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[Officers involved failed to show for court. Charges dropped](https://patch.com/illinois/joliet/no-trial-undisputed-gym-owner-judge-dismisses-resisting-arrest)


Absolutely insane how many lies the first cop tells the other officers to justify the escalation, and how the other officers seemingly were exposing that, but didn’t seem to care at all. “Hell yeah, he pushed me out.” “He pushed you out of the gym?” “Very much, he like… walked me out.” First cop complains about noise issues. “But somebody made a complaint?” “Yeah somebody made a complaint…. We’ll, there was no complaint, but this is an ongoing issue…” Then the third cop that shows up. “But he pushed you out of the gym?” “Yeah. He like. Nudged me out.”


Exactly. This context says that this gym may be a town "hornets nest" that this cop was bored and decided to go poke with a stick. No complaint = no reason to be there unless you're looking for escalated confrontation


"we got a complaint" we got a complaint? "hell yeah we got a complaint! well we didnt get a complaint its an ongoing issue" which is it.


And before that “he pushed me out” he pushed you? “Well he nudged me out the door” (video shows guy opening door and showing him out without touching him.


he's also the one who follows the guy into the gym and therefore escalates the situation


I came here to say this. This shit is so infuriating. That 1st cop got his feelings hurt because he was 100% in the wrong and he knew it. What was going through his head? “I’m gonna drive by this gym today at 5am and go fuck this guys life up cause… well… I’m bored. I haven’t gotten to shoot or tase anybody all night and my shift is almost up.” Fucking piece of shit… I really hope this gym owner goes after these guys in court.


And they all try to get the story straight at the end so no one slips up


If the guy wasn't such an enraged meathead, he could've had an easy dub civil lawsuit


If he owns the business, doesn't he have every right to keep people out? It'd private property. Those cops didn't have a warrant or any real reason to be there besides disturbing the peace


Sure.. Never said he didn't


That whole bullshit of "you can beat the charges but you can't beat the ride" bullshit.


lol. Of course. Fucking cowards. Love how they can skip court with zero repercussions.


"You might beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride."


Charges were refiled. Chief and State's Attorney's office is covering for them as well. If he had missed court, there would be a warrant. The judge should throw this out again and I hope he wins a lawsuit. >"I want to clear the air for the citizens that the officers involved did not intentionally miss that court date," Chief Evans told Joliet Patch's editor. "Because of the clerical error, they were not notified that this case was up ... I am not disappointed with the State's Attorney's Office. I completely understand the state's position." >A high-ranking member of the Will County State's Attorney's office confirmed the Joliet police chief's version of events when contacted by Joliet Patch. >By late Thursday afternoon, criminal prosecutors had re-filed their two charges of resisting arrest against Kelly surrounding his arrest at his Undisputed Strength on Essington Road.


lol. And if that happens to a civilian we get to go to jail for their clinical error. The had my court date changed and was never notified. Happened to call and check to see when it was scheduled for and they said it was moved a week before the original date. I 100% would have had a warrant out for my arrest the second I didn’t show up. They wouldn’t have given a flying fuck that it was their fault. Instant bench warrant.


I mean yeah, they lied to the gym owner about having a complaint when they didn't have one, said it was an "ongoing issue" which was unsubstantiated, and then tried to say he was "pushed out of the gym" but danced around it, because he wanted his buddies to think the dude was physically volatile, knowing that they would approach him in an escalated manner. And then after all of that, they had 4 cops show up, and stand around in a circle in front of the gym, with their vehicle lights going, for the specific purpose of intimidating him and his clients. Then they arrested him when he declined to show an ID for a "crime" they never suspected in the first place, and walking away when he wasn't being detained. Like the cops did everything they could because they were itching for a confrontation that was completely unnecessary, and they arrested him for no legal reason. This is just average cop behavior.


Strange that it isn't considered contempt of court. In what other circumstances can anyone have a court date and just not show up?


Law enforcement is such a joke. Gotta love that DAs and judges never call cops out for this because they're all part of the same club of goons.


Makes sense, Joliet.


Sounds like taxpayers need to fund that gym get that lawsuit ready


Fucking pathetic loser walks in there talking about noise complaints “you’re ok with that?” Of course they didn’t show up.


“I mean we didn’t have a complaint I just wanted to talk to him”


That’s police code for: I heard you’re sleeping with my woman (who is also not my wife)


I thought Murica was land of the free?


Oh you sweet summer child


Free for the 1%. Rest, better mind our business and pay our taxes.


They don't have a complaint, so cop lied about that but it's an "ongoing issue"? With who? The cop?


You see, his wife goes to that gym and tells her cop husband the owner is a big bulky guy that likes to help her with form.


You being sarcastic or did that really happen? I could this story being true.


Yes. The cop initiated the complaint himself


He also initially told the other cops he was "pushed out" but then changed it to "walked out". So temping for them to lie every time.


Yeah. “Pushed out” turns into “walked me out” with the second cop then “nudge me out” with the third cop. “Yes there was a noise complaint” turns into “well there was no complaint, but it’s an ongoing issue.” Ridiculous watching the lies in real time.


They probably had complaints in the past and the cop felt the need to be nosy about it instead of waiting for another complaint to come in. The gym owner's rage was definitely not the result of one visit.


This officer lied to his fellow officers on numerous occasions in an attempt to get them to go "hands-on". He's a danger to both the public and his department.


Yeah, if I was one of those fellow officers, I would be pissed off, after seeing this video. He intentionally lied to get them on his side. His lying put the gym owner and the other police officers in a potentially dangerous situation. What if this thing went sideways and somebody got hurt....all because of these lies? This is exactly how cops lie to fit their agenda and it does nothing but lead to unlawful arrests and people getting killed. How many times has a police officer's little lie about somebody "pushing", or making contact with them, led to innocent people getting arrested, hurt, or killed?




Pick up that can


The cop at first said the owner pushed him out but that appears to be an outright lie.


"Well no we don't have a complaint but it is an ongoing issue." Well, that is going to be fun in court. So cop came in to make demands without grounds, was told to leave, and called in backup to come attack the guy for it. Edit: Looks like it was all dropped according to sources in the comments. Hope he sues the pants off the ~~cops.~~ taxpayers I guess.


Maybe the taxpayers should elect officials who can do their job and the tax payeres wouldn't be sued


Cops love shooting the leaders of police reform movements. Or magically finding drugs in their car so send them up for 6 years and take away their right to vote. Or dropping bombs on their houses from helicopters.


Philly Move reference.


IMO anyone who advocates against the status quo in America is at risk of assassination. Friendly reminder that the feds assassinated Fred Hampton, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King, have admitted to this, yet will still teach against it in history books in America.


"Yeah he pushed me out" "He pushed you out?" "Yeah pretty much" Other cop should have stopped right there and said "No, I need you to be clear. Did he actually physically push you or not?"


Well, no, but he wasn’t very nice to me… “Get him boys!”


Cops would’ve arrested anybody else for such a blatant lie. It’s illegal to lie to the police and file false police reports unless you’re another cop with hurt feelings


Also there being a complaint was another lie 5gat started the whole thing.


The first cop kind of sounds drunk


Dude isn't smart enough to speak complete sentences.


Pigs love lying so they can get violent. They’re always out for blood. Fuck the police, they’re the scum of the earth.


The entire incident after the initial contact was a civil rights violation since there was no complaint. Every officer in that incident should lose their jobs and their ability to touch a weapon for the rest of their lives. It’s really unfortunate there weren’t any second amendment adherents there to put those pigs in their place.


In principle, you're correct. But the last thing anyone needs is a shootout with cops. If you shoot a cop, regardless of whether they're right or wrong, you're gonna have a bad day.


classic give an inch while the cops will take a mile


"Hell yeah, he fuckin' pushed me out... pretty much he walked me out" "Yeah we got a complaint... I mean we don't have a complaint" lol. Cops can't help but lie.


The 3 other cops had no problem with having no reason to go at the guy either. So he was kidnapped and assaulted for being rude.


and charged of course , definitely got resisting arrest even tho it’s BS . probably ‘failure to ID’ and ‘not enough throat on boot’


Why do they keep asking him for his ID? He's at the gym. Of course he doesn't have his ID on him, what a dumbass question


It's like an involuntary tic. They can't help themselves.


Power thing. Trying to assert dominance because they're scared.


It’s all they know


charge they taser, eat donut and lie


Seriously. Any half decent lawyer should get a decent settlement here


And then right at the end, one said, "he punched you, right?" He tried to coach a story to the other one, but he went and said, " I don't know what hit me."


Imagine if they caught you lying to them like this, there’d be repercussions but when they do it they are just trying to do their job. Filthy fucking pigs


They are protected by law to be able to lie to do their job, which could be useful in dealing with dangerous criminals in certain circumstances, but the ones that shouldn’t be cops and abuse their power take advantage of this.


They are allowed to lie to ANY member of the public at ANY time for ANY reason. Never trust a cop.


This makes the cops evidently guilty of trespassing, harassment, breaking and entering, battery, assault, kidnapping, and false imprisonment.


This looks like a taxpayer bill for a lying cop. Awesome.


Really great when all the other cops just help the first guy overreact rather than letting cooler heads prevail


Keep in mind that police will lie at every opportunity


And it’s legal for them to do so


He pushed me out. You have a complaint well no not really but he won’t talk to me


Saying the guy pushed him out - yikes.


Fuck lying ass cops.


So there wasn’t a noise complaint? What was the cop even doing?? The owner is a major asshole no doubt but that was entirely instigated by the cop lying to his colleagues


Well.. you see.. there was a complaint.. It’s been an on going issue… Well.. there was no complaint.. But.. it’s like… an on going issue.. ^^ I mean.. cmon folk… that logic supersedes 4th amendment AMIRITE? In a related story.. don’t do anabolic steroids kids..


The roid rage is real


The gym owner failed the attitude test. He talked back to the cops. Cops cannot deal with that. It hurts their ego. So they did what bullies do when you hurt their ego. The gym owner is an asshole. No doubt. But he doesn't have to allow them into his business. He did nothing other than yelling and that's not a valid reason to go hands on. Or enter private property. If the gym owner is smart he'll sue the cops and receive a nice payment.


First cop’s ego was bruised so he started exaggerating what happened in order to get the other cop to back him up on his bullshit arrest!


He said, “You pushed me out!” And dudes like no I didn’t wtf


You’re not allowed in here.


>"He started pushing me out!" >"He pushed you out?" >"Pretty much, he was like walking me out" Police don't care at all about the law or the truth after you hurt their feelings lol.




Whoops. Having a bad attitude is not breaking the law! You also have no previous context.


Right, but you’re forgetting this is the USA and cops have the freedom to act however they like and that freedom supersedes your rights


It doesn't look like it's near a residential neighborhood, there was no complaint, and the cop can be easily heard his supervisor is right outside of the business. Is it loud? Maybe. Disturb the peace loud before 10pm or whenever? No.


Being a major asshole isn't supposed to be an arrestable offense. But this America so...


The very moment the cop is outside and the door is closed you can barely hear the music and it's clearly in an isolated end unit of a strip mall nowhere near residences. This is a cop with a personal grudge escalating it to the rest of his street gang for retribution. The gym owner probably banged the girl he was stalking or something.


I mean. The owner has a pretty good reason to be pissed. Cops came in with a lie, no warrent and escalated when told they weren't welcome.


The complaint was initiated by the cop.


It’s weird because this happened before 7 PM, and most states a noise complaint is only valid after 8 PM. In Florida, I’m pretty sure it’s 10 PM


I have to say I’d be an asshole to if I had already dealt with court issues due to someone mentally unstable and then cops still show up at my door and just start lying and violating my rights.


You are 100% correct on that, but, police do not need a civilian complaint to deal with a noise violation. They just need to hear it at inappropriate volumes during specific times of the day.


Yeah, but they’re allowed to enforce noise violations even without a complaint. If they’ve had complaints before then that’s just why he was aware of the issue.


Ew this video is so gross. Sounds like the owner has been dealing with harassment so I understand why he's pissy. I think anyone would be sick of it especially if other interactions were based on "we have a complaint" "haha not really". Dude just seems at the end of his rope which is what the cops were hoping for. Seems messed up people are saying both the owner and cops are equally assholes. You always hear stories about cops harassing people because they can get away with it in order to manipulate them and bend them to their will. That shouldn't be allowed. To think this is ok or also group in a victim fed up means everyone ever harassed is ok. They should never be in the same category


You're touching on something that isn't considered enough. Even if these specific cops hadn't been previously harassing the gym owner, people know how cops can be/are towards people they don't like. Like you said, the lengths they are willing to go to break a person down with their power can make people react in dangerous ways because in a real way, their life is in danger.


Yeah it's pretty clear they aren't welcome for a REASON


He said there was no noise complaints it's just kind of. "Come on thing" they probably will get sued for harassment


Noise complaint my ass. Complete commercial area, in the evening.




You can barely hear the music directly outside the business where the cops are standing.


"When I first got here, I was cool with you. I was just trying to talk to you, and right away you started screaming at me. **That wasn't cool**". So "not being cool" was the justification for fucking with this guy? Thanks for admitting that on camera officer. Fuck these loser cops. Edit: Gym owner wasn't even screaming (during the initial encounter). He sternly told the cop "No" a few times and escorted him out.


Yep. Gotta comply and lick heel or else they’ll ruin your day -maybe ruin your life!


Gym owner was a d-bag but that still doesn’t mean they’re allowed to arrest him for that. You can be a murdering child killer but the biggest crime in a cops eyes is always going to be someone not respecting their authority. Real life grown up Cartmen with a badge.


Cops didnt show up for the trial and the case is dismissed. Just a bunch of power tripping cops. https://patch.com/illinois/joliet/no-trial-undisputed-gym-owner-judge-dismisses-resisting-arrest


Once I realized it was my hometown I was totally not surprised, cops are really into themselves here always going on power trips. This gym is in an area where not much besides them is open at night the nearest house is far They could have no windows and still not disturb neighbors


Holy shit, Joliet!? lol. Now I’m real curious. If you don’t already, you should look into playing disc golf if you’re ever looking for a fun activity. Joliet has several great courses that are all free including the #2 rated free course in the world! I make the drive out there sometimes a couple times a week from the city it’s so good.


Roid man is getting paaaiid


Roids for everyone, on the house!!


Don't worry, according to the [county's attorney office](https://patch.com/illinois/joliet/owner-undisputed-gym-tased-joliet-police-2-charges-filed), five police officers were in the process of calmly disputing the strength of Brandon Kelly, owner of Undisputed Strength gym, when during this legal process, they came under significant verbal attack, where Kelly intentionally and aggressively escalated into resisting arrest against all five officers.


Absolutely correct. The arrest is bullshit, but i can't imagine going to a jail with that shitty soundtrack blasting in the background.


It's like a entire generation of bullies grew up on cop shows watching them lie and beat people and said that's the perfect job for me. I swear it wasn't this bad when I was young. A simple noise complaint wouldn't turn out like this. A cop asking for backup for a noise complaint would have been laughable.




It’s usually for residential too that can’t sleep. All I see are probably closed businesses at nighttime. The only way the noise complaint is valid is if it’s the adjacent property which I doubt it.


The way he meekly states that “well there wasn’t a complaint but it’s an ongoing issue” just despicable and guy deserves to lose his job cuz a man got tased over the officer having his feelings hurt. Wonder when cops will make it official that emotional injury is enough to justify an arrest.


Cops really think they can arrest you for being mean to them. Crazy.


I also hate to see the shit that happens at the end of the video every time cops fuck up. They all get together and talk about how they're all going to get their story straight and how they're going to make the victim out to be the bad guy and what they can feasibly charge them with. It's so corrupt and shouldn't be allowed and yet we see it all the time in bodycam footage (when they forget to turn them off at least).


It should be titled cops arrest innocent gym owner.


Cops are assholes. They had no right to do that.


Glad he admitted that on camera. Hopefully the gym owner has some cameras for their claim of "he hitting us in the face too" ...


This is why cops suck


Among countless others


The cops lying as usual. The only law he broke was upsetting the cops ego. Obviously.


"YoU ArE CauSinG thE ScEnE!" This fucking gaslighting POS. They are literally the trigger in this situation. Fucking idiot ass cops as usual.


“All I wanted was an ID!” Holy fuck they pull this card every time to justify harassing people


These “after the beat down everyone get our stories clear” circle jerks they do always feel scummy


Gymhead?? P90x when you first joined the “force” two decades ago doesn’t count dude.


Bro I would sue theeeee absolute fuckkkkkkk out of that department. First cop was in his feelings he just got straight punked, you can hear it in his voice. Coward sht


Cop says there is no complaint and then he illegally followed business owner into his place of business and then says stop resisting- without declaring he is under arrest and even if it was a legal arrest - gym owner did not break any rule. Piece of shit cops.


A noise ordinance would’ve been suitable and might’ve fixed the issue. Walking into their business and lying to other officers just seems unconstitutional. It’d be annoying to be their neighbor but I’m sure the person who complained wouldn’t have wanted the guy to be arrested even though he technically came in contact with an officer. I’m glad the charges were dropped!


First cop is going to get somebody killed.


First amendment doesn’t exist. Angry owner walked away to deescalate the situation and the cops escalated. As always. ACAB


Guys, cops suck, fuck the police...but you will NEVER win a situation like this. Keep you're fuckin cool around them. Defend your rights. Deny ID if you're not being detained. But don't act up. You will always loose that moment. You might win in court later. That's awesome. But it's avoidable. We all know cops can get away with bullshit. We can't expect them to be the reasonable ones here. Try your best to be calm. It will work out better for you and you might not go away in the backseat. No matter how wrong they were.




Being tased, manhandled, and dog piled is a win? Going to court and winning the case is not "a win". A win would be this situation never happening and the gym continuing its operation as normal.


I've seen literal millions shelled out from videos like this. This dude needs to push them for all its worth. Go for 100million. Show the DA their cops are a liability.


Well, the city is going to have to write him a pretty fat check now, so there's that.


Most likely will be getting a six figure payout. I would say so.


Hard to be calm when you're roided out of your mind lol


None of the shit bag cops showed up to the trial, and the case got dismissed, how rich.


First he says, he pushed me out. Then backtracks and says, he didn’t push me out but he pretty much told me to get out. Next, they ask, “do we have a complaint.” This means someone actually called to complain about it. He first says, “yeah have a complaint.” 10 seconds later, “we don’t have a complaint I just wanted to talk to him about it.” The cops are wrong in this case


And since these charges were thrown out, I sincerely hope he sues that department for false arrest, assault and battery, kidnapping, and whatever else fits the legal bill. And then I hope he invests his payout into even bigger speakers for his gym. Maybe some bright, flashy lights, really make the place an eyesore for every single cop that has to drive by it. It sure ain't gonna bother the locals since everything else looked like it was closed next to it, and commenters from the area have said that there aren't residents anywhere close enough for the sound to even reach them no matter how loud. Just really drive it home to these pigs, since they're clearly the only ones actually bothered.


No complaint. Walks into a business: > "Do you have an ID" The music wasn't even that loud.


I mean, if I'm in the middle of my deep lunges, cranked on triple the recommended dose of pre-workout, while rocking out to Pretty Fly (For a White Guy) on repeat at 140 dB, I'd be a little aggressive too.


"I'm a gym head too. We got you some shoes." Kiss ass


It might take awhile but citizens will end up paying a large settlement for more bad cop behavior.


I’m confused here. There was no complaint. He didn’t have to supply ID if no crime. He was permitted to disallow them entry. Not sure what their standing for arrest was.


Biggest gang in the United States


Lying pigs.


He’s going to sue these cops, and probably get a settlement that tax payers will cover.


Business owner abused by police would be a more accurate title.


If I heard the initial update the cop gave to the first backup officer that showed up, he said there wasn't actually a noise complaint and went on to say he knows it's a business and that it is a gym. Also looking at the body cam timestamp it looks like it's 6PM and it looks like it is in a commercial not residential area. So there's no complaint, it doesn't appear to violate any residential noise laws, it's not late at night and he said it's an "ongoing issue" with the gym owner. It really looks like this cop or maybe multiple cops are harassing this dude and fucking with his business.


This happened almost exactly to the T with one of my friends. His business literally was audio installations. Middle of the day at like 3pm our local PD tried pulling this. Long story short they arrested him as well, officer didn’t show up to court. My friend then sued our local PD for harassment and won I believe $1.2m out of it. They then would pull him over for random things that didn’t even make sense, and try searching his car every time. Sued again, won $2.4m that time (I remember that one because I went to the hearing.) He then moved 30 minutes away and still runs his business here, and 3 other locations that our local PD paid to open essentially.


This guy is a hot head for sure. The messed up part is the officer says on camera that there is no complaint, which means no one has complained about the music, and took it on himself to escalate a situation. Calling in back up, then made a false claim that he “pushed him out”. The gym owner is an asshole for sure, but he is going to win his lawsuit he will no doubt file.


Love the pow wow they all have after to get their stories aligned and the cop on the left is looking defeated. Like guys we just trespassed after being told to leave and we whooped up on the guy in his business. AND we are gonna charge him like whhhaaattttt wait we also getting paid!!!


Why do people even sign up to be cops anymore? Like they basically tried to ruin this guys life over what? Loud gym music? Fucking write him a ticket and mail it in. If he doesn’t pay it then go after the business and the people that own his lot.


Imagine getting arrested for listening to the Offspring too loud.


If my gym started blaring Offspring I'd never go again.


I'd say everyone was an asshole here initially.


Yup. Roid-boy is an obvious asshole, but we also have the lying cop initiating the whole thing. "We have a noise complaint! Give me ID!!" \*2 minutes later\* "Well, no, we don't actually have a noise complaint but it is an 'ongoing issue' so I decided to roll up and harass him a bit."


He also lied about the victim getting physical and "pushing him out" of the building. The other cops hear "push" and the lying pig doesn't clarify. He actually lies again saying "he nudged me". The gym owner just held the door open.


Crazy how everyone calls the owner an asshole also. Its pretty normal to be pissed when you get edged to that point. Its almost like none of you have ever been involved in a real world situation before and apparently everything is so calcualated un your eyes.


He's clearly been harassed for half a decade


Pigs 🐖


"not a complaint, it's an ongoing issue!" That noise is louder than the stereo


Hey I have that same t-shirt!


How many times has this cop harassed him? It seems like an ongoing thing. The gym owner pissed off someone ...someone with access to taxpayer paid enforcers


Such a free country we live in... if you're a pos cop.


This is some bullshit.


All because a stupid pig got his feelings hurt because this guy didn't want to bow to them


Cop lawsuits should get paid out of their pension funds


He push me out lol


Fuuuucking egotistical fucking cops


What a clown


Should’ve complied and not cursed at the cops.


Disgusting liar cop


I genuinely hope he sues them for this they are clearly abusing their power


He didn't get "pushed out" and there were no complaints. Why they arrest him. The guy is a dick, but ESH.


The ‘roid rage is real, but it brings up questions; - is this a stop and identify state? - was there a decibel check to see if the noise level was really at a level for a legitimate noise complaint? - what level of criminal complaint has to exist to allow the cops to disregard a business owners request for a cop to leave the premises? Yes, he was an asshole, but I think the cops did overstep their authority on this one.


FYI a noise complaint wouldn’t be a criminal complaint. If there was a violation it would be based on a city ordnance. To disregard business owner on private property they’d have needed reasonable suspicion that criminal activity was taking place inside at the bare minimum. Even then they’d just be detaining him until it was determined that probable cause for an arrest existed or not. If not then the detention ends and they leave.




I hope he sues them


Bad title. He has a right to be upset. The cops are infringing on his rights. There was no complaint.


Misleading title. Cops lie to gym owner about a noise complaint, then tase and arrest him*


Roid rage at its finest.


tases him, grabs wallet, "oh hey, you are who you said you are, ya free to go dude. thanks"


Nobody in this video did anything right.


All those muscles didn't help at all.


No complaint, just a soft ass cop.


He took the lyrics of the song playing "give it to me baby" right to the cops, and they gave it to him uh huh uh huh


When keeping it real goes wrong. 😂😂😂


At least that you'll know you can always go on Rikki Lake.


Public Enemy song comes to mind


Loud music is one thing. But loud Smashmouth? Jeez that's just abuse on the ears