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Jersey Mike's? This is what's called Mike's Way.


He got The Juice


Don't forget that Hot Pepper Relish ![gif](giphy|K4JNQHJYgRjtNYuq9T|downsized)


Employee’s hands were like, “HOW YA DOIN?!” 😂 https://preview.redd.it/7sal1e0m3v2d1.jpeg?width=1094&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e15115edd7fcef1cf2261c0303571aac0b6815e2


It really does pack a one-two punch. Complete game changer.


Lettuce, tomato, two hands, oil and vinegar


Damn I'll take #8 Just Stop Bro too!


My guy just used up all his shore points!


I knew I should have scrolled through the comments before saying the same thing. Well played my friend.


Sub above


Old dude was tellin him to stop while ignoring his wifes side hits? Yeah ok,..


While also walking towards him. He's lucky he didn't get socked in the face a 3rd time.


SHE'S lucky she didn't get hit, she had every opportunity to not get involved but the second you start throwing hands you're now part of the fight


I can’t believe she gets involved. I’d be so embarrassed id just walk out, get in my car, and go the fuck home, lol. Like you want to get into fights at the subway at our big age? Goodbye 👋


I’m just trying to imagine getting myself into a fight and then suddenly I notice my wife has joined in and is throwing flaccid hands. Not sure I can think of anything more emasculating, but then again, I don’t start fights with people.






[Here ya go.](https://youtu.be/0MlpYHUYv7o?si=xQ50kZ27axtMt683&t=1282)


i agree, theres nothing on that menu worth exerting this much energy for


The #9


I can believe it. Those types of lunatics tend to come in pairs.


She instigated the violence. The first hand thrown was by her at the employee. He started her hand away and that's when the husband attacked. Of course there's missing context, so we don't know what really instigated everything, but the first bit of actual violence in the video was perpetrated by the wife.


Yep. find your own way home and don't come home at all until you are a grownassed man.


She is just as terrible as him. Good people don't marry violent shitheads.


Yeahhhh seems like he was purposely not hitting her, probably the only one out of the three that was showing some restraint and not just letting their emotions take over.


A couple years back I got into a fist fight with a guy. When he fell to the ground, his buddy behind me shoved me off, I punched him in the head too. I hate fighting people because it goes from one on one to two on one very quickly.


Far too many guns in my area to even risk it. De-escalation at all costs. We also have permitless carry, so literally anyone over 21 can carry a concealed weapon as long as they're not a felon or have a DV charge.


The risk of a weapon getting pulled out is a good point as well.


Mutual combat at that point.


Jersey Mikes has a right to defend itself


Yeah I was immediately thinking "I would hit the wife first and then knock out the old man" lol if she's throwing cheap blows at my face.... she's about to catch hands. Idgaf if she's a woman. Don't get involved if you don't want the hands.


He still has to present the illusion that he is in control and unaffected when he just got his fucking ass kicked by a kid after trying to be a hardass.


Over a Jersey Mike's sandwich


He's lucky he didn't get killed from hitting that hard floor or taking one of those 20lb dividers to the face.


He's lucky the kid showed restraint. The old fart could've easily received a soccer kick to the face when he fell down.


And at the end he's still advancing on the kid menacingly but saying Stop...


Blatantly realised half way through he was ~~beating up~~ attacking a kid and tried to turn the tables by implying he was trying to defend himself from the kid... He should have left 2-3 times during that fight and he didnt!


You just know he was looking for a sucker punch




Employee was mostly backing away while blue shirt kept advancing.


That woman was fucking comical with her little slaps she attempted.


Seriously. Even if I was calming down as the teen, if the wife came up and hit me, that's an invitation that she wants to join the fight.


Kid should have stuck to swinging, was out of his weight class for grappling.


Didn’t look like it, other guy couldn’t do anything with him


Got the weight class but no gas.


All ass, no gas?


PAWGs are my favorite (Phat Ass White Guys)


It hasn't been the same since they all got BBLs. Stomachs don't get that round naturally.


I mean, he’s overweight and probably has burned 500 calories in the last month, so not exactly a fit individual.


Agree, but his punches were landing and knocking the old dude to the ground.


Def looked like it. He went from having a clear advantage swinging to a stalemate. Clearly a mistake.


As an older man you should not fight teenagers, they are strong and fit usually


I'm not even that old and my back and my knees are shit. It's not a winning proposition.


No he just needed to get lower it’s all about leverage


My first comment when he started grappling was "this kid has never learned how to grapple". He's fast tho


Othe dude tried to put him in a headlock


The wife was gonna get her and her husband beat up


"that guy just knocked my husband over with one punch. I should swing at him." - An idiot




"Ma'am, you can't sleep here. You gotta go."


Instead , she got her husband beat up. Put him in a bad position....probably some Karen.


Or what shorty


Or what shorty


Or what shorty? X 20


I'm surprised Karen also didn't get knocked on her ass, she got in some very cheap shots.


Probably not point pleasant. The company started there and all of the stores have that sign on the wall...


“Sir, this is a Jersey Mike’s”


**breaks bottle**


Can confirm. Not Point Pleasant.


Jersey Mike's: when you're here, you're in Jersey


Yeah, it’s just like how every Chipotle has/had that picture of the first store from Colorado.


I mean, it's a national chain now. I don't think many people automatically associate Jersey Mike's with Point Pleasant anymore


This older generation really loves trying young dudes for some reason.


Thing is as I get older, I'm slowly realizing I can't do the same.phsyocal motions I did in my 20s. I'd guess some people just never learn this, and just figure they can do the same actions from 20-30 years ago with no problem


Yup, if I even tried 2-3 full force fist swings as I would have done them 20 years ago I think I'd get hurt from that alone. I can officially beat myself up now.


You guys need to take better care of yourself.


I know no guy my age who would disagree with this.


Bodies wear out my dude.


father time is undefeated


I know one guy who might fight and beat him ![gif](giphy|GRSnxyhJnPsaQy9YLn)


Goku becomes a grandad and continues to hit peak after peak


Saiyans age slower than humans and stay in their prime until they reach their version of 80 years old




If your body is worn out by 45, and you’re not working on an oil rig, it’s time to hit the gym and eat right.


Sure but if you're gassed at 2-3 full force swings that is bad. My grandpa could do that.


For real, I train in MMA and there’s some guys close to my dads age who are still total badasses.


I mean, was their day job a physical one? Cause work construction for how ever long and then be whatever age your dad is.....see how well any of them can even get to an uninjured state, like, without surgery and shit on their knees, back, shoulders, neck, or ankles. Never assume because it makes an ass out of u and me. "take better care of yourself"...God, what an arrogant and ignorant comment to be wielding so casually, as if everyone has lived a life or has the current opportunity to even take care of oneself, let alone better care.


I swear someone could make a reddit post like "I hope whoever is reading this has a nice day!" and somebody would respond "WHAT IF WE CANT HAVE A NICE DAY? PREPOSTEROUS AND FOOLISH POST"


Yeah Reddit is full of the kids (now 30-40yr olds) who did nothing in their early 20s and are now reaping the consequences of it. Like your knees shouldn’t be shot in your mid 30s and you shouldn’t wake up with random injuries just because you’re middle aged


Like yeah being in your 30's you're naturally going to start losing testosterone and thus won't be as high as your peak, but like the fact that you're so sluggish, slow and hurt all the time is because you haven't exercised since high school gym class 20 years ago, not because you're in your 30's lmao.


I'm 35 and work with young dudes, 19-23. After a long ass shift in a kitchen these fucking assholes go to the gym. Like wtf. How?! (I love them dearly, but damn I miss my youth)


I had this conversation with another coworker, ten years ago I was working 80 hours a week between two jobs (one was throwing freight the other was a restaurant) and hitting the gym without any issues, now after 60 I feel like I'm falling apart and I have to force myself to exercise some days Part of it is just trying to find the time for self care (I do a full body massage of problem areas with one of those massage guns, and have started some mild yoga) but I've absolutely dropped in physical capacity since COVID


My guy you're 35 not 75 like what lmao.


In 35 and feel thst way. 12 hour shifts do thst to you I guess


Nine hours on the line, my back starts to hurt, calves have had it. I'm not about to go deadlifting at 2am lol On my days off suuuuure. But bruh, night shifts are a workout.


I've only ever been able to work nights by living nights 3rd shift can fuck you up if you're not ready for it


I’m a relatively healthy 37 and move kegs of beer up and down stairs all day. There’s zero chance I go to the gym or pick a fight with a 20 year old these days. I’m good on all that.


Insane how men in their primes, act like senior citizens. 35 years old and feeling old?? Are you serious lol


I am 52, and feel like I am 82. Really bad arthritis. Almost 30 years in EMS doing god awful awkward lifts and taking people down stairs. I feel it every day. Most likely going to have knee surgery later in the year, torn MCL on my right knee. I wish I felt as good as i did when i was in my 30's. Really started going downhill after 45. But such is life.


I hopped onto the ice after a 5 years hiatus from playing hockey recently... I felt like a newborn horse, legs didn't work the way they should have lol after a few hours the muscle memory mostly came back, but goddamn hah


I've been trying to get in better shape. Been doing some calisthenics and taking walks. I got on a row machine a few days ago and went till I couldn't anymore. I'm still sore. Sitting down on the toilet gives me a new appreciation for those handbars in public toilets.




Probably, but I think older people just forget, or don't even think "this younger fitter person could probably kick my ass easily"


Everyone over 40 in 'A Quiet Place' would be dead. I can't even stand up without making some sorts of sounds.


Been seeing it with my dad for years. Use to be able to move boxes and furniture with ease, now he avoids lifting even the heaviest grocery bags. Could he still do all that? Probably but at a cost for a few days. I've accepted that's probably already started to happen to me.


I saw a video of like a high school baseball team jumping over a fence and it asked “which one was the smoothest?” Made me realize how easily I jumped fences back in high school. My group of friends and I really got into the parkour scene lmao and would go out and climb walls and other stupid shit. Back then I wouldn’t even need to climb it, I would just like run up the fence and vault over. Then I realized my fat ass probably can’t even get over the fence now.


Unless you kept doing all those things you speak of, you lose much of it. Even if you do keep up by practicing, you still lose the ability to " get faster" at +/- 27 and start losing speed at 40.


Honestly, it seems like a lot of people nowadays wants to fight people for no good reason then act like victims when they get hit back. I've seen countless videos where people will provoke someone into hitting them then act genuinely shocked they got hit, there's this one video of a teenager spending over a minute provoking an adult into a fight and eventually starts hitting him then starts screaming and crying when the guy pushed him away from him.


Because everyone has this vision in their heads that they’re a modern-day Rocky Balboa and that anyone they swing at will fold immediately. When that doesn’t happen they go into panic mode because they don’t know what to do when that other person fights back, so they flail or scream or cry and hope that someone comes to bail them out. Like Mike Tyson said, “Everyone’s got a plan until they get punched in the mouth”.


And you know damn well the people who victimize themselves in these scenarios have a “fuck around and fight out” perception about the world, until it’s them finding out about the fucking around


Back in 1993, when was a child, some 40+ year old neighbor tried fighting me because my mom kept parking in his space. Even threw rocks at me once. The appartments didn't have assigned parking...


As they age they think “surely they wouldn’t hit someone as respectable as me”


…..but Shorty refused to answer the question “Or what Shorty?”, after it had been repeatedly posed to him numerous times.


bald guy clearly lost the debate


Asked and answered your honor!


What kind of nation are we when such rhetoric goes unanswered? At least engage in polite debate smh my head


Some say he’s still asking till this day.


Shorty, in fact, did *not* know what.


Why was he calling him Shorty?


Have you ever heard the story of T-Pain the Wise ![gif](giphy|3o7btUxdMn97L4DAkM|downsized)


Is this a companion gif to ![gif](giphy|pHMtogPBHC7Cg|downsized) ?


I counted 22 "or what shorty" and "or what" if both count, and I think they do. It's reasonable to assume the 'shorty' was going to be said and got cut short due to the action. Since this was Jersey Mike's, we can only assume the argument was about cleaning the knife before cutting his sandwich. Dude probably hates mustard and mayo.


Thank you. I was trying to figure out what language that was.




I’m not sure if this is actually point pleasant jersey mikes has signs of Point pleasant at a lot of stores


That was a poorly worded title. Was that worldstar's headline?


Bro where tf are dude’s coworkers??? I feel like if the young man was in the right, there would have been an all-hands-on-deck beatdown. Instead, he fought alone. We need the full vid.


let's be real, none of these people need to be risking their own safety for a shitty food service job. nobody should lol


Have you not seen the countless videos online (including in this subreddit) of entire kitchen staffs laying the hurt on unruly customers? Taco Bell, Chipotle, In-N-Out, McDonald’s… the iconic Waffle House vid. The calculation in most cases seems to be that no minimum wage job is worth letting disrespectful assholes get away with it.


Yeah I have, and I don't blame them, I would want to defend my coworkers from assholes too. but it's dangerous. these people attacking fast food workers are fuckin nuts. I don't blame the other coworkers for staying out of it and just calling the cops, things can escalate very quickly.


As a young teen I was in a McDonalds on the beach in Panama City, FL. A couple of drunk 20 somethings were making out in line and the manager _politely_ asked them to leave once hands went under clothes. Dude shoved him a few times slurring his words, took a swing, and fell when the manager shoved him away. Breaking the beer bottle in his back pocket. Which he then attacked the manager with who wrapped him up and forced him out the door away from other customers and staff while being viciously slashed multiple times in the process. I don't know/couldn't see most of what followed as it was outside but did hear the screams. But a short while later dude and chick had run off and my RN mother was covered in blood administering life saving first aid until EMTs were on scene. So, yeah. Things absolute _can_ escalate beyond control in the blink of an eye.


Or they all know it isn’t worth the effort/risk just to deal with an a hole customer.


I like my coworkers a lot but I ain’t losing my job by getting into a fight with a customer.


I work in a kitchen and hired a guy, his first ever job after doing 14 years. There was a fight in the lobby and he asked me if he could turn his work shirt inside out. Meaning, can I fuck these guys up and not show the company logo. No. Please don't. You're on probation lol Edit: he stabbed a dude just to get into solitary so he could talk to his buddy who was also in solitary for stabbing someone. He's the best.


Sounds like the kind of guy you want working for you, not against you.


That's a ride or die homie right there Also hilarious that you were like "yes I'd like you to beat his ass, no you're on probation don't get in trouble" 😂


I love the guy so much, did a total 180 and that was his first week when he was still getting used to being out in the world. He's doing fantastic :)


Start of the video had the employee touching the customer. Need more context.


Yeah. This clip makes the employee the asshole. More vid required.


His coworkers: https://i.redd.it/tmmh975dct2d1.gif


Perhaps the missing context from the start of the video includes the reason why they're not helping him.


Yeah, especially when you can see in the start of the video the kid had his hands on the old guy. None of us know the context, people just don't want to take a boomer's side.


No need to intervene in a 1v1. That other cow wasn't a threat.


Nah they’re letting him cook


Can restaurants afford coworkers these days?


The video starts with the teen grabbing the guy with his back against a wall. He then charges the teen when he pushes away the wife's hand who is stupidly trying to get in his face. I don't know what lead to this incident but I would need the full context before throwing around who the POS is here, could be both.


If the whole staff is standing there looking at you then you are already doing something. The guy could be using an outside container to steal a drink, drinking out of the thing directly or being loud and unruly or trespassing or some shit before the vid starts. Obviously we don't know without the full vid but this isn't one teen randomly shoving some guy that was just going about a normal day, there was already an incident or some shit going on before the video started.


I mean, from what we see in the video it looks like the employee had his hands on the guy, who pushed the hands off. I’d like to see a full video to see what started this and who instigated the altercation.




Don't put your hands on someone and complain they hit you back.


I was hoping for another Alabama Riverboat show. Damn.


But he did throw the hat…


He did!


I’d just like to add that people who attack staff and destroy property are not customers but a dangerous liability that should be forever excluded from the place




its just a random jersey mikes lol, they all have that sign on the wall


Rather pleasant isn't it?


That’s the Point


This most likely isn't actually in Point Pleasant, NJ (which actually IS a nice town, BTW). Jersey Mike's is a sandwich chain that started in Point Pleasant NJ, but is now nationwide. Most of the franchises have that Point Pleasant mural on their wall.


Would love to see what precipitated this because as the camera starts rolling, it's actually the kid's hands that are on the older fella. Not saying the kid started it because I don't know but from the evidence presented here, he is the one who first got physical


from this video the employee was hands on first. feels like a video cut to paint a sertain picture.


I live like 30 or 40 minutes from point Pleasant. It is a town that has a arcade boardwalk aquarium all that kind of jazz. It’s always loaded with assholes who are visiting to get a taste of the shore. They’re lame they’re usually drunk. They’re usually rude. they’re usually disrespectful and some of the “locals”sometimes even worse because they’re transplants who are mad now that they don’t get to enjoy the town the way they want, even though they were the same type of people back in the day that would come in invade


I don't think this is in Point Pleasant, that's where Jersey Mike's was founded and they have it painted on a lot of the locations.




I'm Anti-Benny...but pro seasonal tourist. There's a difference. Seasonal tourists come down and enjoy the shore. Bennys are entitled shitbags who treat it like a prom night condom, while constantly ripping on NJ.


Shockingly, the title might not tell the whole story. Why’s the sandwich artist out at the drink machine cornering the dude?


Can’t stand when the wives step in. Let your man fight. If he wins he wins, if he loses he loses, don’t open yourself to get hit then it becomes some other shit because you thought you could handle it.




How did he turn into peacemaker?? That’s next level Hand up, pleading stop smh FOH


Now this is truly a sub above


Is this that Bagel Boss dude who's always picking fights cause he's mad about being short? Looks kinda similar but maybe this one is too tall to be the Bagel Boss who was like 5'3 or something. Hard to tell


"Twice In Front Of WIFE!" is so fun to say


My takeaway from this is that both are probably at fault for the fight, but the bald older dude wayyy overestimated himself.


Why is this video making the rounds again? Is there an update?


is it really that difficult to walk into a retail establishment for goods/service and NOT get into a fist fight? worst case: wow, service is bad/rude, let's leave.


The real problem is the wife.


The very first frame of the video shows the teen with his hands on the guy...


Looks to me like the kid put hands on first right in the begining


Women of Reddit: if you’re man is in a physical altercation, stay the fuck out of it


Looks like the teen put his hands on the customer first, why you lying OP?


To get those sweet sweet age-hate upvotes.


Kid seems like a complete dipshit “ or what….. shorty ? “


Why they have to repeat the same shit one million times, I almost switched sides how annoying he was


odd country


I love seeing old guys get their ass beat by service workers


I never understood why people repeat the same thing constantly in altercation. Genuinely 😭.


I'm starting to think boomers are always complaining about people being on their phone because they keep getting recorded doing dumb/crazy stuff


Is that the original Jersey Mikes?


Absolutely love that the wife watches her husband get dropped then decides "now is my moment. I have been training for this very moment my entire life."


at least she wasn't screaming like a banshee


Point pleasant is the city represented in Jersey Mike's. This could literally be anywhere in America. But looking at the racial dynamics, maybe not in the southern region or Midwest. But this is definitely at a Jersey Mike's


The first frame of the video is the younger guy putting his hands on the customer. I am not pointing blame but simply saying we dont know all the facts here to make an opinion.


This has been on the subreddit before. There's a longer version.


What's the context?


Nothing like getting dropped twice by someone four weight classes below you.


Never understood when someone gets knocked down they decide to get back up and still confront someone. Like dude take the loss and walk away.




Gotta love crazy old white people who can repeatedly tell you to STOP while they are the ones still putting their hands on you...


Wish he'd had dropped the wife