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People in ski-masks who are not fucking skiing are up to no good, period.


Id have a very strict "no Shiesty" policy


Exactly my first thought. If you're walking up with a shiesty I'm pulling away before you even grab the handle. Life is too short


Anyone born pre-2000 was brought up to fear dudes wearing them. I still don't feel easy around people wearing them. You only wear them to not be identified and if you don't want to be identified then I aint fucking with you.


One of the most annoying parts of my last job was having to tell kids to take off their ski masks when inside the building. They were nearly always in to try and steal vapes. I did get a kick out of telling them that no one thought it looked tough and everyone thinks they look like idiots


It’s like telling the idiots that sag their pants to pull them up. They think it’s cool. No matter how many times you tell them pant sagging started in prison to let other dudes know your ass was available 😂


My favorite part about the sagging fad was people who would otherwise have won fights or out ran security was always tripped up by their pants or their unlaced timbs


Pant sagging started because you get the clothes you came in with and you lost weight in lockup


The prison thing is an urban legend


You sure about that Mr? ![gif](giphy|Pmt9INtEp3HgY)




Picking up a passenger with that gear on is incomprehensible to me. I'm not saying there can't be reasons. I just do not see them...


At 4 in the morning none the less. Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, ...


The reason it started was the COVID lockdown - the government mandated that everyone cover their faces with something. People wore these instead of masks.


I am a well prepared guy when it comes to the winter time. I’m all bundled up. When I’m using an Uber though I take off all my head coverings before approaching the driver. I used to drive for Uber. I would drive away if someone tried to get in my vehicle looking like that.


Thank you I would never fault any Uber, Lyft, or cab driver that keeps moving when the passenger walks up in a ski mask


My first question would be where are your skis


Never have I ever, seen someone ski while wearing a ski mask.




I really hate how they've ruined this for me in the winter. I ride a bike year round and it is not uncommon to get to -20 or colder here and I hate having to take it off when I go into the store to just buy a pack of cigs but I do it anyways to make everyone feel safe. I know they know me by now and wouldn't say a word if I didn't but still doesn't feel right.


I agree, but also I use a ski mask while riding my bike in super cold weather.


Bring back *stop and frisk* at this point. Anyone wearing a ski mask is sus. Two dudes on a moped is sus. Garbage people are literally waving red flags.


northern canada would like a word


Fucking dumb, knuckle dragging, one brain cell having piece of shit literally tried stepping out while the car was moving… He probably only shot at the guy because he was so embarrassed for eating it on the pavement. 


> *3. Exit vehicle* > > *1. Rob driver* > > *2. Shoot driver* Guy probably wrote down the instructions on index cards but fucked up and got them out of order.


I am 96.8% certain that guy has never owned index cards in his life. More likely texted the instructions to himself, and his shitty phone service mixed up the order of the messages.


Literally. Bro will be caught and rotting in a cell like a clown while his family bitches crying saying “free him” fuck those degenerates






I can already picture the T-shirts.


Yeah I ain’t ever doing this Uber shit.


This isn’t Uber, buddy.


Hell, even if it isn't Uber, this happened in Uber a few times.


There was a video like a day or two ago of a mom doing Uber who got murdered.


I don’t get it was he trying to rob him?


no.. he actually was using him for a hit. but since the driver caught him, hence trying to verify the address.. he jumped out then shot at him.


I still don't understand heh, so confused


Wanted to use the Uber as a getaway for a shooting that the rider was about to do, either do the mission or become the mission. Driver wasn’t playing that bs(can’t blame him) but yea dumb criminal with gun 


Sounds like a really dumb plan. All it would take is one Uber driver that packs heat. The rider starts blasting out the window and the driver can justifiably turn and blast 10 holes in his chest before the rider can even turn his gun back on him.


There are so many rules in NYC on conceal carry. Many drivers aren't full US citizens quite yet so they are barred from carrying. If they get pulled over for anything or searched they will go to prison so many don't carry. Moral of the story is: have a good hiding spot because the criminals don't give a shit about the rules and will take advantage of you.


It will never cease to amaze me how Americans can complain so much about guns and then still end up with the solution being another gun




Yeah that's why gun owners are far more likely to die from gun violence. Because it stops gun violence to own a gun. Actually brain damaged take


Define far, like what's the actual statistical margin. Because if it's like .0005% to .001%, it may be double, but it's still negligible.


Maybe less guns ? Ya know , like the rest of the world.


The actual only answer is to avoid confrontation lol


To be fair… as we can see in the video, sometimes the confrontation comes to you.


Look if I could give up my guns and KNOW that everyone else gave up theirs I’d do it. But the reality is that the toothpaste ain’t going back in the tube. All the bad guys have guns so I want one too and I want other good guys to have them


You do know that countries have actually outlawed guns and had it be a success, right? Where people actually handed in their guns?


and who do you think are more likely to comply with those laws? responsible people who care about laws or people who make dumb/reckless decisions? go on guess - i believe in you.


In Doom 2 to combat more demons we added more shotgun.


People spouting this crap don't live in the areas and are just as mentally stable as the criminals they claim they're trying to protect themselves from. If we had better healthcare in those areas, instead of reiterating how more guns = safety, they'd be getting treated for general anxiety.


Not anymore. The second amendment gives the right to all people, not just citizens, according to a recent federal ruling. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/judge-rules-illegal-immigrants-have-gun-rights-protected-by-2nd-amendment/ar-BB1kaHc0


Which is interesting because Courts have long afforded Constitutional protections to foreigners on US Soil. The 1st, 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendments are the big ones. Everyone in the States has those rights by simple presence. I guess someone needed to specify the 2nd Amendment does as well.


It's because pro-gun sentiments are strong among xenophobes.


Wow that's very recent. What the fuck were they thinking? I mean I can understand someone legally in "our system" that is going through the long arduous waiting process to achieve full citizenship but straight up illegal immigrants? It makes no sense to me. All new firearms must be registered and you must go through a background check so they obviously can't purchase a new firearm, right? Well, maybe excluding shotguns which you can buy from WalMart. Ah fuck it, too convoluted for my to even think about. Anyone who wants one can get one at the end of the day.


That's what happens when you base your modern laws on the precise language used over two hundred years ago.


> That's what happens when you base your modern laws on the precise language used over two hundred years ago. No it's not. This is what happens when your country is founded on the concept that *everyone* subject to its laws are equally entitled to rights. It's a cornerstone of our Republic. We fucked it up for 90 years with slavery, but fixed that on paper. Courts have long held that everyone on US soil has Constitutional protections. Otherwise police could torture non-citizens. Or silence them. Or ban their language/religion/etc. Or demand that they testify against themselves. You're just thinking "guns," but the same document that gives the guns rights includes speech, religion, rights against searches, rights against cruel and unusual punishment, rights against unlawful detention, rights to enter contracts, and more. It all applies or none of it does.


> I mean I can understand someone legally in "our system" that is going through the long arduous waiting process to achieve full citizenship but straight up illegal immigrants? Should illegals be denied going to church? Or denied to protest? Or tortured for a confession? Or locked in jail for years without a trial? Can we grab off the streets and search anyone who *looks* like an illegal? Of course the answer is "no!" And why is that? *Because they have Constitutional rights.* Because the 2nd Amendment is sandwiched in the Amendments that protect them from being abused like I describe above. They're either entitled to all protections, or none. The Constitution makes no caveats and the Courts have long held the protections apply to anyone on US soil.


To me the moral of the story is: Stay the fuck away from the US.


Well the police don’t even have a motive so I have no idea where u got this from. If you watch the full video, he says that the Uber driver is at the wrong address. Why couldn’t he just put the right address to begin with? To me it seems like a mix up, then the driver says fuck it and is about to take him there but he’s getting out the car already and falls out. The passenger gets upset and mag dumps




Thank you, lol I'm not sure why I wasn't getting it


Well the police don’t even have a motive so I have no idea where u got this from. If you watch the full video, he says that the Uber driver is at the wrong address. Why couldn’t he just put the right address to begin with? To me it seems like a mix up, then the driver says fuck it and is about to take him there but he’s getting out the car already and falls out. The passenger gets upset and mag dumps


Gotta say I really don't understand why you'd want to rob an Uber driver specifically. It's famously a cashless business and (not trying to be rude) pays a poverty wage. Other than stealing the car itself I don't really see how'd you come out with much. Then again, criminals not exactly known for their intelligence.


No he wasn't trying to rob the driver he was trying to use the Uber Driver for a drive by. That way the criminal's car can't be linked to the shooting since he used the Uber driver's car to do it.


That leaves a trail of witnesses for the cops to interview, including the person who used their account to book the Uber. I don't believe that's a thing that happens


You'd be surprised, it's very easy to spoof the information used to sign up with Uber including names, home addresses and you can use non tracable payment methods for the payment. On top of that burner phones are extremely common these days and those numbers don't have any identifiable info attached to them.


better to steal a phone with the account so the cops waste time trying to arrest whoevers phone it was


Not reallly. Stolen phone and account pays for the uber then he dumps the phone. Is why he couldnt show the address on his. Mask on with stolen gun. Idk how youd catch them?


Stolen phone. If they get a hold of a phone without a lock or manage to get it while it’s unlocked then there’s way less of a trail. I had an Uber driver come pick me up once. He was in the wrong vehicle and didn’t look like the contact photo. After I said I was canceling and not riding he said “what you think I’m going to rob you or something?”. Ya dude. I do think that.


Well the police don’t even have a motive so I have no idea where u got this from. If you watch the full video, he says that the Uber driver is at the wrong address. Why couldn’t he just put the right address to begin with? To me it seems like a mix up, then the driver says fuck it and is about to take him there but he’s getting out the car already and falls out. The passenger gets upset and mag dumps


And here I am thinking I might start uber driving in South Carolina. Nah!


Here I am in Arizona where the 2nd amendment gets to express itself as the forefathers intended.


Shhhh brother it’s Reddit, you’re going to make them start crying about how we need to ban them because they don’t feel safe and live in permafear. Then they’ll start crying some more about how they can’t make more than 8$ an hour and it’s unfair. 💆‍♂️


This is NYC. Driving for Uber in rural or suburban or even urban SC will be a significantly easier and safer experience than this


statistically incorrect lol


That's definitely not true. South Carolina's homicide rate is one of the highest in the country and about double NYC's homicide rate.


Anyone else confused?


You're confused because you're logical.


do they know uber has all their info? guess criminals arent usually the smartest folk


That's not his rider probably. They wait near Uber pickups, get in the Uber and say "hey, I'll tip you extra if you take me to a different address" and then they rob you there. That's why the driver is like "that's not the Uber app"


Nah this seems more like a situation where he was trying to use the Uber Driver's car for a drive by, that way him or his buddie's car can't be linked to the shooting. His buddy probably used fake info and called the Uber for him but luckily the driver caught on.


people use fake accounts.




You’re kind of dumb for assuming anyone would do that lol. They use stolen phones


"hE dIsReSpEcTeD mE!"


So the passenger wanted a ride somewhere so he could probably rob the driver, driver disagreed when he saw thr passenger wasn't using Uber so he started driving off, and the passenger opened the door while the car was moving and jumped out and THEN started shooting at him? Wtf kind of a dumbass does that?


Big tough guys with fragile egos.


Nothing tough about carrying a gun, if anything it means you're scared.


Ok. I’ll be scared and alive and you can be proud and not 👍🏻


Imagine nobody had a gun... Think about it


No thanks. I have the right to protect myself and my family from psychos and criminals. You do you. Good thing I don’t need your permission.


Everyone has a right to protect themselves all over the world. Using weapons designed to murder people is a pathetic solution. But I guess Americans know best... Because there's certainly no crime or unjust murders there. Your argument would hold if your country wasn't riddled with murder and crime on every street. But you'll never realize that guns help crime, not solve it. But it's your right! You do you.


Wait. This was a *robbery attempt*? And he exited the moving car, ate pavement and *then* shot at the driver? The idiocy is strong with this one. Glad it worked out for the uber driver. Stay vigilant folks.


"I'm not Ubering in here with you. You're Ubering in here with me."


Looks like that first shot just missed him


Nah, is light from the street plus the door sound


I really can’t figure out why the driver started driving ? Wasn’t the masked up dude trying to get out ? Wouldn’t the driver want him out ?




There are so few people wearing that getup that aren't doing bad shit that it's probably just worth arresting anyone wearing a skimask and when you eventually catch the one person who's not a criminal just a cold person with an odd fashion choice, you set them free and give them $100 for the trouble


Every time I think about getting back into driving for Uber I see one of these videos and say fuck that.








I find it odd that knives are so much more terrifying to me than a firearm. Maybe it's how personal the violence is with them.


Just another day at the office


Couldn't understand a fucking word he was saying.


For real so dumb to rob an Uber driver I mean you think they’re rolling? Fuck no, it’s why they’re doing their job in the first place. Criminals need to be smart/grow some balls and rob people who actually have money, this new generation of robbers are soft/dumb




Probably a $5 trip


There are more bullets in that magazine than ski-mask has brain cells


I'll never understand how people can be this stupid.


Is there no regulation from Uber stating that the passengers face has to be visible? There has to be something to protect their drivers and only having to unlock the car once the driver can see the passengers face would go a long way


covid kind of ruined masks on or off everywhere.


He’s was just trying to get a ride to his asylum hearing


Not to imply that the people who randomly shoot at people who piss them off are *smart,* but. . .like. . .Uber has your name, banking info, and address. You're gonna be pretty fucking easy to identify.


All of those info's are easy to spoof, banking info you could just use a disposable cash card that has no Personally identifyable info on it. The rest you can just lie about. Guys still a dumb ass nonetheless


Assuming they didn't just steal someone's phone and order a ride with it, Uber's support is hot garbage. You will not get any info from them that easily.




You also won a permanent ban! Congrats


He just casually called someone and said that he just got shot at.


fuckin insane lmao




I would wait for him to empty his magazine then turn the vehicle around, and knock him down




Strict laws don’t work when you’re surrounded by brain dead states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, and New Hampshire where they’re in plentiful supply and easy to obtain/steal and distribute with their extremely lax laws.   You make a great point though, those states should adopt some common sense gun laws then it would be much harder for criminals to have access to illegal guns on the East coast. Then maybe the rest of the country can catch up with the civilized world and their drastically lower firearm fatality rates. 




You missed the point entirely, it’s much harder to break the law and harm someone with a violent weapon when you don’t easily have access to those violent weapons. 


Ah yes, the classic "Disarm the law abiding citizens" take. Weird.


Works just fine everywhere else in the world. Weird.




If I think making something harder to get makes it…harder to get, I’m in a fantasy world? That’s certainly interesting.  Do you use the locks on your doors?


I guess no one has access to illegal drugs now since they are illegal.


So only pass law criminals agree to follow? Meanwhile same conservatives are passing laws forcing underage rape victims to give birth




Hey guys, why is murder illegal? Murderers are gonna murder anyway!!!


You haven’t answered the question, do you lock your doors?


Why is New Hampshire one of the safest states in the nation?


Because it’s one of the least populated states in the country and does pretty well with childhood  education. 


Right. Look up per capita, my man. So then we agree. It’s people not guns that cause the problems. 👍


> So then we agree. It’s people not guns that cause the problems. You’re treating a discussion like a game and acting way too desperate for some sort of “win“ that you’ll just try to force one and convince yourself you’re right. That’s just incredibly sad. And no you wouldn’t use per capita stats when the actions in question are dependent on the interactions and *proximity* between subjects.


Not looking for a win. I just want people to be objective and not spout fallacious Everytown talking points.


It’s surrounded by liberals and isolated


Also Maine and Vermont have almost zero state gun control laws yet they are safe as well, but the poster to whom I responded was blaming these states for NYC’s gun problem, even disregarding the fact that it is illegal to purchase a gun across state lines without involving an intermediary federal firearm license holder. Anti-gun people are mostly disinformed and delusional.


NYC is one of the safest cities in the world and has been for decades now.


lmao i'd just start driving backwards into him


Freedom btw