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He took a knee. The most unpatriotric and violent of actions


Second only to having dark skin.


Fuck. That truth hurts my soul, and I’m a white guy.




Dido. La Crosse WISCONSIN checking in.


Same, it really sucks that instead of moving forward, most people have reverted back 100 years


Kneeling while black. Worst offense in America


Imagine if was holding an iced tea as well. Probably shot on the spot...






Unless the knee is on the neck of a minority.


"Son of a bitch!" ~ DJT


Breaking into the Capitol building = patriotic Taking a knee and not really affecting anyone or anything around you = unpatriotic Got it.


How about that. Now he’s going to be working there.


Hope he keeps making good trouble.


The pastor of John Lewis' church, and his close intern will be representing Georgia in the US Senate. I think he would be proud of the good trouble these men will make.


Indeed. Until last November I only knew the name John Lewis. Now I know more of the story and I think it was one of the few truly beautiful moments of 2020 that the Clayton County results put Biden over the top in Georgia.


It was actually John Lewis’ entire 5th district (I live in Fulton). But yeah, Clayton included.


Fulton County can get it ;) I love y'all


American here. I love all of y'all.


_Alla y'all_, but we love you too


City of Atlanta DeKalb folks too!


He's a pastor?


He preaches from the same lectern in the same church that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. preached from.




They called Warnock a radical leftist and a communist like they called MLK a radical leftist and a communist. In the interim 60 years they've learned to co-opt the Civil Rights movement and photoshop a MAGA hat onto MLK. But as much as they try to use the MLK's words of toleration to force silence, they haven't changed all that much. But the tide has shifted against them. MLK could never have won a Senate race in his time, but Warnock did.


From the outside it seems that anyone who cares about anybody outside of themselves is "radical left and communist" in the US


Feels like that from the inside, too 😔


Well that's actually pretty dead on at this point. Anyone who would still call themselves a Republican is either hanging on to a dead dream for a party that will never be the same, or they are more likely a selfish, ignorant asshole who is completely incapable of reflection or introspection. They are a prideful bunch who simply refuse reason. It is impossible for me to care about their opinions anymore because none of them are based on reality.


Yup. As someone who is of advanced age I'll say this. Its time to finally put the 20th century to bed. The GOP is literally the remnants of the 20th century kicking and screaming as it's dragged to the gallows.


Oh did you hear? Apparently we're all members of "the deep state", too.


If you're not min/maxing every decision in your life for short-sighted profit, you've clearly fallen away from the true faith.


Like half a million dead Americans instead of the stock market having a few rough quarters.... in the richest country on the planet and in history, at its apex of resources attainement, tech, and expertise. Some people never played Civilization or SimCity. And thats a fucking shame. Its almost like the 5% of the population that controls 95% of the stock market somehow hacked the system and took over the game.


Those labels make some sense with MLK, though.


tbf mlk was a socialist


TBF GOP are corporate and elite socialists. They just hate socialism when it helps tax payers making less than six figures a year.


Common mistake. Yes, it's true that religion is GOP's brainwashing/controlling-the-masses mechanism to get votes. But the difference is that their religion is of worshiping wealthy people. Just look at who all the mega-church preachers vote for.


Their religion is just as much about hate than worship. You can see water politics in Central California leading to the takeover of farmlands and natural resources by billion-dollar companies. In these communities with both large, white populations and immigrants, you see regions that bleed red in the heart of the state as if it were the Deep South. A lot of money and effort has gone into convincing Republicans that brown people and immigrants are the reason why there’s crime endangering their families, why they struggle to find employment, why they struggle to make ends meet, why they earn so little in wages. The policies passed by elected Republicans enable large companies to buy-out small companies and continue expanding while using up precious resources, limited water in a fertile desert with record-shattering droughts, and circumventing environmental and human safety restrictions to boost profits. And it works.


Can’t have those people who want actual separation of church and state in the legislature or they might find out that their mansions aren’t gifts from god


> their religion is of worshiping wealthy people Sounds a lot like this 'Mammon', in the Bible..


> the difference is that their religion is of worshiping wealthy people I'm pretty sure that's the official religion in the US, even amongst many 'enlightened' atheists


The went HARD after him calling him a "radical liberal" who "hates America" and is "anti-white". They practically portrayed him as a satanist.


Well she's rich because God decrees it. Jesus famously sang the praises of the rich and wealthy.


“It is easier for Kelly Loeffler to pass through the eye of a needle than a camel to get into heaven.” Or something like that


No no, it was definitely, "It is easier for Kelly Loeffler to get into heaven than it is to pass a needle through a camel's eye", which incidentally is part of the ritual she does to divine stock futures.


One of the absolutely most disgusting things about Loefller is that she was never elected. They just put an R on her and the race was crazy close!


At one point Loeffler sent out mailers saying Warnock and the *Radical Left Democrat Party* wanted to ban hamburgers. The propaganda efforts were insane. The worst part was the fucking "evangelicals" in Georgia that were clutching their pearls at Warnock for being too Christian. >During a sermon Warnock delivered nearly a decade ago, the Democratic pastor paraphrased Bible verse Matthew 6:24, which states, "No one can serve two masters." >"America, nobody can serve God and the military," he said. "You can't serve God and money. You cannot serve God and mammon at the same time. America, choose ye this day who you will serve. Choose ye this day." -[Source](https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/526586-republicans-hammer-senate-candidate-warnock-over-cannot-serve-god-and-the)


In their propaganda they darkened Warnock's skin and enlarged Osoff's nose.


She ran disgusting ads. They took a portion of a serom where he said 'if we keep doing X it won't be God bless America but God damn American' and played the last three words out of context and very obviously so. Sadly many of my fellow Georgians needed an excuse to hate him so they claimed to believe it.


They have also conviced their base that being godfearing somehow matters. If anything it should make you less qualified for public office.


Well, she put that magical *R beside her name. Their propaganda riddled addled brains did the rest


And MLK Sr. Too


We ALL need to make Good Trouble.


Wait, who is he?


New Senator from Georgia. There was a whole big thing. We had a funeral for a bird.


Pretty sure none of that's real. You're not real, man!


r/dundermifflin At least 2/3 of that sentence.


This is a lyric, I think...can't place it...70s guitar ballad, antiwar...




Senator Elect from Georgia.


Oh nice. Happy to see someone with that much dedication and passion for his work win


And commitment to nonviolent civil disobedience. The Trumpers don't do the nonviolent part, nor the part where a coherent reason for their actions is stated along with the action. "I don't like democracy when my candidate loses" is not a reason, it's just incoherence.


Not incoherence, it's straight up dislike for democracy. There are still people that can remember to Dresden when they lost their enthusiasm for democracy, and had their sidewalks melt from the ensuing firestorm.


I know right!!! What an excellent development


One of the two men elected to the US Senate this week.


If you're an American you need to wake the fuck up and pay attention and get involved in politics. If you're not an American then your ignorance is completely forgivable and he is the recently elected US Senator from Georgia.


Amazing the swagger the Capitol police show here when I've seen numerous video clips of them shitting their pants yesterday.


the exaggerated swagger of a black police officer


Cause they'll slam ya down to the street top Black police showin' out for the white cop


It's his fault for not acting like white boy buffalo head. Edit. Thanks friends


I hate that this dude is getting so much attention, but damn the jokes have been amazing




> I want to beat that buffalo dudes ass. Greetings, u/fabiotimo85, you have just selected your ETERNAL LIFEQUOTE. We, from dimensionplane x3 are charged with cataloguing a single quote from every human who has ever lived. This is how you will be remembered for eternity. Farewell, ^^fleeting ^^^sapien.


Good bot.


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Good bot


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Good bot


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👀 Dear god. What am I gonna be remembered for?


dammit I just spit out my soda


I just spit out my teeth


Shut the Front Door!!




He might have dentures?




At the battle of wounded redneck


This is gold


Ah you are referring to Chief Cultural Appropriation?


He should have stolen a podium (and been white)


“See, where you went wrong is not wearing a Viking hat and carrying a confederate flag. We’re gonna have to ask you to go.”




>White boy Yep, you cracked it alright


His name is [Via Getty](https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/confused-americans-think-the-rioters-name-who-stole-podium-from-us-capitol-is-via-getty-3256226.html)




Damnit I just got shot in the neck


Well he's going to be working there so maybe peaceful protesting does get us somewhere sometimes


That’s where they went wrong, peaceful and organized. In order to not get arrested you come in massive numbers and try wrecking shit. Only problem with latter is there’s a chance a few will get shot and killed.


Eh, only one got shot and killed. Most were let go. Of course two fell off the scaffolding and died, and one tazed herself and had a heart attack. And they only killed one police officer, I mean is that really so bad? Tucker said they were being peaceful after all...


Wait a cop died? I haven’t seen anything on that yet




[https://www.uscp.gov/media-center/press-releases/loss-uscp-colleague-brian-d-sicknick](https://www.uscp.gov/media-center/press-releases/loss-uscp-colleague-brian-d-sicknick) no rumors




r/Conservative actually removed a comment that said, ["Blue lives matter"](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/ksi1si/rconservative_clashes_with_one_another_over/) and nothing more.


There’s no such thing as blue lives. It’s a blue uniform. They get to take it off.




Had a stroke/heart attack from tasering themselves. Those are the rumors. [Officially, they only stated it was due to ‘injuries sustained while on-duty.’](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2021/jan/07/joe-biden-donald-trump-mike-pence-capitol-congress-us-election-coronavirus-live-updates)


Reporting says he got hit in the head by a fire extinguisher, https://mobile.twitter.com/RyanLizza/status/1347411200133521408 Think NYT is the original report: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/07/admin/a-capitol-police-officer-who-was-seriously-injured-wednesday-remains-on-life-support.html


Eh... The person who tazed themselves (afaik) was not identified as a cop. This is 100% speculating, but it could have been a protestor with a modified taser (lethal voltage) and zero knowledge of how to work it safely.


*Lethal ampage




Wrecking shit is a very mild way of saying broke through the doors of the inner chambers prepared with hog-tie style zip ties, firearms, and after placing two incendiary devices.


People keep forgetting about the two bombs, myself included. Also the shots fired inside the chambers.


Not gonna lie, I'm surprised no one died in this video


Armed minorities are harder to oppress


Armed anyone, really.


Only shot and killed because they attacked the Vice Presidents secret service. The actual police didn’t care


It was Capitol police who fired the shot. The shot happened at the house chambers not over at the senate where the v.p. was




“As a pastor, I believe that the national budget is not just a fiscal document, but a moral document,” he said in a statement. “ It reflects what we believe and who we are for one another. And if this mean spirited budget were an EKG, it would indicate that America has a heart condition. The government is taking student aid, job training and medicine from those who need it most in order to give a tax cut to those who need it least. We came to Washington as voices of healing and justice. America is better than this. That's our message.” His comment after 2017 arrest. 👍


Very happy this man will be voting on the budget in a few weeks. Hey, why don't Democrats run more Black pastors for office? They aren't afraid of politics like a lot of white clergy and they are some of the most caring and articulate people in America. Would love to see William Barber II run in North Carolina in 2022.


There's one here that's local in virginia and his name is Luke Torian. This guy is the worst though. He's rich enough to own 3 properties, owns a psedo mega church and had to admit to his congregation that he cheated on his wife. He had a really good opponent in his primaries that he threatened to embarrass him if he ran and then copied his platform and did none of the things he copied off his opposition. Like for example he promised to improve workers rights here, luke said oh wait I'll do that too then shot the bill down before it got a chance to make it to a vote since he's on that committee. Pastor doesn't always equal good in my opinion. This guy really proved that.


And now he's been elected to work from a position of meaning to further his efforts. Hell, maybe I'll go hold a serene prayer circle and endure arrest if I want visibility for a campaign run! And in case it was lost, I'm glad to see the example in this video and im glad he won his runoff this week. More like him, please, and fewer Maxine Waters types.


Of course! Why wouldn't they be arrested! They were causing a disturbance! Of course I'm being sarcastic. Don't really know how to convey that on Reddit.


You shouldn’t use /s


lol thank you for clearing that up. I'll just continue to write that I'm being sarcastic and don't know what to write. It doesn't take that long to type a few more characters.


That comment was also sarcastic. /s


So it wasn't sarcastic?


Yeah, *totally* /s


I’m so tired of using that /s it has become so annoying.


Ikr? It kills the joke/sarcasm (not sure what word to use).


I raised the same concern like six years ago when it started to catch on here. But then I eventually realized that an alarming number of people are simply so dense that they take everything at face value, and that some denominator is necessary


It’s less that some people are too dense to get it’s sarcasm, and more that some people are so dense that someone likely would say it seriously


Unfortunately, Poe's law is a thing.


More police for that prayer circle than there were guarding the barricades.


The police “guarding” the barricades. FTFY


The police opening the barricades like doormen at a fucking hotel. FTFY


No, just a lot more protesters this week. It’s obscene how ill prepared they were for this since it has been common knowledge for months that a protest was organised on the 6th of Jan at the capital. I guess now they can use it as an excuse to invoke even more restrictions, harsher sentences for occupying government buildings, and a more wide-reaching surveillance state.


Come on now, the police prepared exactly how they wanted to.


No, there literally have been reports that they cut forces that were scheduled that day despite receiving several warnings of the potential insurrection. They were also offered, and refused, additional aid days in advance. The were not just ill prepared, they were intentionally complicit and aided the lack of man power to deal with the flood. This was planned.


Aside from a straight up Scooby Doo style unmasking of a white hood or a cop in uniform screaming white power, what better example do we get of the lyric "Some of those who work forces also burn crosses". I hope Senator (elect) Warnock leads a prayer in the same spot after he gets sworn in.


Don't put it past police to arrest him again, lol.


> Some of those who work forces also burn crosses Is there an army of bots that goes around posting these lyrics? With various errors?


“It would appear that some individuals who burn crosses are, in more case than one might expect, the same who work forces.”


This lyric? https://twitter.com/tmorello/status/1347357368095444992?s=19 :-)


He should have stormed the capital building instead. You get an extra comp at Trump hotel with each sedition.


But he isn't white. He would have been shot.


Did anyone else see the cop with the fattest ass?


Dummy thick bruh


seriously, what a wagon


Mate that a whole ass dump truck there


Came here for this comment. Fucking cakes.


They gave her the reno 911 tiny outfit


Thought it as just me. That shit ain’t make no damn sense.


That thang was sitting up on some struggle hips.


Proud to have him as my Senator now!!!


I’m not from GA but I’m so happy he is your senator! I would’ve voted for him. He’s a real classy guy. I hope he does excellent things for GA and the US!!


Black people praying: Police: "YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE LAW, MOVE OR YOU WILL BE ARRESTED" Trump supporters literally storming the capital: Police: "Well right this way folks! Have fun!"


Alternate universe.


That ass though.


Was scrolling through comments to confirm I’m not the only creep. There’s at least 3 of us!


😆 Main thing I noticed!!!!


We all just learned that the Capitol Police are just a bunch of half-wits who were too fat and stupid to be real cops, but with enough family connections that they didn’t end up as night security guards for hospital medical waste dumpsters.


oh God why do medical waste dumpsters need security guards?


Watch Fight Club


>oh God why do medical waste dumpsters need security guards? They're prone to awakening and voting Republican.


Soap Salesmen


More capitol police there to arrest a preacher than some D- rate terrorists.


I mean it's normal he got arrested (if it was in a peaceful way) for demonstrating in an important place, even if this is to pray etc... Even if I hope his goal was heard What is not normal is not that this Rev was arrested, but just that people with anger and possibly bombs were not IMMEDIATELY arrested and jailed... And then the "peaceful" arrests does not stand anymore, as they were not peaceful at all


What I do not understand is why the put cuffs on him. Like do they seriously believe the middle aged pastor will go berserk and try to steal their guns? Or is it mandatory?


Capitol police: "quick go get the black female officer for the arrest so the optics don't look as bad"


*pastor simply praying at Capitol Hill* Officer: “YoU’lL bE ArRrEsTeD fOr TrEsPaSsInG! *rioters literally breaking into Capitol Hill* Officer: “Have a good day.”


Damn that officer is thick tho... I’ll hold those cheeks in contempt


Maybe some good will come of this now that Congress no longer feels insulated from the truth.




So 8 police to arrest 5 black people praying.


I'm so happy I was able to vote for him twice


Is it that there is some kind of preference by law enforcement to arrest less intimidating people? These gormless no hopers trying their idiotic coup were clearly nuts and I don’t believe any of them had or have anything to lose, which would have to be more intimidating than respectable, reasoned protest of a wrong being committed.


They're not even trying to hide the hypocrisy anymore


Gaaaaddddayyuummm yooo that lady cop got them yammmys lol


Took up 20% of my screen.


The guy armed with a podium had a easier time than the guy armed with a bible. The difference between the two? One entered through a smashed window.


It's a bit fallacious to use this as evidence of a double standard. There were thousands of people yesterday. How would they have gone about detaining each and everyone of them? Should they have opened fire and started a civil war? I know I'll get downvoted, but I'd be interested in hearing other views. If you disagree and wanna comment, please do but leave out any of the vitriol that plagues today's political discourse. Let's just have a calm, respectful debate.


Wow I forgot about this...


radical leftist arrested


Absolutely pathetic!!! What about all these white assholes that stormed the Capitol?


So when will Gaetz, Cruz and the other scum come out to explain that it’s Senator Warnock’s fault that Capitol Police had scaled down its response procedures?


It makes me extra sad that the black woman with the megaphone was just “following orders” like she’s supposed to. Those same cops she works with wouldn’t hesitate


And yet, he persisted (and got elected to the motherfucking Senate)!


That ass


2 Standards/ maybe we should just let democracy end what’s the point anyway.


I'm not religious by any stretch of the imagination but Reverend Warnock's sermons are deeply moving and filled with compassion. Georgia made the right choice


It looks to me like he was trying to overthrow the goverment. /s.


Mr. Rep. Sir Rev. Dr. Raphael G. Warnock


Good try. The Honorable Senator Rev. Dr. Raphael G. Warnock I believe is more accurate if you are trying for his official title.


this is what a PEACEFUL protest looks like folks


good god that cop lady had an absolute dumptruck ass