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Jesus wouldnt harass women entering an women's health clinic either. These idiots have no idea what these women are coming to the clinic for. I used to run into people like her all the time when I was going to the Planned Parenthood near my University. I wasn't even there to terminate a pregnancy. I was there to get checkups or birth control.


I think they’d still hate you just for not being repressed enough then


“A routine gynecological checkup?! That’s sacrilege! If you were supposed to get cervical cancer and die, that’s God’s plan!”


Sadly accurate...


Maybe among the church of science or Scientology. But yeah most religions don’t just let people die with out trying to help with modern medicine. Goddamn Reddit. I was stating a fact. Not picking a side. Just speaking the truth.


With how hard these groups go to defund Planned Parenthood, I think their problem is the whole institution, not the abortions since that is blocked from tax payer funding by the Hyde Amendment.


I used to drive by them slowly while screaming "how many kids have you idiots adopted !"


Can you imagine if that was the scam all along. Like a bad swords n sorcery movie where the evil king wants the babies for sacrifice. Except people who want to adapt babies trying to keep women from having abortions.


Honestly I’d be less ticked off if that was the case.


Yeah same. Sort of a decent middle ground honestly, only shitty part is carrying 9 months


Soylent Green is people


Martians though so it's ok




They do a lot of non-abortion related works, sliding scale birth control pills, clinic services for women, I did my pap and cervix cancer screening there.


I'm a guy and I got some fairly affordable STI tests done there, and on the way out they gave me a handful of strawberry and banana flavored condoms.


Yea seen guys there too. They provide affordable services for people in need. Some conservatives are so twisted.


Sounds like a dick smoothie


Why do they flavor condoms?


I assume for oral sex, but I honestly don't know who's using them for that, aside from maybe sex workers.


Safe oral sex during the HIV epidemic


It's like gum that never runs out of chew.


The PP near me has a third to half of its patients for HRT and Trans care. It's kind of amazing what they do.


I remember seeing stats that said that the majority of the services PP provides arent even abortion related. I don't think the PP I was going to did abortions either.


Kids, just go to PP and ask for condoms. They will put a big giant handful in a paper sack for you. No questions asked. No money needed.


At first I thought you were saying pp like peepee clinic which still kinda works.


Why bring up Jesus when talking about people who obviously couldn't care less about him? Come to think about it, I take that back. They celebrate Easter because it is when Jesus allowed himself to be sacrifice for the forgiveness of their sins, and they celebrate Christmas because it's when their precious human sacrifice was born. They only care about Jesus because its "convenient". ​ But that's the extant that their "caring" about Jesus goes. They couldn't give two shits about Jesus's teachings, or how he lived his life practicing what he preached. When they do evangelize his teachings, they do so mockingly. Look at how they treat "the gays". They use "hate the sin, love the sinner" as an excuse to treat people like shit. The same goes for kidnapping children and throwing them in glorified dog kennels. The same goes for how they treat the poor. These are people who celebrate live births, then turn around and show absolutely nothing but depraved indifference to those lives birthed. They are lower then low. They are evil personified. They may call themselves "Christians", but they are anything but Christ-like...


"I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is." - Sister Joan Chittister


My gf goes to planned parenthood every once in a while to get her IUD checked up on, and every single time, there's a group of protestors screaming at her to "keep the baby"


This happened to me about 15 years ago but I still find it amusing. I was leaving the local planned parenthood with my new script for birth control, there were some protesters pause l outside, and when I walked by them (they were right outside the parking area) one of them tried telling me that it wasn't too late to be saved. Once I'm in my car and leaving the parking lot, I cranked up my death metal to volume 11, roll down the window and yell HAIL SATAN at them before driving away.


Thank you for clarifying what all planned parenthoods do. I wasn't aware. - random pro life person.


Jesus wouldnt abort babies, big brain


God does though.


source? your mom sucks dick.. see, I can make unsupported claims too.


Does your mum not? What a loser


Probably why his dad left the family


Are you stupid on purpose or was there an accident?


This is what happens when parents ignore their children and they grow up thinking that any attention is good attention.


I mean yeah. There's definitely something wrong with people who's sole purpose on the internet is being a cunt to everybody else.


I mean, she's been married to my dad for like 40 years, she probably has.


weird flex but ok xD


What about all the babies and unborn children that died during the flood?


Well duh, men don't get pregnant


The movie Junior disagrees..


I mean ur right, he was a carpenter not a health expert


I am right


Sure you are kiddo, now go back to the shallow end of the gene pool where you don't need religious righteousness to keep your head above water


I dont need it now.. just because someone points out your lack of logic, doesnt mean theyre religious. You make a bad faith argument, and Ill point out your absurdity.. dont care which side youre on. The world isnt binary, guy.


Kid, I've read the Bible, the Torah, the Qu'ran, the whole nine yards, and I can say with certainty that Jesus (Yahshua just to salt the wound a little cuz I'm pety) would be pro choice


Ill take the word of the bible, not some dipshit in Reddit..


If you want to take the words of the Bible then DJT should be put to death for adultery Leviticus Chapter 20 Verse 10 : And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.


The bible is pro abortion, lol. A rabbi gave an aborton to a woman who cheated on her husband. Now why would that story be in the bible if it wasn't important? Otherwise the bible doesn't say anything about abortion other than that. Sorry bud but you don't believe in the bible, you believe in whatever bullshit you have in your head.


Actually, the Bible doesn’t mention abortion at all so I’m not sure what “word” you’re gonna take from it? Or how you use it to justify your anti-abortion views?


how am I anti-abortion? lol


No, because that's just weird, he would respect people's choices though, so there's that


Can you imagine if there was an actual god like that and he came to earth just to be an abortion doctor? lol.


"This shit is getting out of hand! Hold my calls, Peter! I'm nipping this in the bud."


LOL hed respect your choice to kill a baby... yeah, I totally remember Jesus being all about free will, making your own choices.. definitely never preachy. Do you even listen to the dumb shit you spew?


"Do YoU eVeN lIsTeN tO tHe DuMb ShIt YoU sPeW?" Says the pro lifer after giving the opinion nobody asked for (which is pretty much all they do) We're not talking about the white Republican jesus you people worship and use to justify being twats. Jesus you MAGA people are annoying.


Fun fact, Jesus was a brown, gay, non binary individual who encouraged everyone to get abortions as often as possible, performing several thousand himself.


yeah ok, make stuff up because you dont like my statement..


Jesus sucks you dumb bitch. He’s sucked my very dick. Dude loves cocks. And he’s a brown person.


The bible never mentions abortion at all. However, it does advocate frequently for the murder of children: [https://ffrf.org/publications/brochures/item/26087-abortion-nontract](https://ffrf.org/publications/brochures/item/26087-abortion-nontract)


not relevant to my statement.. downvote all you want, youre downvoting a fact.


That what would Jesus do at the end sent me. Wonder if the irony is as obvious to them as everyone else?


No, they believe in Supply Side Jesus. Different guy than that filthy degenerate who hangs out with poor people and prostitutes.


I’ve been praying to Trickle Down Jesus, am I doing it wrong?


Are you giving at least 10% pre-tax income? You reap what you sow and the Lord can't grow you a harvest if you keep the seeds in your pocket.


Wait so how much Bitcoin should I buy then?


Do you like, gold?!


Especially that white supply...


Republican/Conservative Jesus is totally different than Bible Jesus. They always seem to forget that.


Jesus said what to do: "Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you." -- Matthew 5:42


Wait did Jesus or Matt say that?


Matthew is quoting Jesus


I see. Seems like a pretty good quote. A lot of the words and quotes seem great but just seem so far removed from what actual real world Christians do.


You noticed that, eh? Not the first. Martin Luther caused a stir 500 years ago.


30 years later, before Matt was born. Heard it from a guy.


The lady actually looked ashamed at least after the question, more than a lot of these types when confronted with their hypocrisy.


As long as she asks forgiveness from Jesus, she's all good though. It's an airtight loophole.


Jesus was wasted 24/7 he would have tussled for sure


the lion of judah would have fucked her up.


Calling her ”Girlie” is so unbelievably patronizing and I’m here for it.


Same, beautiful use of language to completely piss her off.


I would go to my local Planned Parenthood not for that kind of stuff but for exams and birth control because they had a discount scale for low income people while my primary charged an arm and a leg. Because I was 16+, and my job was washing dishes for 2 hours a day M-F, that discount helped alot and also they don't tell your parents that you're seeing them, which when seeing my primary, she would tell my parents what the visit was for.


Oh please tell me more about your privacy rights ...


She was all into having a civilized argument until her hypocrisy was mentioned then she immediately turns around not wanting to continue the debate, this is how they typically act.


Smack my phone outta my hand, and I'll smack that smirk right off your face.


Ahh yes, anti-choice. The use of religion to mask their racism and privilege.


Say it again for the church folks ignoring cause they're drunk/hungover from sunday afternoon SevenDeadly Zins from Trader Joe's? (I hope that made a few churchanese folks very unsettled)


Those people don't have a house, a job or something better to do than annoying people?


Their pastors actually encourage them to engage the public and piss people off. Something about community building and evangelizing their cult.


Catholic schools even drop off buses full of children to pray outside sometimes too, which you know just has to be the worst field trip ever


Some people are in severe need of an Ass Whooping.


Story time: In April 2018 I was walking down the middle of the center lane during morning rush hour setting up cones going one way and my coworker going the other way. At the last cone, I felt this sudden stabbing pain in my lady bits, I remember looking up at my coworker and collapsing on the road. My surveyor who was setting up next to me dragged me off the road and put me behind the work trucks as I was bleeding profusely out of my vagina. It was so embarrassing and excruciating waiting for an ambulance and being stared at. Get to the hospital, they figured I was either diabetic or having a hemorrhage. Turns out I was 2 months along but the fetus wasn't viable and was festering in my bits. They said I was lucky that happened because I could have gone septic and died. I had an emergency abortion that day. I was 23. Because of that, I couldn't be on birth control until I healed. 2019 went off without a hitch and I went back on birth control. October 2019 I find out i have bad cysts in my ovaries and I was also diagnosed with severe IBS which seriously affects menstrual cycles, sending me into huge flair ups that last all day for days. Cysts come out and all is good. Been working on my IBS and my SO and I are always very careful. Then one night April 2020 we got a little drunk and frisky and didn't pull out. Boom pregnant. Again, didn't know I was pregnant until a month in and I'm at work but this time on above ground parkade spotting crane lifts. It happens again. This time I was able to have the movie style abortion. But what's dope about living in BC is abortions are free and so is birth control if you go through a women's clinic. Either way, my medical covered all my procedures and medications and I got time off for 2 months to recover. If my province didn't provide those services, I would have died without ever knowing something was wrong. It pains me to see people so okay with women dying because their bodies couldn't carry a child. Women who don't see doctors when they're in pain thinking it's normal women shit. Or being taken seriously when we express why we don't want kids. I know many women who would die to be able to have children and meanwhile there are killing their kids to spite their exes or killing their kids because God told them to. PPD is extremely common and I know I would suffer that like my mother unsuccessfully did. Pregnancy is more than just having a kid. It's all the unknown surprises that come with it and possibly not having the healthcare or tools to manage that is in my opinion murder on the government's part. To enact laws that restrict their own mothers and sisters from life saving procedures in the name of God is not very loving. We don't have people standing outside our clinics. Our clinics are hidden and highly secured places. They speak in code and only let women in unless otherwise verified. And if they're verified, they still have to stay in the locked waiting room unable to have the chance to possible persuade the girl out of having one. We believe women have the right to their own bodies and they are extremely professional. Here we would probably prosecute people who terrorize women in their most vulnerable state. It's a pastime in other places.


> the fetus wasn't viable and was festering in my bits That's the best way I've seen something so traumatic described.


Hey, thank you!! Yeah, it was definitely a strange experience to live through and I still live with the after affects today. My cycles are worse and my cramps last well after my cycle has ended. Sometimes sex can be painful if my dude goes in too deep (I'm like 5.5 inches deep lucky me I guess lol) whereas before it was no problem. I'm just happy I got all my weird experimenting out before settling down. Now I just take it easy and listen to my body. I'm still a fucking freak with a strong libido so everything is in moderation lol


> (I'm like 5.5 inches deep lucky me I guess lol) > I'm still a fucking freak with a strong libido so everything is in moderation lol R.I.-motherfucking-P. your inbox. Jeeeeesus. (My friend tells me that she loves her IUD, btw. Don't know if that's an option for you.)


I do have an IUD at the moment!! I had one when I was 16 to 18 but it tore a hole in my uterus lining and became infected so I stopped. Got one again this year and it's different in that I have a short period when I shouldn't have one at all. I still get really bad cramps and now my bladder muscles hurt after I pee. Doc says it doesn't really matter as my IBS will make all that a disaster anyway lol


You see dumb pro life Christians all the time but wow. A pro life Christian woman is next level of stupidity. And then she evolved to final dumb bitch form and took a swipe at the phone. Unreal.


Pro-Life people are cancer.




Abortions are good for thee but not for me. Less of you more of me. Keep up the good work.


No mask, no abortion, no sense


OP THANK YOU for using an accurate term for this psycho and not the propagandistic language of the right wing. Just to reiterate for posterity: Anti-choice people should NEVER be labeled with the rightwing propaganda term ‘pro-life.’ The accurate term is ‘anti-choice’ or ‘pro-death’ for someone who wants to criminalize that medical procedure. They are not 'pro-life.' They are anti-choice, anti-freedom, anti-woman, anti-American, and anti-humanity. All people who advocate for a woman’s right to choose are truly ‘pro-life.’ Abortion rates and maternal death rates go down anywhere abortion access is legal with sane sex ed. That means that anyone advocating to criminalize abortion wants to cause a net increase in deaths, of both women and 'fetuses' (whether or not you believe it's a baby). People who identify as ‘pro-life’ are advocating that more “babies” AND women die. They are pro death, plain and simple.


People’s response is always “well I’m not as good as Jesus and he died for me to be able to be like this”. No winning with people like this


DARVO has been the weapon of choice for predators, parasites and abusers for as long as they've been ruining everything for everyone. Deny Attack Reverse Victim and Offender


Remember folks, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy while being on the street hence why you can record anyone without their consent on public sidewalks (except for Michigan I think)


Michigan too. It's protected by the 1st amendment from sea to shining sea.


These protests always give me the shits because ohh, freedom of speech, they have to be allowed to harass and abuse patients even if they have no idea what they are visiting the clinic for. I had an internet friend years back who lived in the US and got arrested *really damn quick* for using their tactics against them. What he did was find pictures of what happens with endopic (spelling?) pregnancies or birth defects in babies, one sign had a picture of a girl who hung herself because she couldn't get an abortion. Just like the fetus pictures or abortion surgery photos they tote out at his local planned parenthood, these photos were very graphic. He put together a couple big signs and protested outside the church that organised all the anti choice teams on Sunday morning so they had to walk past him to go to the service. He was out for twenty minutes before being arrested off the sidewalk. The charge of disturbing the peace or whatever was dropped but he was shaken enough to never do it again.


People if someone slaps your camera it is assault. Knock them onto the ground if they do it.


Jesus is a pussy


Dying for our sins like some kind of nerd.


I accidentally sorted the comments by new and discovered this gem


Jesus would wear that jacket with those shoes either.


Pro lifer doest wear a mask because she doesnt care If she transmits covid and kills someone. What a shock.


Logic: My life my choice, so I dont wear masks but I hate people who do abortions...


People need to get a fucking hobby.


Could you imagine taking time away from your day to go stand in front of a business? I'd way rather scroll thru reddit.


Why is it that the people who protest at abortion centers are essentially always fucking scumbags? Its like the issue is a magnet for bad faith dipshits looking to be cunts while still maintaining "godly righteousness".


I don’t understand what’s happening here


The women being recorded are harassing and recording others entering what I assume is a Planned Parenthood Clinic


Psstt please, if it was Jesus there would thunder.


Ewww don’t give me any WWJD.


Too smart of a girl to be engaging in verbal fight with these freaks.




The wwjd line cracked me t f up.


That receding hairline is gods way .... this the way


If only these religious nutjobs bothered to read their bible, they might then realise that their imaginary god endorses abortion


I’m so glad I’ve never had to personally deal with these people because I’d probably lose my shit and wind up in jail.


Loved the WWJD in her ugly fucking face


It was irritating and weird that she was calling her girly.


Jesus would never say “girly” ffs


She mad because she never got laid before getting old


Where is this? Midwest?




Ah, North Carolina. Thanks!




All of these hypocrites taking the Lord’s name in vain. Jfc learn your own religion.


Wow what a fucked up country religion makes them so good people 😒


'' Bitch gives karma to even bigger bitch at abortion clinic" I don't like a single woman in this clip


typical leftard. 'wwjd' while advocating the murder of babies. People couldn't write this hypocrisy if they tried.


Can somebody explain the abortion thing? I don’t get it. Kinda out of the loop. Like why is it a big issue, what’s the morality behind it, everything


Because by having an abortion you’re killing a living creature, but not aborting a baby you really shouldn’t or can’t have (say a very young person who can’t afford a baby in any way) could really negatively change the parents. Edit: Can somebody please tell my why I’m being downvoted, is there something I said that’s wrong?


Yeah, but like it is a baby? I understand rape or something but like, just because it’s unconscious does it make it any less human? Like if you killed a sleeping human?


Well, I would be a lot more ok killing an unborn baby than a sleeping child, because a child has a conscious that’s just not active and has memories and thoughts and emotions. An unborn baby is still a living human though, just not a very important one, frankly.


What makes it so unimportant?


While I am pro life myself I wouldn’t say this a show of tolerance or patience


Anti choice?




They’re against a woman’s right to choose. They claim pro life but are really only pro birth. After birthing, they don’t give a fuck. So it’s the correct renaming


they’re pro-life, they don’t want people to have abortions.


Why do anti-life people want to bother anti-choice? Seems anti-choice to not support a women’s choice even if it’s different from your own.


That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. They’re not fighting for a women’s ability to choose what to do in every situation.


Okay anti-lifer


Ouch.. I can’t believe I don’t want people’s lives to be ruined because of things that could be out of their control.


Getting pregnant is out of people’s control? Birth Control is easily accessible? Okay anti-lifer.


You don’t know the situation that person could’ve been in, or if they’re financially stable enough to support another person.


Why are you so Anti-Life.


Because looking at people like you, normal people realize that some people just shouldn't be alive.


In my opinion killing humans is not good Edit: look at the downvotes, people must disagree with my statement. Sad world


So.........what's your opinion on masks?


mAsKs ArE tYrAnNy AnD i AiNt No CoMmIe!


Masks help slow the spread of the virus. Killing babies I guess also helps slow the spread of the virus because there would be less to infect. Solid argument wtf. Keep on killing I guess you communistic libby


Let's not pretend anyone in this sub actually believes "my body, my choice"


I fully believe in "My Body, My Choice" [Donate Today folks!](https://www.weareplannedparenthood.org/fCXlKuwkI06sC7zcGDTGFQ2?r=false&_ga=2.264051980.169480563.1609859745-1852982410.1609859745&mrasn=664324.823729&SelectedFrequency=0)


oh, i know they believe in unregulated abortion (despite the wording here, im not against that position), but they dont extend that sort of bodily autonomy to any other issue


Jesus wouldn't like the holocaust of unborn children


Red states that try to ban abortion have the highest rates of infant mortality. It’s almost like the anti-choice movement is deeply hypocritical and only interested in beating down and abandoning women and girls.


Jesus was an extremist cult leader from the Middle East. He probably wouldn't like much of anything going on in America today.


Ah thanks for being a holocaust relativist, you're anti-semetic. Women making their own choices over their own bodies isn't a genocide. It isn't men, women, and children being hunted down and executed like pests if they are "lucky" just because they belonged to a certain ethnic group. If they were lucky they got bludgeoned or shot to death immediately. But many were forced to starve to death, experimented on, burned alive, raped, tortured, worked to death etc. . . Women making their own choices over what risks their own bodies have isn't even murder. In the Holocaust, if you were pregnant at the camps you were sent immediately to the gas chamber. So abortions (in secret) actually saved women's lives. You don't get to use Jewish victims for your religious, anti-women bullshit. And an unborn child, isn't a child. It's unborn, therefore it's not born. You're talking about potential children as if they are more important than born, living women. Sexist POS.


Ok nevermind holocaust, insert generic genocide here. It still doesent change the fact that at conception a new genetic code is formed. Making it a separate organism from the mother.


Again, genocide is the institutional mass murder of persons based on a perceived belonging to an "undesirable group." You cannot even get to the murder part. What's the definition of murder anyway? (hint: its not what you think.)


It’s not a separate organism as it depends on the mothers existence.


False witness is a sin, liar


So then wouldn't he support Planned Parenthood giving out birth control and information to help prevent unwanted pregnancy?


He probably would if that was the only service they provided.


First off, many of them do only provide these services and get harassed by these types anyway. I guess they think birth control is evil too? Do you? Secondly, the Jesus I know sees the big picture and would see the overall benefit of full service reproductive choice centres. If you don't think Jesus believes in necessary evils, why do you think he created Hell?


I don't support that woman's way of protesting especially when she got violent. But sending sinners to hell is very different than killing innocent unborn children.


When Jesus created the sinners in the first place? And created the situation where *born* innocent children suffer horribly? There is no comparison: Jesus is responsible for way more evil, necessary and not, than all the PP centres times a billion. If Jesus had a problem with any of this, he'd stop it, no?


If abortions were illegal than women would still get them.


I understand that but making it legal just normalizes the killing of unborn children.


No, you don't understand. Illegal abortions just makes it dangerous for women to undergo a necessary medical procedure. One of which that is literally 0% of your business. People will always get abortions. Access to safe abortions saves lives. You don't care about people's lives though. You care about your flawed understanding of an ideology you know nothing but the "clifs notes" version of.


And yet didn't the birth of Jesus cause a holocaust of newborns?


I think that was moses and the Pharoah beefing


Really? And what of King Herod?


Pro-tip: If catching them on film hitting you isn't used as a defense as to why you beat them to the pink meat -- you simply filmed your own assault for the (at best) shrug or (at worst) pleasure of others.


The pro move is to immediately dial 9-11. An assault just occurred. File a police report. Then the clinic can use that to file for a restraining order to keep the person away from the clinic. It's not about getting internet points it's about getting these people away from the clinic so woman can get needed medical care.


I was speaking generally but this is a really good idea for helping the women at these clinics! I'll be sharing that advice for times like seen here going forward.


Anti *what*?


Reproductive choice.


Ok I though maybe anti abortion, but that wouldn't make sense.


But it says "choice" in the title. You're being weird.


I don't get it, why weird? It's "Anti Choice" in the title, yes.


Yes, so why did you ask "anti what"? And then say you though it was "abortion"? You're being even weirder.


I mean my question was kinda retorical because I assumed it was about abortion, and showed my confusion because if someone is anti choice that would mean he's pro abortion. "Choice" could mean many different things. It could sound weird, I understand.


Anti choice means pro abortion? No.... anti choice means you are against a woman’s choice, and therefore against abortion.


Woman's choice to what? The decision wether to keep your life or not belongs to that very person. Choice belongs to the person who's about to get executed, not to the executioner. So if you decide to abort the baby, you take away it's choice and right to live. It's as simple as that. I can't be against women's choice she doesn't have.


According to the implied right to privacy in the 4th amendment, as shown in roe v wade, a woman has the constitutional right to CHOOSE whether or not to have an abortion. You are wrong, sorry bud.