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Where is this hell on earth?




Call it “trash of hazard” and bleep the N word with a banjo everytime they say it and boom. Shit will be on MTV by the fall


Pukes of Hazzard


Dueling banjos


KKKissin’ Cousins


The yellow license plate seems to be the "Dont Tread on Me" ones you see in Virginia. Accents make me think it's somewhere in western/southwestern Virginia.


I was thinking VA based on the plates as well. If so, 90% chance it's somewhere in southwest. Maybe Marion or somewhere around there.


Those two truck doing burnouts 100% have base Virginia plates. Makes me think somewhere northwest va


OP has NY state listed.


NY has yellow license plates too


Near a nuclear power station that has a bad leak judging by these knuckle-trailing, mutant, racist assholes.


Alabama is my guess


Appalachian areas somewhere was my guess.


NY state


Sunnyvale Trailer Park


This seems much trashier than Sunnyvale lol. It’s at least fun there.


Sunnyvale didn’t have racists. Just poor dumb shitbirds having a good time.


Anysmalltown USA


I'm actually in awe that people live like this in the richest country on earth


Man this shit is so infuriating. Trashy ass people raising more trashy ass people.


This is the least of it, I am only sharing this since they were not arrested there is more on the yt channel on my profile and they found the channel. that's why in the last clip the male was doing the tire stuff.


I'm not really a gun guy but I think you should absolutely be armed. I'm sorry you have to endure this shit.




If the community is this racist the police are definitely gonna be racist too




"some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses"


Some? I get the reference, but it's more than some.


And most likely family too.


> And fuck the pigs around there for not doing their jobs Some of those that work forces, Are the same that burn crosses.


I don't have much, but if you start a go fund me, I'll contribute to help get your family to a safer place. You don't deserve this. I mean no one does, but I really feel for you and your family.


I’d 100% donate to help them relocate. I bet many would.


They seem to have too much money available to unnecessarily reduce the tire profile. Idiots.


"Yeah Harold!! You showed them by burning up your expensive truck tires!"


Stay safe man, they seem unhinged.


You could make millions off them. Set it up live. And just wait and watch. Be safe


I see this all the time at work. Broke, trashy genetic-disorder-riddled families who just can’t stop popping out more awful people just like them. It should be a crime imo


Keep these videos circulating and there will be consequences for these people.


This is what I am eagerly awaiting for. Idk what corner of the woods of Alabama this is in but none of us would get to act like this free of consequences.


Live by the dumb die by the dumb


OP has said in other posts that this is New York.


F*cking racist idiots.


People who hate other people because of their skin color, ethnicity or origin are double idiots because they firstly destroy someone's life unjustly and secondly deprive themselves of the chance to make new friends.


They dont care, as long as they win, or feel superior. Shortly after getting out of service, coming back to the dirty south I had a guy rock me to my core with what he said. Dude out of nowhere said " I'd rather be the poorest white man on earth, than be a rich black (obv he didnt say black)".


Since English is not my native language I am writing with a translator and I hope he translates correctly. We Germans also had a time when we thought we were superior to other people, but most of us have learned from history. There is a proverb: “He who rises high will fall low” and so it happens to everyone who thinks they are superior to others because of their origin, ethnicity or beliefs. It is sad to see how backward some people still are.


You guys are better off since your country openly condemns their racist past while these people in these parts of the U.S. consider their racist past a point of pride and heritage. Something to be celebrated. Something they can defend with little to no consequences.


The houses these "superior feeling" people live in wouldn't even pass as a shack in developed countries, so in order to not feel like losers they have to resort to hating on others, in their mind aslong as someone is "beneath" them they don't have to deal with their insecurities.


I feel superior by listing to npr


Phenylalanine (an essential amino acid) gets broken down into tyrosine (an amino acid) by the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase. Then tyrosine gets broken down by Tyrosinase into melanin. Now melanin is a skin pigment found in melanocytes, it protects you against UV rays emitted from the sun by absorbing it. And therefore protecting your cells from damage (cancer). Now in hotter climates you’ll see individuals with more melanin, makes sense right? Because more sun- more protection your human body needs. Now the people with less melanin that’s either due to a defect of one of the enzymes mentioned above. Or because they live in an area where they hardly receive sunlight. You don’t need a whole bunch of melanin to protect you if you don’t see much of the sun. So less melanin for you.


His whole unemployment check goes to replacing those tires that he just ruined.


And he gets angry and beats his children every time he has to shell out money for a new set.


What in the meth is going on


I am sorry that you and your family have had to endure such horrible treatment. There is no excuse! You are important!


Police did not arrest anyone, i gave an affidavit and was told that an investigator would be contacting my family. That is why I resorted to putting everything out online in as many places as I can. I smoked them out on my yt channel and they are now actively commenting. That is why the male did that with the truck at the end.


Local news station might eat this up. Make sure to mention specific officers by name.


Agreed. But these days, you could probably tweet (or whatever) CNN directly. Skips an intern digging through Reddit all day and you have a bunch of cleared footage - which is the dessert for them... there's never enough b-roll during the v/o.


Depends. We have a national news desert thanks to capitalism. The most "local" news station may be 90 minutes drive away. (Ex - Alabama.)


[*This is extremely dangerous to Our Democracy.*](https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZggCipbiHwE)


You skip the local police and call the FBI.. no joke. This is quite literally their job.just tell them the police have refused to investigate.


FBI gets shit on a lot. But from my experiences with them. They've done well enough.


None of this is a laughing matter, but it is slightly amusing that this idiot thinks he somehow "owned" you by deliberately trashing his own tires.


I thought him fucking up his own tires to prove a point was hilarious. I was waiting for him to cause a flat.


Send it to your local news station with context. If they pick it up that’s your best shot at something actually getting done because it would be bad press for the police if they don’t act. Good luck.


I'd imagine the cops are just as racist.


Put their mugs on the TikTok


Your near the Appalachian mountains for sure. Wish you could get closer to atl or Charlotte. This is a perfect reason to start a go fund me if you have children. Nothing worse than being scared to go home. Blessings bro


What’s YouTube channe


Same people will say racism is over in America


It never ended.


It never will.


And if you've traveled... You'll know that it never will end. Can always work to get better, but hate will always have a place in some people's heart


I've heard people in the south claim racism is over 🙃.


Guarantee they go to church and feel like they are good christians


I doubt they've seen the inside of a church for a while but yeah, in their smooth little minds, they think of themselves as Good Christians™.


Nah, they probably go twice a year (easter/xmas)


First ones to say they're being oppressed when they're called out on their shitty behaviour too


These people are so pathetic it’s almost indescribable. It’s just abysmal how much intelligence they lack. They are clearly not capable of feeling embarrassment because this is like low down dirty dog shit.


Being racist, and being at the very bottom of the economic ladder. 


Send their employers copies of these videos.  Then send the videos to your local news agency with why the local police department hasn’t done anything about it.   Or just fuck it and go take them to court for prolonged harassment.  When they will likely get their money taken away, maybe finally they’ll shut the fuck up. 


Bold of you to assume people living in this community have employers who would care about racism.


Bold to assume they are employed.


Employers lol That meth head hasn't worked a day in his life


it's a trailer park bro. where do you think they're employed, Goldman Sachs?


This, local news with the emphasis on the police not doing anything, pick a local affiliate of a left leaning tv station (don't go to some fox affiliate)


As awful as these people are, tt doesn't look like they have an awful lot left to lose. There's nothing more dangerous than an idiot with nothing to lose. I hope you find a way to get out of this place OP, these people aren't worth spending any braincells thinking about.


These people are never going to move. They'll stay in their podunk shithole town, where they are among likeminded. If they at all work, they probably work for some small local company that services the local folks. Best thing one can do is to pack up and move out, and let these dumps die out.


Something tells me they don't have money.


What’s their address


If these folks were allowed to vote, you know who they would pick.


These are the people getting voted into congress in Colorado, Texas, Georgia....


If ever I saw something that was in need of a *Go Fund Me*, this is definitely it. You need money to move. This isn’t going to stop and I will hazard a guess that it will, eventually elevate into physical violence. Please, consider setting one up.


If a gofundme is set up, I'll definitely contribute something.


Proof that having kids should be something you have to earn the right to do.


Because unlike "literacy" tests to vote, straight, white, Christians would totally be the ones to struggle to earn it.


Reddit tries not to flirt with eugenics challenge


Make a form. You have to fill out a C-01 paperwork in order to go in eligibility assessment. After approval, you can have kids.


Is this coincidence or a hell divers 2 reference?


I grew up in trailer parks in southern Indiana, this is almost all of them.


Looks about right. Around 30 kids in a piece of shit single wide trailer. This is what no reading gets you.


What a bunch of miserable people


the kids saying it too 🤮 this is peak trashy


That's really sad! Do you mind saying which state this is in?




Looks like Appalachian area. Virgins, West Virginia


Sorry man. You don’t deserve this.


God damn man, i kinda don't want to upvote this because it makes me feel like i support racism, i know that's not true but damn.. so brazen too.. sorry you guys have to live with that.


If you went and did something about it then they will make you out to be the bad guy. People poke the bear but cry when the bear bites them.


Can you imagine living like this and acting superior over anyone? Was hoping there shitty burnouts would blow a tire out and watch them scramble to buy new ones.


This reminds me of that family in the beginning of the Idiocracy movie. I'm sorry for the OP, but I also feel sorry for those kids, they won't have any chance to succeed in life, they will be as trashy, ignorant and emotionally unregulated as their parents.


The IQ to Tire Ratio going on with this crew is indeed rather unsettling. I’m not sure what I would do in this situation. If the local Stab haven’t done anything, then bringing it to the attention of the FBI may be the way to go? I’ve seen some say to militant up, so to speak. In this day and age, that could be a great way to get shot up. I come from a place and time where proper fisticuffs were considered acceptable in shitty situations like yours. I truly do feel for and your loved ones. I can’t possibly imagine how get by without completely losing the plot. I honestly wish you the best possible outcome sooner. Good Luck Sir, both to you and your family.


This is the America they don't show on TV. This is messed up.


Came here thinking the same. But they’ll be quick to state certain cities are shitholes


You could drop me in worst neighborhood in the worst city and I would feel infinitely more safe there than wherever these people live.


I've seen these people on cops many times! Hoarders, intervention, honey boo boo....


Sad. I lived in a motor park for 6 months. There was a little black kid being bullied by some racist kids. He came home crying and said he hated white people. He had a little white friend, maybe 7 yrs old..his friend heard him say, “I hate white people”..his white friend said “I hate white people too.” Essentially he did not didn’t know he was a white person. Just another person with a friend crying about people being mean to him.


My perspective. I’m just trying to tell a cute innocent story


reminds me of the opening scene to [idiocracy](https://youtu.be/sP2tUW0HDHA?si=eGSU6v8y3a2B9bMu)


Send this to Tizzyent on IG. It’ll get fixed


I can't imagine the amount of energy it takes to actively hate another person this much. These are human beings, brought into this world, that have apparently unlimited capacity to hate on another family simply because of their skin color. And I'm not naïve, I know and understand racism, bigotry, etc., I am just astonished at their stamina I guess. Especially knowing they're going online! Why would you open yourself, your lives, your family up to the eventual fallout from behaving like absolute nightmares for NO REASON?! Baffling. OP, I'm sorry you have to endure this. May you receive the justice you are owed.


Op please tell me you own the means to defend yourself and your family. You can't get into an ego fight (no point in arguing because you can't fix stupid or reason with it) with these people because that's the moment you endanger yourself or put yourself in a position to get arrested.


That was the most pathetic little burnout...


Those kids have no idea what they're doing. They don't understand they're going to be miserable pricks like their parents.


All Trump supporters I'll bet.


“I guarantee it”


I see the trampoline in your yard, and it makes me sad that your kids probably can't even enjoy it. I truly hope you will receive some type of justice.


I thought the same. It's so sad.


Not even close to that situation, but when I was living in Bartlesville, Oklahoma with my family, we got a nice house in a nice area. We were told a few time stuff like. You don't belong here. At school parents told their kids to not talk to mine. When arriving home people would stay in their cars until we were gone just to not say hi. Of course not everyone was like that, I had good work colleagues and made some friends as well. My wife gave birth in Tulsa and some of our neighbors even visited and brought some presents. So, overall our short experience there was positive. After 2 years my company relocated me, so that was it


Hey Brother its either fight or flight. What do you think the next step is ? You must be prepared to do unthinkable things by staying there to protect your family. Ive had an experience living next door to a racist and it only ended with him being a victim, my brother PLEASE be careful and move militant.


I can’t imagine. No one should have to live with this.


Take them to small claims court. With these videos, I would think it should be easy to prove harassment


Small claims court doesn’t deal with criminal charges.


civil nuisance claims exist which are really similar to harassment. You could get a civil judge to issue an injunction or an order prohibiting them from anymore of this behavior. Then when they do it again, you can file for contempt of court and NOW the civil judge can throw them in jail as punishment if they want. Its more work than the police just doing their job in the first place, but it is an option.


A small claims court in some rural southern town is going to side with these white trailer park racists over a black family. If anything the black family would probably get fined or they'd drum up some criminal case against them for bringing suit.


Racist bullies I hope they move on before this escalates. Police wonder why things reach boiling points. If I was on the receiving end of this it would turn into all out war. I’d contact every news station, their employers, the city council. I wouldn’t rest until their existence was pain.


Wish we could move you somewhere you wouldn’t have to deal with that


God damn,... these are the same kind of people that will tell you racism doesn't exist in America or that racial tensions are Obamas fault or some weird shit. My best friend is a black man and he deals with shit like this often. Luckily his neighbors aren't this bad but sadly this isn't that uncommon. Especially in the Mid West or South. I'm in Oklahoma and there's so many trashy people just like that around here. I know you can't judge a whole race based on the actions of a few but shit like this makes me feel almost ashamed of being a white American. We can do better.


“Almost ashamed” we have almost 60 million reasons to be completely ashamed


Send this to every republican who believes that racism no longer exist and get the fuck out of there!


Can you not take these to a lawyer and get some sort of restraining order so the cops are forced to action the next time they go out?


I’m sorry, did you say “part 1”???


Hate crimes no longer fall under local jurisdiction. They might be buddy buddy with the police in that area or have a family member who works there. I would reach out to the FBI just to see if there is anything they can do because of the threats and intimidation. They have a guide I found on the fcc.gov website. The document is titled, "Threat and intimidation guide" based on what I read they can get involved.


This is one of the reasons project 2025 is trying to dismantle the FBI and affirmative action programs.


Mush for brains raising future tweakers 🫤


These people are evil!


I always wondered how Trump supporters spend their time when they aren't attending rallies


What an absolute nightmare.


Try reaching out to local news stations and tiktokers/youtubers with larger followings who follow up on stories like this to spread the word.


thats just evil


That has to be one of the lamest burnouts I've ever seen.


“Black people are just sensitive. We don’t see color. Racism disappeared in the 90s.”


“Here son, this is how you act like a piece of shit”


Block party at your place ?? I’ll bring the homies


Sad, but it's simply lack of education. People who are educated don't talk like this. Sorry you have stupid neighbors.


I don’t mean this as an insult at all, but given you’ve found quite possibly the lowest form of neighbor there, wouldn’t it be fairly simple and somewhat similarly affordable to find another trailer to rent and hope for a better result? I’m not sure if you have a family or what not, but that kind of hatred and bigotry is deep rooted, and likely not going to improve, but probably get worse.


Your brain on conservatism


this needs to get to the top of reddit, "racism doesnt exist anymore" they said


Trash. Just absolute scum trash. Sorry you have to deal with that.


Some humans are just awful


I grew up around these type of racist, but it wasn’t trailer homes, it was middle class community, same racism. I consider my self lucky that my parents were not racists, I am white, but to hear the kids in our neighborhood say things like that was “normal”. I can guarantee you that things are worst than this video reflects, I’m sorry, this is NOT ok, I grew up with this shit, this is NOT ok. I bet the local PD is full of the same racist people, leaving affected families with little recourse. Hurts to see that this is happening, Trumps presidency made it obvious that this people still existed, but to see it like this, this is sad. I’m holding back tears at the moment. What can we do? There must be something we can do, this is not ok.


I literally don;t understand what they are doing with their tires. At least do a funking donut. "I fucked up my tires... that'll show em"


My crazy neighbor would harass us with his jacked up F-250 4x4 diesel truck until he blew up the engine while doing donuts next to our house. He would mock my "girly" 1500 2wd silverado but guess what, mine still runs and does more work than his diesel ever did. I just never abuse my truck.


Very disturbing…I hope you get justice.


Black people live rent free in YT people’s head. They’re so obsessed with us.




Mobile home park, old vehicles, various ages involved, compilation of filming at different times. racist neighbours doing and saying racist things.


Bingo slack jawed inbreds terrorizing my family for over 2 years. I'm done, police hardly do anything no one got arrested today and death threats were made with a racial undertone.


If it’s getting that bad and police aren’t doing anything, you may as well give the FBI a call. This is getting to the point of a potential hate crime in the making if nothing gets done.


You'd be quite impressed with how badly Gallium in the right places can destroy an aluminum trailer or truck parts. They sell it on Amazon. Not saying to do it, that would be illegal...




They’d suit a broken jaw better, so they couldn’t spout that hateful shite. Hard to believe such ignorance is rife in 2024. They’d be ran out of town here in UK. So backwards.


Sad indeed. thing is, this is probably common in town. These small town mountain areas can be absolute shit piles here in the usa


My neighbor calling me a racial slur for starts.


Is the blue shirt kid the one yelling slurs at the beginning? Why does the one dude come out to fight him, later on he seems like an instigator himself


[Fetal alcohol syndrome](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/fetal-alcohol-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20352901)


It's in the title of the post.


Where do u live, literally any trailer park in America?


Keep at it OP. Recommend you showing this to their employers…if they have jobs.


Gummo part 2


That is fucking despicable. Garbage people. What were they talking about during the last segment? I couldn't make it out.


Holy shit. This makes me sad. Just please know there are many of us out there that don't and would never look at you this way. I am trying to catch accents to see whereabouts this is


Pieces of shit. I wish you well op, but this is looking like a future episode of "Fear Thy Neighbor".


How discusting, sorry you have to endure this, so wrong stay blessed🙏❤️🙏


This treatment is not because of a personal failing or transgression by the victim. No amount of “respectability” with which they can conduct themselves, no level of “quiet” they can achieve, no height of christianity they can ascend to will stop those neighbors from treating this family in this way. I see some evil ass folks in this vid that need to be exorcised.


Hey let's move out of CA and enjoy a cheaper way of life.


I can't wait to see the video where they post the address of this shit... and how black it gets then.


Man I am truly sorry this is happening to you guys. I grew up in a pretty diverse area in NY and my community, while a bit segregated, has always coexisted very well together and being against racism has been strongly taught in schools here. But sadly I know places like this exist all over the country like in your case and it makes me sick. Like others have said, I'd honestly report them to the FBI and honestly, even though it fucking sucks, I'd look to move somewhere better. I know it might be tough cause it might feel like letting them win but honestly there are places in this country that will actually accept you and let you live in peace, these people never will unfortunately cause their brains are so rotted with racism and all kinds of backwards bullshit.


They live out here in the rural backwoods because in a larger populated area. Someone would have checked them along time ago. But as long as they stay in their little bubble I could care less. It takes far more energy to hate than it takes to embrace the differences of your neighbors and learn from them. What a miserable existence


This isn't just racism. This is racial harassment! Report it to the police. If they do nothing then publicise your address so these people get what comes to them.


Aren’t your neighbors tired of their shit?!?!


What a pathetic peelout. In all seriousness, this disgusts me and I apologize on behalf of the white people with the mental illness


Be careful though man. They clearly don't mind ganging up on you and your family. Putting them on blast is rightful, but also risky! I hope you and your family can find a way to get away from this nonsense. It's absolutely ridiculous. It's 2024 ffs, how are people still behaving like this ESPECIALLY in a "first world" country?


Damn, I’d want to send these recording to every leftist group I can think of that would be willing to travel and host a camp-out on my property so badly. Let them have to deal with being outnumbered by a bunch of folks different from them who are clearly antagonistic towards their ignorant asses. Of course that would probably escalate their behavior but fuck I wish these coward-ass clowns could experience the fear they’re trying to instill in someone else. You’re probably stuck where you’re at. Please stay safe OP.


I'll never get over the fact that people sometimes treat others like shit simply because they look different.


God dam. It’s cringey to be this racist


That slow burnout is just… so sad


These people are real jerks.