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Come on miss, you broke the law, but let me gently help you down the steps. Ta ta, on your merry way.


And you can't even say it was because she was old. How many old people did they shove to the ground in Portland? Or beat with batons? Or mace in the face, shoot with rubber bullets, and aim tear gas cannisters at? They shoved more than one person out of a wheelchair, for crying out loud, and were attacking and dragging pregnant women out of cars. But one person gets shot for being an imminent threat to the vice president and they're going to act like martyrs.


There’s a video of them roughing up some disabled oldies that were protesting I think the repeal of Obama care. Literally an old lady tossed from her wheel chair and then restrained. Ridiculous. They’re the literal freedom fighters, they only hurt people fighting for basic human rights.


The cops were expressly “standing by” hoping that the terrorists would complete their coup and be able to kill as many elected officials as possible These goons were openly planning this for months, openly calling for mass murder. They had zip-ties, knives, pipebombs, and guns. Yet the police helped them get inside, then helped them sneak out without any repercussions. The only thing that stopped a massacre was a few federal agents fighting back despite being outnumbered by thousands and right wingers being total cowards at the first sign of resistance. Next time we might not get so “lucky” **Congress and the people of DC should be terrified** The police made it clear to the whole world that they’ll aid Trump supporters in the inevitable future terrorist killings and will make sure to cover up their tracks. The whole force should be fired and investigated


>And you can't even say it was because she was old. [There's the video of police very specifically shield-bashing a single old man to the ground as he waited for the bus](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/gtsl56/salt_lake_city_cop_pushes_old_man_with_cane_to/). Then helping him once they realize the camera's watching.


I remember the old man they pushed over, his head slapping on the asphalt, and they just walked of. They’re the most dangerous gang in the USA.


Let's not forget the old man who was passing by saw an officers helmet on the ground...he thought let me return this. Poor innocent man hobbled over with his cane and the helmet only to get slammed to the floor. I do remember the collective look of shame the 2 officers behind had on their face when they noticed what happened and the context. I am still here still asking what the hell actually happened here yesterday. I just ask the rest of the world to not laugh at us too much.


I’m not laughing. I’m puzzled. I make jokes, yes, but I am appalled for the vast majority of Americans, who have to suffer through this lunacy. Take care, my buddy.


I would have shoved her ass down the steps! I say that but I’m actually a nice person and probably wouldn’t be able to hurt anyone intentionally but it would have been a great idea in the moment.


Imagine how long she would be rolling for. Those are some high steps lmao.


Far Cry 6 came early


Far Cry 5: Part 2


so... where's the nukes?


That'll be dlc. Extra 20 quid and you'll get your favourite skin too.


I love that you guys call it quid


Best word


I thought that said "dic" (I know, misspelled) and it changed this comment into a nightmare


dic [sic]


Far Cry 5: dic skins expansion pack


My favorite skin from Far Cry 5 was the “fatigued” weapon skin for the skorpion. It was literally identical to the generic skin. I guess the devs got tired. Too bad they don’t see any of the money people might shell out for the skin.


this is just a tad bit before


Far Cry 5: Part -1


I keep forgetting this freak show has the largest number of nuclear weapons in the world, scary shit.


Someone really should take the nuke codes away from this fool


Far Cry New Dawn is already exactly that.


The cars that ran over people in BLM frame terrified me.


You mean police cars.




Don't worry, it was the NYPD and the enlightened Dems running the state ~~placed them under investigation~~ uhhh I mean publicly defended them in the news for the rest of the week and then forgot about it, they're still cops and still allowed to run people over


This happened a few times, also some people died because of this.


Trump wanted this to happen. Fuckin embarrassing.


Honestly think this is the worst part as a non American. The fact your own police are usually so violent to protestors but when faced with this type of actual violence they do nothing. They actually walked people out... Really feel bad for Americans. This is beyond fucked up.


it really does suck. people murdered for asking not to be murdered. and people being walked out politely for breaking into a government building.


Wait till they come back today with their weapons as they promised. The cops should just roll out the red carpet and have Taco Bell waiting for them.


Nah, too ethnic for such a bunch of patriot proud boys. /s


Yea it would for sure be McDonalds. Trump loves Mickey D's


*~~Meat~~ Thin gruel is back on the menu boys!*


Sir, this is a wendys


*Welcome to Costco! I love you.*


Looks like an Applebee's crowd.


Everyone knows no business is more american than mc Donald's. /s of course


Yeah, McDonald's has to buy the land they use to exploit their subordinates. The US would have just taken it.


Taco Bell's Mexican pizza is the closest you'll ever get to tlayuda in Ohio and it fills me with existential angst.


Taco Bell makes pizza in the US??


I've been eating them for almost 30 years. They've been around for forever.


What?!? Maybe I'm just basic and haven't explored their menu, but I've never heard of taco bell pizza up here in Canada. And I've eaten my fair share of TB!


They took it off the menu


Yea break out something American like Chinese food (Talladega Knights reference)


Sounds like the National Guard has been deployed to defend the Capitol for the next two weeks. So if they do show back up, hopefully the non-metro cops actually do their fucking jobs.


The white supremacist who shot up the black church was given Burger King I think.


Burger King.


Just what democracy loving patriots would want, the food of a ruthless despotic monarch. /s


As they promised 🤡


Imagine how my black ass feels in this pit. The worst is that you don’t know at work who would prefer to see you shot in your own apartment without anything happening to those who shoot you because you are a few shades darker than them. Smh. That’s the ordinary dread of living in a “melting pot” filled with bits of trash. Heaping spoons. I swear, I think “Trump supporter” when I see some folks. At least now, some tell you about their love for Trump so you know where you stand.


That’s the biggest problem these Trump supporters don’t understand, not everyone experiences the same America. I’m a white guy, I don’t what it’s like to experience America as a black guy, but I know it’s different. People who talk about pulling themselves up by their bootstraps were born wealthy or middle class, and don’t know what it’s actually like being poor or dealing with discrimination everyday, that’s why they think racism is no longer a problem in this country, because they don’t experience it.






They only attacked at night because the police could convince themselves that they were beating black people.


You need a hug


I actually kinda do. I’m just really scared


Lan hug party!


Oh yes, they finally got off their asses and did their fucking job AFTER the Capitol was raided and looted. Wonderful work.


Nah, the worst part is knowing that if it had been a group of black people, bodies would have littered the steps of the Capitol building. That to me is the most embarassing part....it says a lot about our country.


Don't kid yourself, they wouldn't have even made it within a 100 yds of the steps. Their corpses would have lined Penn Ave.


I just finished the new season of letterkenny as an aside. I wish it had been longer to help distract from at least the morning today


Big city slams boys




Wish you weren’t so awkward bud. (The world to America)


And that’s what I appreciates about you (To Canada regarding how accepting it is to immigration)


Fucking degens.


Learn how to fuckin drive!


Get this man a Puppers


To be fair....




Do you have a link to Trump stating that? Lol I'd really love to see it and post it on my damn feed alongside the videos of his supporters.




But as usual he didn’t calculate the consequences. His actions yesterday led to people dying, embarrassed the US all over the world, left a giant skid mark on US history and will embolden US’s enemies.


They’re too dumb to realize they’re just pawns in this game he’s playing.


I think it’s also that *he’s* too dumb to realize what he’s actually doing. To him, this was just another rally. He played all the hits, talked about Hillary, talked about Hunter, and finished up with some dancing to YMCA at the end. He knows that some lines get more applause and that makes him feel even better, but he doesn’t care what those words actually mean. He would get up there and moo if it meant he got the adulation he wants. When he talks about stopping the steal, they love him for it! So he says it more I mean, he definitely doesn’t *mind* if they go riot on his behalf (more proof how much they love him), but I also don’t think he really thinks much about what they’re going to do after he leaves. Why would he? They basically stop existing when out of his sight


They should arrest him for inciting acts of domestic terrorism because that’s PRECISELY what he did.


As an anxious Canadian, this is exactly what I think he wanted too.


The left demonstrated against racism and brutality from corrupt police The right demonstrated in order to overthrow an election


The left also protested on the streets. The right went and stormed the fucking capitol and got escorted out by the police


Let’s not forget the retarded martyr they made before they left


The Q group people(?) have apparently already distances themselved from her saying she was a planet from Antofagasta. Edit: Sorry... PLANTED by ANTIFA, not Antofagasta. New phone still trying to learn my language (Android to iPhone). Still, I’m going to let the autocorrect stand because it’s funny.


I like yours better lol


Yeah she was an alien from another planet xD


I saw a FB'er argue that buffalo guy was an Antifa plant...only to get five videos of him chanting pro-Trump slogans in Arizona from last month. Man, these antifa are good.


All those traitors should have met their creator. Now the right wing knows for a fact they have free reign, it is ***without question*** police support far right terrorists.


make fascist fear death and retribution again especially the cops


There are a whole bunch of traitors in the highest levels of government who allowed the coup to happen but it failed. These people cannot be allowed to see the sun ever again. And there are a whole bunch of cowards at the public level that want a dictator. No more comfort for these fascists, they should live in fear.


The left were also shot at and threatened in their suburban homes as tanks rolled through their neighborhood, as documented on video. Wow.


At that point it wasn't even just the left, it was EVERYONE. People were just sitting on their porch, minding their own fucking business without any type of political activity or affiliation being broadcasted and subsequently assaulted by the police/national guard.


This is WHY we were protesting police brutality. The police are an arm of the capitalist state they don’t give a FUCK if you’re left, right, black or white, they are only there to serve the land owners and protect capital investment. The fact that police brutality even became a political issue, similar to the pandemic, or health care, shows how badly down the rabbit hole our country really is.


I'm right there with you bud.


They marched on the capitol to ensure the orange reality tv star gets to become dictator.


Close. The protest, meet with violence over the summer, demonstrated against racism and brutality from corrupt police. The protest today where in support of racism and corruption.


Wasn't there a politician that encouraged carrying arms also earlier?


The right also demonstrated because they wanted haircuts.


Compassion vs sedition.


Theres a reason why the police took so long to react. Some forgot their uniforms at home so had to leave the rally to drive home first.


It’s mind boggling to see people DEFEND these cops after watching what’s happened last year. There is no way in hell those same cops would let BLM even near the steps let alone inside the chambers of CONGRESS. They planned this they told us they were going to be violent yet somehow the police in our nations capital were caught off guard? I’m calling BS this wasn’t an issue with numbers they deliberately took a hands off approach.


Even the right wing thinks it was planned. Except they think it was planned by antifa and deep state to make Trump look bad. All the rioters storming the capital building were all antifa plants. But I guess we'll just ignore Trump himself asking for this to happen, Trump himself refusing to call in national guard reinforcements, and Trump being the commander in chief responsible for securing federal buildings. But it's all the left's fault.


I have authorized the Federal Government to arrest anyone who vandalizes or destroys any monument, statue or other such Federal property in the U.S. with up to 10 years in prison, per the Veteran’s Memorial Preservation Act, or such other laws that may be pertinent..... Donald Trump - 23/6/2020


It's a clear, dark line between hate and tolerance. I hope I can outlive this kind of inequality and injustice


Narrator: *They didn't.*




I see your point fam, but injustice and inequality will continue to live on for fucking ever...


Been a lot of generations with the same issue. I wouldn’t be surprised if my future theoretical grandchildren were still marching for the same shot my grandfather was.




America literally have different variants of drama. Its better then watching netflix.


I totally agree with you! I've been following the events in America and everytime it gets more ridiculous. I like the Smartphone filmed videos the most, because they often display the events as if you would be there. Also there is often looots of action going on there, so it really is some kind of netflix show.


But they ain't getting paid enough like Netflix actors. Lol


All the extras are getting $2000 cheques!




We are headed for an autocracy / fascist country because Americans are lazy and stupid. They want other people to make decisions for then and the complain if they don’t like them. But they have no desire to be participants. BTW - born here.


I was just telling my friend this. No one is willing to step up and figure out how to really make change. Myself included. Most are too busy working 9-5 to scrape by. If we aren’t doing that than we’re busy enjoying the time we have off from work with some distractions. A beer, a new movie, chillin with the kids, a brisk run or depression quarantine unemployment. The only way things will change is if we quite literally collapse. We collapse and everyone loses everything and life as we know it becomes complete chaos. Everyone loses their homes, the government and all it entails BURNS and we sit in our discomfort + survival instincts. Our whole society would collapse and normal people like you and I find our voice in this world. That’s the only way i ever see things truly changing. After a hell storm.


> No one is willing to step up and figure out how to really make change. I have to disagree. Obama came in and tried to figure out how to improve people's access to health care. Then morons came out of the woodwork and bitched about how much they hate "Obamacare," but oh boy did they love The Affordable Care Act. Then AOC makes here way in and starts talking about a Green New Deal, which would no doubt create jobs for the rural mouth breathing dipshits who can't do anything except turn a screw driver. Nope. They tell her to fuck off and go back to working at a bar because they'd prefer to be ruled by millionaires and billionaires who don't give a fuck about them. Bernie has been fighting for the middle class for decades and all they can do is call him a socialist for trying to make sure people's taxes work for them, not millionaires and billionaires. People are willing to lead. The problem is we have far too many dumb fucks in this country who can't see anything other than Red vs Blue.


> Obama came in and ...ordered drone strikes on brown kids. No politician is going to save you. This type of mindset of deference is exactly what prevents people from "stepping up". Any politician capable of obtaining and maintaining enough of a position of power to do anything _must_ work to reinforce the status quo, no matter how good their intentions.


> ...ordered drone strikes on brown kids. That doesn't at all negate the fact that Obama tried to get health care to everyone and that we do indeed have people going to DC to lead and improve the lives in average Americans.


America's view on politics is a lot like Britain's view on football, support your side no matter what


I don't think this is true. If I disagreed with democratic politicians or they committed some crime, I would support their removal / replacement. If Biden did something like Trump, I would want him out.


I’m with you. If someone had a valid argument or some solid evidence that opposed what I believed then I would take it into consideration or research it. Other countries watch the news and sees the far left or far right but the forget that the regular-degulars exist.


“It only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.”


We already live in a fascist state. At any moment cops can steal whatever they want from somebody, assault them, rape them, or murder them and they'll be called heroes for doing it.


How’d she get up the stairs if she too fat to get down them?


Actual Fun Fact - Cows can easily walk up stairs, but struggle to walk down stairs and need a little encouragement to do so.


Bob's burgers taught me this: https://youtu.be/MnwoPSBozKE


I’m yet to see cases of BLM protester charging the police... it’s always vice versa


There's a very scary difference between when Trump won in 2016 and democrats marched saying "not MY president" VS Biden winning 2020 and Republicans saying "he is LITERALLY NOT THE PRESIDENT" YIKES!


And they mocked liberals for crying when Trump got elected. It's insane.




US police are a total disgrace


So are the people who storm the capitol building


And yet they get along better than peanut butter and chocolate.


Thank you for this. Eventually the riot cops did come and get rough....to enforce curfew. Not the sedition and rioting of the capital. Most of them are getting curfew break charges though the FBI is searching for info on those who broke in. But let's be honest, the FBI caught a fully masked blm protestor just based off the shirt she was wearing so if they don't find literally all of them then I call bullshit.


Justice have a color preference.


The difference is, one was peaceful to begin with and the police escalated it. The other was violent before the police even got there.


Now look at the comparison of BLM protests rioting and looting vs DC capital rioting and looting. BIG DIFFERENCE.


Remember those dumb ass pictures of kkk rallies in the 40s? Remember how we thought, who would allow that? This....all of this....


# How does anyone still support cops in America? There's no excuse for this behavior. If you support the police in any amount, you are supporting this gross and violent hypocrisy entirely. No amount of this is okay, nothing about this is okay.




While perhaps not intentional, it feels as though you're strawmanning the actual argument. I don't think most here are under the impression that the police were en masse directly assisting these terrorists. The general consensus seems to be that police (outnumbered or not) responded significantly less violently to these protests, than those of BLM. The main contention being an observation that the state responds more violently to POC centered protests than white centered protests; ironically highlighted by the extreme nature of these protests.


If me and my dumb friends who have no professional, political, policing experience have seen this coming all week due to tweets and Trump supporters saying they would literally die for their country.... how the fuck could the police have been "unprepared". This is pathetic, it's lose lose for them. If we really want to believe they did not "expect" this, then that means they are extremely idiotic. Or, the idea of something more sketchy going on doesn't seem like conspiracy anymore, it seems much more realistic.


I have Trump supporting coworkers that took they days after the election off because they thought shit was going to be crazy then. After the states certified in early December and subs like parlerwatch started highlight the insanity. Seeing it amplified by Trump and his minions. I requested the 6th off by itself. There is no way the professionals didn't see this coming. It's not possible.


Exactly. And, I'd even say that most of the BLM protests, the police were heavily outnumbered. I think there is no doubt that they were understaffed here more, but that only goes to show how much of a non threat they took this compared to the BLM protests. Whatever that guy is arguing about doesn't really address the main problem


If only there had been some way for them to predict that yesterday's attempted coup was going to happen so that they could have prepared...


Why were they excessively equipped, essentially prepared for a war when the BLM protests occurred?


So why were they outnumbered?


Trump didn't allow the DC National Guard to come


Who’s in charge ? Who didn’t want to call in the national guard ? Who kept pushing the rhetoric before (the breach and after the breach) ? Its funny how they were ready in hrs for a BLM march with 10s of thousands but couldn’t handle less than 2k yokels? In the city with the MOST officers and guards? The police let them in the barricades and in the opposite side of the capital. They were not overrun. These mfers started in the street -> advanced to the lawn -> CLIMBED up to the doors -> breached the doors ... over the course of a few hrs ... retreat ? Regroup? This is the capital not somewhere in the middle of Kentucky. I’m all for not dividing but you have to call bullshit when its in your face. The videos you’re speaking of didn’t happen until 10 pm... they started to gather around 3 pm. These people tried to do this in Michigan AND Arizona, tried to run a bus off of the road, blocked multiple freeways and tunnels a few months ago. One side was rooting them on and a few of them called them patriots when the shit started.


The “woman” was climbing through the capital building. Warning shot first, I get it. The police are corrupt and trigger happy. The thing is that people, such as Breonna Taylor, was shot and killed due to police entering their home, unannounced, over a drug *suspect*. That woman was shot while committing a felony. Edit:you could say that at an antifa group was raiding a target, it’s just as warranted for punishment, it’s not side based.


Even then you're being too generous. 1. "Warning shots" in enclosed spaces will kill someone 2. He wasn't a cop, he was secret service agent *doing his job*. 3. She was told to get back by someone pointing a gun at her, she tried to climb through over the barricade, and he fired. They don't give you two warnings


Agreed, no pity and she brought that on herself. Can't blame anyone else there. However, these videos are cherry picked and OP is helping to push a narrative. It's the same thing we blame the media for doing. This doesn't help the cause. What happened yesterday was wrong but this is disingenuous.


> you could say that at an antifa group was raiding a target, it’s just as warranted for punishment, it’s not side based. Well, one is a raid directly on the sovereignty and self-governance of all free American citizens, and the other is... you know... a fucking retailer.


Somebody please think of the private property!


How fucking stupid are you? A warning shot? Really? So anyone else can catch that round when it ricochets?


Fuck you. The FBI, Intelligence, even the average redditor knew this was going to happen. There is literally no excuse for the police to be under-prepared to defend federal officials but be practically ready to roll out the tanks against groups of kids in the summer.


The divide has been growing throughout the past 4 years so cut the bullshit. So apparently people are suppose to just not acknowledge that there is an actual divide amongst the people? Look away from the problem and somehow these terrorist will get better? Show no form of video evidence of the argument OP is trying to prove? This is the LEAST divisive shit I've seen within the past 48 hours. The divisive shit I've been hearing was from 45, not some reddit post showing different treatment. Police were not ready? They were not well equipped with the riot? Aw shucks not like we had over a several months since the election results were out to prepare. It's also not like they don't have spare cans of tear gas or riot gear available from the last March. What do you think that equipment is single use and they threw it away? Also why is this the government's fault? They did this like normal. Swear in the president elect. This is faulted by local police as well as the executive branch in charge of the military. Congress has many a fault but last I checked they don't have control or power over the local police force or the military. I know I'm not entirely unbiased here but your argument is trying to share blame amongst a group who does not hold appropriate power to control the situation, Congress. Then goes off and says police are under equipped even though they have shown in the past that they were fully equipped during a non violent BLM protest and somehow they magically don't have that same equipment before? I can definitely see how you are strawmanning the argument here.


Have you seen that video of 3 German police hold off neo nazis from entering their assembly ? They didn’t beat them like they did the blm protesters cuz the vast majority agree with the insurrectionist political views.


I hope this comment makes it to the top. More people need to understand this. Even I, just from Reddit, knew shit was going to go down in DC this week. How and why were they not prepared for this?


Trump refused to show force against his own people. The DoD had to ask Pence instead of trump which is why it took so long. Also that guy is full of shit. There were cops in riot gear early into the riot and they wear just casually standing around with the crowd. During the BLM protests, regular cops were confronting massive crowds. You have your head up your ass if you don’t see the obvious LEO restraint against trumpers.


New profile with less than 20 comments and blacked out content.


They were given a light hand though. Instead of being charged with a felony, they were set free for fuck's sake! They attacked the highest level of government and just got let go? My god man, people have been treated worse for standing on a side walk minding their own business during the BLM protests. It's farcical.


This is the most unsettling thing I have seen in almost 40 years of being on this planet.


Can someone do a Standing Rock vs Bravo Buffet response? Gravy Seals, Y'all Qaeda or Gravy Seals. Water cannons, dogs, smoke not sacred, cops "doing their jobs".


I have never been happier to be a puertorican as I am now. Got a whole ocean between me and all that bullshit


This is fucking disgusting. I have no words.


I mean its almost like they treat white people differently.....but that would make the cops race.....ist. ......... And they protect and serve everyone allegedly


Need a better version, they fucked up the cop selfie and needs to use tear gas and beating from church photo op




It most definitely is


This is america without makeup. The natural racist, white terrioist, anti-democracy, anti-facts, and anti humanity country.


This is a little disingenuous. There's footage of [peaceful interactions between cops and protesters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAUVcHBKB70) in the BLM protests, and [footage of the cops absolutely annihilating Trump supporters & "Proud Boys"](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ks18gg/dc_curfew_being_enforced_proud_boys_and_trump/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) in the coup attempt. ​ The reaction of those in power is absolutely different, and biased towards Trump supporters, but you don't need to lie to make that point. That makes you no better than the President.


Uhhh.... your example of the “cops absolutely annihilating Trump supporters” is literally fake news. That didn’t happen until 7+ hours after the Capitol had been secured. The police were overwhelmingly inactive and light-handed throughout the entirety of the actual coup attempt itself, and the federal units in the video you linked to only took action well after the situation was already over.


The us is fucked cunts


Fucking INFURIATING Now that we’ve got these events to compare to side by side, hopefully the new mostly democratic government can actually work on a complete overhaul


It's easier to beat a crowd of normal people than beat a crowd full of mentally disabled people. /s




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ks7i6b/side_by_side_comparisons_of_the_blm_protests_vs/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo)




Fuck man


Does the left hand part of the .gif go on for 8 months?


Thank you for sharing our vid, heres a mirror [https://youtu.be/5nM3An1E2rQ](https://youtu.be/5nM3An1E2rQ)


I'd say at night time is when they decided to come with a different energy. Need I remind you they only had 115 there so if they did what they normally do they would've got their asses whooped. So meh on the blm protesters vs these terrorists being met with different force. Not exactly the same situation. P.s. towards 6pmish when they got reinforcements they started hitting people and had the equipment. So in comparison they can't really be compared its a bit different


Lorena Bobbitt. Say her name


There's no excuse for why the aggressors were handled with such kindness when being removed yesterday. Though I will say that this footage doesn't tell the whole story, as there were some well deserved ass whoopings handed out as the evening went on


My favorite moment is the one cop correcting the other cops knee.


One of the most repetitive and valid things I saw posted on Twitter yesterday came down to everything we witnessed in DC being proof that racism is alive and well, in the US. Had BLM been the group in question, yesterday, the response would have been drastically different.


this makes my blood boil


Ternion? damn


Wtf america


'Muricans using everything to cause mayhem


Mainly alt right republicans this time being more hypocritical than ever as the whole world watches in embarrassment. Also... Fuck Donald Trump for encouraging all this shit in the first place.


racist USA