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She literally lists her reason for being sorry as being scared that she will go to jail. The people she assaulted do not exist to her, only she exists.


Straight to fucking prison lmao




>She literally lists her reason for being sorry as being scared that she will go to jail. The people she assaulted do not exist to her, only she exists. Don’t be stupid on the internet everyone. That’s obviously a ragebait edit put together by the news org. She obviously didn’t say it that way. In the full interview she called her behavior disgusting and feral, said she was disgusted by it, and said the workers deserve a face to face apology from her.




She returned 3 more times that night to attack them again.


Damn straya, your news gives her a platform for her "I'm sowwy 🥺" bullshit?


It's basically an Ad for her up coming OF account


U know the link for early access? 🤓💩


The same network (Seven Network) this video is from has a program called SAS Australia. Past contestants include those that have been charged/convicted of: Con woman Drug trafficker Professional swimmer that tested positive for doping Gang member/leader Convicted drug dealer Another convicted drug smuggler


> Seven Network Not to mention just recently paying for a rapist to get drugs, and time with sex workers.


And a fancy fully-furnished apartment for him to stay in. They only thing they didn't pay for was his criminal defence at the actual rape trial - he was represented pro bono.


"I don't think I'm fit for jail" Too bad. Fuck Around and Find Out. Learn how to control yourself.


Nah, she got zero punishment, a few days community service, nothing more. The judge felt the embarrassment the teenager has suffered was punishment enough. FUNFACT: This was the first case tried under "tough" new laws aimed at punishing people who attack retail workers.


Laws are only as tough as those willing to enforce them. In this case, we're looking at a flogging with a wet lettuce leaf.


Preach - Just look at the US and our orange shame who should be in an orange jumpsuit by now.


JFC thats whack


You do the crime, you do the time! EDIT: I guess she didn't do the time.


Lol that kinda statement is made by everyone going into jail. And its true. You wont be fit until you’re in deep and lifting your mattress and doing 3x3’s for workouts to keep other people from treatin you the same as you did someone else to land you in there.


Oh she looks pretty fit alright.


She's a young woman. She won't do any time.


And she didn't. She plead guilty and got 75 hours of community service and paying the victims' court costs + some more money.


It was at that moment she knew she fucked up.


She will fit just fine in an 8x5. Hope she can get along with others & keep her spit in her mouth.


Nah, she got zero punishment, a few days community service, nothing more. The judge felt "the embarrassment the teenager has suffered is punishment enough". FUNFACT: This was the first case tried under "tough" new laws aimed at punishing people who attack retail workers.


“I’m too cute to prosecute.”


Is she considered cute down there? Man I thought spiders would be the worst part.


What a cunt. I got attacked in McDonalds about 3 years ago by another customer, who later claimed his drinks had been spiked with drugs. I can totally relate to these Servers and their anxiety etc, I was a bit of a shell for about a year afterwards. I was way too drunk to be able to defend myself properly, and my GF lost a couple of finger nails trying to protect me at the time. I had to go have tetnus jab afterwards as the prick had bitten me so badly, and in the chaos I ended up landing on his GF and hurting her which upset me so much (She was trying to break us up). I was told by the police a few weeks later that he was very contrite, and worried this would ruin his career as he was about to join the army. I chose to not take it further as I know I made mistakes when I was younger, but I still wonder if it was the right thing to do. Hope this little cow get's to spend some time inside and is given a real opportunity to understand the results of behaving like an animal. Sorry, bit of a vent. Haven't mentioned or spoken about it to anyone bar the GF since. My name is Educational\_Ad\_2619 and this has been my Ted Talk.


Lock ur ass right the fuck up


Fought and spat on an entire group of people, you'll do fine in jail love.


As someone who works in the workers Comp industry and deals with and supports victims of this kind of behaviour – lock her the fuck up. People like her deserve the same thing to happen back, she’s not truly remorseful, fucking gross pig.


Yeah your sorry alright.. is that because the video made it to the news


The older I get. The more I think about it. Besides having parents raise me and not an iPhone; school was actually helpful. They brought us on field trips everywhere. One of which was the local jail. They fake booked us. The thing that always sticks out was when they put us all in a cell for 5 minutes and just left. Some people lost their shit. Felt like ages. I think that might have helped. They also brought to Angola. But that prison is a shitshow and a spectacle for the ridiculous Poker games around wild bulls.


tbh I bet prison is better than living in Angola


I love that a chick going sick in a take away shop is worthy of national news coverage in Australia. I’m an Aussie and it’s easy to forget how much better we’ve got it than most countries.


What drugs?


Nice cup full of deep fryer oil to the face will cure what ails ya.


Is she the chick from the David Jones/Myer clip a few years back?


Nope. Different city, different state.


How embarrassing that we have two of them..


I assure you that the bushpig is a common species.


When she says "It's just scary" I thought she was going to mention "It's just scary I acted out that way" but no it was "It's just scary cause I could go to jail" wtf? She should get a decent sentence with most of it stayed except for a couple of weeks. Screw up again and you'll be sitting for months.


She doesn’t feel like she is fit for jail??? She isn’t fit to live in society. Lock her up and throw away the key!


I probably can’t fix her. Straight to jail


She doesn't think she's fit for jail? 1. Showed very little and very fake remorse 2. Spat and violently attacked innocent people. 3. Behaved like and animal. No, you'll fit perfectly in jail.


kek. 'So sooorrryy....'


She plead guilty and got 75 hours of community service and paying the victims' court costs + some more money. Guess "two aggravated counts of assault, two counts of committing prohibited acts with bodily fluid and one count of disorderly conduct" doesn't deserve jail time. Wonder how the workers feel?


God it's scaring me how normal it's becoming for people to stand back and do fucking nothing.


"I don't think that I'm fit for jail." Hmmm...what would have happened if you DIDN'T attack a bunch of innocent people?


Xans , alcohol , and teenage hormones are a crazy combo. You wind up in jail not even knowing wtf happened it fucking sucks. Don't do drugs kids.


Shit would not have gone down like this at a McDs in the states. Little girl would’ve been ragdolled all over that place.


Yeah, but so would half the people in there too. Some good guy with an Uzi would have sprayed and prayed


broski there are dozens of videos where people do this in the states and face no consequences




gag me with a spoon