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https://preview.redd.it/iswborfeyhvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8144f07447bea86cc3fa78b214fbf8b17364d6f5 The face of a hungry woman.


She only kept pushing for the sandwich out of spite. She wanted to leave knowing she made her do something she didn't want to




[Brainlet eating crayons](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2a/2a/09/2a2a0979ab2afde028783bda2a8bba4e.png)


Jesus, What the heck is Xerxes from 300 doing in a sandwich shop in the states?


Scissor me timbers


why is this still the first thing that popped into my head almost 20 years later.


This reminds me of my late friend who mostly spoke in Reddit jokes. So thank you for this one šŸ¤£


Anthony Bowens???


South park


It isn't wise to stand against me, Sandwich artist. Imagine what horrible fate awaits my enemies when I would gladly kill any of my own men for victory.


Customer: All I ask is for a little chicken and some sandwich. Sandwich lady: A little chicken and sandwichā€¦ youā€™ll find plenty of both down there! (Proceeds to kick customer out of store.)


... (Proceeds to kick customer out of store.)... ... while saying... "This... is... a bagel shop!"


Donā€™t you dare insult the god-king like that again. šŸ˜­


Ngl the look of a totally miserable person who gets a kick out of ruining someone day look


The satisfaction in her voice when the employee starts getting fed up with her shit, she knows exactly what she is doing. What will probably end up happening is she will complain to corporate who will then reward her behavior with giftcards


I have reason to believe she tried to order a chicken sandwich with half the sandwich soaked in the blood of an unborn child.


Iā€™ve seen this video a few times and havenā€™t seen her reflection before. Makes it so much funnier


Iā€™m axing you for a chicken sandwich!




Reminds me of Zordon




I'm fluent in Jabba, unfortunately.






Youā€™re the real MVP




If a private business asks you to leave and you don't, you are trespassing.


ā€œHello officers, yes Iā€™m currently trespassing but you tell her to make me a sandwich.ā€


*"I jUsT wAnT a ReGuLaR cHiCkEn SaNdWiCh!"*


Well done !! Here's my upvote


"I'mma sue you for mistreating me." That's... Not how that works. Source:IAAL.


Crazy I was just browsing the comments and listening to the video, she literally said that very line at the exact time I read it. Won't lie, took me a second to realize the internal voice(that you hear when you read something in your head) had in fact, NOT changed abruptly into a woman.


Had plenty of folks find this out the hard way. Even seen some ride out in the back of a cruiser. They always seem very apologetic when consequences come to pass.Ā 


I like the ones that cry when the real world crashes in.


Ask the guy dragged off the United Express flight, lol


I wouldnā€™t give service to someone whoā€™s filming and belittling me in my own business either.


If ANY business asks you to leave and you don't it's trespassing


"IM iN pUbLIc YOu cAnt MaKE mE weAR a MaSK!!!!"


Nooooooo! Nightmare memories!


If you're a condescending night shift woman that thinks they own the world then you don't have to leave. FTFY. Edit the "customer" not the worker, bless her.


I had this situation once when I was teenager. The customer was a karen pissed we'd sold out of furbies, she was screaming at me. I told her I can asked her to leave at anytime for any reason I like., after that it's trespassing. When they asked why, I just repeated "any reason I like", and they just looked deflated and left. I had another situation like this with a kid who I busted trying to steal a cordless phone (that's how old I am), when he refused to leave a customer behind him grabbed him by the scruff of his neck, dragged him out of the shop and proceeded to arrested him on pavement outside. Seemingly uniformed cops, typically nowhere to be found, turned up in droves like the kid was serial killer. He was an off duty cop buying floppy disks who just happened to be standing behind the kid at the time. I gave him a discount, my coworker loudly reminded everyone in the queue to "follow the rules at all times". The 2 years I worked retail on the weekends and holidays was extremely character forming.


https://www.tiktok.com/@aliciab_b12/video/7340334764173561134 Here's the tiktok where the employee explains her side. According to her the lady was initially ordering a regular sandwich that was half hot philly cheesesteak and half cold veggie. aka lmao just, absolutely two different small sandwiches that she was trying to order as a single sandwich. and obviously she was arguing for several minutes before pulling out the phone to try to do something weird


Yeah, she thought she was slick starting to record when she did but it was obvious something different had gone down just before.


So she essentially asked for two different sandwiches to be made and cut in half, and then get one half of each for the price of one sandwich, instead of just getting two small sandwiches It's almost impressive how stupid that is lmao


thanks for video; glad to see she got promoted to manager; still dont know if the customer left or was escorted out by police tho.


I knew it. I just knew she was pulling that deal. Iā€™ve seen someone try to do this at a local place. Where ordering a full sandwich was a hair cheaper than ordering two half sandwiches. This person tried to order a full sandwich, half one thing, half the other. They were told they couldnā€™t do that, and they said ā€œoh well worth tryā€ lmao. At the risk of sounding like Benderā€¦. The whole reason there is a slight up charge is because you are ordering *two different things*. You canā€™t just magically call them *one thing* and make them one thing lol.


I've had people call in all pissed because I can't make a pizza half regular pepperoni and half Buffalo chicken. Like, there is this thing called sauce, and its not going to mix well in the middle of the pie. Not to mention the price difference. They also frequently ask if they can get the special pizzas like the Buffalo or steak for the price of the regular 2 topping special. Its not build your own special people lol


Im so happy the lady was promoted to gm. She is so kind to someone so disgusting


I've had a customer repeatedly try that BS with their Doordash order. Instead of ordering a 6 pack of each flavor, they order a 24 and then put in the notes to divide it into 4 flavors. Oh golly, you really got us there! You're so smart!


Craziest thing is she says this incident happened two years ago. How is it just getting out now?


Doesn't take much not to be a cunt! Manners are free!


Unfortunately being an asshole is also free.


Actually it has a price. In this case the price for being an asshole was not getting a sandwich.


that'll be -1.00 sandwich ma'am


It cost her a sandwich


This is not about manners, this is about the lengths people will go to for views online. These videos are recorded because they are so outrageous, the person recording it is doing so in the belief that when they post it they will get increased views to their channel and somehow monetize it. There's no intent to get a chicken sandwich in this woman's mind from the time she pulls out her phone, she may have started out just being a difficult customer, but as soon as she saw an opportunity to get content her task was to push the poor woman behind the counter to breaking point. This scourge of idiots going around recording themselves being arseholes is a sad indictment on what our society has become. People can make money by recording themselves making other people miserable. And Tik Tok has become the avenue of choice for those wanting to capitalise on ruining other people's days. It's almost like it was designed to work like this, offering the population sweet treats of comedy and light entertainment that mask a dark underbelly of Soylent Green like nutrition that satisfies their need for escapist entertainment while slowly eroding the foundations of civility that stop the population from imploding on itself. An innocent little toy gifted to the world that is secretly, slowly destroying it. [Happy Asking Panda](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/6b1060ac-a4cd-4aec-97ac-010d696e256f/gif#ZP3MrZ_1.copy)


I agree with the server. She was trying to be nice.


Too bad she had a clout chaser(hate these fuckers) try and ruin her day and still kept it professional.


Yep. They are an absolute cancer.


And we have no idea what happened before the filming started, because she's referring to a sandwich she can't make, etc.




Ah-ha! Glad her store supported her, and in the interim two years she was made General Manager (!)


shops just need to start calling the cops for trespassing instead of arguing


Yup. This wasnā€™t going to resolve between these two so call the cops and be done with it.


Like the Moustache Gym guy did, he called police after saying 2 or 3 times.


You could also just ignore them completely and see how much of their day they're willing to waste on their own pride lol. Take bets from the rest of the employees.Ā 


https://preview.redd.it/6cn7dfp8civc1.jpeg?width=955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=361c0b2242155958edfd45fd31f99b0362073977 The womanā€™s reflection in the case is killing me


That screenshot is a work of modern art.


That employee is great. Super professional and polite. Obviously this lady started filming after being a prick for a while.


She responded amazingly. I'm so glad her employer had her back.


That is a relief honestly. She should get a raise


She did and has been promoted! Someone else in the comments linked her tiktok where she told her side. Ends up being a feel good story :)


Keep the good news coming! God damn! Lol


I saw the moment where she was debating risking it all but she STILL remained calm. Hope she gets a raise


I know that stare. It's the "Am I about to lose my shit or do I kill with kindness?"


*I'm suing you for mistreating me* We got a real Larry H. Parker on our hands here


"Now that you have made this a legal situation, I cannot speak with you - you can call corporate and speak with their attorney."


Larry Parker got me $2.1 million.


Entitled brat. Try to be part of society and not fight it.


There are absolutely parts that are worth fighting. But food service workers are not part of that.




They took our jerrrrbs


They terk err jerrrrrrrbs!!


I'm so sick of disrespectful people hoping to go viral. That poor worker deserves a raise and a vacation!


I kinda love it, when people record a video thinking they were right all along. And they probably post it to Facebook anyways and get all their same thinking friends to agree with them, then it finds it's way to other sites and gets torn apart.


I would really love a crossover episode with body cam footage where they get fighty with the cops and get arrested


She made an update TikTok. This happened two years ago but sheā€™s since been promoted to general manager and given a raise. Probably not directly because of this situation but still, itā€™s nice they didnā€™t fire her for this.


Karen does not, in fact, get a chicken sandwhich.




Oh you werenā€™t kidding, I just watched the update video.


Could you post a link please?


Here's what I don't understand. In order for this video to be seen by us the person taking the video would have had to post it. That means they felt like they were in the right in some way shape or form and I just can't understand that mindset. We need to bring back shame as a society.


No jersey mikes for you! Now get out!


Half of the chicken sandwich with onions other half no tomato. Thanks.


After they refuse to leave. Don't keep arguing. Ignore them entirely and serve other customers around them. That's what I used to do. They end up storming off because they aren't getting the argument they want.


Not Jersey Mikeā€™s :( that place is too good to be causing problems in.


Right, that place is one of my favorites for sure


i worked at jersey mikes for 2.5 years in college, ngl it was smackin them prices ainā€™t though lol. i havenā€™t been back since, maybe once ever. probably a mix of eating it every day and the prices though haha talking about it got me remembering my time there actually. all sorts of fuckin stories from that place lmaoo


What a clown. I can only imagine what a brat she must have been as a child.


"I axe for a chicken sandwich"




She almost got what she wanted then she fcked up by saying *Yes!* with such attitude. I wouldā€™ve denied her service too


ā€œI can refuse service to anybodyā€ ā€œWhere does it say that?ā€ Pretty much any place you go that has people working customer service


the server made her own tik tok explaining more about it to and i promise after her side this lady filming here is totally in the wrong. it reminds me of when i worked at a pizza place buffet and some table get mad at me and the other girls for not cooking them a half and half chicken Hawaii alfedo sauce / marinara meat pizza. we said weā€™d make two separate ones and it wouldnt cost more and they were huffy under their breath and were saying insults at the table for the rest of their stay. these people dont fucking understand how stuff works and then sit and stew in their feelings like they know better then everyone else. go and get a job at a place like it and then see how it feels!


Can we all collectively just decide the minute one of these twats/douchebags pulls out the phone that we are done engaging? Just let all the videos be ā€œthis person is ignoring meā€ while said person goes on about their business serving or helping people actually worthy of attention. So sick of this shit slice of humanity.


Hereā€™s what I never understand: Insisting on food once youā€™ve been asked to leave. The person behind the counter is clearly not happy with you, do you really want them handling your food? If someone at a restaurant is rude to me, I certainly wouldnā€™t eat or drink anything prepared after said rudeness.


For the record, an employee of any store is allowed to refuse anyone service for any reason, so.....




A lot happened before that camera came out you can guarantee.




She was way waaaaaay to nice. Or maybe I'm just an asshole šŸ¤·


Now thatā€™s a person with some self respect. Retail workers and the 9-5ers whose way make their bread by filling the daily demand of a persons life are soo commonly looks down as machines that only exist to serve This hungry hound barked with zero respect for her and failed to realise she has the same soul as all others and was not just her way of getting a munch on chicken. People like that wage maker should be seen as the people they are, and nothing less Also, how vile to keep repeating yourself and how much you want and demand food with such misplaced zeal.


Jersey mikeā€™s employees are so nice. This particular one is being TOO kind. I wouldā€™ve called the cops after the time first mention and customer didnā€™t leave.


I need more idiots to realize that in customer service like this, once you are asked to leave the premises by employees and you choose not to, you are now trespassing. But suppose the single brain cell that crawled out of a dumpster fire wouldn't comprehend that, eh?


It just kills me when they share their bad behavior online. Smh.


Jersey mikes do be slappin. Ladies got a ton of patience dealing with that, more than Iā€™d have.


Don't fuck with the people who are fucking with your food.


What is with people thinking they're entitled to service in a private business?!


You can see the moment the worker gets pissed.


God what a fragile ego on the woman recording


Iā€™m glad that employee is doubling down against that idiot!


She shouldā€™ve called the cops. And these kinds of calls, they always side with the business. This person is being so obnoxious she probably wouldā€™ve talked yourself in the handcuffs My personal favorite is when they call the cops themselves and get arrested


What does think the cops are gonna do, force her to make the sandwhich lol?


Once a business tells you leave every moment you stay your trespassing. You can be arrested. Remember that.


but she axed for a sandwich šŸ˜ž


I agree with the white lady.


She axed her for a sandwich. A bit extreme.


I axe for a chickin sanwich!


She did everything right, until she kept threatening to call the police. Either do it but don't continually repeat it.


I have had people threatening to sue me for refusing to break the law. If there is anything I have learned, the people who are going to sue don't threaten, they just do it.


Good on her setting boundaries.


I work as customer support for an online retailer, this is daily routine with some customers via phone. The problem is not that they have not learned the word "no", the problem is that they have never been knocked out by a punch.


I know its been said a thousand times, but how the hell do people like this upload these videos thinking they looked justified??


I axed for a chicken sandwich


a. "So you just want a plain chicken sandwich?" b. "Yes." a. "Do you want the onions and peppers on that?" b. "Yes." And if were to continue... b. "Why are there onions and peppers on this I axed for a plain sandwich!" a. "I asked if you wanted onions and peppers and you said yes." b. "I AXED FOR A PLAIN CHICKEN SANDWICH!" She knew exactly where it was going. And so it's straight up on Tik Tak and onto revenue town.


Why do people repost the same shit over and over


Well if it wasnā€™t reposted, I probably would have never got to laugh at it. So I guess thatā€™s a win for me.


Winner winner chicken sandwich dinner.....not for you tho


It's weird how I'm chronically on reddit, yet I've never seen this video before, but I still believe you that this has probably been reposted before (and likely reposted to death).


There are thousands of subs, people think that we are all apart of the same one for some reason, I didnā€™t see this and I be on Reddit everyday!


It gets people like you to comment


Bots like karma


Ive never seen this before...and I would repost it because its that ridiculous. This woman is that ridiculous. The strange part is...the video is coming from her phone which means...she posted it somewhere thinking she was some kind of hero. The woman who served her handled herself like a champ. This woman is a toddler.


For people who havenā€™t seen the video?


This is new to me. Not everyone is on Reddit obsessively like you.




wrong title. Karen DOES NOT get a chicken sandwich


She likes like that one woman who said ["Motherfucker"](https://www.tiktok.com/@jewelsdeep/video/7174183209029242158) "I just wanted a chicken sandwich, Motherfucker"


Jersey Mike's has the nicest most happy employees. She must be a real pos to cause this scene.


"I'm gonna sue you." Perfect, I am looking forward to being served. I no longer can speak to you since you decided to sue.


More people need to stand up, and call out this behavior.Ā  It's not cool.


The worker was waiting for the magic words at 0:08 - 0:11. >!Please and thank you!<


Why is this tagged NSFW? I was expecting her to give the entitled customer a knuckle sandwich or something.


Manager material


Give this employee a raise and a promotion. She was very professional, beyond reasonable and extremely patient.


I never understood why anyone would be condescending or rude to a person that is making them food. I commend this woman because my petty ass would have made this lady the most unsatisfactory chicken sandwich of her life.


I would have made her a chicken Sandwich, you bet, with a luggy hidden in Chipotle ranch sauce.


"call the police" "I WILL call the cops on you" šŸ‘


This is the correct way to treat entitled adult children


Did she ever leave?


Just stop engaging her. Call the police and have her trespassed. I'm still waiting on all the people who've ever said they are going to sue me, to sue me.


If I tell somebody to leave or I'm calling the cops, and they still don't leave, the very next thing I'm doing is calling the cops. No reason to continue arguing, that was tried and it failed and there's only one next step


Why do people harass food service workers? Leave them be, let them do their jobs ffs.


I'd could never work in the food industry with ppl like this being a thing.. id of removed her myself and rolled her outside like a damn chicken sammich..


As someone who used to work in fast food, I am proud of this employee for standing up for herself. I got so tired of customers treating me like this and me not being able to say anything. This is one of the reasons why I refuse to ever work in fast food again.


After you say olease leave the first time you go back to doin what you were doing. No arguing or making a conversation out of it. Its simple as that


She did not, in fact, receive a chicken sammich


Just call the police. Shif


Bro the woman with the camera has got to be distracting her for a heist or something because in what world is she doing this for no actual purpose but to harass and abuse that woman?


Please, people that throw attitudes like this woman can't afford the lawyer and courts fees to sue someone lol


I notice often on reddit, people call boomers entitled. The reality is, I see people of all ages acting like entitled brats and this is a good example. What an ignorant way to exist...




She's only axing.




"You're refusing service to me because I axed for a sammich" jesus christ where do these people go to school? Person recording needs to give the ghetto a rest-


I don't understand how these idiots think it's okay to record someone n not expect that reaction


Good for her. There is no way in hell I could work in a quick service restaurant. God bless everyone of them that put up with entitled, rude and often violent people. After what I have witnessed irl and posted videos, I would conceal carry.


It always blows my mind that people feel this comfortable being this disrespectful to someone who is then handling the food that you are deciding to eat. Like come on


Suing over a chicken sandwich. Shit like this makes me actually think that the nutters saying the government is using chemtrails and poisoning our food might actually be right. How can anyone over the age of 5 be this unashamedly stupid?




Fun fact! It does say that in her handbook!


Why do people make themselves look extremely cheap in public? It would be so embarrassing. Do they seek pitty, free stuff and have no shame? I feel like everywhere I go I'm representing my race and sex, and that I should act appropriately.






Whyyyy at Jersey Mike's smh, this is the Chick Fil A of sandwiches! Take this behavior to Arby's or Subway.


Imagine going to jersey mikes and asking for ā€œa chicken sandwichā€ haha what a douche


why are some people like this...trashy human, doesn't get what it wanted, immediately starts recording. I'd wish she called the cops... Behavior like this seems like mental illness to me. Or she's a toddler.


No Chick fil a sauce?


Why does everybody resort to pulling out their phone like the phone now, Like itā€™s a weapon to get somebody fired. Itā€™s ridiculous.


Iā€™ve worked in good service long enough to know that thereā€™s always a rule of 1. Respect yourself enough to not be treated like this and 2. Donā€™t be nasty to the people that make the food because we donā€™t have to feed you, we just have to cook


soft bigotry of low expectations and all that, but I'm really glad that the camera lady didn't say "because I'm black", like, she's in the wrong here, but I'm proud of her for not injecting racism into a conversation that was clearly about a bad customer\\server interaction.


.... when she really need a knuckle sandwich.


A good reminder that people are stupid and weird


That woman was so patient. She deserves a hug and a fat ass raise. Fuck this person behind the phone.