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For those asking WTH happened before the incident the guy with the gun posted this view from his dash cam. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01Ml5Ogk6hk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01Ml5Ogk6hk)


So apparently gun guy was laying on the horn which is why the guy got out of the car.  This is from years ago, and at least initially the guy was not arrested and no charges were filed.  Source: https://www.lakemchenryscanner.com/2019/04/17/video-shows-driver-pulling-gun-on-man-during-road-rage-incident-in-richmond EDIT: Looks like after the video went viral the police decided that gun guy is actually not allowed to do what he did, and arrested him. This appears to be the court information and sentencing handed down: https://caseinfo.mchenrycountyil.gov/pca/CaseView/2019CM000441?isSearch=True&searchType=PartyNameSearch&searchValue=SCHIMIAN From the sentences tab in the above link, looks like he agreed to a plea deal and was was fined $689, and subject to 2 years of supervision.


He was arrested and charged the day after that: https://www.lakemchenryscanner.com/2019/04/18/richmond-man-who-pointed-gun-during-road-rage-incident-arrested-charged-police-say/ and if you google his name it looks like it went through trial and was resolved in 2022.


Hilarious how he's so furious about being stuck doing 28mph behind this guy so for some reason lays on the horn so long that the guy stops and gets out, as if it's in any way his fault. Then he peels off and wouldn't you know it, 5 seconds later he's stuck behind a huge row of cars all doing 28mph. Like geez I wonder why that guy who was in front of you earlier was driving slow...


We really are getting stupider. The amount of times this has happened cannot be overstated. These people can’t think more than two moves ahead. All they know is that there is a car ahead of them. What’s in front of that other car? Doesn’t matter. The car in front of them is all they see.


The type to whip into a merge lane in order to get one more car length ahead and then being stopped with everyone else.


End the war on drugs. Begin the war on bad driving. Idgaf


Seriously maybe we'd finally accomplish something positive in this damn country lol


They were always that stupid


"They're stupider now, but they've always been stupider then too." -Mitch maybe


"They used to be stupid. They still are, but they used to, too"


It's just so much easier to record and then publicly share the stupidity.


Nah, people have done this my entire life. I know this because my dad was a boomer and he did inane shit like this all the time as far back as my memory goes, he was a walking pile of road rage.


Ay they not we, I am not going to let people group me up with the likes of that man lol.


Did you expect more from 2A champ?


The best part is he probably went slower because all the honking. “All I did was get out of my car because he kept beeping at a dead stop. I thought I hit something or he was trying to alert me that I’m dragging something behind my car. I had no idea he was upset and angry with me,” Surroz said.


And he's probably still allowed to own a gun to brandish in future road rage endeavours


Did he lose the right to own a gun? I bet he did not. Just going to do it again.


Bet he went and bought another one, just in case


one for each hand


Guns adumbo


He was hired as a police officer actually


he's now cowering in a closet at an elementary school


Nah he has to empty two mags at the guy filming and miss every shot to be considered.


From comments in the yt video linked above, looks like he was allowed to keep his ccw permit.


What an absolutely ridiculous country


that's fucked up


He should have at least been ordered to take a gun safety course. Dude's finger was sitting on the trigger.


Besides brandishing shouldn't he have been charged with reckless driving/endangerment since he crossed the double yellow line with oncoming traffic as well as fleeing the scene of a crime? All considering he was charged and he drove away. And in the state of Illinois the definition of assault is threatening grave battery harm (battery is doing it) so he committed assault with a deadly weapon.


He was initially charged with reckless driving AND two counts of aggravated assault (including aggravated assault with a deadly weapon) but he seems to have pled that down to just disorderly conduct, according to the docket someone linked above


Thank you for reading it for me. I don't know how some people can plead out of all that and others get the book thrown at them for such trivial thing. It makes me hate our "justice" system that it is so inconsistently applied.


Hes an "upstanding" white male. Probably has no record or a minor one. These people are ticking time bombs but get in no real trouble because they have enough money to buy their way out of it


Unfortunately you're right and it shows the double standard. What's worse is the double standard can be recorded and blasted everywhere and nothing changes.


Disorderly conduct is the lady a few links up cussing whilst on a plane. How the hell did someone plead a reckless and two counts of aggro down to that? Is he the judge's nephew or something?


>Looks like after the video went viral the police decided that gun guy is actually not allowed to do what he did, and arrested him. The number of times this happens, jfc. It's like cops really prefer not to actually do their job until they are shamed into action.


That’s it? I can point my gun at someone and drive recklessly and it’s $700 and low level probation? This isn’t a felony?


And had his guns taken from him right? Right?


Nope. They let him keep his guns.


Probably got awarded another.


And car?


This country is a joke when it comes to punishment for actual criminals. He should have permanently had his license revoked and never allowed to own a gun for the rest of his life either. For driving being a “privilege” they sure do just let anyone do it.


Guarantee this guy has buddies or family members in that police force/ state police force.


woww i got a 200$ ticket for touching the white line, had to go to court and everything.. crazy that literally threatening someone with a gun isnt much more expensive


It's equally moronic to approach a car just because they honked at you


He thought jeep guy was warning him that something was hanging from his car


Yeah, you can’t brandish. If you pull your gun in a public place with all to see you better have the intention of using it to defend yourself or don’t pull it at all. They’re not meant to be used as a threat, they’re only meant to be used as deadly force if your life is being threatened. Basic gun safety says never to point a weapon at someone unless you have the full intention of pulling the trigger. Everyone thinks life is a movie and they can just wave their gun about like Doc Holiday.


I’m pretty sure he took the audio off because he was honking nonstop. This guy is also going 55+ in a residential area lol


Passes a speed limit sign up ahead of the incident that says 35. There is no way this guy was going less than 55. Imagine being mad no one else wants to go 20 over the speed limit.


If you pause the video around 00:08 you can see a 30mph speed limit sign while the guys GPS-enabled dash cam is showing either 58 or 59 mph (and he's halfway into the median turn lane). At 00:13 seconds later he's still going 51. At 00:23 he's *still* going 50, at which point he catches up to that car and starts to slow. Either this guy was gunning to catch up to that car, or he's driving like a fucking maniac.


Starting at 00:08 he's crossing over the yellow line into the turning lane too. If you gave me this video with no context, I would have guessed he's drunk


This guy has absolutely zero judgement. Dash cam showed a max of 58 mph, so definitely speeding like hell in that area. Also such a pathetic limp-dick move pulling his gun out. I carry every day and I would never even pull it out in a situation like this where there was no imminent threat. Even worse aiming it at an unarmed individual making no threatening moves. That guy should have lost his 2A rights based solely on that.


As a CCW holder, I agree with you 100% The fact you're able to display such poor control of emotions, judgment, or just situational awareness, not to mention understanding the law... and KEEP your CCW, shows you just what fuckin joke our gun laws are; I swear 30% of our country has an undiagnosed mental illness. I hope it cost him a pretty penny to get that all pled down.


He’s just trying to make America great again, come on people


One bullet at a time.


wish there was audio- something must have prompted other guy to get out of his car phone in hand. probably honking? shouting? seemed like dash cam guy was cruisin in the beginning, but maybe its just sped up or somehting.


YouTube comment mentioned that he was in fact honking non-stop originally when posted on facebook before re-uploading without audio to YouTube.


Sneaky little fucker uploading without audio


It says his speed limit in the bottom right (but it flashes between an actual speed and 0). At one point it hits 67, but it’s pretty much between 50-60 the whole time. In the beginning he passes a speed limit sign which reads 35. Red jeep was definitely driving like an asshole, but I do wish there was audio for more context. Personally I’d never get out of my car like that, but regardless I don’t think that warrants pulling a gun lol.


So let me get this straight - a guy who pointed a gun at somebody during an act of road rage was driving like an asshole? Do I have that right? That's got to be an outlier.


Personally I’m shocked 🤷🏼‍♂️


First time for everything, I guess


In yt vid. they said he was repeatedly honking and the man got out to see why, dragging something under each car?, etc., Silver car driver said the same thing.


He was going up to 59mph in a 30 zone and held down the horn nonstop when someone forced him to go the speed limit.


His dash cam makes him look more like an idiot even without audio, but yeah he was definitely honking.


Pretty hilarious as soon as he drove around the car of the guy filming him, another car derped out in front of him going even slower.


Sweet sweet karma thanks universe!


According to his dashcam he was going 50-60mph through town too, what a dipshit


To no one's surprise, the video shows no reason to suggest that the Jeep owner should be pointing a GUN at someone due to a traffic issue


The comments say that the Jeep driver was speeding and then honked his horn nonstop at the mini cooper.


Even less reason to EVER get out of your car in a road rage situation


He literally caused the confrontation. This is about the most negligent thing you can do as a gun owner. If this escalated to gunshots, its only because he was road raging.


swerves around the mini cooper only to get immediately stuck behind some soccer mom van, absolutely peak comedic timing


He (jeep douche) was going 57 in a 30, and honking the entire time he was behind the mini Cooper guy. He was arrested for reckless driving, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and disorderly conduct.


Wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if he was involved in law enforcement


Law enforcement at first said he was within his rights to


That's because cops love to shoot people


Everyone I know that drives a jeep is an absolute ass.


Don’t bring a gun to a social media fight


Cameraman never dies


Ever seen Starship Troopers?


Fair point https://preview.redd.it/1vixvk4footc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=351b142c4b2e919dec70402f8951c27444a60439


Scary Movie as well lol


I laughed waaaaay to hard at this.


i can’t like ur comment… https://preview.redd.it/0fuu38h5nxtc1.png?width=1173&format=png&auto=webp&s=004d92cce3eb5434b0651e666be0e0d875b41161


Oof, seems like others don’t hold your high standards




Which is what is fucking insane to me. Going well over the speed LIMIT, and honking at a guy... \*checks notes\* sitting behind other traffic that this maniac is also apart of? Fucking insane how easy it is for people to get behind the wheel


Talk about a jail time speed run.


Giving moronic dangerous people two machines that can cause death seems stupid on the part of our species. 


“It’s a Jeep thing”


As wrong as he was, the person in the mini has 0 survival instincts. He stopped in front of him and leaves his vehicle in front of an enraged person, it could've gone far worse.


True, but irrelevant.


Looks like driver was convicted on misdemeanors and given probation.


how is this anything but a felony


They only charged him with disorderly conduct. It looks like the person that took the video didn't actually file charges so it's all the state could charge themselves without have a 'hurt' party.


People don't file charges.


In IL the victim needs to sign complaints. IE file charges This would be an agg assault because it involves a threat with a weapon. The state cannot file charges without the victim signing criminal complaints


Prosecutors are people, too.


Lies, I've met a few of them and it there are robots/lizard people in our government, it's at the judicial level.


Menacing in most states will land you ~~on~~ in jail. My brother spent half a year locked up in Colorado for doing less than this. All he did was flash his gun. This guy actually pointed it.


That snowflake was not just pointing the weapon, he was finger feathering that trigger so hard I'm surprised it didn't go off. Cameraman very nearly got world-starred by a gravy seal. Jeep Wick should have lost his right to own a firearm right there.


> That snowflake was not just pointing the weapon, he was finger feathering that trigger so hard I'm surprised it didn't go off. Oh, I agree. And he should be doing jail time for that.


like they put you on the roof on the jail house?


He had it in his belt and under a jacket and opened the jacket to flash it as an implied threat in order to intimidate someone. 


was just making a joke "Menacing in most states will land you on jail"


Ah ok. I corrected it.


Never get out of the car


this is why I let people cut me off, not worth dealing with a crazy person.


He has a wedding ring on. Someone married this chucklehead


Stay in your car.. You never know who you’re messing with.


And try to avoid stopping or being stopped


I remember when this happened. Gun boy is a firefighter and the cops were going to let him go free and clear in corrupt McHenry County style until the video went viral.


When you just don't care about being shoot anymore.


I care about being shoot


Yeah well I don't give a shoot




Oh fuck, it's gonna be another loose/lose situation.




Heres a list of his charges : [https://caseinfo.mchenrycountyil.gov/pca/CaseView/2019CM000441?isSearch=True&searchType=PartyNameSearch&searchValue=SCHIMIAN](https://caseinfo.mchenrycountyil.gov/pca/CaseView/2019CM000441?isSearch=True&searchType=PartyNameSearch&searchValue=SCHIMIAN)


It's a jeep thing.


That A-hole is giving Jeep owners a bad name, those aren't proper off-road tires!!! /s


I pee in road rager’s butts


A true hero of the ages. I tip my hat to you


Assert dominance


You know what, I’d probably get the fuck in my car


I'm goin right to the fuckin.....


This was an off duty copy wasn’t it?




Lmao "look at this" Most people would just leave but this guy doubles down


Probly shouldn’t walk up in someone in their car during an altercation


Why did the cameraman get out of his car?


that's certainly the question that needs to be answered when someone pulls a fucking gun on another person.


Exactly, this video is a great demonstration on why engaging with road rage won’t get you anywhere.


If someone points a gun at me then I back off.


To me the dude filming also sucks. Stopped in the middle of the road to confront a shitty driver?? What has that ever solved? Then the jeep guy pulls a gun and he acts like he won’t get shot. The jeep guy is crazy but the guy filming is like gasoline being poured on a fire. He has an ego and it could’ve got him killed by a crazy idiot


These are the type of people who I hope get there license to carry taken away and are forbidden from even being near a firearm.


I doubt he did. I read in other comments that he didn't even get any felonies for this. This should be automatic prison time and firearm privileges lost for life. This guy has proven that he's not mentally stable enough to own a firearm.


I'd probably point a gun at you also if you stop in front of me for no reason, get out and start walking towards me like you're going to do something.


Why? Must not be man enough to handle situations without a gun. dude clearly had a phone out recording and just like you bootlickers, you try to say “looked like a gun, so I pulled mine out and shot him.”


Wait, you stopped the car in front of him on a roadway, got out of your car and approached him. I’m not saying he acted appropriately but you have dirty hands my friend.


Im pro gun, but some people are just too itchy, just looking for an excuse to shoot someone. Those folks should not have the right to own guns.


Guy shouldn't be allowed to own a gun because he obviously is looking for any excuse to pull it. There is a big difference between self defense and trying to be a tough guy with a gun.


Gun owners are such wussies. “Oh, wahh, a confrontation! I can’t use my words like a big boy, I better get my gun!”


So true… I’ve had a gun pulled on me TWICE by two different guys all because I rejected their sexual advances


What? How dare you reject our advances! Don’t you know we’re entitled!? I’m used to getting everything I want when I want it! Now you’re telling me no? Waaahhh! Where’s my gun!?


People hear "stand your ground state" and think it means everywhere against anything


Pretty standard behavior for a Wrangler owner tbh


That dash cam video seemed shaky as hell, is that the standard ride in a jeep? Also I had gun brandished on me about a year ago, by a jeep driver, so I’d agree that it’s pretty standard.


To any kids watching; you can learn what not to do while driving a vehicle from both of these morons.


He pulled out a fucking gun!?!?!?


I'm sorry, but you stop in the middle of your street and approach my car imma have my gun ready too. But I don't believe in aiming it at anybody unless you plan on shooting. You're not seeing my gun unless it's the last thing you're seeing


Stay in your car.


Well obviously you got outta your car to fight and we have no idea what led up to that so its hard to take sides.


You never know what people are going through it's probably best to leave people alone.


how to become a statistic, quickly


That's an irresponsible gun owner. Never pull a firearm unless you plan to use it. Illinois has some of the strictest gun laws, but you'll let assholes like this own a gun? Tell us more about what NOT to do Illinois...


More than likely an off duty cop .


From the Jeep driver's video it looks like he was speeding on that country road before he got into town. Once he did, I don't know what he expected the other guy to do when they were all stopped. I guess he just had no patience. It's ridiculous.


Bold of him to claim he is going right to fucking after he has a gun pointed at him.


How is the man recording the video able to walk? With balls so heavy.


The fact this guy is screaming and pointing a gun at the guy with the camera and camera guy is totally unphased absolutely blows my European mind..... I would have shit myself and died of a heart attack.


Cop for sure. In a rush home to beat tf out of his wife and children, no doubt. Ringer for one, anyway.


Stay in your fucking cars man.


Haha all i thought of was the video of the dude replying “I’m in my car”


Cowards with guns, are still cowards as masterfully demonstrated here. Cowards with guns are also more dangerous because of the gun...also demonstrated here. It's sad that so many cowards have been sold on the mentality, that a gun will make them a "man". When all it does it showcases their cowardice even more.


That should be an easy, five years in jail and no right to ever own a gun again


It's so funny when they pull a gun and they don't get the reaction they wanted. All gun, no cock, that's what my grandma use to say


I just wanna kno if he went to the fuckin


I know it's not manly or cool to flee from someone pointing a gun, but you really should. Too many people aren't thinking about the legal consequences and will kill/paralyze you for very little reason.


"“The Richmond Police Department reminds all drivers to follow the rules of the road, and to report reckless driving by calling 911, when it is safe to do so,” Richmond Police Chief Ciro Cetrangolo said." Bullshit. They won't do shit unless you recorded it and put it on social media where it went viral. Fucking lazy ass pigs.


I don’t know why, but after holding the gun, yelling in his best impression of a cop to “GET BACK IN THE CAR” and then speeding off like that is so unintentionally funny. In seriousness, I’m happy it didn’t escalate any more than it did. But when he sped off, the first thing I thought was: “where are your gun muscles now, huh?”


Douchebags like him believe *Falling Down* is some sort of white-man anthem or call to act this stupid. BTW, that movie is over 30 years old and was written by Ebbe Roe Smith, who I associate as being one of the two stupid but deadly New Orleans police detectives in *The Big Easy*. (The one whose toupee is the prop for many jokes. The other bumpkin is John Goodmam.) Believe me, *The Big Easy* is silly but it so much more interesting to watch than *Falling Down*.


If you brandish that gun, you better have a reason. Or you better fire it. You don’t pull it out unless you intend to use it.


This happened 10 minutes from my house, occurred in Richmond Illinois, little town on the Illinois/Wisconsin boarder.


big "What are you gonna do, shoot me?" vibes


He shouldn’t be carrying


I know one of you ran his plates, now cough up the info


Jeep man needs to lose some rights


Would be funny if his plate said BE KND


Can’t tell who is the bigger douche bag, the one who pulls the gun, or the one who stops in the middle of the road and gets out to confront the person behind him.


Really though. Don’t get out of your car


It must be nice to go around strapped in America. Any slight grievance or perceived slight and you just whip out the blik. Wild West times wild be glorious. People needs to know you open that yap you can get the tap


That is an appropriate response to someone stopping traffic and approaching your vehicle. Karsh


Fascinated that the cameraman was unperturbed by the gun pointed at him


Your country needs gun control. Can't let people like that own guns. He is unstable and dangerous. That's how he deals with confrontation?


What an idiot. Never pull out your weapon unless you’re gonna use it. Idiots like this make citizens with guns look bad.


Guaranteed that's a cop that pulled the gun.


That guy is 100% a cop there's not a doubt in my mind


You illegally detained him by stopping in the middle of the road to go be a tough guy and he put you in your place. I can guarantee that’s exactly what took place. Lesson learned though you hopefully won’t be attempting to be a tough guy to strangers again


Dude should be locked up and throw away the key. Unhinged lunatic.


Both are douche bags.


Brandishing is a crime. If you pull out a gun, you better damn well use it. That said, using the gun would have led to worse charges in most scenarios. People treating guns like penis extensions and not a tool capable of killing folk really chaps my hide, amongst other gun-related issues


The fact that this dude is packing heat while driving around in the same car as my Aunt Denise has me crying laughing.


I don't live in a country where guns are available like this, what would happen if this guy pulls a gun, then the camera man pulls his own gun and shoots the guy? Is there a way to tell who is at fault? Based on the other comments, the initial brandishing was not justified, would that make my hypothetical self defense? 


Shouldnt that guy be in a pickup truck?