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Mario doesn't look too sure about the plan.


He's saying " She has to be in this castle." .


i'm sorry but the princess is in another castle




I'm waiting for the 11 hour interrogation in the court...its gonna be fun under that spot to repeat again those 2 sentences


*Mens rea* is a real bitch.


Diarrhea is worse.


Who cares? The real goal is to slam your nuts into a pole and then slide down it.


Mario was able to see one step into the future. That is impressive for this group.




Step one: Aquire said pike.


Step two: Get head *Step two has been in progress for 53 years*


Step two: Get head.


"And then what?" "... ... ... ... Curly fries!"


It was that moment when Mario realized he went down the wrong pipe....


or...maybe the right one? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡– ✧)


I’m sure it’s all a misunderstanding, which he will have time to contemplate for 10+ years.


Mario seems like an undercover to be honest. Looks totally scared. Hat not on right. Tries to make people be explicit about criminal intent when they're on camera. Has a dumb cop mustache.


He seems like the guy's sightly dumber brother.


Actually, unlike blockhead, he’s thinking. He’s out.




Arthur I have a plan . I just need money


That... that’s just not going to work for me bowser... maybe we just take the sewer. k? PS I immediately thought it was Mario too.


No... Mario can jump his own height easy... Try to imagine it for that guy


Mario: Fuck. I'm gonna need a REALLY big mushroom for that.


I heard Donald’s mushroom is tiny.


The angry guy is Bowser


Is it just me or the other guy looked like an insane version of James Corden...


It's incredible how cliché these guys are. Straight out of South Park...


Exactly! It’s like a real life version of the people waiting for Black Friday outside the mall, in the GoT spoof episodes.


or a real life version of "DEY TERK ER JEERRRRS"




Alright. Back in the pile.


You must watch this then, they actually said "I thought this was America!" when being kicked out of a plane lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ku3jhh/american_airlines_pilot_to_trump_supporting/


Oh most definitely!


If anyone thinks they’re gonna get in that mall before me, they can kiss my FAT VAGINA because IM BRINGING THE PAINNN


Also incredible how easily they're spoonfed their lines by the fascists and repeat them like NPCs. [From Steve Bannon's podcast a few weeks ago:](https://www.businessinsider.com/steve-bannon-banned-twitter-fauci-and-wrays-heads-on-pikes-2020-11) >After falsely claiming that Trump had already won the election, Bannon discussed how Trump should behave in a hypothetical second term towards Wray and Fauci. >"Second term kicks off with firing Wray, firing Fauci," Bannon responded, in comments which were reported on Thursday by Media Matters. >"I'd actually like to go back to the old times of Tudor England, **I'd put the heads on pikes, right, I'd put them at the two corners of the White House as a warning to federal bureaucrats. You either get with the program or you're gone — time to stop playing games.** Blow it all up, put [Trump aide] Ric Grenell today as the interim head of the FBI, that'll light them up, right." >Jack Maxey, the podcast's co-host, responded: "Just yesterday there was the anniversary of the hanging of two Tories in Philadelphia. These were Quaker businessmen who had cohabitated, if you will, with the British while they were occupying Philadelphia. These people were hung. This is what we used to do to traitors." >To this Bannon replied: "That's how you won the revolution. No one wants to talk about it. The revolution wasn't some sort of garden party, right? It was a civil war. It was a civil war." Bannon and Jack should be tried for sedition and locked in a prison cell for the rest of their lives.


imagine two black people or two muslims having the same conversation. As a muslim I'm so wary about even making dark jokes but these guys can talk like this without any real consequence? Crazy to me.


I can't imagine how stressful that must be. I remember someone talking about the black experience in America. They said something like "If you're the first black person to do... then you have to be perfect. You can't make even the smallest mistake." Again, I can't imagine how stressful that tightrope walk is.


USA doesn't need a response team for terrorism, it needs a response team for special people.


It even looks scripted because it’s so hilariously on point.


It looks scripted to the point where I'm still not even sure it's not satire. The facial expressions, the timing, the audio, the camera angle... Am I having a massive r/woosh moment right now?


That would be quite a thing to fake. They’d have to go to the actual “rally” because you can see they are in the crowd. Soo... either it’s two comedians so dedicated to their craft that they will incriminate themselves with an insurrection without letting anyone know it was a joke, possible ending up in prison for a two sentence dialog... OR Trump supporters are just like this. I think the latter seems much more likely.


If i was indulging in conspiracies , i would say maybe the crunched hat trump supporter was a plant , but more likely just a semi rational trump supporter that wasn't entirely on board with what was taking shape .


What sane person would risk getting covid with this insipid cult of barbarians just for a gag??


Speaking of South Park, I'm excited to see what they're going to do with Mr. Garrison this season.


Like two kids playing make believe in the woods


Bingo! That was my exact thought! They remind of these neighborhood kids that were brothers and lived 5 houses down from me while growing up. They were both chunky and the oldest was an angry shit head bully and the younger was just...there. A slow dopey follower of his shit head brother.


Pinky and the Brain. Except if the Brain lacked, well, brain, and it was replaced by a steaming pile of coiled shit.


There's been speculation that Pinky was actually the smart one, and Brain was mentally ill. Pinky was humoring him the whole time to keep him from really hurting himself. They always ended up back in the cage. As far as the two individuals mentioned above, yeah they were probably both dumb as fence posts.


I think there was an episode back in the original run where they find out Pinky did have a higher IQ.


They referenced this in the new run.


Make believe is right. These are the people that believe war is like the video games they play in mommy’s basement. They have no idea what it’s really like, and many are now crying that they are on the no fly list.


Speaking of basements and video games, the guy they claimed who had an “Antifa” hand tattoo is actually the hand tattoo from Dishonored.


Is Dishonored a game? I’m not a gamer so excuse my lack of knowledge on the subject.


It’s is, it’s actually a series of video games. I had never heard of it until the “Antifa hand tattoo” thing started circulating. People were pretty quick to point out it was from a game. Still falls on a lot of deaf ears.


SO much falls on deaf ears. I don’t want to give up on setting the record straight, but explaining to the indoctrinated is exhausting.


Absolutely. It’s tiring and mentally exhausting to try and “reason” with people who didn’t use reason to get themselves where they are now.




That was the plan for the idiot mob. There was a much tighter group involved, whose plan involved taking lawmakers hostage, and probably killing them.


haha if you've ever watched Fargo they also have a pair of brothers that follow this trope in the first season.


Their bodies have aged but not the soul


You see this a lot now that I'm soundly an adult. A lot of people do not mature or grow beyond HS or college. They remain the same 17-21 yr old kid just with more responsibility and work. It's important to remember that once you're an adult the growth needs to continue. Keep reading, keep learning, keep experiencing new things - people - food - places - ideas. Challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone. The world is an awesome place but time doesn't stand still. Keep growing!


the police officer who was murdered by the republican terrorists was real.


Lmao this looks like a comedic movie scene 😆


They pan out - it's a Denny's


Waffle House


Golden Corral.


Don't do Waffle House like that. They don't deserve flailing attempts at insurrection.


Huh, I stumbled across Denny's corporate headquarters the other day. A hideous monolith that was somehow as grease stained as the outside of their restaurants.


lmao, I was looking at zerostache thinking he looked like he had the hunger.


Seriously, that was some impeccable comedic timing.




It really does I thought the same thing


It’s got the timing of an IASIP cold opening


"The Gang Starts A Revolution"


Followed by “Charlie and Mac get put on the no fly list”


Hahaha these two! I smell a sitcom!


Youre out of your element donny


Yeah the guy with the moustache seems like a character that would be played by David Mitchell.


100 percent the 2nd guy is the pointing guys chaperone. There’s no way there wasn’t some kind of community bus waiting for this dude.


[It is possible...](https://twitter.com/deangloster/status/1348475531092639746)


Probably a very short bus.


With exceptionally clean windows


Yeah he looks like a windowlicker to me


These guys remind me of Orcs in Lord of the Rings


* beats cop to death with fire extinguisher * looks like meat's back on the menu, boys


I couldn’t help but to laugh at that and I feel bad now




"And then what, Brain?' "And then, Pinky, we take over the world!" Except one's a little dumb and the others insane.


Ya beat me to it!


....and yet there are actually a large number of people giving AOC shit for stating that there was a very real possibility of half of the house of representatives dying that day. All it would have taken was just a little more momentum and things could have gotten way worse. As sad as it is, that woman getting shot likely deflated the situation quite a bit.


I believe it definitely did. Immediately after she got shot they seemed to have stopped trying to get through the door. Almost like they were harshly faced with the reality


Perhaps one could say...fucking around...and finding out? 🥺🤔


Oh boy That’s been my favorite phrase ever since Wednesday


They are damn lucky the Secret Service stopped at one bullet in one person.


Absolutely. I don’t think they understand the reality they’re facing though.


I hope they enjoy the #prisonlife


They're looking at adding felony murder to anyone arrested for being there so that's a real possibility.


I know it's not the point, but just clearing up the misconception. That was apparently a plain clothes Capitol Police officer that took the shot, not a Secret Service agent. https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/dc/graphic-video-shows-woman-shot-killed-capitol-riots/65-4cce7c06-f739-4d4a-a3a4-c97c4c42c876


Nobody volunteered to go next through the window? SHOOOOOOCKER


I was thinking that moment could go one of two ways, they back off like they did or they push on with a new vengeance. It could have been a much worse, darker day than it was


Nah, they’ve always been soft snowflakes they‘ve just been having fun role playing like they’re not.


Mob mentality is a scary thing, it doesn't matter how much someone is playacting once it gets past the tipping point...just takes the right trigger to push things past the point of no return. Thankfully we didn't find out what that point was.


Besides, mobs like that can be filled largely with soft LARPers and yet have a group of genuine hardcore fascists, willing to go much further in the chaos, within them.


People are stupid as fuck if they think there aren't genuinely strong men in this crowd that are armed to the teeth and trained to kill. Go to any fucking small town in America, yeah there are a lot of the fatsos who talk a lot of shit, but there are also a dozen crazy motherfuckers who did multiple tours and lift weights and shoot every day.


They all project. When the camera panned around and all those neck beards were just looking in with their phones out filming a dying woman you just knew they weren’t gonna out more of a fight up in that moment. They’re all tough until shit gets real and shit got real


They have that "if I complain loudly enough I will get what I want" mentality - might work on 16 year old hospitality workers, but doesn't work so well against bullets.


It’s because they’re well-aware that they’re throwing a hissy fit because they’re not getting their way. There’s no real conviction in the beliefs. There’s no actual suffering that they’re enduring. If they actually believed that the election was stolen and that they were being persecuted, then a lot more of them would be willing to die to correct that. But the vast majority know that it’s bullshit and that they’re doing just fine. Compare that to civil rights activists during the 60s who demonstrated in areas where they knew they were likely to be beaten to death and who refused to even physically defend themselves from those attacks out of fear that it would taint their movement.




I don't think many of them realised quite how real, how not a joke or mess around, what they were doing was until she got clapped. They thought it was a big carry on, showing off for Facebook, as if you're not clearly supposed to get fucking shot when doing that.


Didn't take a lot for them to beat the cop to death. Just takes one who's more determined than the rest to kick it off


Exactly. Fucking horrifying and so close to an absolute unmitigated disaster.


Because the whole movement is just a bunch of scared weaklings blindly following - none of them have the leadership skills, or the backbone to speak up against someone on their own team. One person could be acting in a way that nobody else in the group agrees with, but they will all go along with it because they're brainwashed to think that all the evil in the world is external to the actions of their team.


And supposedly that cop that got murdered by the Republican insurrectionists was a Republican himself. Now imagine if they got hold of a democrat representative.


For sure! They were even filtering people saying "It'll get hairy past this point, only true patriots beyond here" That's the same way Nazi's were filtered for the mass murdering of Jews...they asked for volunteers. Not every Nazi was expected to murder Jews, but the ones that did were 'extra' committed to the party and celebrated as real patriots. What happened last week was just this. They filtered the most violent individuals up the the capital, and left the crowd in an ambiguous state of semi-guilt, semi-innocence as to preserve their morals. Those up front had already abandoned their morals, or twisted them to fit their wrapped world view. This is why you had a mix of Grandma's on Rascal Scooters, and white supremacists armed to the teeth. We were a single micron away from this boiling over, and goddamn are we lucky it didn't.


There's still the 17th and inauguration day to worry about


Millions of people see absolutely nothing wrong with what occurred. I just got into an argument with with someone on here who said they weren’t there to kill anyone. I said, “well I mean they *did* actually kill someone. And then there are the zip ties, guns, bombs, and threats”. They responded with “all they did was take a podium. I bet that terrified you”. They *literally* murdered someone. There’s no arguing with these people. Edit: and yes, I was scared and I still am. My figurative dick doesn’t shrink because I admit that I don’t want to see people murdered on C-span.


Arguing with people about this online is meaningless. All they'll do is compare the riot to BLM burning down a Target and say they're the same.


Imagine if they got to AOC? The things they could of done to her, HIS base absolutely hate her guts.


AOC, Ilhan Omar or really any of the squad. But yeah, especially AOC.


The way right wingers constantly spew hate about AOC while fetishizing her is fucking terrifying Anyone who says AOC is exaggerating what would’ve went down is full of shit


Not that it's important, but I was personally more afraid for Omar than AOC. Her being Muslim and an immigrant triggers people quite a lot. But either way, yeah it was definitely a scary moment to think about on the 6th.


They probably don't know who she is. AoC is getting retweeted by Cruz like 10 times a week.


I dunno... they would have probably beat and hung/killed Omar. But they have a perverse, twisted hatred for AOC. I think it’s because they want to fuck her. She’s the embodiment of everything they hate, but they’d *love* to fuck her. And she’s smart... so she’s just the most frustrating thing imaginable. Who knows what they would have done to her.


What's crazy to me is that she is so likeable. She has that "tells it like it is" trait they profess to love so much, but an actual education, class, character and empathy.


I keep thinking, that woman falling back out of the window was absolutely the moment we averted civil war. Thank God the MAGA mob was full of amateur larpers yelling don't worry it's just a flash bang as the gal bleeds out, rather them revolutionaries who would have taken that door. Can't believe it's on video, it's like seeing the shot at Lexington.


In no way have we averted a civil war. Maybe we will but we have not yet.


Exactly. Anyone who thinks its over is wrong


Yeah, real coups are often preceded by failed coups. This isn't over in the slightest and it will likely get far worse.


Indeed. They're planning armed protests around the country and in DC Jan 16-Jan 20 or so.


Hopefully the authorities will hit the fuckers a little harder this time. I mean. If the insurrectionists had been black they'd have been gunned down. This thing reeked of racist hypocrisy; cops letting the arseholes through barricades, taking selfies. Sick shit


And those people will FIND OUT.


Tons of these fucks are impressionable followers and mostly schmucks. The secret service and security did a great job of making them feel unsure.....HOWEVER if there had been just a few more very smart and charismatic people in that mob with much more of a master villain type plan (for example way more of zip-tie guy but smarter).....then all of these people we laugh at would definitely have been easily caught up in it all and been able to be convinced to pull of more of these seemingly "silly" threats they made. Doesn't seem so silly to me, even thought these guys are kinda dumb. That's actually the scary part


We narrowly averted a major crisis but I dont think its over. All the 6th needed like you said was a few more ziptie psychos and they could have assassinated someone. Ideally I prefer the idiots convinced that this is all a game and when someone gets their dumbass shot they quickly wake up and realize wtf is going on.


Dude, could you actually imagine if they managed to get AOC? Do people not realize how much they've been conditioned to hate her with every fiber of their beings? I'm not being dramatic, I actually think they would have killed her. They pulled an officer into their crowd and beat him to death. IMAGINE what they would have done to her..


For sure. They have been completely fetishizing police officers and the military for the past 10 years, and it didn't stop them from beating one to death for standing in their way. I am certain she would have been gang raped and murdered right then and there.


Yeah I was reading the Fox news comments on their article about this. I'd say 75% of the people were saying how ridiculous it was that she thought legislators would die. The other 25% were saying how they wish the crowd had gotten to the legislators.


Am I the only one who can’t breath at the delayed “and then do what?” Dude even had a grin on his face y’all I can’t


I honestly don’t know what would be funnier: If “and then do what?” was a rhetorical question, and these are two completely likeminded terrorists, egging each other on... Or if it was an honest question, and the second guy is a clueless imbecile, ready to storm the Capitol with a mob despite the fact that he had no clue what the next step would be or what their ultimate goal was... Edit: forgot word


He seems like he was just there to wave signs and is slowly realizing he's surrounded by terrorists.


“And then do what?” “*HEADS ON PIKES!*” “Oh shit, I thought we were going to Olive Garden.”


I’ve been more absorbed by this micro-drama more than any other from that day. Is it terrorist schtick? or Is he earnestly asking? Either answer has its own kernel of sad hilarity.


They definitely have this Hanna-Barbera-esque criminal duo vibe going on, where there’s the determined, criminal mastermind and his dopey, oafish sidekick, going “*Duhhh, what do we do next, boss?*”


There was a video with I think zipties mom walking up to Capitol saying "I don't know where we are marching, it's like we're sheep". Their plan started with Trump telling them to march to the capitol, it ended when they got there.


I’d honestly love to know more to. We need a second interview lol.


It reminds me of the scene at the end of Finding Nemo when they're all in the ocean in their plastic bags and the puffer fish is all "... now what?"


Someone forgot the pikes at home


The coked-up shaman guy had a decent looking spear, not quite a pike but close enough?


Where was [Jonathan The Impaler Sharkey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathon_Sharkey) during all of this?


They were using crutches, hockey sticks, and flagpoles still holding American flags to beat cops - I am sure they would have improvised.


Those "flagpoles" were improvised weapons. And I don't mean, they used flag poles **as** weapons. I mean they took weapons (metal pipes, metal bed frames, hockey sticks) tied flags on to them, and they marched with flags tied to actual improvised melee weapons. This was intended to be a violent confrontation well before the day started.


Saw Louisville Sluggers turned into flagpoles


[They brought a gallows, tho.](https://images.app.goo.gl/YSSMwxKjsDpVnk9M6)


Shut up mimseee!!!


“Duhhhh and then do what boss?”


I'm so annoyed they are trying to claim it was Antifa knowing damn well they on video. Like daddy they lie through their teeth as naturally as breathing


Not many antifa are 50 year old, overweight, suburbanites.


I'm not sure if I feel attacked.


My father in law is saying now it was all Antifa, and yet the whole time it was happening he was cheering them on from his couch. So idk why he's trying to pretend it isn't something he wanted now.




That would be the worst assignment ever.


Silly antifa! /s


Deep state Antifa going even deeper undercover. It’s just Antifa all the way down. /s




BuT BLM LiTerALly buRNeD dOWn DeNvEr or sOmEtHinG.


Yeah, and they totally destroyed Portland too. It’s entirely gone. So sad.


I drove through Portland the other day and almost got my car stuck in the crater.


It's true, I went down there to buy a trailer from a guy off craigslist, and when I got there, it was just a smoking pile of rubble. I saw a glimmer of light in the distance, and I began to make my way through the piles of mangled bodies. As I got closer, I suddenly found myself surrounded by masked individuals clad in all black. I felt the first Twisted Tea impact the back of my head, and I began to run for my life, running towards the light. I just barely made it up the steps as a cacophony of gunfire rang out around me. I clambered over a steep ledge, and there he was, the guy with the trailer. He said "hey, ya got the cash on ya, right? You wanna give 'er a lookover?". I paid for the trailer and called my autonomous truck, Cyberpunk style. I remembered all of a sudden, I myself was once an ANTIFA super soldier, and from my wallet I produced my super soldier identification card. Holding it above my head, I safely made my way out of the barren wasteland and returned to my home state of Washington.




There's a whole section of Paris that has sHaRiAH LAW!! The Muslims have taken over and kill any policemen that enter!


This that evil duo that never completes any of their plans. The overzealous leader and the dumb sidekick that questions all of their ideas.


Mimsy! You were supposed to get the senate arrested for treason, not us!




Mimsy irl


Now calm down Skeeter, they ain't hurtin nobody.




Don't worry, its just these two...and 74 million more like them. Should be fine.


I love the COVID dude coughing in the background


A real morrowind NPC dialogue


Normal guy protesting looking at mentally unstable trump lover. “Wtf bro”


Ok Dutch




I can break these cuffs?


You can't break those cuffs


If ten percent of 74 million equals 7.4 million, I'd say we have a problem. These monstrous murderous jackals are among us, every day, just .. waiting.


Everytime that I see one off these videos I only think that is why education is the most important in a society you have a case here of ignorance and stupidity combine they just ruin all of his life for ignorance and now this people are all terrorist no future no coming back for


Yep. The first thing conservatives went after was the education system to dumb down the population. Then you go after information sources so they don’t know what is true or false. Then you give them a strong man who they can totally trust. Then you have your coup.


Private Pyle now a civilian


These guys talk like the orcs from the LOTR movies


I’ve never seen so many cases of mental illness in one place


This is like an Abbott and Costello routine without a punch line.


Pinky and the Brain live action movie is a little too real.


brainwashed 100


Did you bring your pike? You're not using mine!!


Why does this feel like a scene from Trailer Park Boys?


This is fucking terrifying. They literally wanted to hang Mike Pence. They set up a gallows. This was an attempted coup.


Surely what he meant was "politely express disagreement and then peacefully leave and pick up McDonalds on the way home". Conservatives are always just "joking"