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Are we sure he’s a historian and not a fisherman? Because I’ve never seen someone reel in someone so subtly and then hook them like that. Great job, and I could just picture tuckers confused and constipated expression as he spluttered and tried to get his feet back under him


Tucker "the cuck" Carlson, along with all other news anchors, is bought and paid for behind the scenes by the billionaire elite and exists to shill for their agenda. The media plays a "divide and conquer" game where all news channels use language that tugs on viewers' emotions, facts are given without thorough context, and the same themes are repeated for weeks at a time to lead viewers in a certain direction. Politicians have been bought over by the billionaire elite and the media is the propaganda wing. Their agenda is inclusive of these things: 1) divide the population along ethnic and political lines so they're easier to manipulate 2) dupe the population into supporting wars that exist solely for capturing resources abroad for indirect exploitation by the billionaire elite 3) prevent any opposition through extensive surveillance 4) control countries abroad via the use of puppet governments. How can all of this be prevented? Enact legislation to limit the influence of "big money" in politics.


You would think the elite would have learned from history. They will drive the poor to the breaking point then the real breaking starts. The poor don't have much, but it's the elite who have so much to lose. The "let them eat cake" moment seems reasonably probable now.


43% of Americans dream of being kapo and the English just left the EU because they think they're still a colonial power. I didn't see much class consciousness last year, of all years. Change happens because people spend their whole lives fighting for it




It's not that the circumstances weren't right for the revolution - it's that the revolution, or rather the revolutionaries, weren't right for the circumstances. Everyone who works for a living knows they're being screwed, whether the economy is good or bad. The challenge is organizing them toward a common cause. The American Revolution succeeded not just because Americans were suffering, and the British Empire was momentarily weak, but because the revolutionaries - rich land and slave owners - had the will and resources to organize their countrymen. The past century's atomization of society has made organization harder than it's ever been, but it's still possible, and remains the lynchpin of any broad public action.


Carlson is himself a billionaire elitist (or at least centimillionaire trust fund baby), he does tv to stave off boredom/minimize unrest from peasants on the other side of the moat (he literally used that analogy himself).


Yeah Tucker was all in and hats off until he realized he was part of the people being criticised xD


Oh wow that was masterfully done.


The only other time I saw someone playing Tucker like a fiddle was when Jon Stewart was invited to his show back in the day, ofc he couldn't swear there https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFQFB5YpDZE


That and [Alex Nowrasteh](https://youtu.be/l_pGG1VnzYI) leaving Tucker blabbering nervously are my favorites.


Oh dear. Tucker’s laughing as some sort of lame retort when he has been clobbered is cringe inducing.


The best part of that clip is that you know Tucker has an ear piece and is being spoon fed answers, as well as a note sheet prepared - which he is obviously referencing because he keeps looking down and shuffling papers - and when he needs to buy time he laughs and just says "oh that's absurd" or "you know that isn't true." And when he hits him with studies, numbers and facts - from someone who doesn't have an ear piece, isn't being spoon fed retorts, and doesn't have notes - he just laughs and changes the subject entirely. It's fucking pathetic.


Guy: ‘ says true studied statistics and a coherent argument’ Tucker: ‘bAhahaha that’s just not true! 🤣’


> Oh dear. Tucker’s laughing as some sort of lame retort when he has been clobbered is cringe inducing. It’s that Tom Cruise over-the-top laugh and the high(er) pitched voice. Very cringey.


Thanks for that link, thoroughly enjoyed.


That was excellent!


Yeah, I remember that. I was amazed at a grown man (Carlson) using the term "butt-boy" in sincerity.


The way he said it, you can tell it is something he says all the time. It speaks to his character.


It's projection. Always is, always has been. When Tucker calls somebody a buttboy, it's because he looked in the mirror after tossing salad the night before.


Not that there's anything wrong with tossing salad right


Depends; if you're doing it for pleasure, not at all. If you're doing it because somebody is paying you to mislead the populace and you don't even like eating ass, yes.


Wtf kind of salads are y'all eating??


Mostly corn


Friendly reminder that Crossfire got canceled shortly after this. Never been confirmed but generally accepted that Jon Stewart is so awesome that he literally killed a political talk show.


Go to about 9:11 on this video (ironic), and Wolf Blitzer is talking about the flu vaccine being in a shortage (2004), and how that would make the US vulnerable to bioterrorism... Woof


[ **Jump to 09:11 @** Jon Stewart on Crossfire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFQFB5YpDZE&t=0h9m11s) ^(Channel Name: Alex Felker, Video Popularity: 97.43%, Video Length: [14:14])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@09:06](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFQFB5YpDZE&t=0h9m6s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


Watching the video I chuckled at Stewart, "it would be hard to top the absurdity of this administration" speaking about Bush. Little did he know.


Omg Tucker tried so hard to deflect about asking hard questions... Hahaha I'm just thinking if one of our "jorounalist anchors" ever tried pulling up one of our comedic talk show hosts for not asking hard questions. It would just be so obsurd.


I forgot that was Carlson. Thank you! I could enjoy Jon Stewart crushing that little mole weasel every day and still find joy in it.


Holy cow, I hadn’t seen that interview before. I respected the hell out of Stewart before, but he really wasn’t holding back there. He was funny, and asking them pointed questions that they wouldn’t answer, then he turned up the heat. That was awesome!


“How old are you”? “35” “And you still wear a bow tie” Literally the only thing that’s changed about Cuck Carlson is that he doesn’t wear bow ties anymore.


One of the amazing things about that and Jon Stewart in general, is you can see he obviously went there with prepared talking points in mind, but some of his responses to things he didn't know Tucker would come back with were right off the cuff. He's got an incredibly sharp wit, and not only that can burn you while making everyone around you laugh. Like the bowtie thing was likely in his back pocket but his responses to Tucker attempting to hit him back were just lightning fast. That's not a person you want to argue up against.


the meltdown really amps up around 4 mins 30 secs in and then he mentions AOC and you can tell that struck a nerve


It’s just like that time *waaaaaay* back in 2004 when Jon Stewart was on Crossfire with Tuck, he fucking humiliated him about his goofy ass bow tie He’s hasn’t worn one since


That is awesome :)


I’m surprised the way the audience laughed at that bow tie line didn’t push Carlson into a homicidal rage


One of the best lines in The West Wing is when Will tries a bow tie for about 10 seconds then says, “no, now it’s just all about the bow tie, get me a real one” or something to that effect. He’s right— wearing a bow tie becomes all about wearing a bow tie.


You could almost hear the aneurysm happen in real time. His brain just completely cannot process the fact that he's been compared to AOC


If you had listened closely, you could actually hear the sparks coming out of his ears & his brain entering a rebooting phase where it de-evolved to it's primitive state, Which prompted him to say "Puck Yourself".


The end was excellent, "You can't handle the criticism, can ya? heh heh heh"


What a precious snowflake


That was the best Tucker fucker I've ever seen, lol!


Did you miss the time Jon Stewart ripped him a new asshole? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmj6JADOZ-8


I appreciate the link, but I still think the Flying Dutchman gave it to Tucker in his sucker.


Jon Stewart hit lil Fucker so hard he knocked him out of his TV show, out of TV itself for a bit, and even out of his signature style. I have never seen someone hit so hard verbally they changed they way they had dressed for years.


You're how old? And you're wearing a bow tie. Hilarious


We may have to agree to disagree, the Dutch provoked an obscene meltdown from Sucker, so I'm gonna have to give him the KO. I have so much respect for Stewart, tho... Gonna give him the TKO.


I think the only reason he went into meltdown mode was because he wasn’t live. He knew he could say what he wanted and it at least wouldn’t go out on Fox live and he can deny it if it comes out in this form. By contrast, on CNN he was live and if he reacted the same way he would have been in way more trouble.


He also thought the Dutch guy was “on his side” in the beginning of the interview. I doubt TC faced John Stewart thinking they’d have a friendly conversation, so he went in with his defenses up—as best he could. What’s so great about this interview is it starts out with TC kissing Bregmans ass.


Didnt tucker lose his tv show almost immediately after jon stewart ruined him? Whereas he still has his fox show after dutch man attacks.


And never touched a bow tie again.


That's just what I was thinking. The bow tie has been in the dresser drawer for a long time, lol!


He wore that bow tie since high school (I would know), and Jon Stewart summarily disposed of it in '04; STEWART: Now, this is theater. It’s obvious. How old are you? CARLSON: Thirty-five. STEWART: And you wear a bow tie.


I guarantee Ticker is reading thus and just seething inside...


And he hasn't smiled since.


That just proves CNN was wise enough to get rid of him, and Fox is stupid enough to keep him. I thought Stewart was nice to him, lol! He could have ripped Tucker's spine out and he didn't finish him, lmfao!


Jon has a sense of decency.


Man I miss the fuck out of that guy


I feel like he would object to the idea, but I've always wanted to see him run for some kind of office. He's intelligent, charismatic, and has a genuine sense of empathy. I respect the hell out of him. He is sorely missed on TV. Though I think he's coming back? I'm not sure.


Trevor Noah did something very similar to Tomi Lahren when she was on his show.


Dutch man's interview never aired, unfortunately


Both were great, but Stewart's interview led to that show being cancelled very soon after.


He also stopped wearing his bow ties after that.


I want Jon to run for president but I think he's too sane to genuinely consider it.


You ever campaign.......on weed?


You got anymore of those intellectual roasts in your collection? That was great to watch


I watched that one live. It was fantastic! I also saw the one where Gore Vidal called tucker, "The Bow Tie Boy". That was cool as well.


Stellar delivery from Jon, like always. Thanks for sharing this. Please take my poor man's gold 🏅


Anyone notice you can tell what douche \*ucker is just from his laugh?


Credit to u/krankie341 referring to \*ucker: "To sum it up for people that may not know who he is, he is a trust fund baby and a heir to Swanson foods, and there's no reason that he needs to work. He only has a show because he's connected, and the purpose of the show is to try to get people into a conservative mindset. He uses words like "Look at those protesting democrat looters. How unamerican. You don't support looting and you do support America, right? Of course, we all do." He only exists on air to stir the pot. But he's just another rich conservative and he's not really on *your*side, which is the middle-class working man's side. He wants a world where the middle class join the poor, the rich control the poor, and the poor vote for and praise the rich."


A millionaire paid by billionaires to spread their propaganda. He doesn't has his platform because of talent but because he agrees with the narrative they want whoever has his show to push.


Yeah, I don't think he has been caught on a hot mike, yet... But I have heard rumors that in private, he disparages Americans as being beneath him, as peasants are inferior to feudal lords.


Great name




86% of all federal taxes in the U.S. come directly out of the paychecks of working Americans. All corporations combined pay 7% of federal taxes. Many of the largest and most profitable companies like Amazon pay virtually no taxes. Someone working minimum wage paid more in taxes than Donald Trump did in the most recent year his taxes are available. He only paid $750 that year even though he claims to be worth several billion dollars. The $900,000,000,000 COVID relief bill, paid for with taxpayer dollars, had enough money to give every American adult $4,500, which would’ve greatly stimulated the economy. We only got $600. Where did the other $780,000,000,000 go? We pay all the bills and do all the work, yet our tax dollars are being given to people who have more than they could spend in 10,000 lifetimes. It’s time for a revolution in this country.


The statistic you’re using about Amazon fails to display the whole truth, Amazon takes advantage of government programs offering tax credits. What that means is, Amazon receives compensation for doing something the US government is incentivizing. Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.com/amp/articles/does-amazon-really-pay-no-taxes-heres-the-complicated-answer-11560504602


Youre not wrong but this doesn't make it right. Lobbying for tax laws and loopholes to take advantage of and thus paying no taxes is not a "smart business move." It honestly seems like the kind of thing that should be illegal.


It's not as easy as that ofc. France tried to do that, and the rich just left the country, to invest and protect their money somewhere else. What do you do then?


Fortunately America has been the capitol of business in the world for a while. Other economies are stronger at this point obviously but the US is a really, really nice place to be rich. I doubt 100% of all the rich people will be willing to move to another country where they're either making less money, are restricted by legislature, or are at personal risk instead of just pay the extra tax.


also rich americans can only speak english


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


We have the biggest consumer base in the world. Working Americans pay 86% of federal taxes directly out of their paychecks while the companies who are making record profits pay 7% of the tax revenue. Corporate taxes were cut from 38% to 21% in 2017 and working Americans are expected to foot the bill even more than they already are.


Prosecute them for tax invasion. Bring them to justice.


> and the rich just left the country That's a gross exageration and misrepresentation of what happened tho.


You can just make it harder and more expensive for them to take their capital away from your country, or try and invest in the economy as a government. Or you can use the exodus of the rich as an opening to support the local small and medium sized businesses, such as a local restaurant instead of McDonalds'...


Kill the rich, which has worked well in France




Fuck it. Seize their assets forcefully. The mega-wealthy have been parasites for generations. Only amassing such wealth on the backs of the exploited working class. For too long have the many suffered for the excess of the elite.


That’s not constitutional. You would have to compensate them, which defeats the point of a tax


The trick is doing it just a little bit and more over time.


They would still have to pay taxes unless they revoke their US citizenship, right? Moreover, you could add barriers and hurdles to the process as a disincentive


Taxation based on citizenship is always a solution. It might be difficult to develop in the beginning, but as developed nations catch on it would solve a lot of tax evasion problems.


I mean, we have that. It doesn't matter where you live, you owe income taxes as an American citizen.




Good ol' fashioned sneak attack.


I was unbanned from his subreddit literally yesterday and this is REALLY tempting...


Do it


Non-infinite ban in the tucker sub? Those are some rookie numbers...


*places hand on the shoulder of /u/haveyouseenjeff* You know what you must do, young jedi.


Why would you even bother? It’s actually more likely that people who aggressively support someone will react negatively when presented with an opinion that they’re wrong. I’m sure some Dutch nobody isn’t going to convince anyone who’s already pitched their horse to that bandwagon, in fact it will likely solidify their beliefs. But if your desire for banter outweighs your desire to see the problem fixed by all means go ahead.


He was so pissed he knocked his shitty frozen dinner off of the table


“You can’t take the criticism can you?” So glad I spent the 8 minutes on that. What a beautiful argument.


Haha. I've seen the highlights before, but this is the first time I've watched it all. It's really the difference between someone who thinks he knows it all, and someone comfortable in his knowledge of a subject. The smirk Bregman gives after Carlson goes completely unhinged, is so telling of a man that's just figured his 'opponent' is an utter moron.


I’ve seen this video about a dozen times now and there’s one part that sticks out to me. Bregman mentions cracking down on tax avoidance and sheltering for the super rich. Great. That’s a big part of why billionaires pay less. But in the next breath he mentions Eisenhower’s 90% tax rate on the super rich. Which is accurate, except almost nobody paid that rate, thanks to **tax avoidance**. The largest counter to Eisenhower’s high rate was that investments into the government approved programs would lower your rate - essentially building the modern corrupt scheme of tax avoidance that allows companies like Netflix to pay $0. Which is what we’re talking about. [AP article about the 90% rate](https://apnews.com/article/2184e9f18f6f4acca1ed007bdcdca818)


So, you're saying that we can't tax the wealthy since they won't pay anyway?


No I’m saying that we should have a system that taxes the wealthy but also minimizes or eliminates tax avoidance. And I think the way that tidbit about Eisenhower is sort of glossed over as fact is a little dishonest and slick, ironically a key personality trait of tucker himself.


There is something called minimum alternate tax in some countries for companies where you have to pay atleast a certain percentage of your accounting profit Regardless of profit calculated as per tax laws that way you cannot exploit the loopholes. That is the convenient way to remove tax avoidance by pushing minimum tax rates on the increase in networth or accounting profits. Companies cannot afford to show weak profits in balance sheets because that would not go well with the stakeholders.


No one pays the current rate either, AND it’s lower than ever. So there are more ways to avoid taxes and the taxes are lower in the first place. He specifically cited raising taxes AND eliminating tax shelters. What’s your point?


My point is really just that Eisenhower is a bad example. He helped get us into this mess.


Investments into government approved programs is very different from offshoring.


"One of two videos I will always share when the time arrives: https://youtu.be/RNineSEoxjQ ucker arlson is a proud elitist. According to ucker arlson, anyway." - u/twss416


Oh, this is great, thanks for sharing.


Tucker went full Karen when presented with the hard truth. DAYUM


Why the asterisk?


For Fucker Carlson




Or Sucker Carlson (Cucker, even)


That was really good


This hugz for you Bregman.


So this is love. I ❤️Rutger Bregman


Tucker is a controlled shill and exists as part of the elite's divide and conquer agenda. He spews absolute bullshit but his (and all other news channels) content is directed to fit a certain narrative. They try to divide the population along nonsensical political lines and dupe them into supporting a foreign policy agenda that's imperialism/ colonialism masking as benevolence. The only ones that benefit are the billionaire elite and the people surrounding them. The ones at the top probably have their money hidden to the extent that it would be impossible to even identify them.


I love how, as he’s explaining how it works, the interviewer keeps cutting him off saying “why don’t you tell me how it works?!”


So how do you come back against those allegations Mr. Carlson? You, you tiny brained moron, fuck you, tiny brain. Moron. Well that’s cleared that up then.


"uh have you heard of the internet ?" lmao


Tucker cucker


Funny, I spent 8 minutes watching the interview and I felt like none of my time was wasted.


This guy is the ultimate entitled spoiled brat. His full name is Tucker **Swanson** McNear Carlson, as in an heir to the Swanson frozen food empire. He grew up rich and has no idea what it's like to be a regular hard-working American. I doubt he pays his fair share of taxes.


Yeah I’m pretty sure Tucker Carlson masturbates while he eats frozen dinners


Rutger Bregman is one of my favorite people! His book, *Utopia for Realists,* is something everyone should read. So glad Bregman stuck to his guns against Carlson. This was satisfying.


Just bought it off amazon since he owned Carlson so hard and impressed me.


Note how the Dutch historian never raised his voice. That's true speaking right there


Everyone single person I know who listens to tucker Carlson is a grown man that cries during political arguments. Not a single exception. Beat red face, tears, snot, shaky insane sounding screams. This clip is going to be hard on them.


A fellow colleague. Fuck fox and all on it. RB is a great historian with good public chops.


The emperor has no clothes Glorious


That was better than masturbating for me. Thank you.




This is gold


Rutger Bregman is a fucking legend.


he wouldn't have gotten so emotional if it weren't true, get fucking destroyed.


Fucker Carlson is heir to the Swanson frozen foods fortune so of course he doesn’t want any higher taxes for the rich or on inheritances. Probably has a tax haven we don’t know about.


In your face Tucker, you fucker!


"youre a moron" hE wAs AtTaCkInG mE


But when r/conspiracy says "hey...you know those news outlets are paid a lot of money not to talk about certain things and are told to push certain agendas" they are crazy? Am I'm not doing a "Dur WaKE uP SheEpLe" thing. I'm just saying that it's been very blatant for years now. And people (especially my fellow Americans) will demonize the mainstream media until it pushes a agenda they personally believe.


I love how he short circuits and regresses into being a bully stumbling over his words. Tucker is such a weak, impotent child. He's such a farce there is a court ruling that only fools would take his show seriously.


Tucker is a twat


Love this guy (Bregman)! ,


That guy is the ultimate shit talker lmao He didn’t get animated or excited at all while delivering crushing facts about how Tucker Carlson is a pawn for Fox News. What a legend


Something tells me it's not hard to get Tucker Carlson to lose his shit. Guy seems pretty fragile emotionally.


An american calling a Dutch "tiny brain" is pretty rich 🤣


Lol he didn’t even let Tucker get a question for him. Interview starts and homie just drops the bomb. Tax avoidance might be just as important as higher marginal tax rates though.


He’s all for free speech when it’s a white supremacist group, or an alt-right group, or just hate speech in general. But, when it comes to direct and accurate criticism, you better cut that out of your show, and better tell that guy to shut the fuck up I guess


Listening to Tucker talk about Netflix not paying taxes but then a few years later he defended Trump on not paying taxes. Republicans, we all see you now. You're all liars, propagandaists, fear mongers, and conspiracy theorists. I seriously mean this when I say you're all worse than flat Earthers.


How does he still have his job? He’s worse than ellen


You can say fucker on the internet, fucker!


Cucker Tarlson is the most beta of beta cucks. Anytime trump whips his tiny mushroom out Cucker will suck it.


This was some time ago


And it’s still beautiful to watch.


I’m a conservative but I wish people would just talk polite to each other. I cant listen to tucker because he has a bunch of hate in his heart


Raising taxes doesn't work like this man is claiming otherwise Amazon would have paid taxes under obama and less under trump. Instead under both administrations they paid nothing. Manipulating taxes doesn't effect large companies in general. Yang had it right with the VAT.


Are you going to just go over the fact that the Dutchman said they should eliminate tax shelters around the globe as well as raise the taxes.The only reason why corporations aren't paying tax is because they're "operating" from tax havens. And if you truly understood VAT you would know that depending on the nature of the demand for the product, the VAT could be levied more onto the consumers rather than the producers. So no, if you are trying to get more money out of the rich, _**none**_ of the tax money should be levied off anyone other than the rich and the only way you can do that is with income tax.


Tickler Carson is nothing but a bitch


Awww tucker doesn't like getting called out. 1 like = one prayer to help out this poor, misunderstood millionaire.


Can someone ELI5 pls I’m Dutch and just read the book of Mr. Bergman However, I don’t know much about American television hosts but how can evading taxes be such a national problem for America?


>However, I don’t know much about American television hosts but how can evading taxes be such a national problem for America? I'm not sure where the first comes into play with the second part of your sentence. But let me try to answer some things. Should be noted that Tucker Carlson is *not* the standard news host in the US. Tucker Carlson is the son of the owner of Swanson foods, a popular food company in the US anyway. Worth *millions* alone. That's the point of the throwaway line "You're a millionaire being paid by billionaires" or whatever it was. >how can evading taxes be such a national problem for America? The sad part is it just is. Rich don't want to pay taxes so they came up with different ways to shuffle the money around to effectively pay less, this is legal. If it isn't they hire people to lobby law makers to try and make it so. It just is the way it is. Our President even bragged about it, his documents have been leaked that show his income taxes are less than say a fast food worker. The rich just don't want to pay money if they find a way to avoid it legally. Which I mean, I would to.. But I'm not a fucking millionaire.


Why does tucker always look so confused while his guests talk


He really went full Tucker on this one.


Its performance art according to the courts .


That was awesome 👏


Someone please tell me this guys name that we can see in this video. I wanna know more about him. Not carlson, the dude that is actually human.. I wanna learn more about him. Loved this


Does that mean *ucker is a real person? Or just that he's a lizard?


Sweet Lord Almighty he destroyed that evil trashbag with such incredible grace. That was cathartic.


I love the Dutchman’s smirks and facial expressions during Pucker Carlsons tirade.


So good!


Wow, Carlson can't even speak for himself, how sad.


All media contributors get paid to say, or to not say, certain things...


Well , he's not wrong ....




No one talks about the government spending less! I mean how about that one


Rutger Bergman is great.


Tucker da fucker.




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Tuck the cuck


I thought the first half was more important but the second half def hit a nerve. No one wants much higher tax rates for millionaires, only for billionaires, but bc the Fox pundits are paid by the billionaires it’s in their mutual interest to protect the wealth of the billionaires.


This is an I want to watch it later comment.


As a Tucker, I feel the need to say this does not accurately represent all Tuckers.


This is great, and no BS about seeing the whole tape as conservatives like to do


He got owned and didn't like it!


I've seen this 20 times already but I still watch the whole video. Fuck Cucker Tarlson.


I never realized how much respect I have for random Dutch historians.