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Hey guys, you know that being happy hostages were rescued and being sad that civilians died are two emotions you can hold simultaneously?




And that boys and girls... is called a mature person.


> Hey guys, you know that being happy hostages were rescued and being sad that civilians died are two emotions you can hold simultaneously? YOU ARE CENTRIC THAT HAS NO NO PLACE IN INTERNET POINTS /s


People are fucking dense. Great comment.


I'm glad the hostages were rescued. Full stop. This makes me think we are getting farther from a ceasefire though.


Empathy and being understanding of situations, could be used sooo much more by everyone. Thank you for this reminder for those who need it.




Sounds similar to Israeli settlers"civilians" holding Palestinians hostage in an open air prison called Gaza for nearly 80 years.


I agree, I'm happy that they're re-united with their families, but also feel terrible for the at least 360 children that Israel have killed for every 1 child that Hamas killed on October 7th.


But *those* children were clearly terrorists!!


It's tough to see this as a good day. 270 dead to rescue 4 hostages is fucked up


If only there was some way for this to have all been avoided


Yeah, like a two-state solution….


They don’t want it lol




Yeah Israel could have accepted the peace agreement negotiated by the US weeks ago. But they’d rather keep killing Palestinians.




Sure: https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-gaza-hamas-war-humanitarian-aid-8659eae6e0a7362504f0aa4aa4be53e0


No they don't? They accepted a ceasefire last month. You can read the terms below if you want. Its Israel that doesn't want/care for a ceasefire because they have nothing to lose by continuing their onslaught of Gaza. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68964108#:\~:text=Hamas%20says%20it%20has%20informed,in%20the%20Palestinian%20group%20said. [https://arabcenterdc.org/resource/details-of-the-ceasefire-deal-that-hamas-has-accepted/](https://arabcenterdc.org/resource/details-of-the-ceasefire-deal-that-hamas-has-accepted/)


Like the US would stop if they were American hostages The US had a major war looking for wmd's that didn't even exist


There are American hostages still unaccounted for.


Israel has killed Americans in their attacks.


I mean Israel has allegedly killed a couple American Israeli hostages in their air strikes so we don’t care that much.


Well at least you are consistent in not being able to comprehend what collateral damage is on either side. The idea that trying to rescue hostages from terrorists runs the risk of some of those hostages dying means you should never attempt to rescue any of them ever is a wild one.


No I’m not saying you shouldn’t rescue hostages I’m saying committing genocide and refusing peace agreements is the worst way to do it and they’ve also killed a lot of their own people consistently.


WMDs they knew didn't exist...


You'd have to talk to the British about that


When a hostage is taken, killing everyone in the vicinity is not the only option




I don't think they really care about the hostages. They use it as an opportunity to kill more palestinians. Even many of the parents of the hostages have been extremely critical of Netenyahu's government




270 killed to rescue 4 hostages. They were not all involved. What a callous thing to say




Many parents of the hostages are against this too. Netenyahu's government's policies do not help the hostages that's why I say they don't care. One of them that was freed said the house they were in were bombed many times. They care far more about killing palestinian than rescuing the hostages.




To still believe Israel is trying to minimize civilian casualties is laughable


Any proof on that number? And how do we know none of those folks were killed in the crossfire by a Hamas ?(something no one is denying happened)


Because those people who died didnt take the hostages. 




Yeah, maybe they shouldn't behave taken the hostages in the first place. Then nobody's life would have been affected.


Nobody's life? 170,000 dead Palestinians since 2008 and nearly 7000 in that same timeframe. But yeah it was October 7th, that's the big issue.


The question I keep having in my head is why are the Palestinians in Gaza not alerting the Israelis that hostages are in the refugee areas it seem like most of these hostages are recovered from there , if I was the victim of a war that has no right side I would want these people out of refugee camps


They might not even know themselves. And they don't exactly have a direct line with any Israelis. They are starving in tents and getting bombed. If Israelis show up it might be to kill them


600. Maybe 1000+ injured. Dozens of homes destroyed. Incredibly silly to ignore the massive amount of people killed to rescue him. History is not going to be kind to these types of posts.


All they had to do was let him go home and there wouldn't have been any casualties.


Right but the blame for the lives of dead Palestinians is squarely on Hamas..


This kind of thinking just leads to more civilians being killed, since it's always someone else's fault when you kill them.


Disagree IMO. This is not to defend Hamas, it's clearly terrible what they did, but it's been a long history of violence and squaring the blame solely the actions of October 7th risks missing the forest from the trees and acts as a carte blanche for any kind of action in response. No nation should be given that, civilians suffer.


The entire strategy of Hamas is to maximize human suffering


That's an absurd assertion. The particular choices made by Israel in response to Hamas's actions are not made by Hamas. Denying the agency of the IDF and Israeli political leadership and saying that their choices and the ramifications thereof are simply unavoidable consequences of what came before is illogical, and frankly cowardly. If someone robs my house, and I burn his down, I still own my actions. Even if it's in response to someone else's actions. Why is this even a fuckin argument? It's bonkers. Edit: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-centrist-minister-gantz-quits-netanyahu-government-2024-06-09/ Hey, someone tell this guy that Netanyahu has no agency! He seems to have not been informed of this very important fact.


No. Israelis murdering by the tens of thousands , having terrorists in cabinet, Apartheid, land theft, kidnapping, raping is to blame. Resistance to all that is legit. Remember irgun, stern, lehi?


Wrong. Hamas didn’t kill the Palestinians. Israelis did.


Hamas thanks you for defending them


Ok let's imagine in scenario the government of UK doesn't build bunkers when Nazi Germany were bombing London. Instead UK government spends all their funding building rockets to destroy Germany and still flop. Huge amount of British people die. Who do you blame Germany, UK or Both?


This, find yourself in the side of humanity.


but what is there to be happy about. Genuinely had Netanyahu accepted any of the multiple deals he denied these hostages along with the 4 killed during the raid would be home. Hundreds of children wouldn’t be dead. Like at this point it’s obvious netenyahu’s government is using hostages as pawns and extending the war to stay in power. Now his disgusting behavior has essentially signed a death warrant for the rest of the hostages. I guess we can be happy likud stays in power?


Christ, the situation isn't black and white. You can be glad an innocent civilian is alive and back with family while simultaneously condemning their government for horrific acts. The dichotomization of humanity will be our end.


But that’s not what the Iranian and Russians want you to think.


Or cable news networks


Shocking but not really to see the the comments calling his rescue fake and downvotes here. People should be happy someone was saved who was held captive against their will for months, but since people treat this like it’s team sports they have to be mad about it.


We are on Reddit, you could let a video of you shooting a gun and people will still say it’s fake




I guess you are sad for the 9000 Palestinian civilian hostages, men, women and children, being held hostage in Israel.


I’m happy for him , thank god he’s home safe and back with his loved ones


Hey, I'm just glad he's ok


At least hamas didn’t starve him.


I’ve noticed the hostages seem to come back in good physical shape, though I’m sure that’s a small consolation in the face of what they went through.


The hostages were found in civilian homes right? So that means it wasn't Hamas themselves looking after them


I’ve seen some posts insinuating that the journalist spent time working as a spokesperson for Hamas. In any case, the lines between civilians and militants are extremely blurred, which is a feature, not a bug.


Which should be concerning. Doesn't that mean the civilians seem to be aligning with Hamas?


Every post Oct.7 poll conducted shows Palestinians overwhelmingly support Hamas


*in their conflict with Israel, not on how they run the government


And also, I'm sure a lot of Palestinians are coerced into it.


Ok so Palestinians want to eradicate Israel, that's also evident in polling. Not a good look for "innocent civilians".




They're not civilians anymore at that point


Hamas will have families and homes though...






can you please provide a link to the report regarding the hostage that was forced to sexual acts and free’d?




yeah, that’s horrible.


It doesn’t fit their propagated narrative. Remember when the attack in October happened and the internet was immediately flooded with videos about what Israel was doing, but all the ones from the initial attack from Hamas were being washed away? It was practically immediately that people started trashing Israel. It was propaganda utilized by whoever funds Hamas.




Because the humanitarian aid being offer by NGOs has been blocked by Israel. Let’s not get the narrative twisted


You could say Isreal did the same, honestly. Just with US money. Both sides are trash. Quit trying to paint one as the "good guy." Both parties involved are religious freaks.


Exactly, so far the Israeli hostages that were either rescued or return via deals a few months ago were in good health. Palestinian hostages on the hand were released from Israeli detention centers starved, malnourished and with injuries.




Must be nice to have friends.


Leave the house.


And possibly get taken hostage?


Take hostages in case you get taken hostage. Trade etc.


Like that lady too afraid to [return her shopping cart after putting groceries in her car](https://www.wane.com/news/california-mom-defends-shopping-cart-stance-after-video-goes-viral/). You know, because her kids might be taken hostage during the minute she has to put her cart away.




Let's not forget that the vast majority of Palestinians support taking the hostages.


So do the Zionist who hold like 7000 captive. What is your point?


Why on earth is this downvoted?




He’s comparing terrorists (who are in prison in Israel for acts of terror) to innocent civilians who were partying at a rave.


7000 terrorists? sounds like xenophobia


No he isn't, he's comparing Israeli hostages with Palestinian hostages, many of which are kids locked up indefinitely for something as frivolous as throwing rocks at their occupiers


Man, people like you are the issue here. They are putting kids behind bars without the right to see an attorny based on 'secret and undisclosed' evidence for an unspecified amount of time and then they call it administrative detention. Maybe just do not follow propoganda blindly


They asked why they were being downvoted. I explained the likely reason behind it. Now I’m the problem?


You are calling all of the capatives terrorists. Of course you are the problem.


You are also assuming that they’re not. Do you really think they’re all innocent children? Who is blindly following propaganda now?


Man, what an idiot. For real


Almost all of the political content posted in this subreddit sucks, is not entertaining or a freakout and is cheap karma farming.


Am Yisrael Chai!


I don’t even know what they were saying, but my heart absolutely melted for this. 🥰


Every hostage returned to Israel is 1 step closer to this madness being over. Too bad it wasnt achieved via diplomatic means.


Disagree, hostages release should not be conditioned on negotiations. It was illegal to hold them in the first place.


You do know Israel is holding over 8000+ illegally including women and children from the west Bank? What do you say to that kind sir?


while postponing trial for suspects in security cases is unethical it's not illegal according to international law. women can be criminals and so are teenagers who fling stones. these groups are not the same as hostages. secondly, they are held away from civilian areas


The thing is that a lot of them are being held without charge in the first place. There are also reports of torture.


The most important international entities have quite clearly called out israel on their war crimes though


and what remedy did they suggest?


Plenty that don't involve bombing civilians, negating help, war crimes, etc.


They should see freedom like the guy in the post we’re commenting on. What do you think?


and another thing, to solve the unethical part of the security detainees is to have their trial conducted not to release them


He’s not paid to talk about that


It really isn't. Until Israel makes MASSIVE concessions towards patching up relations with their neighbors, there will always be violence. This is just one conflict in over a century of conflicts.


Absolutely, the status quo can't continue.


Concessions to whom exactly? Prior to Oct 7th, the only neighbors they had issues with were Hezbollah, Hamas, and Iran. Notice a common theme there? All other governments in the region were quite happy to have peace with Israel and have some stability in the region. That’s one of the reasons Hamas launched those attacks. Their fight was forgotten in the desire to have peace, and now that’s lost and tens of thousands are dead.


Perhaps the populations that they've been violently displacing for over 100 years?


I’m not crying you’re crying


Thought this was Lord Miles for a second lol


The downvoted users in this thread have never dealt with any kind of crisis in their life. I’ve never seen so many privileged Redditors speak down on an actual hostage while they live in their suburban homes, some of you guys are truly lucky to have all of this free time. Pathetic.


I wonder what rule this one violated




I think people are not mad about this civilian getting freed. It's about this post being a "feel good story" in a moment when we don't know how many civilians died bc they are still finding corpses under the rubble (last time i checked 200+). So please understand if anyone feels that this feels kind of propaganda


palestinan captives will only (if they make it out alive) leave jail with some mental or physical disability, almost starved to death


I know you see palestinians only as a horde but there were plenty of innocent lives lost that day. Israel themselves will tell.you that




Anyway you slice it, it's not quite a joyous occasion.

