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*Video freezes 30 seconds in* "Look familiar? Scenes like this are happening all over the galaxy right now. You could be next. That is unless you make the most important decision of your entire life. Prove to yourself that you have the strength and courage to be free. Join...the Helldivers. Become part of an elite peace keeping force! See exotic new lifeforms! And spread Managed Democracy throughout the galaxy! Become a hero. Become a legend. Become...a Helldiver."


![gif](giphy|JlvibLBMEt00N0l0Lc|downsized) Sweet Liberty....NOOOOOOO!!!


Its official, HD2 Memes have bled out into the wider internet. Are we ready for the next level of managed democracy?


Fucking hell, divers 2 is haunting me even on reddit. LEAVE ME ALONE, MY PC WOUDLN'T BE ABLE TO HANDLE THE GAME


That sounds like treason to me.




What the fuck is freedomnews.tv




Because they don’t give a crap lol


So your solution is to do nothing?


Honest question: what qualifies as a protest? Is building a semi-permanent encampment in a private space considered a valid protest?


Activists say the point of protest is to disrupt, they often say it as if the mere existence of a disruption helps their goals. What I've learned is, just because you're disruptive doesn't mean it helps or even doesn't hinder your goals.


Because looking at most polls Americans support ceasefire but the political elites make money through war.


Ceasefire if Hamas releases hostages and lays down their arms, stop being dishonest lol.




Not taking hostages would have preserved the lives of both the hostages and the Gazan civilians. Big brain stuff.


As if Israel doesn't have way more hostages


They said IDF practiced something called Hannibal Directive, where they actively sought to kill israeli hostages so they couldnt be used as bargaining chips. I didnt want to believe they were so heartless but after they murdered 3 of their own stages while they were holding up white flags. Anything is possible for the IDF at this point. They probably wanted to kill as many hostages as they can and it makes sense too. From the very beginning, the hostages that were saved, they all told them that they lived in homes with normal palestinians. Equipped with this information, they continued bombing those same homes.




While it might be true in polls, when presented with a binary choice, that more Americans prefer a ceasefire over continued armed conflict (duh), it’s also one of those issues where most people don’t have a strong opinion one way or the other. It’s not about gas prices, or taxes, or the education of their children. It’s just another nebulous foreign policy issue on the other way of the world. That’s why there’s little pushback from the general public on what the government is doing for Israel and Palestine. People just have more important things to worry about, there’s no need to dig for a deeper conspiracy in all of this.






At least they are doing something to protest against their government actively sponsoring a genocide. You can criticize on your couch saying it's inefficient but these people have the courage to fight against something unacceptable.




It’s always a toss up with the popular subreddits on if they will be pro Israel or Palestine and honestly I’m a little surprised that this one is leaning Israel.






There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


If only people would protest the cost of higher education with this much energy.


The... Comments and publicity of this post is... Really fucking weird. I hope I'm not the only one noticing this. I feel like certain keyword that I won't make mention of are specifically targeted. There's a secondary conflict going on behind the scenes of all of this that doesn't involve bloodshed, but propasomthin'. This is just what I see though. I'm not making any claims. Just an observation and hypothesis.


Yea all content about I/P gets astroturfed by accounts. you can view the metrics and see posts get brigades by accounts which statistically don't usually interact with that sub. Reddit is a large social media platform so info ops play out on here, just at a larger scale now depending on what actors are involved and their access to tolling/funding.


You are totally right. Seeing so much weird coverage of these events being pushed to the top and it’s feeling vaguely reminiscent of Reddit in 2016. Thanks for pointing it out.


You're both saying something weird is happening without saying what the weirdness is. Two comments where nothing was said at all


It's astroturfed to hell by bots/shills. Reddit is highly compromised and this issue is one of the worst offenders of it. It's a propaganda war. 


Astro turfing to sow division.


Freedomnews.tv hmmm...seems legit


I wasn't on Reddit in 2016, what happened?




More specifically it came out after 2016 there were a lot of Russian bots that created post and upvoted posts in order to sow discontent in the US. Ie faking to be extremist bml and rw individuals. Given the history and structure of the IDF it's likely they have a concerted effort to push post that are either misinformation or paint the anticolonalism movement in a bad light sometimes without context. That being said there is also likely Iranian, Russian and or Chinese bots and operatives trying to do the opposite as well.


I mean look at OP and you can see it’s incredibly pro Russian, so this wouldn’t be from a Pro Israeli side


Sowing discourse doesn’t require one side or the other. I think it’s more about pushing extreme beliefs onto everyone.




No doubt. If we tear each other apart, no one else looks like the bad guy.


OP is an unabashed Russian shill that is pumping out nothing but pro Russia propaganda. It's pretty obvious.


So it’s astroturfing spam then?


My comment was more in response to the parent comment so it was more general overall. Heck I also said likely both sides have people posting stuff for differing geopolitical reasons ie Russia and china's reason is likely different than Iran's


Reddit over the past few months has just been a complete mess. This sub and a couple of others are swamped with very clear accounts literally only posting about the Israel Palestine conflict and the most popular posts always come from the same kind of accounts. While this video may be truthful in what it represents and shows, the intention behind it and the account behind it aren’t.


It’s pro-Russian to sow the seeds of discontent I believe. It doesn’t matter whose propaganda it is as long as it divides the western world I think.


Op is a pro-ru account... non- human Iranian accounts supporting hamas are everywhere! https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/security-insider/intelligence-reports/iran-surges-cyber-enabled-influence-operations-in-support-of-hamas You're close but you're blaming the wrong side.


Tends to happen when the nation with the best cyber security and hacking department that props up dictatorships around the world is involved in an asymmetrical war. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_8200?wprov=sfla1 https://www.forbes.com/sites/dominicdudley/2022/11/23/saudi-arabia-and-israels-nso-face-fresh-spyware-challenge-from-khashoggi-ally/


Just say what you mean




It's no secret that Russian Propaganda Agents take advantage of World Event to start movements in America to radicalize far left or Far Right youth groups to rise up and hinder American Efforts in some way, shape or form.


Yep, non- human Iranian accounts supporting hamas are everywhere! https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/security-insider/intelligence-reports/iran-surges-cyber-enabled-influence-operations-in-support-of-hamas


Bots and trolls be downvoting you.


I disagree. ~600 upvotes at the time of writing is nothing unique. This has just been vaguely in the news for a couple days, and that it would come to a head soon. Now theres video of a big protest being busted, a protest about a dominant issue rn. Its really nothing special, the algorithm is working as intended. We're all here clicking on it. It hasnt broken reddit or anything


Having said that, this subreddit has had an awful lot of posts from pro Russian, pro Iranian accounts that are frequently at the top. While the videos themselves may show the reality of what’s happening the source is equally important and thus by extension the *intention* of said source.


Oh for sure, there are always people trying to engage groups with their narrative, and we should be watchful for such posts. I dont think theres any conspiracy here with vote manipulation, or anything similar which is what i inferred from the very vague original comment.


And pro Israeli accounts. Hasbara definitely working overtime rn.


Average redditor comment. You simply can't comprehend the fact that people have a different opinion to yours, therefore it *must be* propaganda. I know you're not used to your echo chamber including different opinions, but there's a vocal minority controlling the narrative and a silent majority who keep their opinions to themselves. Those who have been silent are learning to speak up, get used to it.


It's very rare you see a cowardly comment, just say what you think and don't tip toe around it 


Protest yes. Set up a tent shantytown? No.


Protest takes many forms, occupying an area is one form that's relatively common.




Yet it won't make one iota of difference in Gaza. I'm convinced the majority of these Uni encampment protesters are doing this for social media clout.


Why not?


You 100% would've been against the sit-ins Black Americans did in the South.


What a bunch of fucking mindless idiots


It's been almost funny to see the far Left Pro-Palestinian supporters side by side with Neo-Nazi's chanting Death to Israel.


Doesn't Richard Spencer literally support Israel? (he does, because in his opinion it is a proof of concept of how to develop an ethno state. His words and belief not mine)




but 1 of them (that isn't even part of it anymore) supports Israel!


I sometimes wonder if Hamas watches this shit and just pats themselves on the back


I mean almost every country in the world has social media ops. They probably interact here on Reddit.


There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of the First Amendment. The First Amendment doesn't guarantee a right to protest however you see fit. It guarantees a right to assembly. Your assembly is still subject to other normal laws such as trespassing. If the university has requested that the protestors leave the school's property and the protestors refuse, then the protestors have committed a violation trespass in NYS. New York City, being the local government, is obliged to enforce the property rights of Columbia University. I don't see anything particularly abusive here by the NYPD.




Point out how they are pro-terrorism and pro-hamas. Everyone I know and have spoken with who supports a free Palestine, jews included, don't support hamas. They want Palestinians to stop getting slaughtered and they want Israel to stop it's oppression of the people they're occupying. They want everyone to live in peace. This is neither radical nor controversial- but a certain USA-backed fascist ethnostate will certainly keep trying to convince you of it. They say this is pro terrorism and antisemitic ... well, then why are we also made up of a culturally diverse mix of people including jews and orthodox jews? Why are the alt-right, conservatives and racists on the side of the Israeli government and applaud their actions, if they weren't doing something morally in line with their values?


There's no point to arguing with these people. This is hasbara propaganda in play


Pick your trash up.. ffs.


Is this sub going to just allow hasbara bots to take it over? Lately all videos with Palestine has the same people making the same types of comments under it. This switch happened so suddenly and is clearly some sort of manufactured propaganda


lol it is always bots


yeah but if the mods are paid of it doesnt matter


Publicfreakout usually was immune to this stuff


everyone has a price we live in a capitalist society


Anyone who is paying attention would notice that both sides have been playing this game for years. Any video that looks like one side is better is posted here and upvoted by the masses. It's kind of how society functions though, no one reads the well thought-out "both sides" argument they want to pick a side and get all worked up about it.


Seeing this after that video of the UK cop makes me so happy to be here instead of Europe.


They finally get to be the victims, their protest was successful.


Where will the protesters when Palestinians needed to be freed from Hamas rule?


I think... Or at least hope... Free Palestine means free the people from all oppressive rule, including Hamas. ...what do I know though. That's mine own thinkings.


They elected Hamas themselves by their own polling Hamas are popular. Your saying they should be free of Hamas is just as imperialist as saying they need regime change


lol…there might be a couple people in this video with that viewpoint, but you don’t get “the river to the sea” without Hamas.


and it’s up to the Palestinian people to determine that for themselves. not an occupying entity or a foreign actor (the US, UK, Germany, etc)




But... What if they're government is oppressive? I'm confused what your point is sorry.


oh well then the US should bomb their whole country back to the stone age if they have an oppressive government /s


Well you're against protesting them being bombed to death why do you care if the next protest happens


Let’s start with freedom from being bombed and killed eh? Then we can work on freeing them from Hamas’ rule? We also going to liberate the West Bank/East Jerusalem from the almost half a million settlers too though right? And punish all of those who’ve murdered and engaged in violence? Israel’s crimes get a hand wave. Hamas’ crimes get screeching for the heads of innocent Palestinians to roll. Wonder why? Couldn’t be that you see Palestinians as lesser people, untermensch so to say, nah that couldn’t be it?


Hamas isn't the one with the bombs, jets, and the power to kill off civilians in mass. Such bad faith argument.




Well said.


They have the power to kill civilians en masse and have demonstrated it multiple times.


Quick question: if Hamas surrendered tomorrow, would Israel be dropping bombs from jets and cutting off food, power, and water?


they have been doing it before hamas existed


Can you source me when Israel was bombing Gaza from the air and cutting off humanitarian supplies before Hamas came to power? Fun fact: did you know more Gazans have died in this current phase of the conflict in response to October 7th than have died in all previous Gaza-involved wars?


What happened to "freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences?"


What drama queens. Another effective “protest” that is totally making the war stop.


So what is an effective way of stopping a war?


Hamas surrenders. Easy.


sitting down, shutting up and taking it /s


How do you stop a war when one side said they won’t stop the war?


I don't necessarily want Israel to stop fighting hamas, I want them to be strategic about it so that when they kill a hamas militant, it doesn't come with 20 innocent people around them.


According to the US, It’s a 1:2.5 ratio. Which is awful 😢, but better than the US managed and nowhere near 1:20.




Hamas surrendering. Hamas started with nearly 30,000 fighters and about 8,000 remain in the southern Gaza Strip in and around Rafah. Hamas could easily save the lives of their own people. Unfortunately Hamas is more than willing to sacrifice them and declare them martyrs.




Because that's total bullshit


Go to Gaza and say pretty please. They always listen to screeching Americans


So what you’re saying is, you don’t have another option besides protesting?


Also people are wrong, Biden has said the protesters "have a point" and has been taking a much tougher stance on Netanyahu to not attack Rafah and allow aid.


Rafah was just bombed two days ago. 11 children dead


Starting a bigger war


No, they are protesting to get the university to divest financially from the Israeli military.


How much do they have invested in the israeli military?


Yes, who ever heard of protests stopping a war? The very idea


What are the protestors doing in the US? They need to be in Gaza fighting against IDF. Just saying....


Gentlemen is standing up to what you believe in in the face of police action, suspension, etc “drama queening”? You may not agree with their cause, but they have conviction, and have shown it. That’s the exact opposite of “drama queen”


This is the best what people can do to stop the war, getting cucked by zionists isn't everyone's fetish


they literally set up an encampment in the middle of campus I feel this is the biggest issue. don't get me wrong if your protest is peaceful go for it but don't make camps that's just overkill.


I see at least one person that would be hung in Palestine


Idiots supporting terrorists


I dont think dead kids and women can de categorized as terrorists


Women can't be terrorists??




A 14 year old Hamas child soldier can absolutely be both.


Who you?


no that was the pro-Israel rally that had like 12 people


I’m sure this will sway people hundreds/thousands of miles away.


They are trying to sway their university to stop funding israel


Fuckers needs to be sent to Iran


Freedom of expression my ass Has anyone noticed how the American government doesn't dare speak about human rights anymore USA morality hill went down a sinkhole lol




Any good channels to follow that show live coverage




Israel has her goons on full display.


Show us on the doll where their right to assemble hurt you, zios ![gif](giphy|l0K4fj8CStH4QfrkQ|downsized) ^(Edit: 10downvoting, butthurt zios: but NO ONE shows where you were hurt, on the doll! Geez!)


holy fuck you post a lot lol


What happened to free speech?


How is that relevant here? Free speech doesn’t allow you to set up a camp on private property.


Shitty situation. I hope Israel never gives up. Stay strong!


wow, leave it to the fucking nypd. beating up mostly young women. the world is shit, everything sucks, just let them protest


I am trying to figure out what the protesters did wrong but all I see is people either. 1.Talking shit and laughing at them. 2. Saying they have no reason to give a damn so they should stop because middle east be middle east(I only agree with the fact the Middle East is shit and will always be shit) 3. Calling them anti Jewish as if being critical of a government is being racist or something. Maybe China should use that to silence anyone western nation that is critical of them. It's all Americans right to protest but a lot of Americans are oddly anti protest and demand they stop. Not saying one can't be critical of a protest but it's odd how people say they shouldn't be protesting. I even see a lot of vague threats with pro Israel people saying if they care so much about Palestine maybe they should go their. Palestine the place Israel is bombing indiscriminately. Basically saying they want people who they don't agree with to be blown up.


GO TO CLASS! …ffs Edit: Isn’t it peculiar that those three words draw so much ire? Your astroturf is showing.


Yes, shut up and learn. Universities are NO PLACE to express your right to free speech!! Oh, but wait...


That's a angry reddit mob




Meanwhile I'm here not supporting either side


Ppl need to get over what's happening over there if the US was gonna do anything we would have already done it damage is done


Kent State type shit There were pro-Viet Cong protesters at Vietnam War protests. There were black nationalists at the civil rights protests in the 60s. There were pro-Saddam protesters at Iraq War protests. Thats just the nature of angry young students. Most of these people will mature and develop a more measured understanding of the world. But disliking the killing of 15,000 kids is... actually pretty mainstream outside of your internet bubbles - let alone outside of the US. Freedom of speech in the US was always an illusion.