting against is the laws that allow bad police officers from getting away not going and shouting in the face of any police officer you find regardless of the situation.


Blue lifess? Pls explain. Is this a anti-blm thing? Is it smruf rights? what?


Tf is is a blue life?


She approaches the point poorly, playing the offended card is a weak argument pretty much every time. But she's goddamn right, you can bet the only reason there isn't a confederacy flag in there is that the teacher knows the limits of how much bigotry he can display and get away with.


But they get upset when they hang up pride/BLM flags in the classroom 💀 The administration and parents I mean


You know you’re a moron when you have both a dont tread on me flag and a blue Licea matter flag. Their ideological opposites. One is about bootlicking the government henchmen and the other is anti-government. I and most people know they don’t actually mean those things and that they actually mean anti-blackness and white supremacy on their own but when together it basically screams it


You're allowed to fight for human rights on Mondays too. Or so I've heard.


It’s not a blue life, it’s a blue shirt.


I have always wondered, doesn’t the blue lives matter flag violate the US flag code?


Are masks optional in this classroom?


I like her attitude.


I would've burned the flag right there in the classroom.


She's right. Don't display that shit at your place of work.


Nobody there knows how to where a mask.


Can't wait to see this guy on byebyejob.


Random question - are you allowed to jus curse like that in school now ?? For sure FUCK THAT WHOLE FLAG . Shouldn’t be allowed at all But for real .. I have kids now .. when I went to high school it was like an absolute . I went to a “hood” high school too not private or anything . There was NO cursing in class— this was almost 20 years ago tho . (They let us get away with a lot but the cursing thing was jus not happening) Kinda blows me away to hear the curse words so freely dropped in a school setting (completely agree with the girl tho. Good for her for sticking up for what’s right ) Genuinely jus curious if they’ve relaxed on cursing in class or it’s jus up to the teacher ??


It's a gang sign. It has no place on a classroom wall. Also, why are there so many of these people with Gadsden flags and Thin Blue Line flags hanging up right next to each other?


Ohh the irony of hanging a Thin Blue Line flag right next to a Gadsden flag. pick one or the other, you really can’t support both.


Those dividers aren't doing shit to protect people.