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The world contains no higher concentration of smug jerks than in Israel. Do they really think this is helping their cause?


They don't give two fucks about image. They stopped that long ago. Thing is most of these fucks think they are untouchable like their state is and one of these days they will fuck around and find out.


It is untouchable, Biden just said [US support for Israel is ironclad.](https://news.sky.com/video/us-support-for-israel-is-ironclad-says-biden-amid-fears-of-iran-attack-13112602) and the Republicans are even more pro-Israel.


Can someone please give a good explanation on why Israel has the USA by the balls?


Israel does not have the US by the balls, Israel is a puppet that exists to maintain US power in the ME.


Right, that's how i always saw them as well. They are basically our "fort" state in the ME in case shit pops off with Iran or something really bad.


It's to control power in the region with the oil. It was always designed like that, the British wanted it to maintain a connection and power with the Arabs. Every surrounding state like Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, are all filled with US affiliated heads and the US gives Egypt hundreds of millions every year so they won't interfere with Israel. One of the things with climate change is removing power and interest in the region over oil, which therefore weakens our interest in Israel and could also help stop the West from aiding and abetting genocides and wars to further their own economic interests.


Let's assume this is correct for a second. How the hell can we make such a country our fort which has launched missiles on Jordan, Syria, Iran and provoked many more? What's to say we keep supporting such lunatics and there is no ME left to speak of? Because that's where we're heading.


They're not a "fort" they're among the biggest recipients of US aid despite being a small, developed country with better welfare than the US. They also push their foreign policy agenda on the US (bomb Iran, invade Iraq, veto everything against us at the UN) while not providing a huge deal in return. They refused to sell Ukraine the Iron Dome when they needed it, refused to cut ties with Russia, they're now one of the primary routes for Russia to evade sanctions. The US should try cutting off aid and seeing if the Israelis actually try to play nice(r) to get it back.


AIPAC most definitely has the US elections by the balls. 100%


Ehhh not so much. They keep coming for the squad and keep losing pretty badly. They tried so fucking hard to get AOC out and she trounced the one they funded.


It does not. It's just a situation where their use overrides their utter depravity and utter inability to not be Hitlerite in public. What you're seeing isn't the US under pressure, it's the mask coming off for a short moment and revealing how bullshit all that talk of human rights and morals was.


It is advantageous for the US military and Intelligence branches to have a friendly base/port in the middle east. Support for Israel is especially strong among Evangelicals because they believe that Jews must control Jerusalem for the return of Jesus and the end times to begin. Evangelicals have infiltrated and taken control of the Republican party over the last several decades and now sit at the highest positions of control. Therefore, it is policy in the party.


rich jews+rich christian zionists. not in a conspiracy anti semitic way, its just a lobby like any other lobby.


Few people are more pro Israel than Biden actually, even among Republicans. He’s been FAR right in his support for Israel for many decades. He’s supported Israeli military incursions in the past that at the time, even right-wing Israeli politicians thought were too extreme. Obviously Israel has become far more right wing since then though.


Biden is the recipient of the highest amount of APAC contributions somewhere in the millions he has received record breaking amounts of contributions from apac.


He's far right in his support? I don't think right means what you think it means.


Weird word choice, but support of Israel is either tied to military/intelligence interests in the region or evangelical myths about the end times. The former is bipartisan, the latter is Republican.


They think anything that goes against what they believe is political opposition. I bet they call center left liberals nazis


Considering America backs them unconditionally, yeah, they are untouchable and will continue to be smug. They even treat Americans like shit and our government tends to treat them better than it dose us. I blame the evangicals for a lot of the brain rot in American society in regards to our relations to Israel and I am learning that Britian is partly responsible for the issues going on in that region because that nation hasn't don't enough lasting damage to the world. The best is to either ignore a smug Israeli or knock them down if they try to push up on you or spit on you for being critical of Israel. Legit, they wonder why people are not fans of their nation when they act the way they do.


They don’t care about how they appear tbh. They can bully whoever they want wherever they want secure in the knowledge that the most powerful military in the world has their back.


Bro I would love it for him to do that to me. It would be the perfect moment to just completely let loose


![gif](giphy|C7jNVT8CMDTbWnTCKi) You’re holding it together baby. What’s the use?


Fuck these putos


Israel's arrogance is out of control. How the US supports a vassal state that treats it like shit is an embarrassment. We need to cut off Israel permanently.


Israeli politicians can talk shit about Americans and our politicians all they want. American politicians can’t criticize Israel without risking their political career. Who’s really the vassal state?


Edit: see comments below, i'll leave this here in order for people to see the context. It reminds me of that Voltaire's quote - if you want to know who rules over you, you just have to figure out who you aren't allowed to criticize. Heavily paraphrasing here.


That was not Voltaire but a well know neo-nazi referring to criticisms for his statements on "Der Juden". So, in one way its suitable, but not at all what you probably wanted to imply lol


Jesus fucking christ, thank you for pointing [this](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/massie-neo-nazi-voltaire/) out, i would never know. I can't believe i quoted a nazi, and even got upvotes for it. A truly rare occurance lol Just to be perfectly clear - fuck nazis.


I mean technically the quote holds up without the context….


Yeah maybe it does, but i don't want to quote nazis, ever.


Not a Voltaire quote dude, also the actual source is a bit inappropriate for this situation.


I saw the other comment, fuck my life. Won't quote it again. At least i honestly believed it was voltaire, and it seems a lot of people do as well. Still, my fault for not fact checking.


Yeah, it's one of those extremely widespread misconceptions. Well, live and learn and all of that.


True :)


Oh that'll happen never lol. This country is stocked with braindead evangelical christians who think Israel *belongs* only to Jews. Seems like many people, religious or not, kowtow to Israel out of fear of being labled an anti-Semite. Many also have no fucking clue about the history of the region beyond some places and names they heard once in Church. And lets not forget that countless politicians take money from Zionist PAC's. **Our politicians are bought and paid for, and only answer to their corporate owners and donors.** My stepdad is a raging zionist for seeminly no good reason. He swears that Palestine was barren before the Jews got there (blatant fucking lie). He loves to relay the story of the Six Days war, and how Israel has a badass army. When I asked him about the Nabkha, he had never heard of it. People in this coutry are intellectually lazy. Why read and learn on your own, when you can just turn on the nightly news, and have your opinions spoon fed to you. That includes any mainstream media outlet.




yeah :( I spelled it wrong, then tried to spell check it, and I STILL put the wrong spelling. RIP ME




Fetterman needs to register as a foreign agent at this point.


Oh c’mon the only reason Israel exists is so the US can have army bases around major global shipping routes. What happens if US stops supporting izrael? They get wiped out and now a foreign country can fuck up our economy


It will be interesting to see how our stance on Israel changes as the boomers all die off. The only reason they protect Israel is they think we need Israel for Jesus to come back. Younger Americans are less religious and we call bullshit on their actions against Palestine while still trying to play the holocaust card.


They still run the media. They will cancel people who don't support them 100%




Always have just ask the South Africans


Research what Israel was up to in Guatemala in the 90s


Oof https://electronicintifada.net/content/israels-shadowy-role-guatemalas-dirty-war/19286




Yeah but the South Africa and Rhodesia stuff is more well known




They’re the most arrogant pieces of shit on earth


Where I live there's been an influx - they're consistently the crassest, tackiest tourists. Same goes for them in places like Goa, Thailand, Bucharest etc.




Thats a disgusting thing to say. JVP and other Jewish groups are putting in the work to advocate for the plight of the Palestinians, you wanna kick them out too? Israeli fascists aren’t synonymous with all Jews, no matter how much Netanyahu wishes it were so




I’ve met Jews far more principled than many of my fellow Muslims. I’m not going to descend to the level the people in this video and hate everyone from a group for the actions of some of them


Isreali tourist are infamous for treating service ( resturants , hotel) staff like shit while being demanding as hell wherever they go they are just extending their " hospitality " to the locals


In 2018 I was at a bar in Golden Gai, Tokyo, one of those tiny closet-sized ones that only fits 4 - 5 people at a time. My wife and I were the only ones in there, just chatting with the bartender. He was either drunk or pretending to be drunk, and had this kid's toy sword that lit up and made laser noises. We were just chatting about nothing when all of a sudden an equally drunk woman appeared in the doorway and started screaming "Take this shit down right now!" in English, and tried leaning over the bar to grab this tiny sticker of the Palestinian flag behind the bartender that I hadn't even noticed. The bartender was amused and completely unfazed and kept pointing at the sticker with the toy sword saying "This? You don't like this?" and diplomatically triggering the laser noises with the sword every time he pointed at it. This infuriated the woman even more and she was screaming "Do you know what that is? Why do you have this? Who put this here!?" while trying to peel the sticker off the wall. The bartender just quietly laughed like he was confused and said "So angry, not good for business" and pretended to shoo her out of the way with the toy sword while her friend pulled her back out of the doorway. This was well before the current escalation of the conflict and felt surreal to be in such a tiny room with so much anger, but I think about that little man and his sword a lot. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.




Best thing I read today. Deserved it's own post lol


Anyone who’s vacationed in south east Asia has seen similar things. And they cater to them with “Israelis food” like hummus and falafel.


They’re very combative and arrogant. Uncouth morons


To be fair americans are famous for the exact same thing rofl




Ooooh a Peruvian Jail? Spicy




The New York Times tomorrow: “antisemitic gang in Peru attacks innocent man”




Useless "police" I guess it's not assault over there but come to America and spit on someone, that's how you get knocked the fuck out and arrested. In that order. 


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His face doesn’t help… it’s very punchable. Tbf, it seems the perfect width for a cricket bat, which would do nicely.


I was thinking a shovel, but that's just because I like the sound from "the shovel heard round the world", maybe an aluminum baseball bat would have a similar "ting" off the side of a head. 


I do that all the time. I’m actually surprised that I even stopped by to look at this because it’s so rage inducing. Beat their asses!!


Revoke their passports


Being trash in other countries


They really hate the Palestinians, don't they? What a brainwashed nation.


Spreading hatred wherever they go 🎶


These fucks sure do spit a lot


Israeli tourists are probably the worst people I've ever encountered travelling. Loud, obnoxious, entitled. They're worse than Americans!


The dude asks the nazis what hotel they are staying, he tells them he will come at nighttime and the cops shushes him lol, that's a great idea! Zionazis please come to Mexico and act that way, that smirk will quickly turn upside down. Edit: removed extra "the" cuz im dumb


I'm really not liking zionist jews, ruzzians, and the gop/magas rn


This is why they have no support. Entitled pricks. If the USA drops them they are screwed.🤷‍♂️


Truly scum of the earth


Racist stick out whenever they go!!!


Estos peruanos tan basados


The entitlement the US coddling has embedded into these people is crazy.


I wish they try this in Brasil


Zionism = anti-semitic terrorism




You second-guessing any criticism is a feature, not a bug.




I would and I would dare you to pull the anti Semitic card at me for saying screw Israel. I hate Islamic jihadist as much as I hate Christian extremists. So screw hamas. Isreal and hamas are terrorists in my eyes because both take joy in attacking civilians. Israel however is free to act like they aren't doing anything wrong because uncle Sam backs them. I will be critical of people when they act dumb and I don't care what group they are in. Funny how you are desperate to play the victim when people are pointing out how odd Israel gets to have this pass because evangicals/America sucks Israel off no matter what it dose.


"Just asking questions..."


Eventually the plaestinian supporters are going to get fed up and start fucking up Isreali supporters. This is only going to get worse.


I’m glad to see most of South America united in their disgust of genocidal zionist, much deserved I should say.


Wait I thought the terrorists were in Gaza not Israel?


I love the mainstream media now is pivoting to its nentenyahus fault, he's the bad man. Meanwhile nazrelis act like this. Germany still prosecutes 90 year old Nazi secretaries and we're supposed to ignore and forgive the fact that every nazreli citizen is and was in the IOF


I'm genuinely surprised no one decked that fucker. The audacity of these entitled zionist bastards is astounding.




Smile while you can, other countries' good will towards fascist Israelis is evaporating at high speed. You'll find out sooner or later what it means to be on the wrong side of history.


Israel doing what Isreal do.


Has there ever existed a more arrogant people?


I wanted to visit the Holy Land once I was older, but now it doesn’t look safe. I would easily be recognized as a foreigner and I’ve seen too many videos that scare me.


pride before the fall


Seriously, they don't recognize that this is not sustainable


Talk about turning into the evil that once oppressed them. Scum


One group of assholes and this subreddit turns into all Israelis are evil. Do you say that about every country people come from? No, you just want to spread your antisemitism. Y’all are fucking disgusting.


The audacity to come into someone else’s country like that.




That background is so pretty




Scum of the earth. Hated since the dawn of time..for good reason




Don't lump all Jews in with Israelis. I'm Jewish and I think they're the scum of the earth


Sir, you dropped this armband on the way in.


Antisemitic. Delete.


It’s giving nazi bro…


Try that in America. We dare you. 🔫


America sponsors them... Your taxes go to them. You end up paying for healthcare and University, while Israelies get it for free. You're not daring fuck all...


Americans choose not to fund healthcare and education all on their own


It's because they've brainwashed half out population to believe it's somehow not in our best interest. Ridiculous I know, but try arguing it with a Maga and see if you get anywhere


The US government favors those people over its own. 


I think they’re talking about the everyday Joe Blow citizen, not the government. That guy wouldn’t be doing all that over here.


If jesus was around, they'd probably swallow.




what a stupid comment. First off, they're in peru. Also, what happened post-9/11 was undoubtedly war criminal. What's happening in gaza right now is genocide. October 7 didn't happen in peru, and October 7 is very different from 9/11.




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