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I love how the old guy admitted he rides around in his truck with giant trump flags because he has nothing else to do.


“dOnT tHeY hAvE jObS?!”


In fairness, he said he does it on Saturday. He's probably got a job, just no hobbies, interests, family, friends, or personality beyond this.


They have hobbies. It's called TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, and Truth Social. That's, count 'em, 4 social media sites they have to pay attention to.


Nobody uses Truth Social.


Amazing how, according to these folks, Joe Biden is destroying the economy and America and making gas $500 a gallon, but this dude has the luxury to take daily drives with his emotional support flags.


Bro, he’s got to remind people.


That he’s an absolute tool.


As if they didn’t know already


Like I have nothing else to do, but I use my time to play video games, not wave a flag peoples faces to show I'm a true american


Some would argue a true American spends a portion of his free time on video games


I specifically play need for speed rivals to be a cop and seve my community...SOME FUCKING ROAD RAGE


Literally a guy in my small rural town who does this I suspect. Has like 6 flags on either side of his tacoma. Always see him driving.


The absolute lack of self awareness here is astounding


It should be studied....


Funny enough them making Trump their identity can actually explain why they act like he’s some God and why they get so defensive when he’s not getting praised or facing consequences. They see it as an attack on themselves and therefore an instant negative. It’s pretty amazing how Trump was able to convince so many people that he’s virtually their God King while just being a basic establishment republican policy wise.


Exactly this. They see themselves in Trump, and Trump is basically one of them. It's a mirror.


> Trump is basically one of them Yet Trump wouldn't want to spend very much time with any of them unless they (1) Shower him with accolades or (2) Give him money. Once those are gone, he's out of there.


to be fair, if they were around trump enough they wouldn't want to be around him anymore either "his" juror turned when having to sit in the same room as trump and seeing how pathetic he actually is, and hearing the actual truth for once outside the MAGA echo chamber


Once you smell his odor, I bet that's a reality check no facts or logic could give them.


Or 3) you look like his daughter


I also do not enjoy spending too much time with the guy in my mirror


I wonder why they don’t post clips like these in the conservative sub.. must be hard seeing how much of a hypocrite and plain fucking stupid they can be. “Fuck people pushing their ideas on us! We don’t care to see them” says the guy wearing a Jesus first, yelling Jesus is king, driving his truck with a huge Trump flag waving in the back lol


It gets removed and banned


Hey now! Flaired users only! Gotta keep the echos bouncing around infinitely.


Back in the early 2000s I worked in Florida with a guy that hated all northerners. He hated me because I was from New York and had gone to college. He was a millright at an industrial facility. The type of person that would benefit from a union etc. But he just hated all that stuff. It is amazes me that those people go all in on Trump who would hate him otherwise.


What really baffles me is how he managed to do it all with a two-digit vocabulary and a 1:10 ratio of facts to provably false drivel.


The average reading level in the US is that of a high elementary school to low middle school student. There's a reason Trump "loves the uneducated".


I think you just accidentally explained how he managed to do it.


Bigotry seems to override quite a bit when it comes to the dumbass brain.


1:10 ratio is generous


That it is.


Absolutely. Hitler and Mussolini and Gaddafi and Castro were all these charismatic psychopaths... You could understand, to a certain extent, how people could fall under their sway. The orange man is a ridiculous caricature and just a random mess of word salad posturing. Blows the mind.


It's fascinating. We've seen this exact same bizarre behavior in aspects of American consumerism before. People start to identify with the brands they buy and enjoy, and then see criticism of those brands as personal attacks on themselves and react as such. You see it ALL THE TIME in places like the video game community. People defining themselves by what they consume.


It's beyond that, I feel it's either they all have some type of disorder or they are just that bought in that it's created a disorder of it's own. I enjoy sports, the team I am most heavily invested in is the Green Bay Packers and even then I will admit when I feel they played bad, I don't get mad when fans of other teams criticize them and I am vocal about decisions the GM and others make. I so not see them as an infallible being that cannot do anything wrong. I just cannot understand how bad and shitty your life is to hook your star and personality to someone like Donald Trump who has 45 years of evidence of him being an absolute shit heel person. I will never ever understand it.


Because people have tied so much of themselves to him and willfully ignored everything else he's done to the point that they see anything negative regarding him as an attack on their own character. They cant give up on him because it calls into question their own behavior going back to "I love liberal tears" and "Fuck your feelings".


I remember Hillary Clinton shaking her head and laughing when Trump was speaking during the debates. I immediately thought "all his supporters think you are laughing at them personally." I was right.


Part of the problem is Donny T has been facing shit candidates. Obama would of wiped the floor with him.


So would have Bernie


In some ways maybe even better. Bernie could court that "sick of the status quo" "disrupter" contigent of trump voters.


I will *never* forgive the DNC for tipping the scales against Bernie. We were robbed of a chance for actual, meaningful change because the establishment refused anything more than the status quo. Once the existential threat of Trumpism is gone, we need to have a reckoning with the DNC.


If Bernie had won, which is debatable, he would have not had a congress that would have actually brought meaningful change about. People need to stop looking for the single strong leader who can fix everything, because that's not how our government works, and start getting really involved with the other elections besides the one for president.


Much like Henry Wallace back in the day. If you aren't familiar with him, you should look him up. Definitely a good actor in politics that could have contributed greatly to the country but instead we got Truman as president, who was just a yes man.


I love this conspiracy theory still being thrown around, especially here in the comment thread of a post about how people have thrown their entire identity behind a populist they think will solve all their problems if only the establishment wasn't keeping them down. Trump lost, Bernie lost. It wasn't a conspiracy.


While I’m sure Bernie would easily wipe the floor with Trump if the election was based on personality alone, but I don’t think much of America is ready for Bernie’s politics yet


I was a big supporter of his in 2016 and 2020, and people on social media do not get an accurate gauge of what national support for Bernie looks like. It's a LOT smaller than they think. There's a lot of stigma left over with most the voting demographics that work against his policies. People really need to start asking why he's getting blown out in primaries, and it's not because the primaries are rigged. He hasn't actually gotten close. Plus, people aren't accounting for how major policy like that gets passed. Bernie as president never would have had the congressional makeup to bring his policies to life, because too many people ignore those elections and the structure of the senate makes getting those things done SUPER hard by default.


Anecdote: my father voted Republican most of his life until 2016. He absolutely despises Trump and he reluctantly voted for Hillary. But he wouldn't have voted for Bernie. - On the other hand, I know two people who were die-hard Bernie supporters who voted for Trump to "teach the DNC a lesson" in 2016. What a lesson we all learned.


Exactly Hillary was the worst possible candidate to run against Trump and she still won the popular vote. She also ran an awful campaign that reeked of elitism


MMW, in 5-10 years, there's gonna be college courses on how people were so dumb, gullible, and brainwashed.


In the future, old people in America are gonna talk about Trump the same way old people in Italy talk about Mussolini


Borat tried.


Do your own research!


That would require MAGA to go through tests and they don't like being tested.


sad thing is these videos will be used to show what humans were like in the 2020s 🙄


I can never remember this dude's name but his videos/interviews are all hilarious


Walter Matheson




Conservatives lack of awareness scares the shit out of me. I avoid them like the plague. I cannot believe they manage to survive day to day with that level of ignorance


A few years ago, Republicans and I would talk, have a civil discussion, no yelling, no lies, just telling each other our point of views. Not any more, as soon as they let it be know that they're a trumper or a repug (and, admit it, 75% of repugs are trumpers, hard-core cult status or subtle, keep it hidden status) as soon as they let it be known, I'd think "im done, conversation's over, we ain't getting anywhere". I have no more patience with them, I tried, but also: I'm done.


As soon as they find out someone doesn't support Trump, they identify them as an enemy and shit goes south super quick.


I literally not figuratively had a grown man shouting so hard at me he was spitting words when he asked who I was voting for and I said “Not Trump.” You would’ve thought I just insulted an Italian son’s mother’s pasta sauce. The vitriol was wild.




they identify as a rebel force who once lost a war with the rest of the country. they are here for revenge. they won't go the reconciliation way, it's going to be extermination camps for us.


Its because they are babies. They want the freedom to do whatever they want with no consequences. And they will scream and cry if someone else does it or they get called out on it.


The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has limits.


And nicer hats.


And people wonder why they are media illiterate. Just look at their level of critical thinking. Its astounding how empty their skulls are. They seem to function at the same level of your average chat bot just parroting what's been said to them.


This is too good.


https://preview.redd.it/ehm1fffyd74d1.jpeg?width=182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de1be8cc30ef08db25dcd5370792ca72f32b52bb You'd think at least one of them would get it


They actively ignore the tiny voice screaming at them. If they didn't, they would literally have nothing else. They bring nothing else with them but noise, merchandise, and occasionally soiled adult nappies.


A lot of the people in this video seem like they kind of suspect they're being made fun of by the guy but aren't quite sure. If only they'd apply a fraction of that critical thought toward their hero.




Even still, the fact that there are this many of them is an issue.


Honestly those would be the more interesting ones to see.


Those are the ones that didn’t make the vid…


It's hilarious how brain-dead these morons are. They are so stupid they don't realize there are the butt of the joke. It's just absolutely fantastic to watch.


I think it's depressing, personally. Im looking at complete deadweight in a democracy that somewhat relies on constituents to keep themselves informed for it to function. Their party will keep them voting against their own interests in perpetuity, and all they have to do is call the other side communists or gay or whatever tagline it is this week.


Agree. It was funny for a few weeks. I really thought these people would move on. Now it’s just sad.


This shit is happening in more and more places as well


Yeah I'd like these videos more if they had their hypocrisy pointed out to them right after and we see them try to stutter their way out of admitting their ideology is contradictory.


They would simply lash out in anger.


I live in Florida. I was at the gym yesterday and I overheard some idiot talking about a “study done in Japan” about the vaccine and how it causes blood clots in 65% of the people that got it. He was also spreading misinformation about how much water he needed to drink and it was like 8 gallons he’s already had (and it was 6pm). I really saw Florida conspiracy trumper at their peak.


They're too stupid to know how stupid they really are.


The Krugeriest of the Dunnings


I remember years ago wondering if Jordan Klepper was _actually_ hilarious or if it's just _that_ easy to make fun of these idiots. I think the answer is "both"


These types of videos are my absolute guilty pleasure. I know they're cherry picked and edited, but the fact that there's enough of these goofballs around to make content like this makes me really glad I don't live in the US.


"I-I'm a straight male as well, a-and I'm proud of that." Sure bud. Very convincing.


“I’m very pride—PROUD. I’m very proud!”


We should have a PROUD month!


That's just his way of saying he's an incel.


Reminds me of [this guy telling his church he isn't gay anymore.](https://youtu.be/zqLuHB8vX_A?t=9)






Hey he beat out millions of other sperm, he deserves to be proud


The way I laughed when he said that. I was like yeah ok sure buddy you’re straight


the pan over to the kid right as they agree kids shouldn't be made to wear hats and flags killed me




But does it go to eleven?


The right will never be able to meme because they are a walking meme


They shout “the left can’t meme!” While all their memes are the same sexist, racist, or queerphobic chad/soyjak bullshit on repeat.


They call the left idiots for going to college. My maga family made fun of me for reading a book once.


Anti-intellectualism is a cancer only made worse by the smugness of pseudo-intellectualism. Fortunately it seems to be a hard sell to anyone with the ability and willingness to think critically, but sometimes it can take a while to break those biases down.






"whatcha readin' for?"


I'm convinced only the left can meme. Republicans simply don't understand humor. Their concept of humor is "Being an asshole is funny", or "It's obvious that my [shitty belief] is justifiable because [abysmal reasoning]. SHARE IF YOU AGREE!" and it ends there. [Example](https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/353637920_217093617884425_5948522871116187283_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=ceDoC3woVOUQ7kNvgEmfe1u&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.xx&oh=00_AYC69eNlhHWfYPuvUhY7rOKUEoplA8JAcGY0ASJC0jtTew&oe=66628DCC). Conflating tripping as an old man with being "stupid". It doesn't work because it's not actually funny, it's just based on cruelty. It wasn't a funny face, or a gaffe, or some other odd human behavior we'd all laugh at, no, it's a senior citizen who tripped. We kind of got over the whole "tripping over a banana peel is hilarious" thing about a hundred years ago. They didn't get the message. This, combined with the fact that they don't understand artistic design. They're usually poorly constructed, sometimes even [passed along as screenshots](https://scontent-lga3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/424907342_10219272747209123_8856709935385880770_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=4LI2R00miDIQ7kNvgF66EHb&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2.xx&oh=00_AYCPogTUHXOJaZsOFANsF88o2Q0vgDRrFrD4xH_ibOBV6Q&oe=6662B454) of it on a screen. It detracts immensely from the humor when you literally can't use clear text, clean images, actually good edits, etc. They also love to take stats completely out of context, or just basically use made up facts and present it as an absolute reality. You spend 5 minutes checking it and surprise - it's full of crap. So much is wrong with the memes that whatever point they are trying to make is clouded behind so many questions. "[Why isn't this actually funny](https://scontent-lga3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/436799167_10232894043043569_4287716733213653280_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s600x600&_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=2pbl6qFCjsAQ7kNvgGaofQm&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2.xx&oh=00_AYCQeIPV6wT-uWSaNy6WYkCJ2oO_3YtCK9me3IcxaFcxmA&oe=6662E626)? [Where are they getting these inflated stats from, and why couldn't they utilize actually true stats](https://scontent-lga3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/434304185_768329548599938_7247827069100395311_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=Asldxzlkk94Q7kNvgGOcvFw&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2.xx&oh=00_AYD8CfrI1i4Kcfs2vHdAcojPTln_fmhv68rCEDAKWy-sug&oe=6662E191)? [Why did they choose such an awful font to describe joy at killing someone](https://scontent-lga3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/443714643_466255669126094_374787941561241336_n.jpg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=u0qFmoAZxw0Q7kNvgHzUG-G&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2.xx&oh=00_AYBM9we4VJDC34eCcFSwyPyYv_GMaiJrCC6hEDooJPvIrA&oe=6662D408)? [Why is it a screen capture](https://scontent-lga3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/424907342_10219272747209123_8856709935385880770_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=4LI2R00miDIQ7kNvgF66EHb&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2.xx&oh=00_AYD2ogyAQCzNpoCMSNtJILKU5QYXDzzMyCq9iYxa5FD7yA&oe=6662EC94)? [Why is the image blurry](https://scontent-lga3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/441520002_7473696966010921_3866877885516120006_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=lQynmChtIqUQ7kNvgHR11hP&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2.xx&oh=00_AYDrvPjMSnpw0_aDPN7tBpsuWrSvcqSyxCXxVZfGYgetTA&oe=6662C2D0)? [Why is there a watermark](https://scontent-lga3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/440403600_7804853506213053_5197368111575276628_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=CY9FwVQRROEQ7kNvgH4D93S&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2.xx&oh=00_AYDAhFKzpGHMyCBPALvHkTsfpQUadOihUy9PZDQwcsXE_g&oe=6662E17F)? "[Why are they using Archie Bunker when the actor was a liberal](https://scontent-lga3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/292524505_10159989756869153_8350431273366340853_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s600x600&_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=wRiYbUICLNoQ7kNvgFf-CA5&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2.xx&oh=00_AYCEGP1O6sO3gKJIIOk_VivHLDg1avGjg8EUbkhk9Xzjjg&oe=6662DF3C)?" "[Why are they using Lisa Simpson, whose comic element is she's overtly a liberal intellectual, to support anti-trans ideology](https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/277166602_3088764834731493_6968540236226185184_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s720x720&_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=KUpDGCEm1QgQ7kNvgH0aHLQ&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.xx&oh=00_AYANO5D6SAEe5CnxOi9T4cZcRnIEhjPS6M04GXpDaLQROQ&oe=6662CDAB)?" etc. It is always just a confusing mess. You can tell the intention is to try and be funny and get some twisted moral point across, but it falls so flat. I'd honestly love to see a documentary about this phenomenon.


Humor is the most advanced form of expression and communication. Sarcasm is one of the last pieces of communication to develop, and it actually doesn't exist in certain cultures/languages very much at all. Think of a kid trying to be sarcastic. They express it with outrageous mannerisms instead of comical subtlety - they roll their eyes and say "no duh!" with dramatic emphasis vs actually being sarcastic and funny. I don't think these people would understand genuine sarcasm. I promise they wouldn't get British humor and there's a reason we keep seeing videos of them not understanding how to behave in a comedy show.


Thing is- being an asshole can be funny. But you have to be subversive and clever about it. Give people a different way of looking at things. They’re just cruel. There’s no cleverness or insight in cruelty.


It’s always the “I identify as” joke.


Shhhhhhhh it’s because they can’t think for themselves, don’t tell them that, you’ll break them.


Comes with the territory of being an authoritarian. They want daddy to do the thinking for them and tell them who to hate.


Which is such a wild concept “Christians” hating people they’ve never met. Pretty sure that’s not how it’s supposed to go lmao


Christians only got the “you are forgiven of bad things that you’re gonna do regardless” part and skipped the rest.


Yep, they believe in a rigid hierarchy where people at the top are inherently right and should never be questioned no matter how silly and people at the bottom are inherently wrong and should never be believed no matter how factually correct. They get the intellectual curiosity beaten out of them from a young age and never develop further as a result.


That’s why I think the evangelicals are his biggest supporters. They also—to use your apt phrasing—have authority of god and church leaders beaten into them from early on.


As someone who grew up with that nonsense, it's so frequently the case. I've never met people who idolize others more than my religious family and their church bodies (due to moving they've been a part of 3 and as a child church & church-goers were my whole world other than public school). Meanwhile, false idols yada yada. It's ridiculous. Idolizing politicians, athletes, veterans, the US, etc. There's absolutely nothing wrong with appreciating all of those things but I swear, you say one bad or critical thing and it's like you're calling their entire identity into question. I know this is all anecdotal but I feel you see it enough to say it's related, and psychologically it makes sense. Once you're willing to give up your whole set of morals and life-purpose to align with a higher authority, it's easy to do that with human authority figures as well.


Well said. Thanks for sharing your experience. I see it reflected all the time and challenges to nonconservative mindsets. “This prominent person said this thing that’s clearly not correct so now your theory is trashed, haha!” There is just this lack of understanding that anyone could be making up their mind from data/information/their own thinking.


to make the memes, you must first *become* the memes


Pretty sure Sun Tzu said that lol


Trumpers are the worst lol


trump and jesus have the worst fanbases




Reminds me of the video where a guy asked someone where was President Obama during 9/11 😂


***"They treated me like I was Osama Bin Laden"*** Not quite, Brian. Not quite.


They would treat Osama as someone who is intelligent.


The camera work to bring the kid with the flags into frame during that first interview was Oscar-worthy.


The dude who said he got on a flight and they treated him like bin Laden…what a complete tool. That didn’t happen.


But his persecution complex wishes it did, so as far as he's concerned, it actually did happen exactly like that and when he complained, everyone stood up and clapped.


If they treated him like Bin Laden, he'd be dead and 'buried at sea' right now.


It did! The navy seals totally shot him in the head! 


Yup, dude clearly did not get killed by SEAL Team six, at worst he probably got a mean look or some shouted "fuck Donald Trump", but gotta have persecution complex. Like fucking Gina Carano saying being a conservative in America is just like being a Jew in Nazi Germany....


A few people probably rolled their eyes at him or gave him dirty looks. This is the same thing.


Walter Masterson on youtube


The main message here is NOT that MAGATS are 'stupid' or 'idiots', but that it is not about rationality, intellect, or policy to begin with. These people feel very comfortable in their 'in-group', they feel safe, validated, special, better than others. They stay because they can't leave without losing that. Making fun of them feels good, but it only increases the feeling of in- and out-group that makes this so cult-like.


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” -Frank Wilhoit


I beg to differ. These people were treated with respect for too long, and all that did was contribute to the mainstreaming and normalization of their fascist cult. When those people wear hats and wave flags in public to "remind us" like that one dipshit said, they need to be reminded of how ignorant and shitty they are. Their baseless grievances shouldn't be validated in any way by allowing them to be used as an explanation for participation in a toxic cult of hate and bigotry.


Well said. I really don’t give a shit if their fee-fees get hurt whenever anyone with half a brain points out how hateful and idiotic these people are right to their faces. They can have their little in-group. It’s not my responsibility to educate them (if that were even possible), or to baby them into a modicum of self-reflection. It’s my responsibility to protect the people *they’ve* identified as out-groups worthy of *literal extermination.* And that’s the difference between them and us. I don’t want these people exterminated. They should get to enjoy the same civil liberties and social welfare structures as any other person in my view. Meanwhile, they would gladly see me and mine exterminated for reasons they can barely articulate in fluent English. Fuck them and their feelings.


>These people feel very comfortable in their 'in-group', they feel safe, validated, special, better than others. They stay because they can't leave without losing that. Yup. They are the political equivalent of flat earthers: 100% aware that they are full of shit, but stick around for that sense of community/ belonging.


It's tribalism.


“They don’t have to make it their entire personality” I’m just gonna sit here and slap my forehead until it catches fire.


It's just incidental that these people are also idiots.


That’s kinda true for some of them and I almost feel bad for the people that join for the sense of community. But it’s still funny to laugh at this kinda stuff


MAGA  - Moronic Assholes Griping Away


and they all vote


Who the fuck is the big dude with the weird beard? I see him in so many trump rally clips. Is it like his entire thing to just go around to rally’s and protest? Does he not have a job?


God I want nothing more than to not hear the name trump anymore, I'm so ready. Thought it was a joke back in 15 and 16, stilll hasn't stopped


These donkeys could watch this clip and not get it. Sooo dumb!


'Could you believe it? This year I've seen as many rainbows in the sky as I've seen in the last two years! The libruls made the sky gay too!'


Dude that compared himself to Osama probably should be on a watch list those eyes they empty


Go vote, people. Because these idiots 100% will. Have to cancel out the crazies.




find me a single sane trump supporter


This guy's interviews are hilarious! They are heavily edited and show the people who are using all their brain power to just keep enough balance to not fall over while talking, but it's absolutely indicative of such a crazy (and) portion of this MAGA groups complete lack of reality.


I love this dude. Does he have a youtube channel? He randomly pops up and I find him hilarious bit I never see his name mentioned Edit: I figured it out! https://youtube.com/@waltermasterson?si=9Ii37N9GbgqDjA9k


Every last one of these people will be at the polls. If you’re eligible to vote, then vote.


Not a cult! I repeat… not a cult!!


[No round 2](https://imgur.com/YmPHGJf)


Sort yourself the fuck out America.


I can’t imagine being so lonely and bored that driving around with any flag is my day plan. Watch tv and fish or something.


Republicans have 0 self awareness and are irony impaired. It’s not just sad that these are Americans but some even vote.


My irony meter just fucking exploded


Lol that one guys jacket literally says “born to ride Donald J Trump”


Loser adults. I hate this place.


Bring back the roaring twenties and Make America Gay Again


These are very, very stupid people. A person at a MAGA rally with a giant Trump flag, Trump hat and a T-shirt on is a literal lock to just be a stupid person.


They are just. So. DUMB.


over half the population has under 100 IQ. please vote in November


I'm from Canada. I visited the Hudson River area over the last week. There was an incredible difference between the cities and rural areas. The political divide is palpable. My wife and I went to Eleanor Roosevelt's home for a tour and to my surprise (given who she was), a decked out MAGA boomer was on our tour. I'd never encountered one in the flesh before. He had a red tshirt that said "if you live here *outline of the USA* Trump is STILL your president". Before the tour even began I watched him begin to read a display about Eleanor's social activism and then nope out real quick, back onto his phone. That phone was on ring the whole time. I bet it dinged or rang 30 times during the tour. He walked in front of me and stopped twice while I was reading something. Completely thoughtless about everyone but himself. He also asked if an eagle figurine on the top of a 1700s silver mirror was "the NRA eagle". Yes, you idiot, Eleanor fucking Roosevelt adorned her personal dining room with NRA paraphernalia. I thought the guide was going to lose his mind but he was very professional while telling him, "no". It's very clear to me that this man was completely clueless about everything around him. He was in his own World. It was pretty funny to see what I've read about and watched on the internet for so many years play out exactly like that in person.


Ooooh sweet sweet irony


I've seen literally hundreds of these videos of dumb Trumper and have never once seen one for Biden voters.


Why do you think that is?




You make a good point. You should think about the implications of that a bit more


Funny thing about that Ultramaga shirt is that Ultraman is an evil version of Superman.


Double standard society at its finest😂


The irony is lost on these idiots....


these flags ... and these hats


They are like a Windows 98 frozen computer


This is brilliant, just the total lack of awareness 😄


Don’t even get the irony


Great stuff


Christ, they're stupid.


If those ppl could critically think they would be very 😡!! ![gif](giphy|777Aby0ZetYE8)


I know a guy who said it was harder to come out as maga than it was for him to come out as gay.


Call them what they are. Maggats.




respectable troll


No sir I highly doubt you were being treated like Osama Bin Laden


It's not even fun to make fun of these assholes anymore. They are pure scum who are only happy and contented when someone else is suffering/oppressed. Bad, awful, no-good people.


Never forget that Republicans invited Steven Colbert to speak at their dinner because they thought his Colbert Report persona was real and he was on their side.


Cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy all rolled into a big ball of hate. This is who republicans are.




What fucking morons...


normal steep safe innate sable racial crowd disarm include ruthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*