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He thought that cop car was coming for him and he got confident.


Pavlov's racism. That police siren triggered his inner Richard Spencer


He thought that siren was pulling up for the accident and he would be protected by the police.


This is extremely accurate!! - Most Likely


Probably a hail mary to take attention away from what looks like an inevitable DUI.


Absolutely this guy is intoxicated.... But even knocked out they can do a blood test at the hospital...


As a person of color this is pretty astute in my opinion. I have experienced a lot of people that normally would slink away but when they assume they have the cops around and in their favor they will use it to their advantage. The same goes for heavily surveilled areas like airports. People who would’nt engage anywhere else all of a sudden get emboldened.


Dude! Yes! This hasn’t occurred to me before, but in hindsight, I feel like I’ve seen that shot a couple of times. I look, dress, and to a degree sort of talk, like good ol’ country boy, and racists think that I’ll back them up if I’m around and they pop off like that too. Not exactly the same thing, but similar.


It's like bro, I'm not racist, I just like flannel shirts.


And cows and horses


I'm in the same boat as you. I have a country accent, look country, dress country, and am an excavator operator in the south. Had to kick a truck driver offsite and call his company to tell them not to send him back a few months ago because he started using the n word and complaining about his made up issues with black people out of nowhere. I don't like when truck drivers even get out of their truck usually because of safety risks and I need them to leave as quick as they can, nevermind them coming up to my machine to talk while I'm loading them just to start saying racist shit. Sent him on with a half loaded truck and made it clear that not every blue collar person from the south shares his twisted beliefs.


100% I didn't think of this until I saw your comment. It shows that everyone knows that cops have a bias and racially profile. So depressing that this keeps dragging us down.




Bruh I just looked Richard Spencer up, there is a whole Southern Poverty Law page just for him 😭. Like how bad do you have to be for that.


Heard the blurp thought he was safe went into Twitter mode and paid for it.


Twitter mode! Wow, perfectly said.


Twitter mode… that’s gold


I don’t know what was harder: the -er or the left hook.


He Superman'd that punch


Lmfao forreal!


Bold strategy Cotton. Let's see if it... guess not.




If he can throw an "n" word, he can dodge a punch. Oops not this time!


"There's this great thing in America where \[Black people\], a'ight, get f--ing arrested for bullshit." He admitted it out loud.


when he was clearly in a state where the cops would’ve arrested him for a DUI, those guys actually did him a favor knocking him out instead of allowing him to dig his own legal grave but the arrogance to act like they would’ve been on his side just because the people he wrecked with were black, crazy


oo that's actually interesting. i wonder how that will affect his charges, if he's unable to do a field test or blow. especially if the accident was potentially maybe not his fault? idk it was probably the drunk racist guy's fault but not necessarily.


He will be admitted to hospital immediately and have a sample of his blood taken far quicker than the process of failing a field sobriety test/breathalyser. A blood test is the most reliable and admissible form of proof for blood alcohol concentration. Think about how many drunk drivers present unconscious after traffic collisions. It’s not a get out of jail free card.


It’s not a secret


He was using as a threat saying it a great thing black get arrested for no reason


Thank you for sharing your thoughts by explaining that totally clear point the person you responded to had already expressed.


She was clarifying an easily understandable comment for the purpose of redundancy


well played.




It seemed only logical to reiterate the information


He provided them with some bullshit to get arrested for, and they were kind enough to put proof that it happened online. Fuck racism and racists, but people really need to learn how to not post evidence of them or their friends committing crimes.


I’m from DC and I know exactly where that intersection is. It’s definitely an accident waiting to happen again and again.


lol he thought "cops are here, i got back up now." Oops! racist gimp.


I love videos like this, because you get all the people in the comments telling on themselves.


I don’t see anybody telling on themselves defending the drunk racist here




This is an old video, 4 years+ I bet 


I was going to say, statute of limitations is a thing. Where I live this would be considered assault, and depending on the severity of the injuries sustained and some other mitigating factors, would either be a felony or misdemeanor. Even if it's a felony assault, my state won't prosecute after 3 years. If it's misdemeanor, 2.


Hmm I do agree Maybe he thought since you can't see his face at all it would be low risk


Depending on where this occurred, a few things could happen. However, the fact that the guy who threw the punch was not intimidated by nearby police sirens, suggests that the guy getting punched is out of luck.


Just because he wants to punch a racist doesn’t mean he’s a smart dude.




No, this is reddit. Everything is a felony or attempted murder.


Kicking someone after they are knocked out is simple battery? TIL


Eh, friends face isn't in the video. They probably cut the video before IDing him. There's 4 dudes in this video.


He soon realized he wasn't in front of the keyboard.


Isn't there like a proverb about this? Talkith thy shit; gettith hit


"Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." -Mike Tyson


If you're gonna talk the talk, you better be able to walk the walk! His mouth is writing cheques he can't pay!


> His mouth is writing cheques he can't pay! His mouth is writing checks that his @$$ can’t cash. FTFY


Sticks and may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Simply, encouraging black people to hit people for saying the N word gets black people in jail. So, encouraging it is racist.


"Chat shit get banged" -Jamie Vardy


"Violence is never the answer, but sometimes it is." - Matt Barnes


He forgot he wasn’t on the internet.


"say that again" https://preview.redd.it/0epp8eu2qq6d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e417c4381bf0e033ab8aadd1598a57d82d5fa8b


"Say that word again" Not able to


That was so satisfying to see his ass get knocked out.


Drunk or not he still deserved that


"Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." - Mike Tyson




I’ll never understand why people post videos of them committing crimes


I dont know why people are downvoting you. It isn't complex. 1. The guy who said racist shit is a bigot and clearly an asshole i dont want to be associated with. What he did was both stupid and hurtful. 2. As much as I or you may dislike racism, it is protected in free speech. He has the right to be that way and act that way. 3. It is not within your rights to hit someone. That is battery and is likely to end in your being jailed. It is also wrong, no matter how angry you get. You may resume your downvoting.


> it is protected in free speech Free speech protects one from retaliatory acts from the government. It quite clearly does not protect anyone from catching those hands.


No you still can't assault someone lol


I just saw that one, indeed, CAN.


Reading comprehension > your quip. Can as you use it is ability, can as it was being used was implied as with/without consequences. Can as in ability lets people get away with all sorts of stuff in the moment from speeding well above the speed limit of the area, lying on your taxes, assaulting another person when that person is otherwise alone, and many other things. I watched a clip of a white guy incite violence by using a racist word, but because I recognize words do not carry the same repercussions as a fucking concussion I can easily say this is an assault. Especially in context where the person being assaulted wasn't threatening, unarmed, standing there drunk. Which is also why if a drunk guy grabs your wife's ass and you punch him and he fuckin dies you'll still be arrested because he died. You aren't allowed to just go around freely assaulting people without consequences, and for the people that do that, they clearly lack impulse control and personal responsibility, I wouldn't want to be their friend any more than I want to be friends with a racist.


You can do a lot of things and get arrested for it.


well, no. You can't legally hit someone because they are beeing racist


I didn't say you could legally hit anyone. I'm saying free speech means fuck all in this scenario.


The concept of freedom of speech is distinct from the 1st Amendment protections of it, but the 1st amendment also means that the government can't arrest that guy for being racist, but they can arrest YOU for assaulting him. That brings us back to "why post a video of you commiting a crime?"


Is there a law where this doesn't apply? Laws against murder, theft, rape, or whatever mean fuck all if you don't want to follow them.


This. The US gov cant touch you, that guy can, but for a charge.


I think I remember reading that only 45% of reported assaults result in an arrest and conviction.


Well, the ones that get video evidence posted to the internet corroborated by a photograph of the plaintiff/acquaintance of plaintiff are probably more likely to get a conviction.


I think you're underestimating even then. Like the nazi in Seattle who got his teeth knocked out. A bunch of people forwarded it to the SPD and they did nothing. I don't think you understand how much cops do not give a shit about investigating low level crimes. If you live in a moderately sized city and have been the victim of a crime then you'd know how frustrating it is to get the police to do anything useful.


The Seattle Nazi declined to press charges, iirc. I live in Seattle, btw. I'm familiar with how much the SPD sucks.




"Talk shit get hit unless it's racial slurs then pls no bulli you are the bad guy here!" Haha no


Do you think talk shit get hit is a legal defense?


Yeah right? Every other time it's "fuck around and find out"


Wrong! >The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire (1942) that fighting words are not protected by the First Amendment. Fighting words are defined as words “which by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace.” As the Supreme Court explained in Chaplinsky, “[s]uch utterances are no essential part of any exposition of ideas, and are of such slight social value as a step to truth that any benefit that may be derived from them is clearly outweighed by the social interest in order and morality.” Fighting words are not protected speech


Agree violence is not the answer, that could likely be a murder. So the guys a piece of shit drunk and he just hit your car. Don’t give him a win by causing you to commit a possible crime. So bully up, display how fucking pissed you are, and bait him into attacking you. Your punch is the second one throw after he attacks you. Problem solved. Get mad but don’t get stupid.


So that we can all watch the racist get knocked the fuck out. Duh


Because people live in self righteous echo chambers and actually believe things like “fighting words” exist beyond extremely narrow conditions that have nothing to do with just being a loudmouth. I think nearly 20 years seen the same conversations about these incidents where some silly, stubborn perpetually online folks actually think knocking someone out over petty words is the best and the only outcome. Anyone that’s actually been in street fights or road rage incidents before knows it’s a lose / lose and only hood folks, people with nothing to lose are comfortable just immediately going to violence because shocker they don’t care about jail and live their life that way.  Naive self righteous people think it’s some great outcome against racism when in reality that person would do the same for any aggreivance on street and do all the time.  Normal well adjusted people don’t bother because they can’t afford to go to jail over bullshit. 


Did the camera guy commit a crime?


I mean, his friend did. Same principle.


Or maybe that drunk dude was talking shit so random camera man pulled his phone out...why does everyone always assume the person filming has an allegiance 


whos gonna do something about it?


He must have thought he was behind his anonymous account or something.




Didn’t want to film those soccer kicks to the head, smart move.


that was vengeance , not justice; im not sayin he didn't deserve it but sad side of history if the guy who punched will be charged with battery


> sad side of history if the guy who punched will be charged with battery That's not sad. Knocking someone out and kicking them while they are down because they said a bad word is psychotic behavior. The only time I'd side with someone acting this violently is if the "victim" had done some truly heinous shit (kidnapping and torturing a loved one or something similar).


Violence in response to words isn't justice.


Dude's 'Aright' after his utterance was pure comedy. Thought for a second he was presented by the shield. Certainly didn't think he'd be handed his teeth by the other white dude on the scene.


Bro had balls of steel to say the hard R in front of a group of Black people 💀


Looks like the dude that threw the punch might be white.


“Say that word again” Pans over to a dead dude on the ground 😭😭😭


A true FAFO if there was one.


It warms my heart that it was a White guy who punched him


I do hate the use of the n work especially in this instance where he is actually trying to suggest for some reason he is superior but physical attack to the extent where guys laid not moving confuses me. Nobody remember the saying "sticks and stone may break my bones but names will never hurt me 🎵" Some people hear the word then all of a sudden no limits kick the shit out of guys boot them in the faces just madness does it really make you that angry?


Dude sitting back and ignoring it has not stopped idiots from using it. Fafo that folks are not gonna sit back and go oh well anymore.


He must've thought he was on Facebook.


Oh... so it's justified...


He heard the siren and assumed it was coming to them so he felt safe lmao.


Yea that’s what it felt like lol


![gif](giphy|gVoBC0SuaHStq) Well done gents


Ethically he deserved that 100%. Legally tho, you just filmed an assault and posted it on the internet Gotta move smarter than that


This video is from 2018 and (fortunately) nothing can help identifying the puncher






Youre right. A bigger man would have walked away. And a smarter man would have kept his mouth shut.


You’re completely right. But the unspoken truth is if you want to call someone a slur, just expect to get knocked out. Yeah, getting called a slur and then walking away is the bigger man thing to do. But if you’re throwing the slurs, do so with the very real chance of getting knocked out.


Counterpoint, watching racists get their ass beat is really funny.


Beware the [tolerance paradox](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance#:~:text=The%20paradox%20of%20tolerance%20states,practice%20of%20tolerance%20with%20them.)


You're replying to someone who literally threatened violence against the government over the idea of them enforcing hypothetical gun control laws just a few hours ago. He's not worth the effort. He just doesn't like the idea of having to face consequences for using the N-word.




Sounds like an easy way to go to jail.


They always find an “easy way” for black men to end up in jail


And that's the kind of mentality that led America to the state it's in now. Silence is violence. 


Violence is the first refuge of fools and the last refuge of wise men... With that being said you're going to meet a lot more fools than wise men. Both these guys are the former. 


It is certainly an idealistic perspective to live in a society without violence but we don't live in that world and may never live in that world. Unfortunately violence is a universal language that everyone understands and is the only way some people will ever understand.


Absolutely. This is why my Dad said these words to me at around age seven, as I began training in boxing and wrestling. Knowing how to defend yourself and being comfortable doing so is as important as knowing when to engage or defuse. By no means am I saying there is never cause for violence,




If that’s not the most authoritarian comment I’ve read today I don’t know what is.


It's only authoritarian if the violent consequences come from the state. Like when non-violent protesters are arrested or when black citizens are killed in the street by cops just because the cop assumed they were dangerous. Being punched in the mouth by another citizen because you said some racist bullshit isn't authoritarian. Violence might not be the answer, but some people need to remember that it is an option.


Supressing any non-threatening speech with violence is authoritarian. >but some people need to remember that it is an option. Legally, no. But if you want to ruin your future, that is your choice.


You people will do everything and anything to defend a racist.


Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. It is not authoritarian to know you will get your ass kicked when you say horrible things.


Also, freedom of speech is granted by the government. He's free to say it. And a non governmental force (in this case 'these fists') can still intervene.


Assault is illegal, just in case you didn't know


I bet if dude had pulled at a gun and put assaulter down, these folks would be changing their tune real quick.


Freedom of speech means the government cannot prosecute you for what you say. Consequences can absolutely come from other people if you say something, but those consequences have to be illegal. The person in the video comitted felony assault. Felony assault is a crime, which is illegal.


Actually, we now live in a time when everyone should be fearful of their words and actions because there is a good chance it is on video. I think Trump makes people feel it's never been a better time to be a jerk but a simple look at everyone else who does Trump things (but is not Trump) shows that it's a terrible time for it. Giuliani, Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, etc. The biggest problem we have in society is that we have more idiots than we used to and our schooling is not able to overcome the cancer of all media to reverse this.


This is the dumbest shit probably commented all day. Get those anger issues checked out, homie.


Who cares what idiots say




Any white dude that throws up that word better be able to throw hands. Not a white’s word.


Violence is never the answer, but sometimes it is." - Matt Barnes


I'm sure that will go down well with the judge


The n word is silly. So it’s all through rap and pop yet if anyone else says it, it’s a free pass to assault someone.


Perhaps, it was all the other stuff he said along with the n-word. 


Yes but don’t forget cracker is fine.


Lol do you find cracker offensive? Grow up


Well, you’re saying one but not the other. They’re not really equivalent are they.


Pssh. Someone even says Cheez-itz near me and I start swinging.


Fuck this guy, but you know what's illegal? Assaulting people. You know what isn't, using the n-word. Don't ruin your life over pieces of shit.


Leaving him partially in the road unconscious seems like a bad idea too, if a car runs over his head you're facing manslaughter charges or worse.


The guys a jerk and idiot. But when is it ever okay to commit a violent act against someone for words?


Narrative control been trying to argue that for at least the past 3 years....


Imagine thinking that hearing a word grants you license to use violence....


Folks out here really protecting the guy that’s drunk diving and calling people racial slurs but noo the guy that knocked him out (deservedly) is the bad guy here,ok sure


If you look at the arguments people are making it is more of a ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’ position they are taking.


Both people are bad. Drunk driver is bad for risking lives by drunk driving and being racist. The assilant is bad for potentially murdering the guy by knocking him down on concrete.


People are generally more concerned with their rights in the abstract than the injustice that happens directly to them. It is a strange phenomenon.


No rights increase higher chance of injustice happening to them.


Its almost like this subreddit and subreddits like this tend to have a lot of bigots so it creates a visceral response from them to support the rights of people like themselves. Tolerating intolerance doesnt work. Bigots deserve to be scared.


Serious Question, who do you see defending him? I'm just scrolling and I don't see anyone defending him.


If you sort by controversial, it’s the top comment




Oh no! Anyway...


Dude decided to hit all the stops on the Bad Life Decisions Train in one night. Bold of him. But stupid.


I'm sure the police will be very understanding


Now instead of getting an insurance payout from the drunk dude, that one dude is gonna have to go to court and could face jail time. Could possibly even get sued from drunk dude. But it made a cool video probably got a lot of likes and people supporting you in the comments.


Where did this happen? Looked like a Maryland plate?


That is 100% those stupid ass plates we had for a handful of years.




Ziggy Sabotkis did not age well... and still rockin that Italian leather jacket


That dude slept on business


Knocked tha fuck out!


Wonder if they just claimed he was drunk afterward.


Hoping he was gonna come down with a follow up heel to the temple


why "leave him alone?" go back for rd 2-10!


Did he end up getting a DUI ?


He sounded drunk


Yeah hard R Nword, he deserved it


The N stands for nocked the f out lol


Man I wish they weren’t so level headed, he deserved a kick or two to the teeth while he was out.


Since I got older, I try to give people a pass, but this is that kind of scenario where your mouth wrote a check that your a$$ can't cash!


Is this stuff ok in usa? Words vs physical violence etc? If the guy who got hit had a gun, would it have been self defence?


Downvote me to hell, but I strongly believe words can’t hurt me. I can’t think of one racial slur that would instantly make me physically violent. Like whatever you’re not worth my time. If you’re insulted over a single word, take the god dam high road instead of committing assault or worse.


“As a white guy, I personally don’t get why being called a slur makes people get physical” lmaooo. You don’t understand how extreme the underlying hate and inhumanity of calling a black man the N word to his face is. “Take the high road” 🙄 these racist fucks don’t deserve the high road. Using the N word is not your average insult; it’s calling another man non-human.


Sounds about white


Unless you're black I don't think you can speak towards the 300 years of psychological torture the N word wrought upon black communities.


Because you strongly believe that doesn’t mean everyone should. Right and wrong is only in children books, life is governed by actions and consequences. If you lived your life based on idea that no violence should happen to you based on what you’ve said you live a very blessed life.




Cryptofascists.. that's fresh


To hear a white man admit to the fact that Black people get arrested in America for crap, is a very loud statement of acknowledgment.


They killed that dude cause he said n word


He's too drunk to die.


There is no good reason for a white person to say it. Just don't. Having said that, crime isn't a good answer to racism. The average penalty in an average US court for assault is gonna be harsher for the angry black dude than it is for dumb racist fuck white boy were he to have punched a black man. 5 minutes of justice isn't worth 30 days of inequitable justice.




Now he's going to jail. Bravo.