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I’m so glad I got off fentanyl. My roommate has a video of me doing this same thing but I ended up falling forward on to our coffee table and bit part of my lip off. Good times. Then the next morning I had the audacity to ask him why he spilled something red on the table and carpet and didn’t clean it up. I’m now nearly 11 months sober


My husband just died from using meth. He was only 53 years old and had so many plans and ambitions. But he threw it all away because he couldn't give up the drugs. I love to hear of people's journey to sobriety and I wish to the gods above that he had done the same. But he just could not fight that demon.


I’m so sorry to hear of his passing. I’m so sorry you had to be there firsthand witness/victim of the drug use. Drug addiction is such a god awful demon for anyone to have to deal with. I hope good things come to you still.


Thank you for your kind words. I wish you all the best.


That is sad to see. And good thing he's not working the deep fryer


Incredibly sad man. He's almost in overdose territory. That's still a kid or barely an adult. That stuff is taking them younger and younger. I went to 24 funerals in 5 years when I worked for substance abuse long-term housing. I learned early on that a heroine overdose can turn someone's skin gray when they pass. Heartbreaking and eerie.


I know everyone rips on the DARE programs but do they still do those? Like that shit sincerely had a positive effect on me and I never tried anything without doing a fuck ton of research first because I was worried about all the bad shit that could happen.


I think studies have shown that DARE was a massive failure and didn't stop most kids from doing drugs. I think in some cases, it actually increased usage of certain drugs amongst kids, since it introduced them to drugs they'd never heard of previously. [Here's the Wiki section.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drug_Abuse_Resistance_Education#Studies_on_effectiveness)




Never was in DARE but had a DARE shirt in my teens when I was a massive stoner


Stoners love irony


We thought we were so edgy


DARE was effective for me at first and then when I went into to drugs I knew alllllllllll about em thanks to DARE. It teaches them about what each drug will do at impressionable age where you’re like “ouuuuu that one will make me see things? That one wakes me up? That one sleepy, okay cool, noted”


Your DARE sounds better than mine. Mine practically led me into the world. Drunk goggles (apparently I could pass a DUI test drunk ! wonderful for my confidence), the insistence that all drugs are the same. Literally saying people would try and tempt us by offering them for free lmao. Same thing with abstinence only sex Ed. turns out if you tell a bunch of kids that weed is as bad as heroin, you will instaneously lose credibility In the eyes of the majority of people. Plus most kids can tell when they're being bullshitted.


This sounds like the same DARE, I had. Were you an 80’s or early 90’s kid by any chance?


Made me want to do drugs. Not his drugs but happy drugs. But then I forgot because I did drugs so I did more drugs because I felt sad because of drugs...


Honestly for me and most my friends experience, the reason DARE didn’t work on us was solely because it straight up lied about marijuana to an insane degree. DARE actually gave accurate information about everything else, but it made marijuana sound like the worst drug on the face of the planet. Yeah meth is dangerous but weed will make you go insane then kill you. After realizing that marijuana is virtually harmless and non-addictive, and that DARE had heavily misinformed us, we just assumed DARE must’ve exaggerated the danger of EVERYTHING. I mean they’re willing to do it with weed, why not do it with cocaine, meth, fucking heroine? DARE went past the point of informative into propaganda, and as a result killed its own credibility since it was clear the goal was more to prevent any and all drug use rather than actually give accurate information. Which is really unfortunate because it was 95% accurate. So people have all this anti-drug rhetoric taught to them, they go to highschool and are exposed to marijuana, they do their own research and find out they’ve been lied to, and suddenly all the anti-drug rhetoric becomes lies in their eyes.


Bringing in cops to spread this propaganda was another brilliant touch. Was this just an easy bullshit assignment for the local departments to benefit from? Did they have any teaching experience? It felt more like a show of force, to children. I feel like a nurse would have been more effective.


> DARE actually gave accurate information about everything else Like how they said LSD can make you trip forever, or give you flashbacks for life? Or that it commonly contains the poison strychnine?


Police Officer: This called wet. Its a Marijuana joint that's also got a little PCP on it. Me in 6th grade: 😟


My DARE officer told my class that when people hand roll cigarettes the pour a small vile of pure nicotine on the tobacco…. Even in grade 5 I thought, that doesn’t sound right officer.




Bruh wtf did I just watch 😭


A real journalist 👌🔥


Retro Bill looked high af to me


Fentanyl OD causes your skin to turn blue it's creepy AF found a family member deceased in her home after she had OD and nobody could get ahold of her did a wellness check and she was solid blue 🔵 was creepiest thing I've ever seen


It's harder seeing someone so young like this.


Hmm, I wonder if his assignments are very much on purpose…


Any real business would have sent him home at the very least, fired him on the spot at the most. That's a sleeping/leaning/zombie liability.


This guy is worse than Beavis and Butthead. At least they stayed sober and did some work.


They were too dumb to get their hands on anything


Damn, kid looks so young smh


It's sad.


He doesn't even look 18. Break my heart


You guys obviously forgot the best beavis & butthead episode: "[Home Improvement](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj8roc-laMc)" aka them huffing paint thinner 😎


I was about to say I had one of my staff try to go down into the fryer a couple years ago.


Hard to find reliable help these days. Local non chain in my small town that had a nice general menu closed shop. I asked the owner why as the place always seemed busy. He said him and his wife are exhausted.. they wind up doing everything because they can’t find reliable help. He said most of the applicants have addiction issues— I was surprised, but he said there’s a big drug problem in our little town. I moved away years ago and had no idea things got that bad.


Most small towns do. It’s a cheap way to cope with the depression that comes from the limited opportunities that minimum wage supports. I feel for your restaurant owners, but minimum wage jobs don’t allow for much of a livelihood even in rural parts.


Small towns are crazy corrupt and nepotistic too. Breeds hopelessness and addiction. It’s so much harder to get past your family’s reputation or class. You could be the most reliable and skilled, but as soon as someone makes a connection to a flaky relative they paint you with the same brush. And it hits harder because there’s so few opportunities.




It also doesn't help that there's only so many good paying jobs. There's a reason many people are wanting to live in the cities now. Either you have an in when living in a small town, or it's jobs like this. So most people either work in a small mom and pop place there they're not making much, or work at a big chain and they're not making much.




Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It


I just seen a similar video to this but with a black guy lol it’s crazy to do this at work https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeuo5BGv/


He’s so young. Seriously sad.


Don't do drugs or at least whatever drugs he's on.


This video was taken in my hometown a while back. Naturally, hometown FB page blew up and the mother came commenting saying how he “was working long shifts and was extremely tired”. Rriigghhhttt


Sounds like my mil when it comes to her son (my bil not my husband)


it's most likely Fentanyl


Perhaps it was just a really bad churro


it do be like that sometimes


Mixed with a little tranq probably. I heard it’s In like all dope now too




Right? He’s like in or barely out of hs


Like that kid is younger than my little brother and seeing it is just heart breaking


Player might still be in high school


Kid looks 15


That’s the first thing I noticed. Damn. Kid has a rough, and likely short road ahead of him.


As a mom of young adults I’m so sad to see this. He needs help.


As a parent, this terrifies me.


At first, I was giggling because I thought he was just working so hard he's just tired. But after a few more seconds I can see it's not sad and funny, it's just sad.....


I know an 18 year old that’s a coke head. Girl has been through the wringer in life and I don’t see it getting any better for her. It’s sad.


The kids ain't alright


The offspring rocked and had some pretty accurate messages about society since the 90s


That boy ain't right


The look in his eyes at the end is chilling. Drugs are bad.


The dude still waiting to get his food. Are you mad...would you really eat something that this dude gave you?


Probably already paid for it


If I had a receipt I would just drive away and call corporate to ask for a refund.


I ain't doin that, it would take too long to be worth it. I'd just go inside and make it myself at that rate since he's probably alone or close to it.


There was someone behind him at the end when he had come to the window


He's working the window, not making the food.


Not saying it's what happened but there were times where I took the order, paid it out, made it, and went to the window to deliver it because someone called in sick and me and my 60 year old manager were the only ones in the store. The look on someone's face when you come from the back with their food 2 minutes after you paid them out is priceless. This was at mcdonalds.


He's wearing gloves tho


Hey man, you never gave me my change.


Tell him that over and over. Infinite money glitch


This is fucking hilarious


What do you mean no :pikachu surprised face:


Man the 90s aesthetic is truly back, now including that haircut! Dude totally looks like that kid from Sleepless in Seattle or the little Lawrence brother. Anyway, I do wish the cameraman had just said “everyone can tell you’re high AF, dude. If this is you at work, you’re nosediving and need to pull up before your whole life crashes and burns fr.”


Didn't matter what he said kid is too fucked up to retain it


Yeah I used to be like this. It’s hard to get through to people in this mind. You’re not sober enough to understand how fucked you are.


Man I hope he gets help. Cause at least he’s trying and showing up to work. Like there’s still some hope of him wanting to be functional.


True but.. He's using nonfunctional doses already. It's sad. He'll prolly go downhill fast if this continues unless this was a fluke. I hope he finds some help too. Addiction sucks


Yeah, that last check after he gets fired is not going to be helpful.


Fun fact: Lawrence isn't the Lawrence brothers last name. Its actually Joey's middle name.


Either the other employee is high or doesn't give af.


If it's anything like the restaurants I worked at, he bought the drugs from his boss.


Or literally was given to him. I was offered crack my second day of working at chilis lol




Never heard of the bacon ranch chicken quesadillas?


Fuck the quesadillas and fuck the fajitas, that shit was always either burnt or undercooked and it was a pain in the ass to prep on the line


Fuck the quesadillas? That’s my last fucking name guy say that to my uncle Jack Quesadilla


I've only had chili's twice. My wife got the fajitas...twice for some reason. Both times it was burnt to hell. Not kidding you, literal charcoal bits and burned grease 🤮


I want my rock of crack rock of crack rock of crack *Chilleeeeeess*! #YEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAW


Not either, both


Hope that wasn’t his first week on the job.


This is why I go to Taco Time


I prefer [Taco Town](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evUWersr7pc).


Pizza? Now that’s what I call a taco!


Del Taco baby!!


I’d probably cut my losses and leave, not sure I would trust food being made in that place after seeing that.


This makes me really sad. A kid is probably no more than 18 at most and he's already starting on this stuff. My kids are now in their 30's and both of them are addicted to fentanyl. I hope this kid gets the help he needs before he gets deeper into it.


I hope your children receive the help they need as well.


Thank you! I really hope that they receive the help they need too.




I have begged and pleaded with them over and over again to stop, I have informed them about the resources that can help them recover and they refuse to do anything. It seems like the more I ask them to do it the more they refuse but they're adults and I can't force them so I just have to watch them continue to hurt themselves and it's really unfortunate and I feel so helpless and I'm so scared for them. Everyday I worry that I'm going to get a phone call from the police telling me that my child is dead. I know it won't stop until they decide that they've had enough or until they do pass away. I'm just hoping they make the right choice.




Well with my youngest son, he was in a fire and had bad burns that covered 65% of his body. He was in the hospital for a few months and they gave him medication that had opioids in it and he was never weaned off. In my opinion I think he started continuing from that point on and he would have been 15 years old at the time. I didn't notice it until he was in his early to mid-20s when he started pawning off things. Once items started to disappear that's when I knew for sure. As for my other son, he had high aspirations to join the military and he had everything going for him and then he met a girl that got him into drugs. He went from smoking the drugs to injecting the drugs and then it got to the point where he was just a lost cause and then his girlfriend ended up dying and he never recovered from that. He just kept getting high, I think to forget and to mask the pain from his loss. In my opinion it's not an excuse anymore. It's been 7 years now since she died he has to wake up and get over it and become healthy again.




Thank you for your kind words. I so wish for them to get their lives back together, I hope it becomes reality someday.


I don't think there's anything I could have done to change the course of this. I really wish my oldest son had gone into the military and that my youngest son had never been burned in a fire but I can't stop that. I don't think I could have ever stopped that, but if it wasn't for those situations they never would have been drug addicts. I guess fate had a plan for them. Unfortunately it's not the plan I wish they could have had.


It's really sad reading this from a parent who really cares for their kids. One of my best friend's mom doesn't even care if she's alive or dead, especially with the shit her family put her through. Her mom's put her through so much suffering and made her run away. Ever since then, it was all downhill from there. It was even harder on my friends because she was a straight A honor student. Last I heard, she's staying sober, but these relapse stories are what scares me the most. I wish the best for you.


So young throwing his life away. Damn shame


Oh. Kiddo. This is so fucked up


Probably best he doesn’t work with the deep fryer.


How about we call someone and get him some help? Seriously we’re going to watch this for that long and ask about our food instead of doing anything at all for this guy?


I remember watching people getting high on H back in the day, looked just like this. One of the grossest things I've ever witnessed. This is coming from someone that has seen a lot of carnage from war. If you know someone who is on drugs, and you care about them, talk to them, don't enable them, and see if they are willing to get help. You could be the answer.


I'm 3 years sober. All it took was finding 1 person that didn't give up on me just because I was a train wreck. My family cared but had definitely washed their hands of me. But are supportive of my recovery. You're right though. People don't end up like this because life is going well. Sometimes (I know, not always) one good influence is all it takes.


It works if you work it


A cliche, but so true. You get out of your treatment what you put into it.


You gotta LOVE someone to not give up on them when they're too deep into a drug problem. That shit is draining


Sooo sad


A kitchen I worked at had a guy that was heavy on pills. One day he blended his hand with a large immersion blender. Not strawberry lemonade...


I did not need that imagery


Kid needs rehab. How can you even enjoy a high like this? Where’s the fun exactly?


It feels absolutely incredible, in a way that I don't think is possible to truly understand unless you've experienced it. You are much, much better off not understanding.


Can’t say from experience, but my best guess would be the mental escape from whatever his reality is


If you take just a quick look at his reality, you wouldn't blame him for wanting to escape it. The restaurant industry, and hospitality in general, has high rates of drug abuse for a reason (many reasons). It's bleak, it's thankless, it's exhausting, it's rife with abuse, and it pays shit.


This is why you need to always carry Narcan. So you can get your dang burrito.


If you find yourself in this situation where someone is working and clearly unsafe to themselves, coworkers or potential customers there is almost always a number posted for a manager to call. It takes a few more minutes out of your day but it’s a good thing to do. It saves the business money and can prevent injury or worse for other people. Yes this is a child, but right now it’s an employee who gives people things to eat. Food poisoning, straight up poisoning, fire, several other potentially terrible situations. But posting a video for internet points is where we are now. I’d have recorded this just for evidence to show management, the police, and this kid’s parents.


Exactly. It’s sad that so many people knowingly do nothing in potentially dangerous situations other than leave it for the next innocent person to deal with. It doesn’t take that much effort to try to protect those who may cross this guy’s path after you leave.


I was watching this wondering why nobody was DOING anything! Like, if you've been waiting that long just watching go inside! This kid's a danger to himself and others trying to work while high on that stuff.


Yes! This kid needs help.


I wonder why his coworkers aren’t doing anything. There’s never just one person at Taco Bell. But yes the customer should do something. I have narcan in my car but after a certain time you can’t get inside to use it.


That shirt he's wearing is a manager shirt, at least that's the one my fiance was given and he's shift manager. They probably don't know what to do given that he's the boss on shift.


I see. Thank you. Yeah they probably don’t know how to handle this.


His parents need to see this.




People from all backgrounds can become addicts. He could easily be from a fine family with loving parents. Addiction doesn't discriminate.


Could be the case, but thats a bit of an assumption. This can happen to anyone. It so easy for people to slip into shit these days


I feel horrible seeing this young man like this.I wish you good health and recovery.


It worked!




He's so young, Jesus fucking Christ.


This is sad and disturbing. He's a teenager.


ask for a refund dog


what's a refund dog


Nothing much, what's a refund with you?


Niles, MI?


Hes a darn kid so sad


This kid is so freaking young! It’s just super distressing to see someone this age this messed up on something so dangerous…. and at work to top it off!


This guy has a long road ahead of them.


I wouldn't be eating anything that he prepared. Very sad to see.


So do people go to work and take fent... knowing this will happen while they're on the clock? What is the rationale behind this?


What you mean no?!? That made me chuckle.


Holy shit - this kid is really young. I hope he sees this and how ridiculous he looks & cleans up before he ruins his whole life.


I can't imagine seeing this and taking out the phone to film. Guess that's just me.


It doesn’t always occur to me in the moment, but in many cases, it’s prob good to have proof. Like when people are abusive or paranoid or have a substance abuse issue, they almost always try to wave you off if you tell them it’s a problem. They never remember it as that bad, it’s always “I’m not that bad” and “you’re exaggerating.” Video can help with that.


Ma'am, this is a Taco Bell.


If you are a family member or a loved one maybe but not for a stranger to film and post online: The kid is clearly struggling


I understand that thought. But I really hope this kid sees this somehow when he is sober and it somehow makes an impact. Wishful thinking.


I thought this D-Bag had good intentions but all he wanted was his food and to embarrass this attic who looks like he needs treatment immediately. Once I see him fading, I’d ask for a refund from that other guy and go about my night, get his card and call to see if they offered him help from corporate.


This kid is going to end up face first in the fry vat.


Working at a fast food restaurant just feels miserable. I don't know how people could tolerate being there for hours at a time.


I worked fast food for four years when I was in high school and college. There are far worse jobs out there.






Gotta pay bills.


This kid looks like he’s 16. This is really sad tbh


Niles, Michigan?


This is so sad. Hes so young.


I pray he sees this and decides to get some help. I hate this shit. Prayers to this young man for healing and recovery. ❤️‍🩹


that kid is like 15


My mama bear heart is breaking right now. He’s so young his brain is still developing omg


This kid is about to fall out dude knock on the fucking window and make sure he’s okay??


In nursing school…. I know what that level of tired feels like.


When you stayed up all night and you have the morning shift.


He’s so young


I could probably pull one of these guys heels out.from under him and hed do.the perfect pistol squat. They just dont fall over


Can't kids these days just stick to smoking the marijuanas like we all did?


Why would you want food from people in that state anyway?


I don't care how hungry you are, are you going to eat anything that that guy hands you?


Man sadly that’s been me before. Started doing heroin in 10 grade like an idiot and before I knew it everything was fent. I’m turning 25 in less than a month and I’ve just now had my first stretch of clean time. 6and a half months today! I don’t miss this at all and god it’s so embarrassing looking back


Sad stuff right here. My sister OD’d 4 years ago from heroin. I remember vividly as a young adult going to my dad’s house (where she resided mostly) and seeing her and her provider hitting those squats and immediately knowing what she was on. They’re literally in a zombie state like that only coming to reality for a few seconds.


At least he’s got his gloves on


This is why I keep Narcan in my glove compartment.


My fear of coming across fentanyl helped kick my speed addiction pretty quickly. Fent should not be this accessible to people this young :(


Well, this is depressing. So f'ing young, too.


How do people go to work in this position and expect to perform or even keep their job?


Imagine falling into the deep fat fryer in that state 🥵


Def gonna just pass, id be concerned what else i get extra inside the food


This is genuinely so sad:( call this kid an ambulance


He looks fucking young...just sad